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Werewolves (RP 2): The Legacy Written in Blood (12/10-04/11)

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Kale listened to Zeit and Jackie's argument very intently, and also glanced at Theo when he snatched his french toast, smiling as he did so. food made kale happy, seeing ther people happy from eating food made Kale happy. one of the perks that allowed Kale to adjust to her wolf was that mutual love of food, and the hightened sense of taste and smell that came with her wolf.her mood lifted, kale sought to enlighten jackie on a few points.

" you have a perfectly open choice of living here, Jackie." kale said evenly, speaking over her own shoulder as she was still facing the the stove.

"no one ever said you had to stay. you were brought here for your protection as you changed. you were welcomed here as a new werewolf. under our protection we set rules you have to follow, such as the restriction about going into town, and the need of helping with chores. new werewolves are dangerous Jackie. they don't have control over their wolf, they can flip out and hurt people. they can kill people. i understood this since my first change. you were lucky, there weren't any humans around you could hurt. some of us weren't so lucky. i came into this pack asking Kratos to help me control my wolf, and he accepted me."

"some of us had a worse beginning."

Timothy. what Gathen did to him was a living nightmare i couldn't imagine.

"you can leave anyime you want, just ask our alpha first, so he knows. however if you leave, then you leave this territory as well. you leave this ranch, this town, and these mountains, do you understand?"

" if you stay, you follow Kratos rules, and you respect those of higher rank. this is Kratos pack. he is the Alpha.and do you know why Zeit is first beta? typically i would assume Beta's equal, but Zeit went above and beyond. she let us into her ranch, onto her land, into her home. this is Kratos pack, but your in Zeits den. respect those facts."


"Really, flip out, HUH? DOES THIS LOOK LIKE FLIPPING OUT TO YOU?," Jackie fumed.

The anger in her voice had begun to lose its sharp edge and her body posture calmed. Instead of staring at Zeit and Kale like a predator staring down its enemies, she loosened her stance to lean over the counter aloofly. Some hostility still lingered in her gaze, but it was more of mild irratation. It was clear Jackie wasn't going to be demolishing the house and infuriating its occupants any further for the time being.

"I suppose I should patch your stupid wall that so foolishly got in the way of my knife. Because apparently I'm going to flip out on all the stupid humans and I apparently need to stay here so I can flip out on all of you instead," Jackie huffed, taking meticulous care to extenuate the meaning of her words.


"I would hope not." Kratos's deep voice replied to Jackie's rant from the doorway. The Alpha had just entered after hearing most of the argument with his sensitive hearing some several yards off.

Kratos leaned in the doorway with a confident smile upon his lips, his sharp yellow eyes seemed to gleam with a sense of pride.

Truly Zeit and Kale were an amazing team and certainly the most trusted by the Alpha. Even under stress and frustration, Zeit and Kale stayed levelheaded and supported each other like true pack members should.

"Thank you for those words, Kale. And I apologize for the damage done to your home, Zeit. Please allow me to repair the wall and perhaps buy you a new knife or two." Kratos said sincerely. "Jacqueline and I will be taking a trip to the canyons, so that we can more fully explore the consequences of loosing one's self-control."


Jackie's left eye brow rose with interest as the alpha entered the kitchen, but otherwise showed no intimidation as Kratos entered. In fact, she look rather aloof and bored. Either way, she remained slumped and impassive as ever on the counter top.

"Will we? Can't wait to start with that self control exploration stuff, I'm practically giddy with excitement here. Please oh mighty alpha sir, don't keep me waiting," Jackie sneered sarcastically and drummed her fingers on the counter, pretending to be impatient at the alpha's offer.

Jackie groaned in irritation, then shifted her weight off the counter to a full stand. She hated deserts, canyons, hot areas in general. If this alpha thought she was going to take this soul searching lesson or what-not seriously, he had another thing coming.


In the mean time, Theo had been nervously stuffing french toast down his throat as the alpha entered. He was thankful that his seat had not only been farthest from Jackie, but farthest from Kratos as well. He dare not take even a look at him, in fear he may notice him. With a hard lump, he swallowed the rest of the french toast.

Very quietly, the boy made stealthily towards the back door. Maybe it wouldn't matter if Kratos noticed him, for he'd be long gone by then. Being the clumsy boy he was, Theo tripped right in front of the door with a loud thump. Plans of mad dashes to freedom since vanished from his mind.


Kieoki was enjoying the feel of wind upon her fur as she ran without having a destination. Barking out a happy laugh, she continued on this way through the forest, in a state of bliss until she remembered her clothes and dagger that she'd stashed away under a large stone. Now that the snow wasn't hindering her anymore, she stopped and scented the air, trying to pinpoint her location before she suddenly darted off and towards her things. Paws soundlessly keeping a steady rhythm, she burst into a small, sunny clove with a large stone in the center. Sniffing the air, she shuffled around it's base before she barked and started digging up her things. She had them out within moments, and she tied her sash around her back, which contained her dagger and clothes as well.


Creorran jumped awake from his old matress when the smell of burning food reached his room. "Oh jeez, I slept in again" he said quietly to himself. "Kratos is gonna kill me. Well, at least I'm not like, a beta, or someone great things are expected of."

He nervously and quietly stepped down the creaky staircase; he was trying not to alert anyone of his presence. When he reached the bottom of the stairs, he was sure he had made so much noise that the entire pack knew he was here. If not, they could definitely smell him. After deciding not to sit at or around the breakfast table, Creorran took his place in a far corner, leaning against the wall.

As he took in the angered faces of two females, and the small hole in the wall near him, the young werewolf began to look distressed. If he would've been in his wolf form, his orange-brown ears would've been flat against his head.


Sabrina pretended not to notice the fact that Timothy startled at seeing her. She was trying to appeal to subconcious human senses by acting completely and totally human... that meant no sizing up situations and constantly appearing on guard with either an air of superiority or inferiority. No wolf. Human.

She smiled weakly. "Hi," she said awkwardly. Human. Human. Human. Sabrina repeated in her mind, trying to remind herself. She wasn't used to it. At all. She glanced down at the snow, then looked back at Timothy.


Levi decided the best place to look for his lost wolf was at her aunt's house. Anyways, that's what Alpha had said. Alpha had also said that the lost wolf was very fond of her aunt, and that she might have postponed her return to the pack to stay with her for a while.

The aunt lived in a cottage a little east of town, perched up in the nearby mountains. After Levi was done asking locals about any "strange incidents" that had taken place within the past couple of months, Levi started for it. Alpha's information on the exact location of the cottage had been vague, but Levi was certain he could find it.

He found a road that led east out of town and took it. At first, it looked used often enough, but the nearer he got to the mountains the less he saw footprints in the white blanket of snow. Levi wasn't surprised. From what he'd gathered from the locals, there were many legends and fears that clung to these mountains.... from the smells on the air, they were not unfounded.

As the path snaked upwards, Levi lost sight of any kind of tracks at all. It was eerily quiet, save for the crunching of his own boots in the snow. Randomly, a branch heavy laden with snow dropped its burden on the forest floor below. Levi's attention snapped to it. As he scanned the surrounding area, he couldn't spot a soul. He chuckled weakly at himself.... the silence and the ever-present smell of an unfamiliar pack had made him quite nervous.

At last he arrived at a cottage nestled in several pine trees. It looked a bit run down, dark, frozen.... if Levi didn't know any better, he would have said it was abandoned. He approached the door and knocked. No answer. He knocked again, a little harder this time, and to his surprise it creakily gave way and swung open.

His breath still white, he entered the dark little cabin. Inside looked to be a mess; cluttered, a chair knocked over, papers scattered all about. There wasn't a trace of life. If someone had lived here, they had certainly left in a hurry.

Levi decided to investigate this place a little further. He found some old claw marks on the walls and a table looked pretty chewed up. Yes, that settled it. This house had been attacked. His missing wolf's aunt had either left or been killed. He sighed heavily. That meant he had no leads.

Suddenly, he heard a screeching scream, right behind him! He whirled around and was met with a flurry of bristles in his face! The banshee-like screaming went on until his head rang, and the bristles beat at him violently---POW! POW! POW!

When Levi could assess the situation again, he found that he had somehow managed to get out of the house, but he apparently tripped as he was now lying on his back in the snow. Furthermore, he was being beaten mercilessly with a stick---no, a broom---and some old lady was screaming and yelling a mile a minute. He couldn't figure heads or tails of what she was saying, but he finally managed to get a grip on that broom of hers and yanked it out of her hands.

"You miserable skunk!" the woman cried, "Invadin' my privacy! I oughta shoot you full of----"

"Are yeh Sabrina's aunt!?" Levi interrupted quickly, still wincing and holding that broom over his head as some sort of defense against his elderly assailant.

The woman stopped short. Instantly she put her hands on her hips. "What do you know about my Sabrina?" she demanded. "If you've hurt her, you no good--"

"No, no, no, ma'am," Levi objected, scrambling to his feet, "I am a friend o' Sabrina's!"

"Humph," the woman said, still not convinced.

"Uh, er, her father, Aedan Sabres, sent me here ta look fer her. He said she might be with you," Levi tried to explain.

"Oh, well that's different," the woman muttered. "Lucky for you I grabbed my broom and not my shot gun. Come on in, maybe you can get the fire going. Then I'll tell you what I know about Sabrina."


Kratos scoffed a laugh at Jackie's remark, his smirk never fading.

Then the Alpha's attention turned to the two boys whom were so obviously trying to avoid him.

"Where are you off to in such a hurry, Theo?" Kratos asked lightheartedly. "And what about you, Creorran, did you sleep well?"

Kratos then laughed and glanced back in Jackie's direction. "Come on in and take a seat boys, I'm sure Kale made more then enough for us all."


Timothy peered over his shoulder at Sabrina suspiciously.. she was acting noticably different.

Suddenly the feeling of a nearby stranger began to lift and Timothy felt himself automatically relax.

"Were you sent by Kratos?" Timothy immediately asked, almost completely ignoring Sabrina's attempt.


"Nowhere in particular...," the boy mumbled, though obediently took a seat as Kratos had instructed.

Theo was pleased Jackie hadn't decided to take a seat and stayed close to the counter. Setting aside the fact he was the one who'd turned her in the first place, she was obnoxious company to be around. Even Theo knew there was a limit to how much offending you should do to a very large and powerful pack. Jackie, on the other hand, was either dense or didn't care. For on a daily basis, she offended just about everyone there was to offend. Including the alpha.

Momentarily, Jackie apparently became bored of her spot on the counter and stood to take a seat. She slumped into a seat a few chairs over from Theo. The boy held back a groan at his luck, and instead brought his attention to the silver-ware.


As Jackie moved to take a seat, she twirled away some loose hair in thought. A quick glance out of the window, she could see miles of blinding white snow, untouched for the most part. However, the winter sun still shimmered weakly with light and cast a warm glow over the snow. Jackie would have found it quite beautiful if she took note of such things. However, all she could really figure was it was definably cold outside and she wouldn't want to be going on fantastical journeys any time soon.

"Soo... What's up?," Jackie trailed idly.


Kaleb finished his cat drawing, then got up. He walked to the stove and snatched a few pices of french toast, four to be exact. He set his plate down on the table, and walked over to the fridge. Kaleb swung the door open, and grabbed out a tub of sour cream. Setting that by his plate, he stalked to the cupboard, where he hunted down the brown sugar. Where is it?Kaleb saw it hiding behind a jar of peanut butter. Aha! I've found you sugar! Kaleb grabbed the bag of brown sugar, then two spoons from the kitchen drawer.

Kaleb sat down at the table and graciously spread on the sour cream. Then he delicately sprinkled on the brown sugar. Making a giant sandwich with all the pieces, he grabbed it and bit down. Mmmmmmm! Kale makes good breakfasts. Kaleb finished it off in a few quick bites. He put his plate in the sink and sat back down, smiling with his belly now full. Jackie came down and she and Kale started yelling. All of a sudden, Kratos came in and stopped them. Then they were all at the table, Kaleb included. "So where were you, Alpha?"Kaleb asked, thinking everyone wanted the answer.

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