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Werewolves (RP 2): The Legacy Written in Blood (12/10-04/11)

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Milky rays of sunshine fluttered delicately through the kitchen window, bathing Theo in a warm and gentle light. The snow outside glittered wildly in the afternoon sunshine, already melting a little from the peak of the day's heat. Theo scooted the table chair back and looked blandly at the deserted kitchen. The boy hadn't minded at first, the lack of commotion and dart-throwing idiots was refreshing. But after ten minutes past, the silence had become unbearable. So Theo went off to do what Theo did best-- practical jokes.

Five cans full of snakes (strategically replacing certain jars inside the pantry) later, the boy was utterly bored and out of ideas on how to fix that. It would most likely be hours before anyone would be able to fully appreciate his work.

A songbird chirped late in the evening, bringing his attention towards the green forest outside. Something about it seemed to invite him onward. He was now solely focused on the bright greens of trees and the white of snow. The young werewolf pondered it for a moment, then rushed into the depth of the forest.

For a moment, Theo felt exhilarated as his bare feet rushed easily over the cool snow. The forest seemed warm and full of life-- with the sun rightfully shining down through bare spots in the canopy and small creatures stirring in the trees. Then all of the sudden, he fell backwards and was winded. Through the distractions of the forest, he had failed to realize there was something ahead of him. He blinked-- correction, someone. Theo had ran into Ceorran.


Though Creorran had been attempting to ignore his surroundings to focuse on getting away from the pack, he could not ignore the loud crunch as something fell into the snow behind him. He whirled around to find a young boy probably close to his age. The young werewolf groaned inwardly as he realized the newcomer was also a werewolf.

"Great," he said said quietly, "just who I wanted to see." Though he had not met the other boy, Creorran knew from scent that he was a member of Kratos' pack. "What do you want?"

Hopefully the new wolf would not be hostile, and Creorran could get away from him and continue on his way. He had a feeling this would not be the case. Without waiting for him to answer, Creorran began to walk away again.


"Uhhh... hi," Theo blinked dazed, frowning as he looked over at Creorran. He only had a brief memory of the boy- maybe seeing his face once or twice or something. Or maybe he hadn't; Theo wasn't well-known for being good with remembering people. He smelled like Kratos' pack so it was at least possible he had seen him before. He quietly debated it, but at last gave up on a final answer when he realized it honestly didn't matter.

The boy awkwardly stood, brushing off snow from his loose cotton shirt and jeans. Transiently, He smiled apologetically at him. He didn't add any words to it, though, and shrugged half-halfheartedly in hopes the moment would pass.

"What do I want...?, he echoed thoughtfully,"Nothing actually. Just thought I'd drop in- Hey!"

Theo frowned irritably as the boy strode away in mid-sentence. Didn't his mother teach him that was rude? He jogged lightly to catch up with the strange boy. Creorran obviously wasn't in the mood for company, but that didn't stop Theo. The house had been very boring. Trying to strike conversation with this unsocial werewolf might prove at least interesting, or at the very least, better than nothing.

"My name's Theo, in case you were wondering or anything," the young werewolf grinned cheerfully, ungracefully extending his hand to shake Creorran's while the two walked. He put his hand down, frowning, as he recognized the usually customary form of greeting a new person wasn't designed to be done while walking. The only thing he could do was progress towards the next step,"Hey, what's you're name anyways?"


"Why do you need to know?" Creorran said coldly. He kicked away a clump of snow as he spoke. "Besides, I'll be gone in a few days if all goes well, which includes you keeping your nose out of my business," he glared at Theo, who was obviously not welcomed by Creorran.

He then realized he had no way to shake the other boy away, he seemed persistant—and somewhat naive—which could cause a problem in Creorran's plan. He wanted to get away from the werewolves, but Theo seemed to want to have a long conversation.


Once she was finished shopping, the female werewolf left the small store. Buying some food had set her back about ten dollars, but she figured she could always steal some more from the town's foolish humans.

She sat beneath a bare tree on the edge of the town, looking through her bag. She had three sets of clothing and a few days' worth of food in the main pocket, her knife in the side pocket, and her mother's necklace and ring in a tiny ouch on the front. Once she felt safe she would wear the jewelry, but until then she kept it packed away to prevent it from being stolen.


"Because names are important... they tell you a lot about a person," Theo explained seriously for all of a few brief seconds.

Then this lapsed into a grin and the boy snickered under his breath and chided at Creorran like a 6-year old tattling on a peer, "And if you don't tell me, I'll have to give you one! Rover.. Floofers. Mr. Grumpyface?"

He studied Creorran with a sweeping gaze. He had noticed the other werewolf's mood had been less than humored (which had had every intention of fixing), but looking at the boy now, he seemed almost sad. Why would that be? He pondered with the thought. A previous comment, that at the time Theo had ignored with the excitement of deviously plotting his new name, now suddenly stuck in his head.

I'll be gone in a few days if all goes well, which includes you keeping your nose out of my business...

"Why are you leaving, anyways?" he blurted all at once.

Hour Glass:

Zeit turned swiftly, the She-wolf had used a tatic similar to her own, making it easier to read her moves. The wolf had targeted the legs, and used speed over brawn, merely nipping her, leaving no real wound like Zeit had down. In the inside, she slightly smiled, it would be fun to fight against someone like her, but it would make it more of a challenage, something she would enjoy.

She stared for a moment, thinking out a battle plan, simply watching her target for a bit. She would use her knowledge of the landscape to help her try and vanquish the wolf, and she would use her speed, something that would help her keep up with the wolf. She dropped into a defensive stance, as if waiting for an attack, but instead bunched her muscles up, digging her feet into the ground, preparing and planning.

Her dug her forepaws in, feeling her muscles ache slightly from her building strength as she waited, her next attack would be explosive.


Kratos quickly ran to the edge of the pasture and jumped the fence in half a leap. He had never been known as the quickest of all werewolves; Kratos' large size and stature made him heavier and thus slower than the more lithe members of his pack at a full run, but with legs of that size, his stride alone brought him further than the regular werewolf.

When the Alpha crossed into the forest, he could already see the small group though the trees, though he didn't spot Marcus and Toby in the branches until he had gotten a bit closer.

With a short distance between himself and the small fight, Kratos stopped within the foliage and remained, for the moment, unnoticed.

The white sunlight of the afternoon poured under the shadow of the trees just behind the Alpha, but the only light that was allowed entry to the forest was the green streams of light which leaked in through the leaves.

Kratos' massive black form sat down amongst the bushes and bramble of the forest floor with his bright yellow eyes trained upon the small stranger and the Beta of his pack. It appeared that Zeit had given the stranger a nasty bite, but not a severe one, which led Kratos to believe that she had challenged Zeit's authority.. There was no other reason for such violence, as the pup didn't look like she was skilled in 'combat' at all.

"Zeit, you did not tell me there were two strangers.." Kratos said at length, his deep voice alarming them to a knowledge of his presence. His intention was to draw the fight to a halt and prevent anything really bad from happening, as he could see Zeit was getting more involved with every second.

Kratos tilted his head upward and gave the unknown boy a sideways glance, then he looked back at the girl on the ground and spoke again. "What are your names, and why are you here?"


Chime watched to see what Zeit would do, she looked like she was getting ready for another attack, a big one. She started to get ready to brace herself when a another werewolf came up, he said something, making her jump. Chime looked at him, he was huge! His size was intimidating to her, she lowed her glaze and listen to what he had to say.

Chime thought for a few minutes, she wanted to tell him she was Peter Pan and that she was site seeing, but decide that it would be best not to toy with him, he didn't look like he would attack, but if he did she would be in trouble. "My name is Chime, Chime Slyer. I heard a howl and went to see what was going on..."


The rest of the drive up the road was spent in silence as the vehicle and it's two passengers came closer to the mountains. Fields passed and Ulric noticed that the human dwelling places seemed further and further spread from each other; This was curious to him, as in the city where he grew up, people usually dwelt directly upon each other.

Still, Ulric remained silent and said nothing, allowing questions to fill his mind like a river fills a lake.

When at last they came to a fork in the road, Resme directed them to the older and more cracked path, leading higher into the old mountain.

"Are you sure you know where we're even going, Resme?" Ulric asked doubtfully.

"I am quite sure." Was Resme's reply, and she insisted upon her decision. So Ulric gave in and turned down the old empty road.

Fields and fields, with a scattered tree here and there was all that they saw for a time, neglecting to pay any mind to the mountain seemed to draw nearer like a great guardian out of the earth until it's shadow loomed over them.

"There it is, the last house before the mountain." The elderly woman announced as she pointed out the window to what appeared to be a small ranch nestled at the foot of the giant. "Isn't it a beautiful place?"

Ulric seemed to have become very alert upon seeing the small ranch and did not reply to Resme's words. To any normal human being this place was beautiful, and indeed the scene was enough to capture the attention of even a werewolf's senses, yet Ulric felt his heart pound with a sudden fear of what was awaiting him.

"This territory is huge. There is enough room for many werewolves to hide here and be completely uncaught by human notice. What would they do if they deemed me their enemy?" One more question added to Ulric's growing collection as they turned into the drive and steadily stopped just in front of the ranch.

For a moment the two sat in silence, scanning over the cottage before them. Then at last, Resme opened her door, gave Ulric a comforting glance, and stepped out of the car. She then proceeded up the drive to the front door of the cottage.

Ulric was hesitant to follow, but he knew he could not let her go alone. He had been sent as her escort to keep her safe, though there was no doubt in his mind that this was where Kratos' pack stayed..

When the elderly woman reached the front door, she paused a moment to look back at Ulric and motioned for him to venture after her.

At length, Ulric stepped out of the car and came to Resme's side. "There are a few close enough to be aware of our presence.." Ulric informed in a hushed voice. "But most are away from here right now."

Resme smiled at Ulric then turned away from him, saying nothing, and knocked on Zeit's door.


Had Creorran been in wolf form he would've bared his teeth at Theo, for he was tugging on Creorran's last nerve. "If you must know," Creorran said angrily, "it's Creorran. Though that doesn't matter right now." The young werewolf rolled his eyes at the naive boy. Does he ever shut up? he thought.

"Why should you care?" he said when Theo asked why he was leaving. Creorran turned away, but figured the boy would not leave until he gave an answer. He debated over what to tell Theo. If he told him the truth, about committing suicide, the young boy would surely run home to Kratos and—Creorran didn't even what to think about what the huge wolf could do to a lanky, pathetic teenager like Creorran. However, if he made up a lie, such as needing to get some food from town, Theo would probably want to go with him. And if he told Theo nothing, he would probably continue to bug Creorran until he told the truth.

"Fine, if it'll get you to leave me alone. It's because I'm," Creorran lowered his voice to just louder than a whisper, "committing suicide."

He figured that if he could get away and kill himself before Kratos found him, it wouldn't matter if Theo knew the truth. Without another word, Creorran darted away, kicking up a flurry of snow in the process. He ran, panting heavily, into a thicket of bushes where he sat down and began to quietly sob as he thought of a way to die.

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