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Werewolves (RP 2): The Legacy Written in Blood (12/10-04/11)

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The young wolf calmed down when she was not immediately confronted. However, it did not last long when she pinpointed the other werewolves. A male and a female, both tense. The male was scarred, and appeared to be missing a finger. For a moment, her eyes connected with the other female werewolf's. She seemed rather annoyed that there was another wolf so close to her that she had not wanted there. The young wolf held her gaze for a moment, but found she could not look away. The female's stare was so intimidating that the young werewolf nearly started shaking. As soon as she broke the gaze, even though it was only for a moment, the cream colored wolf bolted, hoping the two would not chase after her.


Toby changed instantly. Surprisingly, only a few buttons popped from his white, patchwork shirt. A larger button, that had once been at his human stomache, now held the shirt perfectly closed at his werewolf neck.

He was still just as scrawny as ever, and the hair that had once been a mess only ontop his head; was an even bigger mess all over his body. There were short patches, long patches, scruffy patches, smooth patches, even bald patches!

Toby sprung flawlessly over Zeit's head even as she appeared before him. Had he been thinking clearly, he would've halted, heeded her warning and gone the other way... But no, he was in panic mode. He programed his wolf mind to escape, then let go.

In wolf-form, he was shockingly agile, and even faster than he'd been origanally. Once he hit the ground, he was off like a bolt of lightning.


Some time elapsed before Jackie spoke a word to Kratos. All there was to offer of her presence was the crisp crunch of snow under tennis shoes. Truth be told, Jackie didn't know how to respond to a statement like that. It had all sounded so well-thought out and spoken... these just weren't things Jackie was used to (or good at). So some more time passed. Finally Jackie just couldn't take it anymore, the need for words (nonsensical or not) were just something she couldn't live without.

"Ahh.... lovely. Hey, are we there yet?"


Kratos allowed the awkward silence to hang in the air for a time and made no effort to drive it away. He simply stared at the dirt path as he walked, put his hands in his pockets, and listened to the birds chirping in the forest some distance off.

When at last Jackie spoke, Kratos looked down at her face and chuckled.

"Yes." He said lightheartedly. "We're here, unless you'd like to go somewhere else."

Looking back up at the surroundings, Kratos noted the two of them had reached the hill where the path came to an end and the apple orchard began.

"So, what are you used to doing for a living?" Kratos asked as he absentmindedly reached up into one of the older trees and picked an apple.


In that moment, Timothy was forced into making a decision that one part of him hadn't really come to a conclusion about, thus the part of him which was certain of his reaction took lead...

In a heartbeat Timothy had crossed the street and was after the other werewolf like a cat after a mouse!


Savannah's heart raced as she saw that the male had begun to chase her. She silently cursed under her breath as she ran, possibly for her life. Although her mother had always told her to run if ever in a situation that could potentially be dangerous, she was beginning to doubt this was the safest action.

She was forced to slow down for a moment to snatch up her bag, which she had left in a sheltered place next to a building. This and the extra weight of the bag, which happened to be full of food and supplies, slowed her down enough for the other werewolf to begin to close the gap between them. She slung the pack over her shoulder to make carrying it easier.

When she gave in and realized that there was next to no chance she could outrun the male, she wheeled around on her hind legs and lunged at his face!

Hour Glass:

Zeit growled deeply, begining her chased. She speed off, switching to a longer stride in order to speed up. She then switched to a different path, one that would lead her ahead of her prey on the uneven terrain, it didn't help she didn't like the direction they were heading. Not only were they heading towards the house filled with wolves, but they were heading right into a pasture, one that held some of her prized calves, and she didn't need a fear filled wolf heading towards her income, and ruining her ranch. If only Kratos was here. She thought for a moment, other wolves were still here, maybe if she called some, they could help. She let out a short howl, letting the others know of her condition.


Kieoki's peaceful slumber was shattered by the howl of a wolf, no a Werewolf, and her paws jerked as snapped awake, her eyes blinking away the sleep. It took her a few moments to remember where she was, having fallen asleep in a pack's territory, but she remembered as the view of the sun hanging closer to the skyline greeted her as she gazed out over the canyons. A moment of peacefulness flushed through her at the view, but then she remembered the howl and a second later she was on her paws, glancing around. The howl hadn't sounded very close, but still, if anyone was rushing towards the maker of the sound, she didn't want to run into them.

Taking one more look at the sky and sun, Kieoki turned away from it and padded back into the forest, stretching out her muscles as she started to run, hating that the snow made her leave a trail that could be followed. One thing she did make sure of though, was that she wasn't running towards the sound of the howl, or the town. It was this way that she suddenly burst into an open field with a good sized house not to far away. She pulled up short, her breath catching for a moment before it returned to coming out in short puffs that could be seen in the cold air. Should she dart away now? But what if this was them main home of the pack...Unsure of what to do, she drew in a deep breath and dashed across the field, heading towards the back of the house.

Worried and glancing around with every step, she slowed as she neared the back of the house. The air stunk with the smell of Weres, and she realized that even if she ditched her clothes and tried to look like a feral wolf, that one who'd found her might be here and recognize her eyes. He'd never seen her as a wolf, but eyes didn't change. She knew this fact all to well. The memory made her wince, and she shook it away as she padded up to a lower window, ready to dash in a moment's notice as she peered inside.


Marcus had just started climbing a tree, and Ziet's call rang out right as he was jumping up to the first branch. His hightened senses allowed him to hear it very clearly, especially since it was from her, and they had both been original members of the pack. However, since he was so interested in her call, he forgot about the tree and fell short, falling to the ground with a loud thud. Surprisingly the boy didn't even really care, he just scrambled to his feet and started sprinting in her direction, transforming smoothly (since he was choosing to do so) into his wolf form as he ran.

He soon caught up to the beta, and their paces were in sync as they chased after the loner. He analyzed the situation... this wolf was headed right for the farm. They needed to figure out a way to get him going the other way. Of course, looping around him and facing him head on could always work. Marcus smirked slightly, his eyes narrowing with determination. Speed was definitely one of his strengths. He pushed his muscles harder, his head pounding with the increased strain. He found he was pushing ahead of her... he really hoped she would get upset with him for that. Although, Zeit was no fool, so she would probably know he was just trying to stop the loner, not challenge the girl's rank.


Red apples hovered in the trees like Christmas lights. Jackie stared at them mournfully for a second, as if wondering the tree would fight back if she tried to steal an apple. Jackie was never one for boundaries, even those created out of insane little hunches. She reached up and twisted an apple off of the tree, rolling it on her palms for a moment, then taking a large bite out of it.

"Depends what we're doing," Jackie mumbled through a mouth full of apple.

She swallowed the apple with one tremendous gulp.

"For a living... haha that's a funny one. What I did didn't involve a lot of living, just mainly mindless zombie work," she laughed a bit at her joke.

"I did whatever would pay me, more recently I worked for the local animal shelter. Hence the dart gun and the idiotic trek through the wilderness at midnight for "smuggled wolves". Almost hilarious, looking back," she sighed,"Still, I suppose they do wonder whatever happened to their /beloved/ employee that night. I wonder if they're offering money for finding me alive".

Hour Glass:

Zeit nodded, quickly noticing that Marcus had increased speed. She only gave him a quick look over, but the way he held himself told her she needed to fear nothing. She directed her gaze back to the path. "Thanks for coming at my call" she said softly, keeping focused on the path, son they would hit an open field, but the loner had two pack members on his tail, he wouldn't be to much of a threat much more.

She thought for a moment, before an idea hit her. "Have you ever watched how some dogs are trained to herd sheep together?" she asked, "Maybe we could try the same tatic, but use it to keep the wolf in one spot, that way we can chase him in the correct direction off the territory." She saw the loner's movements through the trees, once the field opened up, they would be able to see every move he made.

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