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Werewolves (RP 2): The Legacy Written in Blood (12/10-04/11)

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Hour Glass:

Zeit chuckled, "I did, but your deaf to whatever I say" she growled, readying herself, "In fact I stated that the wolf who thinks he's a cat, is in the same situation as you, a tresspasser on this territory." She growled, wondering if Kratos or Kale would stop the fight, if not, Zeit was about to have some fun.

She stared down her sitting foe, studying the wolf's make-up, knowing the Zeit's best trait was her speed and her knowledge of the land, something few of the pack knew. She waited, as f needing the right moment to strike, before she moved, moving swiftly forward, first going tot he right, but at the last moment moving left, sinking her teeth into the wolf.

She clamped her teeth down hard, tasting blood as she attacked, waiting to dodge the wolf's moves with ease.


Kratos smirked at Kieoki.

"Well, I'm not a tree." He replied. "Some topics I can carry better than others, but we really must be moving if we are to talk. My friend informed me there is a stranger very close to our home, and though he does not sound to be doing any real harm, I must meet him before anything bad happens.."

The Alpha understood the fact that many young werewolves did not know how to approach each other correctly. Many of them expected that they were to be treated like animals by their own kind, while others insisted on being treated like people.. It was often times very confusing, but the fact was that if you did not approach correctly, the consequences were severe.

"Come along Jacqueline, I believe there is quite a bit of entertaining inspiration just off the fields." Kratos beckoned.


The town, though busy, had a rather peaceful atmosphere compared to that of the city in which Ulric had been raised..

It was a nice escape to feel fresh countryside air rush in through the open window of a small car door. Ah, how splendid it made Ulric feel!

"Isn't this wonderful? I'm not surprised we're coming all the way out here, it is certainly a nicer place than Father's land." Ulric said cheerfully as he leaned against his seat and steadied his hand on the steering wheel.

"It is indeed." Replied Ulric's elderly passenger as she peered contentedly out the window on her side of the car.

Ulric again took a deep breath of the wonderfully clear air. Long since entering this town had Ulric smelled the scent of werewolves, but he was so used to such smells that he did not allow it to taint his experience in this beautiful land.

"It is amazing, and I do not think it chance that your son came here." Ulric stated.

The elderly woman did not say anything at first, her eyes still lingering at the window as buildings and people were passed by.

"Perhaps not, Ulric my son, but such things are not of your knowledge or mine." She whispered at last.

"No, I suppose not..." Ulric looked off toward the woman for a moment, then he looked back at the road with a sigh.

"Wait a minute! Park the car." The elderly woman suddenly said.

"What? What is it?" Ulric asked, but he did not receive an answer. Nonetheless, he pulled the car into the first parking lot he came upon and stopped the car.

Immediately the elderly woman had left the vehicle and began approaching the grocery store at a fast pace. Ulric was quick to follow her, he did not understand her reasons, but he knew he had to keep her safe. When Ulric finally noticed that she seemed to be heading off behind the store instead of into it, he became certain of her destination.

"Resma, stay back, I'll deal with it!" Ulric called and pressed to get beside her. "If they're fighting you won't want to get involved, let me handle this."

Ulric then raced far ahead and darted around the corner!

Immediately after entering the alley and vanishing from the sight of any curious eyes, Ulric was met with a more obvious sign of fighting werewolves... The scent of fear and the tracks of a large animal in slush.

In a few more moments he rounded another corner and came up directly behind a large white female werewolf whom had backed a much smaller female into a corner, and yet behind the latter was a young human boy.

Instantly Ulric scanned the situation and readied himself to interfere.

"Away now!" Ulric commanded. He cast his shirt to the ground and changed his form as quick as a wink. "None of this will solve anything so withdraw your desires for blood!"

Ulric was young but his stature was bold. His fur was a light creamy brown tipped with a black haze, and the color of his eyes were a brilliant auburn.


Kieoki rolled her eyes and raised an eyebrow, staring at Kratos for a moment until she shrugged and went to stand besides him, casting a sideways glance at the girl. She spoke to Kratos though. "A worried alpha you are Kratos." She said before indicating she was willing to go with a deft flick of her one hand forward. "So what entertaining inspiration are we going to see? Does it have anything to do with that house, your house, that I saw back past the fields?" She asked, turning her gaze to the forest infront of her, tipping her head slightly as she mumbled to herself. "The place has a nice kitchen. Sorta wanna cook there..." Her voice trailed off into something unintelligible.

In fact, Kieoki was starting to glance off into the woods, her fingers playing with the hem of her shirt as they walked. Walked? Was Kratos walking as well? Where was she going? Her eyes were flickering along the bottom of the forest, where the small clearing touched it and she smiled, seeing what she was 'looking' for. Chives. They were growing in patches along the edge of the forest but she had to restrain herself. She could come to collect them later. So she stopped moving, turning to see where Kratos was and go back to his side so he could lead the way.


Jackie had ignored most of the conversation between Kratos and whatsherface who she had never seen before in her life. Her hair was starting to bug her as the crisp winter wind had begun to pick up as the day progressed; so she had been braiding it tightly instead of really "participating". In her opinion, it was much more important than petty conversation with poorly chosen jokes. She had nearly been done when Kratos had called after her to do whatever. She finished the neat french braid by tying it off with a rubber band around her wrist.

"Jackie, not Jaqueline. My mother used to call me Jaqueline," she spoke the last part sternly, as if it was rancid meat.

She raced after Kratos, even though she was a little irritated at him for using her full name. Let's face it, "entertaining inspiration" was just something Jackie couldn't deny.


"Very well, I will respect your wishes concerning the matter, Jackie." Kratos said as the two women came to stand by him. "Let us be off then."

The Alpha then began leading the way down the hill, following the same path which had originally lead Jackie and himself up to the orchard.

When they had come to it's base, they were lead off the path and out into the fields.

Coming by the fence of the pasture, Kratos lead the group to the gate and opened it, allowing all to pass before closing and re-securing it. From then on they travelled diagonally away from the hill toward the forest edge some distance behind Zeit's ranch.

When at last the small group began to approach the area where Zeit had called out, Kratos began to check for signs of danger.

Many of Zeit's prized calves were in this pasture along with their mothers, so Kratos looked to them first to see if anything was wrong. He noted that they seemed rather calm, which meant nothing had been killed, but the group stood afar off from the edge of the pasture nearest the forest edge, thus Kratos knew some commotion over there had taken place.

It was only as he drew nearer that Kratos caught the scent of blood and realized that the situation was worse than he had assumed.


Toby winced as the snarling fight began. Slowly, he burried his face inbetween his two arms and the tree trunk. He didn't bother adjusting his glasses into their correct position as they slid to his forhead. His ears went flat against his head to block out the sounds and he began to hum and mutter some more.

How ever did he end up in a situation like this? He wanted to ask that mean female [Zeit] if it was too late for him to take her up on her offer and go the correct way out of her lands.. But she was busy- and he didn't want to acctually talk to her anyway.


Sabrina's fur bristled when she heard the voice behind her; instantly her nostrils were filled with the scent of an unfamiliar pack. Her reactions were quick and snake-like from there; she didn't want to have an enemy behind her and ahead--so she lurched forward and caught the small female by the nape of her neck, flung her onto her back, and pinned her beneath her as she turned to face this new threat!

Though he was still young, he was nearly her size. As a male, he was stronger. Sabrina snarled and barked threateningly in low tones. Who was he, where had he come from?

But she was sick of asking questions. A stranger coming up from behind her had filled her senses with an animal-like aggression and anxiety. She felt cornered and threatened by this male's presence, not too unlike the small female she now had pinned under her. She lifted her head and let out a cold howl--a call for help. She cut it short, however, as she did not want her neck exposed to him for longer than neccessary. Again her lips were curled back to reveal all of her glossy white teeth, "Stay back!" she growled to him. She cast a quick lance down at the little female. "Bite me, and I tear you apart."


The little female yelped as the larger wolf grabbed her by the neck. Once the wolf had her pinned, there was nothing she could do. Though she probably had no escape, if the white female's grip loosened- even for a moment- there might be a window of time where she could wrestle free from the female's hold and run.

This was a situation she clearly did not want to be in. A wolf on top of her, a possibly violent human behind, and a possibly violent wolf in front. The young female wiggled around nervously, and an involuntary whine began.

Though the large male didn't seem hostile, and he seemed to want the fight to stop, she would not take any chances.


Kale watched as Zeit lunged, her eyes danced about, seeing if any real harm was being done, finding nothing too troubling she glanced back around the others, especially the ones in the tree.

"hey, up top. while Zeit's having her fun, care to tell me what your doing here?"


Kaleb raced to the checkout as soon as Hawk arrived. He took the stuff Hawk grabbed and rung it up. Then he checked it off on his mind list as he put the items in the bag. "Alright, we can go. You guys did a great job, thanks. Come on Hawk, let's get back to the ranch."

Alice waited beside Hawk as Kaleb got the items ready. She sighed and huffed, until finally they were ready to go. "Let's go. Hurry it up, furball, I want to get back home." Alice barked to Hawk, hoping she could be back, drinking hot cocoa and watching T.V. on the couch.

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