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Werewolves (RP 2): The Legacy Written in Blood (12/10-04/11)

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Chime stared at this female, she seemed very irritated. Chime listen as she spoke, pack land? What was that? She wondered and, for a few seconds, looked confused but soon put on her poker face and stared at Zeit.

What, hey, I said I was sorry lady! was her thought as Zeit talked about how she didn't care how she knew about the trespassing and she gonna chase her out and blah blah blah. Chime tried not to roll her eyes and, not knowing how high Zeit's rank was, she played with hands, using them to mouth her. She flinched when she looked into her eyes but stared back into Zeit's, she wouldn't let this person scare her!

"Ha! I'm sorry to say this, but I won't be leaving till you answer my question." She said stubbornly and sat down, cross her arm and wouldn't get up. Ha, just try to get me to leave. 


"I think you should actually. She's very, very mean." Toby called down mournfully. His attention was more on the other werewolf in the tree with him, then on what was happening below him on the ground.

Infact, given Zeit's threatenings and the newcomers utter disregard of them, Toby tried even harder not to focus on them- in case someone got ripped apart.


Levi almost didn't notice Kale's approach until she was practically on top of him. It had been sheer chance that some snow fell from the branches of trees behind him, causing his attention to flick in its direction. He did not at first realize why he did not just return his gaze to the betas and strangers near the field--he did not see Kale, as her coat blended so well into the scenery. When at last her movement caught his attention though, he nearly startled out of his skin. Luckily, he was able to regain composure enough to avoid doing anything rash. The new female hadn't noticed him yet, and if he was smart, she wouldn't.

He slowly lowered into a crouching position in the shadows of the trees. As he held very still, he hoped she would simply overlook his presence and go by.


A low growl rumbled deep in Sabrina's throat. "You are gruesomely mistaken on that account, my dear," she snarled. "This town and all the surrounding area is claimed by Alpha Kratos. You are trespassing; a crime which can carry severe punishment."

She took an aggressive step forward when the stranger's head was turned in Timothy's direction; she was sorely tempted to take advantage of that exposed neck. "My little friend was doing his part in keeping intruders out," she said poisonously instead. "I tell you again: state your business or you shall not be allowed to leave."


"You certainly didn't do a good job of marking your borders then," the she-wolf retaliated. She fully intended to match the anger of the other wolf. "Intentions? What good will that do you? All I intend to do is survive," her voice raised to an audible growl. "I've trekked miles upon miles to escape, and the last thing I want is to do is be trapped in this disgusting little town," the small wolf now had her lip curled back in a snarl.

When she noticed the hostile female had taken a step closer, the tawny werewolf held her ground. Her fur was bristling, and her tail looked more like a bottlebrush than a wolf's tail. She was hoping this wouldn't turn into a fight; fighting wolves would obviously attract unwanted attention to them. If it did result in conflict, she was nearly positive that the larger female could overpower her in a heartbeat.

"And if you plan to drag me into your litle rag-tag 'pack'," she spat, "you've got another thing coming."

Hour Glass:


Zeit growled again, this girl didn't seem to know who she was dealing with. "I'm afraid you don;t get a choice in the matter" she said, "First, this is my property, second, Because I'm Beta of the pack here, I can and will chase you off, After all, I hate tresspassers."

She growled, her head dropping, getting into a low stance, changing from showing dominance, to a form to fighting stance, she was sick of the newcomers. "Leave or we end up in a fight"s he growled deeply.


Kale slid just a little closer to the group, her eyes flicking to each one in turn.

she flicked her ears just after she spoke, thinking she had heard movement, but not from the group she was looking at. she scanned the tree's but saw nothing obviouse in the gaps of the tree's. the area was clogged with too many unfamiliar scents to be sure.

"but my fellow Beta is right, this is our territory, and you walked in without 'knocking' so to speak. we have a few new werewolves who might get ahead of themselves around trespassers, and today really doesn't seem to be a good day, for any of us."

breakfast this morning had been all too tense. Kale glanced aound once more, peering through the tree's and, at a necessary point, up them to see those sitting there. she still had the feeling she was missing something.


Chime looked up at Toby, she stared at him for a moment then looked back to Zeit and blinked, she was getting a little scared, I mean wouldn't you? But she stayed were she was, she wasn't going to leave anytime soon "I will only leave when you answer my question." She said slowly like she was talking to an idiot. She didn't want to fight, but if that was only way she would get somewhat of a answer she would.

She got really to change if needed but didn't really show any signs of fighting. Then Kale come up and talked about the day they are having? Chime snorted "If you must know, I don't care if your a beta, whatever that means, or you hate trespassers, I told you what will make me leave and only that will." She was getting tied of this. Maybe I should just leave....No! I want a answer, they got it. I'm staying till they tell me!

Hour Glass:

"Even if you are wolf, your pretty dumb" Zeit snickered, insulting the wolf after she had talked to Zeit as if she was slow, making the already irritable wolf even more irritated. "We are both Betas, meaning we are second strongest to our leader" she growled, "ANd when you tresspass, you leave yourself open to be slaughtered by the pack, we don;t care what you want, we only want our pack safe, meaning all tresspassers are treated the same."

She moved forward, she was seemingly egging on the fight in a way, but also showing that the wolf would not be welcome, and she really wouldn't get her answer to easily. "And your about to find out what's going on" she growled, her eyes darkening, "Since the boy up there is int he same situation as you, only he isn't on the ground where I can get my claws into him."

It was true, Zeit had been very moody recently, and since she had been irritated earlier, she seemed to be getting harsher with the wolf if front of her now. She could only hope Kale could stop her before she did something stupid, but chasing off the female was in her line of duties. "NOw you run, or I attack, pick one" she growled. A good fight might just be the thing she needed to relieve the anger she felt.


Toby peaked an eye open and glanced down at the two werewolfs. Zeit's body language, though not directed at him, spoke loud enough to make every inch of his soul scream for a get away. It was so overpowering, he almost sprung from the tree and darted off again- instead, he just whimpered and curled himself in the tightest ball he could manage.

He then began to hum a quiet song as to block out any stomache-churning noises that would be made when the werewolves began to fight.


Chime snarled at Zeit's insulting comment. She listen yet again "Heh, your rank? That's it? That's dumb.." She muttered and listen some more. Chime rolled her eyes and yawned, this talking was getting very boring... so now she knew one thing, they where going to fight. She got up, stretched and turned back into a wolf, but then sat back down, "Heh, I will leave right now if you tell me what's going on, but if your not going to do that, then go ahead, take a chomp out of me." She said and got into dodge mood.

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