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Werewolves (RP 2): The Legacy Written in Blood (12/10-04/11)

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Kale cut in to reply back to Kieoki before Ulric had a chance to say anything in return.

" So you've been hanging around? do you like what you see? permanent place to stay, guaranteed food everyday, if your on time to meals, anyway. territory to roam unchallenged. protection by the pack. it's not a bad life you know. being part of the pack, Kratos's pack anyway. the offer's open, if you want it, and you've had plenty of time to decide. so go ahead and make a choice already-"

kale stopped her pitch when she heard the trashcan fall over, she glanced down the long driveway to spot yet another stranger at it's end. Barbwire barbwire fence....barbwire babwire fence..... the thought danced around in her head as she turned back to Kieoki.

" stay and be part of the pack, or move on and get your furry behind out of our territory. i'll give you till tomarrow night to decide, and if i don't have your answer by the folowing morning, i'll either chase you out, or if i must,-"

Kale stepped towards Kieoki, looking her dead in the eye as Kales inner wolf,no, not just wolf, her inner Beta stepped up to protect her pack.

" i'll kill you. my pack is unstable enough as it is, without extra problems or nuisances."

Kale growled, then turning to Ulric,

"the same offer will stand for you, if you wish , however, you'll have to discuss such things with Kratos, as you're his family, you may as well be his problem. now, if you'll excuse me, i have yet another stranger to deal with."

Kale nodded to Jackie, Theo, and Zeit before turning away and trotting down the driveway.


Chime heard somebody coming, Why did I have to wander over here? She thought to herself and then got up and picked up the trashcan, there was no running now and she didn't want it to look like she was doing it for fun or revenge. Chime looked at the Beta "Hey again... I'm just going to..." She muttered and didn't look Kale in the eye she then got an idea. "Do you need any help around here?" She asked "I could maybe make a fence so people don't wander in, by accident or not?" She then smiled friendly. What the heck are you doing? You fight with one of them earlier, do you really thing they'll give you a job? And yet Chime smile even more friendly and awaited her answer.


Ulric watched Kieoki and Kale with a wary gaze and decided it was not his place to speak up again.. He was curious about the pack and it's members and nonmembers, and on any other occasion Ulric would have jumped at the opportunity to get to know a few of them. But with threats being issued so willingly, it did not seem wise for him to make friends with enemies of the pack on their territory; so he remained quiet.

Rosa had been taken aback by Kale's threat, perhaps because she did not understand on which grounds it had been meant. But to hear such a harsh thing said openly and without sarcasm from one human being to another was truly stunning.


Kratos had tracked Kaleb's scent to the edge of the fields. The Alpha's bright yellow eyes searched keenly for the younger werewolf or any sign of it's passing; something dead perhaps.. But Kratos found nothing of the sort and became very alert when he heard Kaleb approaching instead of charging into the woods.


Kale headed towards the stranger at the end of the driveway with a slight uneasiness in her stomach.

She wasn't sure about what she had said to Kieoki; the words rang true and Kale would honor them as a beta protecting her pack from outside threats, which Kieoki was as long as she intruded upon their territory. And yet Kale was nagged by the thought that she had presented them wrong.

first, against kieoki, the threat may be ineffective, but might at least nudge her to make a decision about joining the pack or not. second, voicing her annoyance and anger in her threat in front of Ulric and Resme was unwise on her part. third, for the reason prior, this may cause the outsiders to veiw the pack in a different way, a wrong way.

Kale sighed as she reflected on her errors in judgment and then pushed the thoughts away as she drew up to Chime. yet another strange werewolf, but at least she was a less disturbing stranger.

"help out? around here?" kale actually glanced around. She had offered a place in the pack to kieoki, in the wrong way. maybe this time she would get it right.

" sure. that actually wouldn't be too bad. Being helpful would actually be appreciated... If you like it around here, and would care to stick around, you could join our pack. it may be sudden, but, think it over, you might find you like the idea." kale said, her annoyance fading away to a calmer expression as she addressed Chime.


Chime felt relieved and yet a little shock, she looked at Kale and blinked "Join the pack..?" She asked kinda dumbly then get a little excited "Join? Really? That would be great!! I mean unless mom comes home to find the house empty... But she's not coming back, so do it! But she might..." Her thoughts bounced back and forth and she found herself lost in them, she finally snapped out of it "Eh, I don't know..." She said quietly and looked at Kale and smiled "I guess I'll join, it sounds fun." she said, trying to sound less excited then she felt, but didn't do to good of a job of it.


"So she offers me a place in this pack and yet she threatens to kill me. Typical." Kieoki said with a distasteful glance after Kale as the beta left to investigate the loud noise that had rung out. Kieoki narrowed her eyes for a moment, angered at the pointless threat, but she let it slide for once and shrugged, not really speaking to a certain person. "I'm a bit disappointed though. I mean, I thought Krat's pack was unlike the others. I guess not...after all, they're threatening me now too. Shame." Frowning, she walked up to the house, peering in a window before standing and throwing a glance at the scenery around the house itself. Everything aside, she didn't want to just give up and go. But that beta...


Since when did she succumb to the threats of one little beta? Kieoki caught herself in this thought and chuckled, her eyes narrowing as she jumped lightly off the porch and hummed, waiting for Krat. As to the humming, she did that only because she wasn't in the clear yet to be herself. The two others were still there. "Do you hear the people sing? Into the valley of the night. It is a music of a people who are climbing to the light..."


Kaleb kept trotting and following the scent of the house. His nose was lifted in the air, scrunched at the end, keeping the smell coming. As he got closer, he smelled something else. It was closer, more prominent. Kind of musky, like an animal. His nose led him towards that scent. Not too far away from him, he spotted a big black wolf, no, Kratos, sniffing the ground. He saw Kratos look up, and stare directly into his green eyes with his yellow ones. Kaleb flinched slightly. And was that surprise on his face?
Kaleb felt a growl rumble in his throat, and his fur slightly lift. His tail made a straight line behind him like a flag. Something had made him do this, Kaleb wasn't completely sure of how he had just done that. Slowly, he crept forward, his growl getting a bit louder. But as he neared Kratos, his posture changed, and his growl subsided. Then he stood there, a couple feet away from him, staring into the Alpha's yellow eyes and waiting for something to happen.
Alice watched as Kratos quickly morphed and ran off after Kaleb. She sat down on the ice, finally getting time to catch her breath. She wiped her forehead in exasperation, sure Kratos could help Kaleb.


Kratos watched Kaleb approach carefully. At first he wasn't sure what to expect of the young lad, but as he translated Kaleb's body language, Kratos found himself less than pleased.

The younger wolf was challenging the Alpha's authority with a stance of dominance and leveling his eyes.

This did not appeal to Kratos' instincts and he felt as if Kaleb had just sassed or mocked him. As a result, the Alpha's teeth were bared and his stare became more intense. Then he took a step forward, warning the younger werewolf to back down or suffer the consequences.


Ulric watched Kieoki with a steady eye. Then he turned to his adoptive mother and took her by the hand.

Ulric could see that Resme had been a bit shocked by the interaction of the two werewolves, and his hand was to help her understand that it was somewhat natural for werewolves to be so violent in speech.. They didn't think on the same levels a normal man would when angered.

Resme, however, did not believe anything was a good excuse for violence, but she would say nothing once again. With a sigh, she looked at Ulric's face, then in the direction which Kratos had gone.

Ulric followed Resme's gaze to the corner of the cottage and sighed.

He then turned to look at the Beta whom had come with Kratos from the fields earlier. "May I go see what is taking your Alpha so long?" Ulric asked humbly.


"...For the wretched of the earth, it is the flame that never dies. The darkness will always set and the sun will rise." Yes, Kieoki was still humming, and attention was being drawn away from her.


Smirking to herself now that she had her back to the two new people and the beta was off down the driveway and Krat was nowhere to be seen, Kieoki silently crept back into the woods and vanished from sight. She had made up her mind, and now was running along softly to where she'd stashed her things. They were hidden well, under a large boulder, and it took her only a few minutes to locate the correct boulder. The next moments were spent on her knees as she leaned down and dug out her things, worried that she'd chosen the wrong rock until her hand touched the soft silk of her kimono.

Sighing in happiness, she pulled everything out, setting her kimono ontop of the boulder along with her dagger and a cast iron frying pan that she often used for cooking. She untied her blood red sash and set it there too before she glanced around, made for certain that she was alone, and then quickly changed out of her clothes and into her kimono. After having missed her white clothes, she sighed and easily tied the sash back around her waist and tucked her dagger into it, and picked up the frying pan. Yes, it was black and heavy (the frying pan that is) but it could suite as an effective weapon if she couldn't reach her dagger for some reason.

Holding the pan over her shoulder, Kieoki smirked and headed back towards the house, her steps light and airy.


At the end of a very long day, the pack was once again together. As friends and strangers alike, all were accepted for and despite of their differences.

Kratos learned from his mother that the pack of his father had returned to claim an Alpha and see an end to their era of confusion. Rosa explained that the other pack had sought a younger and more loyal leader, indeed they had sought the heir to their previous leader, but were denied by the Alpha, Kratos' father. Thus with no alternative, the pack forced their previous Alpha to lead them once again.

Rosa explained to Kratos and to his betas of the Werewolves whom roamed in the city, and of their success in secret. She told that many of the pack members held jobs of authority among regular human beings and that they supported their leader with a large fund, despite their Alpha's protests. Rosa also told of how Kratos' father wished to give their son a portion of the money which they had no use, to help support him and his pack.

Rosa had kept Kratos' location secret from her husband's followers, for she feared that they still sought a better leader. Rosa continued to explain how she had set out in secret to bring Kratos and his pack the means of support which her husband had intended for them. Ulric had been urged by his adoptive father to go with Rosa; to be a form of protection until she could reach her destination.

Rosa then related the story of how Ulric came to be her son. She explained that shortly after the pack had forced her husband to reclaim his position among them, that the pack brought the Alpha an orphaned child. They had said that the boy's parents had been members of the pack before they were killed by an unknown source, and that the child had been raised by the pack since that time.


At the close of the conversation, Rosa gave Kratos the large sum of money which had been sent by his father. Then Ulric and Rosa bid their farewell to Kratos' pack and left Zeit's ranch; driving into the night and vanishing from view. It was nearly midnight, so all were immediately excused to their beds, all except Timothy and Sabrina, whom Kratos reprimanded for another hour before sending them away to sleep. All were undoubtedly weary from the day's events and contentions, so not another word was spoken throughout the house for the rest of the night..

To Be Continued...

Read the Next Chapter, "A Time To Teach And Hunt" ->

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