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Werewolves (RP 2): The Legacy Written in Blood (12/10-04/11)

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Theo was dumbfounded and starred at Creorran with an equally dumbfounded expression. Granted, there were aspects of his nature he wasn't too found of but suicide? The word sunk in like a cold knife. It seemed too large a stretch for him. The more he thought about it, the more he was confused until everything was confusing. Maybe he could have starred out there for days trying to figure it out, but about a minute in he gave up.

What to do next... just as confusing for a topic. Obviously the good semaritan approach was to go comfort the kid and draw out whatever deep-dark-secrets-of-despair that had manifested themselves somewhere in some sort of traumatic past. Theo wasn't exactly the touchy feely type. Course two would be to walk away now and pretend the whole conversation never existed. As tempting as it was... some annoying whisper in his mind urged him against it. Touchy feely it was.

It didn't take long to find him. The patch of forest they had been in had been untouched by human or werewolf alike-- the snow was still a fresh, sparkling blanket. All he simply had to do was follow the footsteps and found Creorran sniffling in the bushes. He knelt down, peering through the brush to be eye-level with him.

"I don't suppose you'll come out of there?"


Creorran cursed himself as Theo found him right away. He had forgotten about the snow. There was nothing he could do now. It was over. He knew it.

"I suppose you're going to drag me back to the ranch?" he sighed, not bothering to look up at Theo. Creorran dried his eyes as he prepared for the worst. He stared at the bright blanket of snow and pushed his hand into it. The cold numbness soon took over his fingertips and after a while, the rest of his hand. He then realized that if he could just get Theo to leave, he could lay in the snow and freeze to death. Before Theo had the chance to answer, Creorran readjusted himself so that the left side of his body, including his face was pressed into the snow.


The female werewolf was growing tired of lounging about the lazy town. She stood up and scented the air. The scent of the others wolves had nearly faded, but she still felt tense. There was some strange thought pulling at the back of her mind, and she could not ignore it. Was it a longing to join the other wolves' pack? She dearly hoped otherwise.

She needed something to do, so she began walking. Unknowingly, she was heading towards Zeit's farmhouse. It wasn't before long that she caught the scent of two werewolves. They were males, and she could detect a strong fearscent from one of them. She located the two just ahead. One was laying in a clump of brush, the other standing over him. They were both human at the moment.

Wanting to get a closer look, the female changed into her full wolf form and set her bag down at the base of a nearby tree. She surveyed the woods for a moment, looking for a tree that would be relatively easy to climb. She spotted a thick tree with great branches on the edge of the clearing in which the males stood. After a springing leap and a bound from the tree trunk she was onto a low branch. Her smallish size made tree-climbing nearly effortless. She hopped up a few more branches until she had a great viewpoint of the clearing. She settled into a crouch on the thick tree limb, close to the trunk so that it would not snap. Her sharp eyes flicked around to watch the two males.


"Probably. That's what I'm supposed to do, right?" Theo dusted the snow off a nearby rock and sat down on it.

Through the brambles, he could just make out Creorran's figure laying in the snow. What an odd thing to lay in. Theo frowned and tested the snow with his palm. It was cold, wet, icy, and not comfortable at all.

"Why are you laying down in the snow?"


As soon as she heard someone's feet running through the snow Kieoki fled behind a tree, turning to peer out from behind it. But no one greeted her sight. Confused, she stepped out form behind the tree and walked down the line a bit, until a wave of scents washed over her nose. She froze, because her eyes displayed who she was scenting. Sitting on a brushed off rock was what smelled like someone from Krat's pack, and he seemed to be talking to someone. A were was sitting unnoticed in the tree above the one, and Kieoki had to smile, that was her trick.

Deciding to join the watcher, Kieoki stole behind the tree the were was sitting in, and swung up into it silently on her bare feet. The branch was cold, but she was used to that and plopped down beside the female were, slinging an arm over the girl's shoulder and spoke in a soft whisper. "So, may I join your little watching party?"


Creorran didn't answer. His bare face was beginning the turn coldand raw but he ignored the pain. If Theo was going to take him back to Zeit's house, he'd certainly have to use force. Creorran did not plan on getting out of the snow anytime soon.

He felt it would not be long before hypothermia began, though he truly had no idea how long it took to freeze to death. He gently closed his right eye, the only one above the snow. His thoughts drifted back to before he was a werewolf.

He remembered his farmhouse. The rough wool sheets and the soft bed stuffed with cotton and wool. He loved to snack on the fresh vegetables and occasional fruit. He cried the first few times an animal was slaughtered for food. His job was to gather the eggs from the henhouse.

He remembered moving to the farm. He and his father had lived in town, which was much different. They packed the few things they owned into cardboard boxes and loaded them into his father's pickup truck. They had to learn to farm, and there were a few hungry seasons at first.

Most of all he remembered his mother.

A tear rolled down Creorran's cheek at this point. Then it struck him like a bullet. He needed to stay alive, to honor his mother and father's memory. He slowly stood up, still without even looking at Theo. Creorran carefully stepped out of the brambles and brushed the snow off of him. The left side of his face was raw and red, and his fingers and toes were completely numb. Without answering Theo, Creorran began to hobble back to the ranch.


The female wolf bristled as a human joined her in the tree. Her wolf coat was on end until she realized that the human was a werewolf and seemed friendly. Her claws flexed as the newcomer put an arm around her shoulders. She tried to inch away, but if she went much further she'd be off the short branch.

Her voice was slightly rough, yet polite. "Well, I suppose so," she said quietly, "but I don't see what's so interesting." She hesitated as she caught a tiny trace of the scent that the other two had. "Are you from their pack?"


Kieoki smirked at the girl's words, listening and answering almost immediately after the girl spoke. "Really, nothing is interesting, but it's amusing to watch them drag one another back to their home." She said before dropping her arm from the girl's shoulder, as if she hated the closeness of another. This were didn't seem that violent though, most weres would have tried to attack her as soon as she touched them, so off to a good start yes. Though it wasn't like Kieoki cared very much-if at all- about starting off on good terms.

When the wolf asked her if she was in the pack Kieoki raised an eyebrow and thought for a moment before replying. "Not exactly. And I don't feel like explaining." That was all Kieoki managed to get out before a foreign howl rung through the air and lingered there, calling to Krat. Kieoki stood up on the branch she was on and chuckled, looking down at the girl. "Well, if you do want to see something interesting, I suppose seeing what's going to happen will be. I'll be in the trees watching. Join me if you please, but just saying, wolves are easier to scent than humans."

A smile, and a swing down from the tree and Kieoki was gone, running on bare feet along the treeline until she was able to see what was going on, and then she climbed up into a tree, hidden and watching.


As Ulric and Resme stood silently on the doorstep for someone to answer, Ulric seemed to grow stiff.

Resme tried knocking and ringing the bell a few more times, but no answer came, so Ulric finally turned and left the porch without a word.

The elderly woman looked between the young man and the door with an almost disappointed expression, then she sighed and was about to return to the car when she noticed Ulric's odd behavior... He seemed to be pacing in front of the house, sometimes with his head held very high, and sometimes with his face nearly touching his knees.

This, to any other normal person, would have been the very weirdest sight (and probably would have lost Ulric a date if such a girl were watching,) but for Resme, who was well acquainted with this behavior, knew what Ulric was up to.

"Weren't you afraid of them just two seconds ago, Ulric? Why are you seeking them out now?" Resme ventured to ask.

Ulric paused and looked up at his adoptive mother. "Because you need to see your son." He said firmly. "That is why we came here, and I will not allow my fear to rule me or deny you this opportunity.. My fears are subject to my spirit, I will not let it be the other way around, one will always rule the other... You taught me that, dear Mother, and I owe you everything for it."

A smile grew broadly across Resme's face and a sense of gratitude filled her heart.

Ulric then looked off toward the forest behind the ranch and took a deep breath. He knew that many of the pack members were close, probably just along the forest edge, but he would not venture to find them himself. Such an act would be treated most unwelcome, especially by a someone who smelled of another pack.

Thus, Ulric needed to do what he had been taught was proper in his pack, but that wasn't something he could do standing in plain sight.

"Please come with me Resme, I cannot announce my presence with the road so close; where any passerby can come over that hill and see us." Ulric said humbly, throwing a glance back toward the road. "I'll protect you if Kratos does not personally answer my call, but we need to be hidden on their land before I can change."

Resme said nothing and quickly came down off the porch and followed Ulric around the house to the back of the barn.

In this small area between the house and the barn, the two people found an opening to a small, but rather tall, corn field where they were seemingly sheltered at every angle.

"Here we go.. Mother, put your back against the barn and stay by that pile of fire-wood." Ulric said as he pulled his shirt off and hung it on a rake against the house. "If anyone charges to attack me, you will be safe until I explain the situation..."

Ulric walked to the center of the small nook, and began to mumble. "Hopefully they'll understand. Man, I should have brought my leather shirt.."

He then changed into his werewolf form, raised his head to the sky, took another deep breath, and released a loud howl over the territory!

-To those of this territory I announce myself. I am on your lands and have come here purposely. I stand now at your dwelling and beckon your Alpha to meet with me.-

A second howl followed, though not as long, nor as full as the first.

-I come peacefully and do not seek violence.-

Hour Glass:

Hawk paid for the food, and went and helped load everything into the truck, he wanted to get home soon, he had a feeling something was going to happen or was happening at that moment. He waited for his two passengers to get into the truck, before he put it into drive and headed off speedily down the road.

He watched the icy conditions, but it wasn't bad, plus driving in little snow wasn't hard compared to running through blizzards. He felt like he needed to be at the house. He parked swiftly, exiting the car as fast as he could, leaving it up tot he other two to carry everything in, afterall, he wasn't preparing dinner that night.

He sniffed the air, all ready scenting more then one different wolf, and caught the howl when the closest one to him called tot he pack. It seemed the rest of the pack was already off with the other new comers, so he headed tot he nearest ones, surprised slightly by the older lady there.

He looked tot he wolf, and raised an eyebrow, "Well, you don't need to change, the more aggressive wolves aren't here at the moment" he said smoothly, making sure the wolf came in peace, "And it seems there is an elderly woman out here, who should be inside the house where it's warm, since your supposed to be peaceful, I guess it's okay for you to come in."


Kale snorted when [Toby] didn't reply and froze as the fading echo of a howl reached her sensitive ears. shifting from paw to paw kale tried to focus on the sound but the echo had died, leaving her with two options; ignore it ad stay, or pursue the source. She didn't want to leave Zeit amongst the strange werewolves, but the only aggressive one seemed to be the one fighting her and the others didn't seem keen on joining in.

Had Zeit heard the howl? it didn't sound like one she'd heard before...but she couldn't be sure, she hadn't caught the message. Kale rocked back on her haunches and turned to Zeit;

"Seems we have more company. i'm going." and with that, Kale turned and bolted back through the tree's. in a hurry now, she recalled who was left at the house, which was a very little number. Zeit won't like strangers at the house, and neither do I!

Kale stopped, panting in a small clearing and rose her muzzle to the air, a singing howl poured out int the sky.

- stranger stay put. Beta coming.. -

She let the note die and raced back into the tree's. i should have stayed at the house, Kale berated herself. Snow flew under her paws as she leaped across fallen logs and rabit holes. on her way back she veered sharply off her path and found her hiding place, grabbing her pack and cloths in her jaws before taking off once more. cold air whistled past her ears and small details blurred. light blinded her as she hit the edge of the treeline were she paused, looking over Zeits fields.


Kratos nodded in acknowledgement when Chime introduced herself but did not say anything else for the longest time. He looked at the tree which Toby and Marcus were in, then back at Zeit, Kale and Chime whom were on the ground.

Then a howl broke the air in the direction of the house and Kratos' attention was drawn briefly towards it. The call was distant, but Kratos was able to capture and translate it before it faded completely.

"He announced himself."

That was all that Kratos thought upon hearing it and it appeared to be the only thing that could really be taken as fact. Such an action meant that the stranger was experienced, if nothing else, and thus likely from another pack.

An experienced werewolf was liable to become a threat, though perhaps the more dangerous threats were the experienced werewolves whom did not announce themselves, another fact which the Alpha was all too mindful.

At that moment Kale took off like a bullet, and Kratos' gaze followed after her before it returned to the group by which he was standing.

"Marcus, come down out of the tree and leave the boy alone for now. He has not answered me regarding his name, but we surely will track him later if he stays long." Kratos said firmly as his ears turned back to listen to Kale's message. "Zeit, I must ask that you also come with me for the moment as well. As for Chime, you are a stranger here and I expect nothing of you, but you should know that all whom linger on our land long will be confronted when it is convenient."

Kratos looked off toward the ranch again and stood up. He felt more comfortable with leaving two inexperienced strangers alone on the territory than leaving Kale to confront the experienced stranger at the house with whomever else was present there.


It was not long before another call sounded in reply and Ulric's attention was brought to the front of the house where a truck parked in the drive.

Immediately upon getting out of his vehicle, the man caught the scent of Ulric and approached the barn, announcing himself quite openly.

"Thank you for your hospitality on such notice, but perhaps when the more dominate of your pack get here they will not be so keen upon my being inside their home." Ulric replied to HawkThorne with a short bow. "However, I might accept for my companion if that is her desire, as she is not a werewolf and therefore cannot be deemed a threat by anyone."

Despite the man mentioning that there was no need to be in werewolf form, Ulric did not return to his human stature.

Ulric meant peace and did not wish to make himself seem like a threat, but to return to his human form did not seem wise under the circumstances, there were still many he had to meet before he would be considered welcome here..

Resme smiled at the young man whom had addressed Ulric and extended her hand. "My name is Rosa." She said warmly, "I've come here to visit with my son, do you know if he is here? I'm not sure if you will know his real name, as he always did follow after his father in keeping the name I gave him private, but perhaps you will know him by the name his father calls him by; Kratos Shragron?"


After limping for a while, Creorran had the farmhouse in sight. He had heard the unknown werewolf's howl, and he was extremely tense. He had learned to slightly control his transformations, and he felt more powerful as a wolf. It was quite difficult to transform in daylight, but Creorran tried desperately.

He relaxed once he was in wolf form. He felt much safer, though he was still edgy around the newcomer. He slowly crept around in the wet slush until he was close to the new wolf. Hawkthorne was there, so at least if the werewolf turned hostile he wouldn't have to face him alone. Creorran's ears and tail twitched nervously as he stood next to Hawkthorne. He turned to the newcomer and the human woman; neither seemed agitated or hostile, only tense.


The female werewolf jumped down the tree, spraying snow in all directions. She merely hoped the male called Theo hadn't seen her. She snatched up her purse before continuing on her way. She trudged through the wet snow, almost tempted to follow the two howls. She recognized the first as the male who had helped her earlier that day; the second was a mystery.

The cream-colored wolf padded in the dirction of the howl until she caught scent of a few different wolves. Something inside her compelled her to answer the two howls, but she realized they'd probably find her and attack her for trespassing on their territory. Her thick tawny fur was clumped with bits of snow and ice, which not only weighed her down but chilled her to the bone.

She found an area not far from the ranch where there was less snow. At the roots of a tree there was a patch of ground with no snow on it. She settled down there, hoping that the pack wouldn't find her as she drifted off to sleep.

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