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Werewolves (RP 2): The Legacy Written in Blood (12/10-04/11)

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Kratos examined the apple which he had picked and began to polish it on his shirt while Jackie spoke.

"Probably not, as wolves have a reputation here..." Kratos said simply with his eyes downcast. He may have gone on to explain if he had known how, but he did not, nor did he truly want to explain... Gathen had been a murderer and the people in the town knew it.

That was when Zeit's howl met with the Alpha's ears at the hill and his attention turned in that direction. For a moment he waited with his eyes fixed upon the field.. Zeit's message did not sound urgent, she just needed help.

When nothing emerged from the forest a few moments later, Kratos looked back at Jackie with a quizzical expression, still listening for another sound.

After another moment with no event, Kratos ran his hand through his hair and spoke.

"Would you mind if I replied to her call?" He said. "I know changing can disturb people who are not well adjusted to it, so that's why I ask.."


Timothy was surprisingly gaining on the small werewolf female. He didn't know how, but because of her burden or some other reason, his two legs were out-matching the speed of her four paws.

Then, in a split second the stranger had turned around with her jaws coming directly at the boy's face! Timothy's eyes closed tight, his human instincts forcing him to be prepared for pain, thus he didn't see exactly what happened next.. All he knew, was the pain never came.

As the unfamiliar werewolf brought her head toward his face, the boy smashed his fist into her lower jaw with one hand and with the other, he grabbed the fur on her throat and shoved her head toward the brick wall to his right! These actions could not leave damage on the thick flesh of the werewolf, the strength of Timothy's arms were simply enough to thrust the attack off and give him time to get out of the way.

When Timothy opened his eyes again, he found that he had somehow managed to get behind the other werewolf and was braced for another attack!


Jackie wasn't paying close enough attention to Zeit's call, and though she heard it with her now-heightened senses, did not seem important enough for her to recollect. She had come from the city- he brain wasn't trained to register subtle goings in the forest. Thus, she had absolutely no idea what Kratos was tensing up about, but then again, there was much she didn't know about him.

"Knock yourself out," she shrugged half-halfheartedly,"Personally, seeing it isn't nearly as bad as feeling it"

"Don't worry Kratos," she grinned suspiciously,"I won't get myself into trouble with these apples here".


Alice sat in the back of the truck, her hair whipping around as it was blown by the wind. She sighed and looked at the scenery. All white and sparkly in the sun. It is a really nice day, but we need to get to the store. It's cold today. She looked at Hawk and Kaleb. "Hey! Could you speed it up fuzzy, I want to get back to the nice warm house as soon as possible. And I'm tired. A bad nights sleep equals a very grumpy werewolf." She growled at him, not in the mood to be trifled with.

Kaleb sat in the front seat, occasionally looking back at Alice, but mostly looking ahead at the shiny white world in front of him. He sighed, thinking about how his life changed when he stupidly followed the pack into the forest. Now, I kind of regret that, being as I will never see my mom, or cousin again. But at least I'm not alone. He looked at Hawk and back at the road. At least now I have some sort of a family.


No. No. No. NO! Sabrina couldn't quite fathom how events had managed to turn this way. Timothy had surprised her yet again; he'd taken up the chase she'd turned a blind eye his human form. Timothy could only change under the light of a full moon (as far as Sabrina knew...but she was learning that he was full of little surprises) and the intruder was in wolf form! It was something akin to a rabbit deciding to chase a hawk out of its territory, really.

Sabrina dashed after Timothy--she hadn't a clue what had come over him. All she knew was that he was increasingly closer to cornering a wolf while he was in human form. In her hurry to keep up with them, she collided with an elderly woman in the streets! The woman cried out as she fell, but she never hit the ground as Sabrina quickly grabbed her by the shoulders, steadied her, and kept running. "I'm so sorry, Mrs. Buttermilk!" she cried behind her, though her eyes did not leave Timothy and the stranger that no one seemed to be noticing. "Timothy! Stop!" she yelled. But he didn't hear her, or else ignored her, for he kept up the chase into a small alley way.

Sabrina's heart stopped around then; she had no visual on Timothy and she heard a snarl and a crash! As she rounded the corner she was surprised to see Timothy still standing--but only took a second to register that fact. In the next instant her eyes blazed yellow and white fur covered her now very large wolf form. Teeth barred, she snarled and growled at the intruder. "What is your buisness here, stranger?" she demanded, her hackles raising. She flashed a glance at Timothy, wondering only for a fleeting second what he must be thinking, before her thoughts returned to the stranger. She was completely cornered now; Timothy and a wall behind her, Sabrina standing in front of the only exit.


Levi was soooo tempted to take up a quiet chase and see the betas of this pack in action, but the slightest change of wind would reveal him. That would be inconvenient, particularly if more than just one answered the female's call.

However, Sabrina's scent was strong in this neck of the woods, getting stronger and more recent with every step he took in following after the three werewolves. Two birds with one stone, maybe?

Risky as it was, the scout decided to follow after the chase (from a safe distance, of course) and measure up their skills.... in case... it ever amounted to anything in particular.


Toby had no idea what was going on, but his wolf mind refused to be herded into a feild. Toby made a quick and rather sharp turn and raced in another direction. There was a large oak tree standing perhaps twenty feet high just infront of him.

Hardly missing a beat, he sprung up toward the highest branch reachable by a werewolf jump, turned into a human, and managed to scurry all the way up to the highest branch. Toby could see down at the two werewolves below just fine.

"HA! Get me up here, LOOZAHZ!!" He laughed victoriously and out of breath. Then as an after thought, added; "Unless of course, you have somthing better to do.. I really wouldn't mind. I'd even wait for you to get back or whatever- not that I want to. I actually want to go home, but it's what you want that really matters. Right?" He whimpered with a big, weak smile.

Hour Glass:

Zeit stopped short of the tree, and looked up at the loner, frustrated by him, and his comment made her even more frustrated. "What do ya think I'm trying to do?" she yelled up at the tree, beginning to pace back and forth, "I was tryin' to chase you off the territory, which means you would have been able to go home, but now, you get to deal with the Alpha." She walked to the tree, plopping down in the shade, relaxing for a bit, watching to make sure he didn't come out of the tree.

She looked to Marcus, "Thanks for coming again" she said, "Though I don't think your the only one that came to my call." She looked back tot he woods, "I thought I caught scent of another loner, but I'm not sure, whoever he is, he is trying to go undetected." She grunted slightly with her frustration, and leaned back ontp the tree, she could at least enjoy a few moments away form the pack, and a good talk with another were.


Hawk growled at the female, "Man, your just like Zeit when she gets moody" he muttered, "I guess it's just a female thing." He did gun the gas though, sending the car lurching forward, and speeding down the road. He really didn't care if some kind of accident happened, they were all wolves they wouldn't die easily, though he didn't need a human death to happen. He watched the road closely, trying not to harm anyone, until he pulled into the parking lot of the market, and parking.


Kale sighed and turned on her heel, away from the window, and jogged upstairs. after a quick couple steps down the hallway she pushed open her door and stepped inside. her room was relatively clean, if you didn't count the odd articles of clothing here and there that she had tossed to the floor when changing, not bothering to pick them up she headed strait for her closet, pulling out a backpack and a pair of boots. slipping the boots on she went to her window and opened it wide, hopping out and closing it as much as possible before she jumped to the snowy ground below.

pausing she scented the air. where to go?


Kieoki was peering into the odd house when the slid of a window above her made her freeze and glance up it time to see a figure appear at the window sill. Eyes wide, she pressed herself up against the house, not daring to move as a girl hoped out, landing smoothly before she seemed to pause, deciding where to go. Every hair standing on end, Kieoki didn't have to tell her wolf to hold back, she knew better than to attack the...human? Odd. The girl smelled like a Were. Possible actually. Didn't that alpha say he had a pack?

But now wasn't the time she was going to meet them.

Thinking fast, Kieoki shot sideways, out of the girl's eyesight and darted for the forest, sprinting fast and never stopping to even glance backwards. She knew what she had to do, and so after she hit the forest, she continued running, shifting back to a human easily, though she gritted her teeth. Running through the snow in bare feet with these odd clothes on wasn't her forte. Well, odd clothes to her. The blood red shirt and khaki pants she'd picked up back in town didn't suite her well, but she still wore her sash-though now as a belt- and she untied it now, scooping up her hair and tying it up swiftly, continuing to run, her feet only making soft thuds as they hit the ground. Knowing she'd gone far enough though, she slowed her pace, glancing sharply upwards as she heard voices coming from infront of her.

Eyes narrowed, she stopped and glanced around, scaling the tree closest to her. Sitting on a sturdy branch that was some twenty or so feet up, Kieoki looked over the branch, surprised to see the alpha below him. Odd. He was with someone, but she didn't look long. Something hard hit her head and she looked up, eyes narrowed before they widened. Apples. An apple tree? So very odd. She was so fascinated that she never noticed when the falling apple continued to do so and softly landed on the ground with a thwump in the snow.


Toby glared. "Nu-uh! I've heard about people like you! You made me think you were gonna let me go then tried to eat me! Oh yes, I've seen it all before! Stupid werewolves! You an't be trusted! None of you!" He said indignantly.

"Impossible creatures! Everyone of ya'."


What a foolish creature this was. Didn't he know that climbing trees was Marcus' specialty? Ever since he was in elementary school he had been climbing them. And now that he had a pack, he was doing it even more. It had become an unofficial duty of his to keep watch from the tops of the massive trees sprinkled across the farm's land... and here this wolf was acting as if he had defeated the pair by climbing the tree. He gave a little chuckle, and smiled at Zeit. She probably knew what he was thinking.

He took a few steps back, and then jumped at the tree, morphing into a human as he did so so that he would have the powerful leap of a wolf and yet the nimbleness of human hands to grab on and climb. Rapidly he rose; it was like watching a squirrel! Only a few more branches and he would be right by the intruder. If Toby were to jump he would surely break several bones... but, if he were to change into wolf form as he did so, he would be able to make the landing. No problem. Marcus could do the exact same thing. And then the chase would continue

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