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Werewolves (RP 2): The Legacy Written in Blood (12/10-04/11)

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Kieoki mentally cursed herself as she heard Kratos' voice ring out from below her as he looked her way. It was chance that he'd seen her yes, but she couldn't stop the raise of her eyebrows. Odd seeing him in his wolf form, though she didn't let it show upon her face. She was itching to shift to her wolf form, but she held herself back, taking the time to look down at him as he walked under the apple trees. "And you think I've been hiding?" She said with a soft smirk. She had been doing just that, but she wasn't about to let him believe that. "Actually, I was enjoying a run around the woods. With the tranquil views I actually fell asleep for a time Kratos."

A swing downwards and she was on a lower branch of the tree, her back resting against its trunk as she let her feet dangle. "I don't think I'm coming down though. You'd have to be more persuasive. It's comfortable up here." She said with a stretch, before training her eyes back upon him.


A deep chuckle rumbled from Kratos' throat upon hearing Kieoki's reply. He had found some amusement with her choice of words, whether her experience with other packs had anything to do with it or if she was just trying a civil approach to something that would ultimately tempt a werewolf.

"Is it really?" The Alpha's deep voice replied. "Then I guess I'll have to come up there and see for myself if it is truly so nice."

Kratos again stood up on two legs, lifting his head well into the branches of the large apple tree and his eyes being brought to eye level with Kieoki. Then as quick as a blink Kratos' large black hands grabbed the branch on which the girl was perched and began to heave it downward as if to pull himself up!

In truth, the effort wasn't nearly close to what it would take to cause the branch to brake, but the jostle would be enough to convince anyone more then six feet off the ground that they were falling. Nonetheless, Kratos took care not to actually knock Kieoki from the tree and was prepared to catch her if she fell.

"No, no.." He said after a few fake attempts to crawl into the tree. "It certainly isn't as comfortable as you make it out to be."

A sarcastic smile gleamed upon the Alpha's face as he slowly steadied the branch and let it go.


Kieoki raised an eyebrow as Kratos stretched up on his hind legs, looking as if he was going to come up, and she almost rolled her eyes at this until she saw him grab the branch and start shaking it. Being up against the trunk did a good favor on her part. She was barely jostled as she watched the branch move wildly until Kratos finally let it go from his grasp. Frowning Kieoki stood up, plucking an apple from the tree before she chucked it at Kratos' head before she sat back down.

"Is that your definition of coming up here and seeing? Because to me it looked like you were trying to snap this branch off. Poor apple tree. It didn't deserve that. So either you were trying to frighten me, or you really can't get into a tree while you're in your wolf form. You're just to large." Kieoki said with a decisive shake of her head, adding a shrug to the gesture. She let her fingers trail along the branch as she sat back down, leaning up against the trunk, swaying feet. The patterns in the back amused her, and she pretended to be paying more attention to them than to Kratos as she quietly hummed to herself.


After she felt a minor blow to her head, the young werewolf fell to the ground. She lay there stunned with her eyes screwed shut. When she opened her eyes, she saw that the female werewolf had joined the chase and was blocking her only way out.

The brick wall was too high to climb, not to mention its surface didn't have any pawholds. With a wall behind and two angry werewolves in front, there was nothing the young werewolf could do. All directions were blocked.

She was trapped.

She staggered to her paws and stood a bit unsteadily. When the female in front of her spoke, she did not reply. Instead, she merely stood there, unable to do anything. The fur on the back of hr neck was standing on end, and her mouth instinctively twitched into a snarl. No matter what, she was not about to give in to these strangers.


Kratos laughed wholeheartedly.

"Neither, for if I were trying to frighten you then you would have reason to be afraid, and if I was trying to get into that tree the branch surely would have broken off. I rarely ever fail at my intentions, so you can see as to why I'm laughing."

Kratos' large form began to shrink slightly as he began to change back into a human. His head lowered from the tree branches and his clothes slowly retracted back to their regular size.

"So, will you be joining us or would you rather sit about and chat with that tree?" Kratos said once he had again become human. "The tree may deliver good fruit, even in early spring, but I doubt it is a very good conversationalist."


Timothy's eyes staggered between Sabrina and the stranger. He was at a loss as to what to think or do. Now that Timothy had a moment to reflect, he realized that being behind the stranger at the back of the alley was a very bad place to be.

Sabrina had become a werewolf in daylight and now blocked any way out of this mess. Oh how Timothy cursed himself for being so stupid!

But there was nothing else that he could do, Timothy felt trapped, and everything inside him was searching for a way out.


Sabrina mentally cursed Timothy for being so stupid too. There was no going back now, and whatever it was in him that caused him to pursue the intruder was long gone now. She could see in his eyes that familiar human fear of being pinned behind two snarling animals. Hopefully he would just stay back now and let her handle things...

"Speak if you value your hide," Sabrina snarled to the stranger. "Why are you trespassing on our territory? For what reason have you come?"

The intruder did not appear to Sabrina as much of a threat; had Timothy not been there, Sabrina might have been more inclined towards curiosity. But he was, and while this small wolf may not be an immediate danger to the pack, she was a danger to him.

She was small enough to pass for a common dog and looked disoriented--if it came to a fight Sabrina felt confident that she could easily subdue her. However, the intruder was in wolf form in broad daylight... that required skill, and meant that this wolf could not be underestimated.


A faint smirk played upon Kieoki's lips, despite her self-control, and she inched out on the branch, hooking her legs onto it before she swung downwards to face the now human Kratos. Hanging upside-down from the branch, it was only her red sash that kept her shirt from flying up it her face. But wait, it was in her hair wasn't it? Yes. It was. Her sash was holding her hair in a ponytail that now hung below her head. No matter, she had her kimono on. But no, she didn't. It was tucked in a spot only she knew, and at the moment she was wearing normal clothes. Realizing all of this in a matter of seconds, she dropped fully to the ground, rolling cleanly forwards until her feet touched the ground and she sprang upright, spearing herself any indecency. Brushing off her shirt, she untied her hair and slipped the sash back into her belt loop and spoke to Kratos as she did so.

"Joining both of you? I don't think so. Joining just you Kratos?" She said with a raise of her eyebrows coupled with a sideways look. "That depends if you can hold a conversation better than that apple tree. Up to the challenge?" She said with a mock grin as she left her hands at her sides, her hair finally back into the position it liked to be in, down and straight.


The wolf did not seem fazed by the female's threat. Even though she was confident she wouldn't have to fight, she did not risk returning to her human form. Even though she was average size as a human, her wolf form was rather small. Sometimes that could help her, but at others it could work against her.

"Your territory?" she said in a mocking tone. "Last I checked human towns were neutral ground, correct me if I'm wrong. Even if this is not your territory, I don't plan to stick around," she continued to snarl.

She stopped when she saw the male who had chased her. He now seemed terrified of something, though she had no idea what. She realized she had nothing to fear from him, so the young wolf decided to leave him be for the moment.

She continued to speak to the female. "I don't see any point in telling you my name, intentions, past or anything of the like. What I want to know is what right your little friend over there had to chase me and then push me into a wall like that," she nodded her thickly furred head towards the quivering male.

Hour Glass:

Zeit turned to another wolf that had appeared, yet another intruder on the packs land. She growled softly, irritated by the intruder, but she didn't snap right out. She held a stiff position, showing her irritance, today was just not her day.

"Even if you know you have tresspassed, I don't care you, have walked on claimed land, meaning if you don;t leave, I will chase you off" she growled, the hairs on the back of her neck raising up. She already had the wolf in the tree, but Marcus had him covered, leaving Zeit's paws open to get rid of the female in front of her.

"Leave before I make you" she said sternly, "One day your curiousity will get you killed, your lucky that this pack ha members that are merciful." She dug her claws into the ground, staring deeply into the female's eyes, showing her dominance, and her loyalty to her pack. She didn't need another pest like Gathern had been, and she certainly didn't need someone else destroying her home again."


Hawk watched as the two wolves that had come with him rush off to get only a few ingredients, leaving most of the list up to him to remember to get. He sighed, grabbing what he could remember, and walking up to the front, hoping he had everything right, it would be up to his new friend to make a good meal, meaning it would be up to him to have a meal that the females of the pack liked, unless he wanted to be chewed out.


Kale thought for a moment she heard something moving through the snow, but by the time it registered and she looked, all they lay before her was an empty plain of white. the cold clean air gave her no strange scent to follow, however, it carried very familiar ones. only natural with them all running about.

Zeit's was the frshest, so kale followed that out of the open and into the forest, were she recognised Marcus's scent mingled with Zeit's. Kale shivered as snow fell from tree tops above her, showering her in icy owder. She hiked deeper into the woods and the snow on the ground grew thinner were the trees grew thicker. finally she found a thick patch that was well hidden, and took an opportunity to change both her cloths and her form.

the forest took on an entire new perspective from her wolf's eyes. shadows being brought to light and details into veiw as she saw the world anew. tree's creaked in the cold and softer sounds reached her ears. Kale nudged her pack into the roots of a tree and took of at an easy lope, following Zeits trail. she stopped and breathed deeper when her scent crossed a strangers, but hurried on after Zeits.

Anyone looking through the forest would have difficulty seeing the blue-grey wolf as she flitted through the tree's, blending in well with the blue's and greys of shadows and the dark and pale tree trunks, her white patches making her all the more disguised with this snowy-scape.

Kale paused again and then quickened when the scent of strangers grew stronger, voices carrying on the wind to accompany them. Kale could hear zeit ahead, the scents of two strangers and Marcus accompanied hers, alerting Kale of what she was about to run into. she slipped silently towards the group.

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