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Werewolves (RP 2): The Legacy Written in Blood (12/10-04/11)

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Toby had quite phased out of everything and dozed off. He awoke sometime later to the sound of Kratos' voice, only to find himself still high in the tree clinging tightly.

Glancing down, he didn't see any werewolves. Perhaps, they had all gone home?

Slowly (and rather clummsily) he scampered down the tree. Though he missed the last two branches and fell to the ground near the last part. He inhaled the chilly air and glanced around, putting his wolf senses on full alert for any movement at all.

How long had he been out?

Where was that mean Zeit lady?

Where was everyone?

Where was he anyway? He'd never been this deep in the forest before.


Chime watched them leave then Toby come down from the tree. She was about to walk away when the odd wolf looked lost. Chime changed back into a human and walked over to him. "Hey, you look sorta lost, do you need any help?" she asked softly, she didn't want this skittish werewolf back up in the tree. "And don't you worry, I don't like to fight, I only did 'cause she started it...." She said, again, softly and then walked closer to him and held out her hand to help him up.

Hour Glass:

Zeit nodded, following after Kratos, wondering what he wanted to talk about. It might be about her moodiness recently, or something else, but that would be up in the air until he began to speak. She relaxed slightly, even if the wolves hadn't been run off, she felt like she had done something to keep them from causing trouble, or at least staying away from the cattle.

She walked forward, her pace more relaxed then how it had started, and she was begging to feel a bit better, and the chilly air was more calming then the cramped feeling cottage. She took a deep breath, shaking out her pelt as a light flurry fell from the sky.


Hawk chuckled again, "I do know a Kratos, but not his last name. But not many people are named Kratos, so I'm guessing they are the same person." He replied with a small smile. "In fact, he's the leader of the pack here, so if your related to him, he wouldn't mind letting you in the house, and I also know the owner of the house, she's one of the Betas, and wouldn't care much if you came in. If your lucky, there may even be a few bits of leftovers from breakfast."

He looked over his shoulder, seeing Kale had come. "Also, here is the other Beta, Kale," he explained, "If you have any other questions, just ask her."


Kale stepped out of the treeline as her eyes adjusted and spotted several figures in the driveway. She bristled slightly but let her fur lay flat and trotted foreward at steady lope, her pack swinging from her jaw just above the snow.

a slight breeze drifted through the cold air, bringing with it the scent of the stranger, and that of a human.

odd, to bring a human with him. perhaps as a sort of shield? or a show of control? a bit foolish though.... kale thought.

perhaps he thought he could protect the human if any skirmishes occurred? not that the pack would attach her but still.

Kale drew closer and took in detail. his stance, his height, his build. her wolf eyes let nothing escape them. nor did his werewolf form go unnoted. it would have been smarter of him to be human, so it wasn't taken as a challenge. was he looking for trouble?

Kale stepped up to the group now and flicked her ears in irritation before dropping her bundle. she nodded to Hawk and then turned her bright eyes onto the stranger.

" i'm afraid i'd like to ask questions first, if you don't mind." Kale started, her voice as level as she could keep it in wolf form.

" what's your name and business here?"


Theo followed Creorran quietly, his head perking with interest as an unfamiliar howl echoed. The boy didn't look particularly alarmed at the how and looked curiously at the werewolf Creorran. Why bother? The stranger seemed pretty peacefull. He shrugged to himself and continued to walk towards the house.


Jackie had crept off some time during the journey towards the orchard and the house. After seeing that Kratos' big issue was nothing more than a flea-bitten mutt, she was disappointed. So Jackie had gone off and hoped she would stumble across some trouble.

It hadn't taken long. A howl traveled through the air and she paused, a little startled that she had made sense of its message. She turned, walking briskly towards the house. Her eyes narrowed calculatively on the large shape of a werewolf and the frail shape of a woman. She lingered in the shadows, and for the time being, was content to watch until things proved more interesting to intervene.


Rosa smiled at HawkThorne. "You're very kind, thank you." She replied, and turned to look at Kale as she approached.

Ulric turned around aswell with his ears held erect. Though in werewolf form, the young stranger stood like a man and held a solemn expression upon his face. He knew the questions she asked were more directed at him then his adoptive mother, as the Beta kept sizing him up, still though it was not his place to reply.

Instead it was Resme, or Rosa as she was called by her kind, whom replied to the Beta's question.

"Not at all." The elderly woman replied with a friendly smile. "My name is Rosa, and this is my son, Ulric. I've come here looking for my elder son, Kratos, because I wish to speak to him in person."

Ulric stood firm beside Resme and did not speak a word. Though Resme was not a werewolf, Ulric respected her and treated her as though her rank was above his own.


Kratos lead the way into the cattle pasture with Zeit following. He did not speak until they were far from the forest edge, then he slowed his pace and tilted his head over his shoulder.

"My, how inexperienced they are.." The Alpha said casually. "Those two certainly need some training, wouldn't you agree?.... They are obviously of no threat, do you think we should give them the option to join us, Zeit?"

Kratos had felt the need to ask Zeit for her opinion concerning the matter, thinking that it would be rather rude not to consult her before offering the hand of friendship to these two others whom had undoubtedly questioned her rank and authority.

They would be coming upon the house in moments, and Kratos hoped this new matter would be resolved quickly.. There were too many new werewolves on the territory and too much chaos in the pack.

The thought made Kratos groan. "We need to rank some scouts..." He muttered under his breath, "I can't be everywhere at once."



Timothy had ran to the edge of the small town, following the road up until that point when he darted off in the direction which seemed least populated.

"Somewhere, somehow, I'll be safe." He kept repeating in his mind, though both parts of him knew this was not true. Nonetheless, Timothy ran and ran.

The bushes grew thicker and the bramble gradually became sharper. But Timothy ran and did not stop even when his legs hurt and his lungs heaved.. Thorns had scraped his face and blistered his hands, yet he ran on with a speed that couldn't be matched by the average human being.

At long last the ground sloped downward and Timothy's foot got caught on a vine, causing him to trip and fall into the cold mud. He quickly scrambled to his feet and prepared to run on, but was met with the sight of a fearsome rushing river in his path.

It moved with such violence that it did not take Timothy a second look to know that it was very wide and very deep. It moved with such power and the sounds it made struck the image into Timothy's mind of being dragged away by it and drowned in its depth, never to be found by anything save a hungry beast alone. This made Timothy recoil with a cautious fear, finally enabling him time to recount his actions.

At this moment, most lost children would sit down and cry, contemplate their situation, and decide whether or not they would return to the safety of their home, blaming rage or irrational emotion for their behavior.

However, it was neither rage nor irrational emotion that had caused Timothy to run in the first place.. It had been a calculated fear which had driven him away. A fear which he could not explain outside the yellow, bloodshot eyes which had so often haunted his nightmares.

Thus Timothy found himself alone, and a long way from anything familiar. His heart pounding and his mind too active to give way for sorrow or self-pity, Timothy sat down in the mud and listened to the powerful river that lay before him.

He thought for a time about a dark night in his memory, when he could hear the heart beats of everything alive around him.. It made him angry and it made him more afraid, and though he pressed to remember more of that night, his mind would not allow it..

Hour Glass:

"I don't mind letting more wolves join, but they must learn who gives who the orders, and learn to follow them once they are given" she said, taking a breath to chill a bit, before she continued to speak. "Also, as for scouts, I suggest finding the wolves with more leadership skills, that are very loyal to you" she said, " and have them in charge of a small amount of wolves, that way you won't be running around with a to do list larger then the mountain."


Kratos listened to Zeit's words carefully as they ran along. "I agree." He replied contemplatively. "And I should like to apologize for all the trouble you have been caused on their behalf. So many of them are wanderers whom have never been accustomed to loyalty or rules."


Kale cocked her head slightly as she listened to Rosa's reply. family eh? Kratos's family?

" Our Alpha is out..." kale paused, she really didn't know what Kratos was doing at the moment. "doing what he does and may not be back for awhile. I'm Kale Cooper, second Beta. If you'd like to stick around,i'll invite you inside, but i have to warn you that we have several new werewolves in the pack and tempers are high today, and the fact that we have too many strangers on our territory right now isn't helping." Kale finished, eyeing both rosa and Ulric, curiosity peaked in wonder over Kratos's family.


"Tck. Is it such a good idea to let guests know about strangers on your land?" Kieoki muttered to herself with a shake of her head as she watched the little 'gathering' that was taking place in front of Krat's house. Kieoki currently was sitting some thirty feet up in a tree not to far from the house, watching with locked eyes on the small group. She was amusing herself by critiquing the one pack member, amused by her. One thing you never did was tell of a bad situation. That would be almost the equivalence of a young child whom was home alone answering the door, finding a stranger, and saying "Oh yes, my parents aren't home right now.". Major mistake. Kieoki faintly mused about 'joining' their little conversation just to screw with that beta down there, but she thought about Krat, and how he'd react and changed her mind. Eh, getting soft was she? Mayhaps. Either way, she was really considering his offer and there was no way she was going to toss it all out the window now.

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