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Werewolves (RP 2): The Legacy Written in Blood (12/10-04/11)

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Kratos smiled at the girl's reply. That old empty house no longer smelled so old with the scent of cooked meat in the air.

"Forgive me for inviting myself in, but I've been meaning to find a moment with you, and you are quite a hard one to get ahold of." Kratos said slowly. "You see, you left us quite a lot of questions the other night..."


Timothy had quickly left the grocery store and had made his way to a quiet alley.. But he had not intention of staying, because this was exactly the place one would go looking for a werewolf.

With a sigh the boy crawled up ontop of a garbage can and pulled his knees close to his chest... "Where will I go?" Timothy thought quietly to himself. He was lost in a world which he could not remember and surrounded by things he did not understand. And here, on a ice-covered sheet of metal in a dark alley with the scent of rotting food everywhere.... Timothy could not say he felt out of place.


Kaleb stood there a few more moments, then sat down in the chair beside Alice. He saw there was paper in the center of the table. There was a box of pencils beside it, which he opened. Kaleb grabbed a perfectly sharpened pencil, and a crisp white sheet of paper. He began sketching a running wolf, its gray fur ruffled, its mouth open wide, capturing the wind in breathing. Suddenly, the door came open and Kale waltzed in. She smiled, and he smiled back, before she walked to the sink. Kaleb watched her, then she turned to him and asked what he wanted. "Can you make stuffed french toast? If not, I'll settle for eggs and a bowl of cereal." Then he heard a thud upstairs, and the water turned on. Kaleb went back to his sketch, and finished it up. Zeit came running down, and also sat at the table. She grabbed some paper and began drawing. "Hey Zeit, good morning. How'd you sleep?" Kaleb asked, setting down his pencil and grabbing another paper off the stack. Then Hawk came into the kitchen, grumbling angrily, and walked to the fridge. Kaleb watched as he opened it, and muttered silently.


"What am I going to do?" Sabrina asked herself. She watched nothing but her own pale breath as she walked down the quiet street of the town. Even though she couldn't see him, she could smell Timothy.... moreso, she could almost feel his pain...his confusion...his sense of self loathing.

The incident that had resulted in two new pack members last month had been troubling to say the least.... not that new pack members were bad--in fact, Kaleb seemed like a very nice boy. But, it was sad... would he ever be able to control the monster inside him, the monster that would without a second thought tear his own family and friends to shreds? Sabrina knew her own mother never could control her wolf. Perhaps there was hope for Kaleb though. Kaleb was young and without fear. Well... without the same kind of fear Timothy had.

Not for the last time, Sabrina cursed the name of Gathen. Timothy was almost unreachable because of that old snake....almost. There had to be a way. His wolf was smart. Dangerously smart. If Timothy could just learn how to control it...

He had to learn not to fear it first. Sabrina was determined to teach him... but how could she, when he feared even her?


Levi squinted and put his hand up as a vizor against the sun. As far as he could see, there was nothing but wild mountains ahead... save for that speck of a town and a bit of frozen farmland just yonder. That town was his destination.

There was a member of his pack whom had come to this area with orders to dispose of a rogue werewolf and report back.... but that was months ago, and Levi's pack had heard nothing since. Had the rogue gotten the better of his packmate? Levi's Alpha wouldn't believe it, so he sent him to find the lost wolf.

As Levi sniffed the air, he caught not one but many unfamiliar wolf scents. He winced....was the Alpha quite certain there was only a rogue wolf here and not a whole pack?? Only one way to find out...


Kale shot a funny look Hawks direction when he mentioned something about a sign." couldn't you smell the paint?"she asked, attempting to not smile as he washed paint of his hand."French toast? okay...hmm.....thats bread, butter, eggs....okay, yeah i can do that" kale mumbled to herself as she leaned over the fridge and checked inside. the kitchen area was soon becoming filled with werewolves, only natural, she supposed. Kale began making messes as she went about cooking, since it was impossible for her to cook and not make a mess. the smell of the bread and egg in the frying pan was delicouse and made her mouth water, her stomach growled in response. soon enough she had a plate next to the stove stacked high with slices and more on the way, her ideal was that if you were going to cook for a house full of werewolves, you might as well make enough for a small army.


Kieoki popped another piece of meat into her mouth as Kratos spoke, and she faintly laughed, enjoying the compliment. "I'm surprised you found me. Good job you Alpha. But I don't care much for answering questions. I've been asked to many to many different times. So ask away, but I may not answer." Kieoki said with a soft smirk before plopping another piece into her mouth as her wolf sighed in their mind, annoyed. Told you this would happen.It sneered at her.

Well, we couldn't leave the town anyways, so don't chew me out.

Fine, just don't get angry, I doubt we would be able to stay human for very long.

Yeah yeah, I got it. Kieoki said, ending the conversation with her wolf.


Kaleb sat there, watching as Kale got otu the ingredients and began to cook. He smiled, and grabbed another piece of paper. He sharpened his pencil and began sketching. This time, it was a wolf like creature, with beady eyes and hulking muscles. It was human-like as well. A werewolf, the werewolf from Kaleb's dream. Kaleb gasped, and crumpled up the paper. He took aim at the trash, wound his arm, and threw. The piece landed perfectly in the can. Kaleb grabbed another piece, and set to work sketching a sitting cat. He slapped his forehead. Aw darn, I forgot that I had Silvia to feed! She is either starving or fending for herself. Let's hope the latter. Kaleb sighed, and kept working on his drawing. He picked up some colored pencils and colored it, paying attention to the shading.


Jaqueline's eyes fluttered open, greeted instantly by dull morning sunlight that passed through the small window next to her bed. She studied the small dimples in the creme ceiling, uninterested completely about their appearance but could not find anything else to stare at. She sighed slowly and softly as she recollected the month's events, as she did every morning, then at last heaved herself upright.

Immediately her right arm protested from the sudden movement. Unfortunately it had been broken in last month's "incident". The pack's healer had done her voodoo with herbs, spices, and magical triangles no doubt, then had bound it up in a tight cast. Jackie had insisted on going to a real doctor, but the pack had refused in case she might prove a danger for society. In any case, one positive aspect about her new lifestyle was that things healed much faster and her arm was now only immobilized by a light splint.

She ignored the pain without much thought and brushed the covers away from herself. Jackie moved her feet to the edge of the bed, stood for a moment, then kneeled to peer underneath the bed. As quietly as she could, the woman slid the small black duffel bag from it, unzipped it, and withdrew a small syringe filled with a translucent blue liquid. Jackie admired it against the sunlight for a moment, and without much thought, injected it into her system.

When the pack had retrieved her from the woods, she had been fortunate enough that they had not left the bag behind. It would have proved almost impossible to find-- most of the woods, after all, looked the same. And if it had been left behind, it would have had, literally, some deadly consequences. She had revealed very little to the pack about herself, most of all that she was actually allergic to dogs. Considering she was closer to the pound mutt than anyone should hope to be, she did not like to consider what would happen if she didn't take her medication. For the time being, her little secret remained under raps and the pack, as of now, had no known power over her.

Now satisfied, she shoved the duffel bag back under her bed and stood again, walking quietly towards the kitchen.

"Yo, any of you nimwits get about to breakfast yet?," Jackie called out loudly. If anyone hadn't known of her presence yet, they knew it now.


The past few weeks for Theo had been spent mostly in the forest. He was not a bad person and the thought he had recently turned a human was an uncomfortable feeling. His old pack would have glamorized such an action and perhaps celebrated it. His new pack had new ways and thought of their predicament as a disease. Theo wasn't sure what exactly to call it and his views on the matter were a mixture of both. In any case, the pack leader was probably furious with him. But he had resolved to avoid him.

Avoiding only worked so long. He usually had to stop in for meal time since catching your own food was more difficult than he would have thought. The morning sun filtrated through the leaves, reminding him of the time and what meal he should be eating right now. Effectively starved out of his hiding place for the time being, the boy raced through the forest, bare-footed, towards the ranch.

As it approached into view, he ducked to the side and wisely choose to take the back-door entrance. With any luck he could sneak into the kitchen before or after Kratos entered it, grab something to eat, and go back to hiding.


Kratos' eyes narrowed at the girl.. She was playing a very interesting game in which he did not particularly care to participate.

"Believe me, I am none too fond of questions myself." Kratos replied. "So I will say only this, that the people in this town do not know of us and thus do not know that their land has been claimed by us. But to others of our kind there is a warning.. You cannot expect to live on our lands and be treated kindly unless you are a member of the pack."

The Alpha then fell silent and awaited a reply from the stranger. The girl seemed very calm given the situation, thus Kratos could easily guess she knew how to control her werewolf form.. That meant he needed to be ready in an instant in case she tried anything......inconvenient.


Timothy's head was cocked back against the cold brick wall with his face towards the sky. There were no clouds out today as there had been the night before, no doubt the snow would melt soon.

With a sigh, Timothy looked down again and blinked his eyes to readjust them to the darkness of the alley... He would have to leave now in case someone came looking for him.

When Timothy came around the corner, he looked up and down the street before cautiously stepping out into the light.

"Oh well, I'll figure something out soon... I hope." The boy mumbled to himself as he stuck his hands into the pockets of his jeans and began walking down the sidewalk.

Then suddenly he became aware of a unfamiliar scent and his eyes automatically lifted to search the surrounding area.

Timothy was confused for a moment, he wasn't usually in tune with the werewolf part of himself and thus could not figure out the difference between a scent he knew and one he did not.... because "logically" he didn't trust either of them.


"It's not like I want to be staying here Kratos. The snow's blocked me road wise and I wasn't going to try and sneak out of town through your territory. I'm no idiot." She said flatly, blatantly missing the fact that she let slip his name. Idiot! He didn't know that you knew his name! Nice job Sherlock. Her wolf snarled out in their mind, loosing patience. But Kieoki stayed calm, acting as if she hadn't let anything slip, and she finished her meal by plopping the last piece in her mouth and chewing before she stood and swallowed, moving towards the sink to wash her plate.

Turning the water on, she spoke without looking at Kratos. "So unless you're going to 'force' me to join your pack or whatnot like every other pack I've gone through, I don't expect to be treated kindly by your pack. I am an 'intruder' after all, now that I'm not just passing through." She said with a narrow of her eyes, annoyed more at herself and the weather than Kratos. Of course she had to get stuck in the town.


"Wait, where is Kratos?" Kaleb called out, realizing that the pack leader was no where in sight. He coldn't smell Kratos either.

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