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Werewolves (RP 2): The Legacy Written in Blood (12/10-04/11)

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This roleplay takes place a month after a Storm in the Mountains, around mid February. While Timothy and Sabrina run into a loner in Reknab Bend, Zeit’s ranch is bustling with activity, as both loners, and family alike, make their presence known on the territory. Kratos’ mother Resme, along with an adoptive brother by the name of Ulric, come to check on Kratos. Meanwhile, Zeit is kept busy with not one but two stragglers, as well as two newly changed werewolves. The tensions are high, but all ends well - they gain a member in the naive but cheerful Chime, and Kratos is left with a large sum of money provided by his father.

Roleplay Stats

ROLEPLAY DATE: December 2010-April 2011 

PAGES: 21 pages 

TIMELINE: Roughly 30 days after A Storm in the Mountains (February 97’)

TIMEFRAME: Takes place over the span of a day



Mae as Kratos/Timothy/Urlic/Resme (new characters)

Kaqurei (Destny) as Sabrina/Levi (new character)

Hourglass as Zeit/Hawkthorne

Amanda/Indy/Soar as Theo/Jackie

Kale as Kale

Celeus as Marcus

Nequaria as Creorran/Savannah (new character)

Cassie as Kaleb/Alice (character transferred roleplayers)

Mariel as Kieoki 

Cathannah as Toby (new member)

Aim (Amy) as Chime (new member)



Zero as Kiton

Lynds as Alex 

Raven as Alice (now played by Cassie)

Key Events

  • Page 2 - Kratos informs Kieoki she will need to join the pack or leave. Kieoki ends up joining by the end of the story. 
  • Page 4 - Levi meets an “aunt” of Sabrina’s, and informs her that he’s looking for Sabrina per her fathers, Aeden Sabre’s, request
  • Page 7 - Zeit finds Toby, a townsboy from Reknab Bend, on her property
  • Page 8 - Timothy and Sabrina become aware of a werewolf stranger (Savannah) in town
  •  Page 10 - Timothy takes chase after Sabrina
  • Page 10 - Zeit alerts the alpha of the wanderer (Toby), Kratos responds to her call 
  • Page 11 - Chime approaches the tense beta, Zeit, while Toby is trapped in a tree
  • Page 14 - Ulric assists in ending the fight between Savannah, Sabrina and Timothy - Timothy flees, Savannah leaves, Ulric and Resme begin to the ranch
  • Page 17 - Ulric makes the others aware of his and Resme’s presence at the barn
  • Page 20 - Kratos is reunited with his mother, before leaving to stop another werewolf
  • Page 21 - Chime joins the pack. Resme visits Kratos and leaves him money. They rest.

Memorable Quotes/Trivia

Jackie; “I suppose I should patch your stupid wall that so foolishly got in the way of my knife”

Kratos; “However, as with everything we know, what can be used for great good, if neglected, will be used for great destruction.. There are not many who can withstand us, and as such we must not engage upon them as is the desires of our natural being.

We can see the world in such a more glorious way then the average human being, if only we can control the natural instincts of a mortal frame. This is our legacy, indeed a legacy written in our very blood.”

Toby: "Oh no.." He whimpered. "Nothing! Nothing! I'm not a problem! Oh dear." 

Resme: "We'll keep to our word." She said. "Stupidity is not one of our stronger qualities."

Kratos and Jackie picked apples from a tree in the middle of February

Detailed Summary

The legacy written in blood begins in a grocery store in Reknab Bend, where the loner Kieoki is “shopping” and runs into Timothy, who is playing hookie from his pack. 


Kieoki retreats to her home to find Kratos sniffing about (literally and figuratively). Meanwhile Kale, Kaleb, Zeit, Hawk, Marcus and Sabrina, are soon joined by the new member Jackie, who is already causing quite a commotion among the members. 


Sabrina catches up to Timothy in town, while back at the homestead, Theo casually comes in, not yet claiming the pack as his own, and eats breakfast while Jackie gets heated. Kratos returns with Kieoki following some distance behind. The Alpha insists he’ll use a canyon as a ground to teach Jackie about control, while back in town, Sabrina attempts to get Timothy to engage. 


Another loner, Levi, has meanwhile stumbled upon a cabin, and after entering what he thought was abandoned - he quickly learned he was mistaken as an older woman beat him with a broom. He called the woman Sabrina’s aunt, and claimed he was looking for her. He soon leaves the cabin to go scout the forest territory surrounding the Calagathorm pack.


Elsewhere, the young Toby begins his day with a study under a tree, and in town, a young girl named Chime also prepares for her day. 


Zeit soon catches the scent of a stranger and begins to look for the trespasser, who is the unsuspecting Toby. She approaches him in a hot rage, leaving him rattled and nervous. They were unaware of the loner, Levi, watching everything unfold; even as Toby mistakenly ran away, in the wrong direction. 


Yet another stranger appears in town, near to Sabrina and Timothy; Sabrina tries to disregard her presence, while it sends Timothy into a quiet state of panic. The other werewolf attempts to run to disengage from the situation, but Timothy suddenly follows suite! 


Kratos meanwhile, has brought Jackie to an apple orchard and attempts to make conversation.


Marcus joins Zeit in an effort to remove Toby from their land.


Timothy scarcely avoids meeting Savannah’s jaws, but the fight is far from over. Even in human form, he was determined to fight her. Sabrina catches up to them and challenges Savannah. 


Hawk, Alice and Kaleb are headed into town in Zeit’s truck to buy provisions for the ranch. Levi decides to follow after Zeit, Marcus and Toby-from a reasonable distance. The two of them actually tree Toby, and Zeit decides to rest at it’s base, threatening Toby with the prospect of meeting the Alpha. 


Kratos, now being watched by Kieoki from the treetops, respond to Zeit’s previous call for assistance, to ask what the problem is. 


Chime had heard these calls and without hesitation, made her way to the ranch - where she found Marcus, Zeit and Toby in the tree. She inquires about the situation, in spite of being a stranger. She’s observed by Levi who is still watching from a distance. 


Sabrina corners Timothy and the stranger, and tells Savannah to leave the territory. Zeit does likewise for Chime. Chime refuses to leave, and Toby encourages Chime to go as Zeit is “quite mean”. 


Kale has entered the scene, and has caught scent of Levi and tried to seek out his location, but instead focuses on Chime and Zeit; who have begun to fight.


In town, Ulric and his adoptive mother Resme, stumble onto the scene with Savannah, Sabrina and Timothy. Ulric attempts to de-escelate the fight; Timothy leaves at the soonest possible opportunity. 


Savannah leaves without further incident, and back at the cabin, Creorran has decided to try to quietly slip away. With Savannah and Timothy gone, Ulric goes back to the car and they drive away. 


Kratos, Jackie and Kieoki begin back towards the ranch, where Kratos catches the scent of blood. 


Theo makes for the forest and runs into Creorran; who is attempting to escape quietly into the death of the cold if only Theo wouldn’t be so persistent. Savannah has left town and is now observing the interaction between the two. Kieoki joins her to watch as well. Creorran eventually gives up and begins to return to the ranch. 


Ulric, now at Zeit’s cabin, decides to make his brother Kratos aware of his presence, so that Resme can see him. He howls to alert the others he’s there. Hawk is the first to meet the call, and Kratos instructs Toby and Chime that they will be confronted when convenient. Meanwhile, he takes Zeit to investigate the intruder. Kale has already made it there and is questioning Ulric - Jackie likewise, had joined and was watching from a distance. 


Elsewhere, Timothy is alone in the forest. 


Chime and Toby both return to town - Chime to her workplace, Toby to his Grandmothers. 


Theo joined in observing the interaction of the strangers and Kratos from afar - while Jackie had announced herself rather vocally. 


Kaleb shifted and Alice attempted to catch up to him, alerting Kratos to the situation with a howl.


Kale discovers Kieoki at the scene with Ulric and Resme, and Kale threatens Kieoki before leaving to look into the other stranger present (Chime). When she finds her, Chime offers to help out around the ranch, and Kale hesitantly agrees and offers Chime a place in the pack. Chime excitedly agrees. 


In the end, the pack is gathered; Sabrina and Timothy are reprimanded, Resme explains her and Ulric’s coming to the ranch, and all go to sleep. The roleplay takes place over the course of a day.


The sleek window was cold and made Timothy's skin pale as he leaned against it. The color of his eyes shimmered like fine strips of metal as the sun's light reflected off the surface of the snow at him.

For the longest time, Timothy had been staring silently out the window in front of the grocery store, with no intention to move or find a better use of his time.

It would seem common for someone to ask him if he needed help or assistants, yet there was not a human word spoken to him.

Business was good today, many people came and went with cheery voices and left with smiles on their lips.. Yet it is in this busy place that Timothy had never felt so alone.. No one else in the pack knew he was here, or surely they would have complained and ordered him back. After all, only those whom had a trusted rank in the pack were ever allowed into town by Kratos...

So, Timothy had slipped away as he usually did, to escape that place without entering those wretched mountains. Everything bad in Timothy's life which he could remember always happened up there, and he was determined never to go back there again in life.

When Timothy's breath had formed condensation over the window to the point where he could no longer see clearly through it, he withdrew and slunk off to a empty isle in the back of the store.. With any luck, no one would confront him today..


Seeing as Kieoki had ended up staying in her human form for an entirely longer time than she had wanted to, or even expected to, it was feasible that she could be considered 'on-edge'. Annoyed and somewhat irritated, she couldn't shift in case that blasted pack on the fringes of town scented her, and as the snow began to fall she became stuck in the town, fluttering around in the shadows and never sleeping in the same area twice. So as the snow lay upon the ground on this chilly day, Kieoki was roaming the streets, wearing a multi-colored plaid coat with a red shirt on under it and jeans with dark brown boots. Her breath made little wisps that vanished in the air moments later as she walked down one random street, not really having anywhere to go at the moment.

Her head was held up, but her eyes were vacant, trying to hide her agitation, and her wolf's anger as well. For Kieoki, being in her Were form was what she preferred, and so over time she'd gotten used to eating freshly killed meat, not human food that she had to steal from supermarkets that was already chopped up and pretty disgusting. At least it was disgusting until she cooked it up at least. her thoughts wandered back to the condemned apartment she was staying in. The idiots who had been renting the apartment when it was condemned forgot to turn off the supply of heat, water and gas, though there was no electricity. So when she stole slop off of the markets, she would return home to her spices and herbs and make the meat decent to eat. Just thinking about the savory flavors of her cooked meat made her mouth water and her stomach growled, making Kieoki narrow her eyes and sigh. Might as well get something to eat now, she hadn't eaten since yesterday anyways.

Changing the direction she was walking only slightly, she crossed the not-to-busy road and walked into the grocery store, enjoying at least the fact that it was slightly warmer in here than it was outside. Suppressing a small shiver, Kieoki ignored the other customers and walked back to where the frozen meat was, and she found that it was fairly devoid of people, which made her happy. There was only one other person in the isle in fact, and she only spared him a moment's glance, but as her eyes skimmed over him she froze, having to turn towards the doors of the meat section so the guy wouldn't see the way her eyes widened and she slightly gasped. Stifling the noise with her hand, and turning it into a fake cough, she let her hand drop back down as if nothing had happened and she went back to looking at the meat, acting like she was deciding. She pulled her coat closer to her face though, and her thoughts were whirling. It can't be possible! I've never seen any of them in town, but what's the chance that it actually is that one that we saw attacking the human?

I don't know! But look at his eyes! They are the same ones, we both know that at least. Her wolf snapped out in her mind in response to her question. That guy's eyes were the same as those of that Were, and she didn't glance at him again. So hiding the silent argument going on in her mind, she opened the door, grabbed some random meat package, and spun on her feet before starting to walk out of the section, hoping that the guy would not recognize her.


Timothy leaned against the cold metal shelf and crossed his arms over his chest, then he saw a young woman enter the isle.

She would not bother him.. Even human beings are sensitive to body language, he was keen on this fact, and had made it quite clear in this way that he did not want to be bothered by anyone.

Then the woman's eyes fled passed his own and Timothy instantly caught the change in her casual countenance.

As the woman turned away, Timothy looked at the glass doors of the meat shelves and watched the reflection of her eyes.. She seemed as if she were recalling an unpleasant memory just as she turned and quickly began to leave.

What was she trying to remember? Timothy didn't chance a guess and he wouldn't have cared at all, had she not brought the scent of a werewolf along with her.

Timothy quickly stood and walked in the opposite direction which the woman had fled, peering around the isle, he then watched her for a moment. The doubts that plagued Timothy's mind had compelled him to the possibility that this woman was a member of the pack and thus sent by Kratos to find him... But her face was not familiar, so Timothy wondered for a moment if he should go after her.

Yet if this woman was not whom Timothy suspected her to be, there would be a greater danger in following, or even trying to stop her.

"Man." Timothy sighed and looked away. He would not chase her.. But perhaps it would be well if he left this area in case she tried to return to find him.


Keep walking lucky. Kieoki's wolf urged on in their mind, almost forcing Kieoki to walk faster. But the cold in her fingers reminded her that she still was carrying the meat, and not caring what it was, she slipped it under her shirt, forced her pace to slow down, and easily slipped out of the store, unnoticed like usual. It wouldn't matter anyways if they saw her. She'd just outrun them or shift. Humans didn't stand a chance against her. Free from the store, she couldn't stop herself from throwing a glance backwards at the store, and a sigh in relief escaped her lips when she didn't see the other Were.

Shaking her head, and reminding herself that she would not be going back to that store anytime soon, she ducked into a fairly large crowd and walked along with it, heading back towards her 'home'. She was shivering now though. It wasn't the warmest day outside, and the cold meat against her body was starting to chill her. So when she caught sight of her home, she blinked in happiness and darted away from the crowd, breaking away at just the right time so that as she lifted the 'condemned' sign and slipped insides, no one saw her. At least she hoped no one saw her.

Fumbling for the light switch, Kieoki flipped on a very small light that lit up the room, and she made sure that the heavy curtains were draped across every window. Satisfied, she set the meat upon her counter and heated up the stove, dragging out a pan and a spatula to cook with, for her herbs were already out and upon the counter. Starting to hum softly to herself, she unwrapped the meat and sniffed it, recoiling in disgust before she plopped it into her pan, enjoying the way it crackled and sizzled. Shifting through her different herbs, she started popping them open and sprinkling them over the meat, flipping it as she cooked, enjoying the way the smell filled her 'home'.


Kratos shuffled through a few things in the dark room.. There were blankets and a few modest possessions, but nothing he was really looking for.

The house smelled strongly of her, and after tracking the stranger for a week, this was what he had come to..

An old condemned house just inside town, which no one really payed any mind to.. it was a perfect place for a wanderer to hide.

Suddenly Kratos heard someone enter the house and instantly he stood frozen. There was not a draft in this room to carry his scent to the rest of the house, so as long as he did not move, the stranger would not detect him.

Kratos listened as she entered the kitchen and heard the clanking of pans against the stove top, that was when he knew she was in the kitchen and decided to pay this 'intruder' a visit..

Steadily, the Alpha's leather boots slipped quietly over the floor and his bright yellow eyes peered around the corner. Sure as fire gives light, the stranger was there, standing over a pan and cooking a large steak in a pot of herbs and fine spices... Kratos couldn't help but smile.

This stranger seemed completely at home actually living like a werewolf on the territory of a nearby pack.

"You're quite the little home-maker aren't you?" Kratos' incredibly deep voice spoke out from the hallway, making his presence known.

Slowly the giant man stepped out into the light where he could be seen by the stranger, his dirty blond hair sweeping only a few inches from the ceiling and his sharp wolf-like eyes glinting down at the girl.


Kieoki was enjoying herself, still humming away as her senses were flooded with the scents of the cooking meat, masking the other smells. Unaware that Kratos was watching her, she continued cooking until her wolf suddenly gasped in her mind and she froze as she heard a deep voice. Forcing herself not to do anything more than jump a bit, she threw a glance in the direction of the speaker, letting her eyes rake over the tall man before she turned to look back at her food. Are they searching for you now? You must be doing a wonderful job of hiding Kieoki. Her wolf snorted sarcastically in her mind, annoyed.

I thought I was! So be quiet, I need to think. Kieoki retorted sharply back before speaking as she moved the cooking meat around the pan. "Seems so." She said before adding one last pinch of basil to the meat before snapping off the stove and spinning around, grabbing a plate from the table before her and sliding the steak onto it, before grabbing a bent fork as well. Sitting down with another glance at Kratos, she cut her steak and began eating, speaking after she chewed. "So what brings an alpha to my home?" She said, trying to stifle a sigh. Gee, you haven't said THAT one before. Her wolf mocked in their mind, laughing softly about his sarcasm.


(written from Kaleb's perspective)

I dreamed nightmares. A dark blackness, pitch you would call it, always ended the same dream. I ran through the forest, the great beast always after me. It breathed heavily, chasing me endlessly. I tried to run, my breath spilling out in front of me as a giant mist cloud. The red eyes stared after me, boring into my soul. Then, it would grab me in its paws, and the full moon above would light up the figure. It was me. You can't escape form yourself...Haha...Mwuhahahaha!

I always woke up after the laughter. Always the same dream. Or nightmare. I rubbed my head and shuffled to the bathroom to shower. After that, I stumbled downstairs. The house I had been living in for almost a month, Zeit's house.

I hadn't lived here originally. I hadn't been the way I am. I hadn't been a werewolf. But now I struggled every day with this..this...disease. I couldn't escape, so I had to live with it.

Kratos, the pack leader, was kind and caring towards me. He was also very, very tall. Then there was Zeit, Sabrina, a girl I had a huge crush on, and another named Alice. She was nice. Then there was Timothy, he was the one who changed me. I have forgiven him for it, since he probably didn't know while he was in wolf form. And antoher girl named Jaque. She's a bit, odd.

I walked to the kitchen table, seeing Alice sitting there. "Good mornimg Alice!"


Kale stretched and looked at her handiwork. other than the fact that the color was a bit brighter than the rest of the barn, you couldn't tell that section of wall had been replaced after having a couple of upset werewolves break it. the bright sunshine had been warming her back as she worked and was now getting a lttle uncomfortable as her shoulders started to burn. glad that her task was finished, Kale picked up the paintbucket, brush, hammer and nails and took them back to their rightful places before heading inside.

"i wonder if Zeit noticed?" she mumbled to herself.

Kale wandered back into the house and into the kitchen(her favorite place) to wash the paint off her hands and face were she had wiped sweat away and accedentally smeared herself. She loved the smell of the kitchen, since it always smelled like whatever Zeit had been cooking lately, and Kale greatly appreciated zeits cooking skills. right now it smelled like coffee, which tended to overlay other scents, and faintly of something sweet. Kale gave a smile to her two packmates at the table as she finished washing up and headed right upstairs to her bedroom.

after peeling off her stinky cloths Kle changed into something lighter and brushed out her pale hair. the house smelled strongly of werewolf and Kake sorted out individuals, noticig that certain individuals must have been gone most of the day as their scents were fainter. Kale wondered about them for a moment before her stomach started growling and, in immediate resonse, she went back to the kitchen.

"what do you guys want to eat?" she asked.

Hour Glass:

Zeit trotted around her home once more, not quite wanting to go in. Even at this stage, she was still a bit distant from the pack, but she was a Beta, meaning she was supposed to be closer then she was. She sighed, wishing for someone to run with, since she was getting used to not being alone. She took a deep breath, and leapt on her roof, and she slid into her open window.

She walked through her room and to her own bathroom, a quick shower was called for, she didn't need to meet the pack this morning covered in sweat, dirt, grime, and mud. She changed forms smoothly, turning the water on to a warm level, and began to wash away todays morning run. Once out she put on her normal ranch clothes and headed downstairs.

The new scent of paint assulted her nose, she glanced over, someone had fixed the broken wall, good, though it seemed that someone had already stuck their paw in the wet paint. She continued downstairs, barley catching Kale's question, "Just something good" she replied, sitting down at the time, and grabbing pencil and paper. She began a doodle, she had been finding that she had a bit more free time then normal since the pack had come, since the pack helped around the farm when she needed it.


Hawk cursed under his breath as he washed away the paint off his hand. He had come down sleepily in a tee-shirt and sweats, his hair unruffled from his small nap. "Kale, put up a sign next time" he mumbled as the paint came off. His stomach growled, and ignoring Kale's question, he checked the fridge, finding that they were running low on supplies. "Looks like I'll do a grocery run later" he muttered to himself, rubbing the slight stubble on his chin.

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