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Werewolves (RP 1): A Storm in the Mountains (09/10-12/10)

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Instead of backing down his gaze, he stared equally as hard back to Kratos. Having come from a very powerful family, he had learned at a very young age that if you wanted respect you had to demand respect. Right now there was little else he could do to be even bolder with the alpha. As it stood, he was not making a very good impression.

"Theo," he retorted indifferently.

He continued to look steadily at Kratos. He didn't like him very much. Well, anyone that commanded the power that Kratos did, Theo honestly wouldn't like. It was the beginning of a very interesting relationship.


Timothy had also heard Kale's call and had looked off in that direction, then he glared and looked away.

"Yeah, the call of the animal" He muttered and turned his back against it. He chose instead to follow the bison's trail higher into the mountains.


Kratos' steam-like breath poured down onto Theo's face as he sniffed the young male. When Theo showed no sign of backing down, Kratos began to wonder at the intruder's intentions. Any scent of another pack on the stranger was old.. perhaps he was a scout..

The Alpha did not turn a blind eye toward Theo's challenge, and he replied with a snarl and his huge teeth bared.

The fur on Katos' back ruffled, causing his cloak to slip from his back and hang over his right shoulder. Then his massive paws pressed closer toward Theo and his ears pinned against his skull.

"Why have you crossed into our territory Theo, and from where have you come?" Kratos' deep voice rumbled, threatening to being a growl.


Anyone who would have said that Kratos was not intimidating would be a liar of very very stupid. In Theo's case, a liar. Having never seen reason to be afraid before, Theo saw no reason to start now. Buckling fear away, the male watched Kratos with a displaced calmness.

"I crossed your territory because I was told to follow one of your pack members," at this he turned to flick his gaze towards Hawkthorne,"If my presence makes you uncomfortable, I'll be happy to go my dandy old way back to the town. Where I come from is of no concern of yours. Rest assured, they are very very far away".

He paused a moment in placid thought.

"And if I may be so bold, what is your name?"


Kratos' sharp yellow eyes glanced in the direction Theo had gestured, HawkThorne still looked weak, and it wasn't surprising by the size of the darts which Zeit removed from him.

When Kratos' eyes returned to Theo, the Alpha had stopped snarling and now only bore an expression of displeasure.

"The town too, and all who dwell in it, are my territory, whether they know it or not." Kratos replied, "Be glad you were invited, because otherwise you would not be treated so kindly."

Then Kratos stalked passed Theo, leaving his question unanswered, and coming to inspect HawkThorne's wounds.

"He'll probably be fine when the effects die off, he'll need some place to rest until then." Kratos muttered after he had sniffed HawkThorne's fur. The Alpha's head then rose and he looked off toward the ranch, wondering if the others had gathered at Kale's request yet.

After a few moments, Kratos walked back over to Theo, this time standing at the Stranger's side and his cloak dragging on the straw-covered ground.

"If you will tell me nothing of your origin, then I will assume you are a loner and a stranger. Neither of which are treated with gentleness on the land of my pack."

Then Kratos took off a few steps back toward the ranch, then stopped and turned back to look at Zeit. "Does he have strength enough to return to the house, or does he need help?"

Hour Glass:

"I'll go with him to make sure" she said, "PLus I need to don my wolf attire once more." She looked down at Hawk, and ruffled the hair on the top of his head, causing him to give her a funny look. "Don't let him near the town" Hawk said, cocentrating on each word, "He tried to eat an officer back there." Zeit scoffed at this, her own little growl escaping her throat before she could hold it off. She gave an apologitic look to Kratos, before turning back to Hawk.

Hawk yawned, and began to pad back to the hose, not waiting for a dismissal by his leader. Zeit looked at Kratos again before following shortly after Hawk. "You know, you should treat him with more respect" she said to him as she watched him weave up to the house, the medicine seemed to be taking full effect now. The only reply she got back from him was a short grunt as he waited for her to open the door. Zeit rolled her eyes, and headed to her room to change while Hawk jumped onto the nearest couch and fell asleep.


Sabrina was partially irritated by Tim's response. But she shook off the feeling and said with a smirk, "The call of Kale, actually - hardly what I'd call an animal...unless you're a pancake." She had meant a sort of joke, but when Timothy turned expressionlessly away to follow the bison, Sabrina realized she needed to take a step back in order to get through to him. His transformation had to have been pretty traumatic for his brain to have locked out the memories.

For a moment or two she tried to imagine what it'd be like to be in his shoes...she struggled, and eventually failed. She'd been a werewolf all her life: even before the changes manifested in her body, she had always had the instincts. Also had she been trained for self-control - her inner wolf was a natural part of her she could not imagine living without, let alone wishing away. So she sighed softly. "Doesn't sound too incredibly urgent...mind if I stay with you a while?"


"You still haven't told me your name". His eyes danced with a mixture of humor and obstinance.

At this point he was not feeling very comfortable with the enormous wolf standing beside him. He was at least a head taller than him, or any case, very intimating to stand next to. Smoothly he turned to move away from Kratos, slowly circling around him at a slackened pace.

"But since you've got your fur in a knot about it," he was still walking slowly around Kratos,"I came from a far-away location from a far-away pack that I choose to leave. Satisfied?"

He abruptly stopped pacing and sat on his haunches, sitting about three feet to the right of Kratos.


Kratos watched Zeit pass, gaving her a gentle nod as respect to her that he was not offended.

Then he looked back at Theo and snarled. Kratos could not leave the stranger now that he knew of the possible disaster which could occur by doing so.

With a growl, Kratos walked back to face Theo.

"How new are you to being a werewolf Theo?" Kratos asked. "I want the truth and nothing else."

The day was growing hot as the sun reached it's center-place in the sky.

This was irritating to the Alpha, for tonight was the night of the full moon and he had hoped for a more pleasent morning to train the new wolves how to control themselves.

Instead, the morning had been quite distracting and annoying.. now he only had a few more hours left of day before the real fun... And Kratos had the feeling that this, Theo was going to be joining them, whether he liked it or not.


"No." Timothy replied to Sabrina simply. He steadily climbed higher up the mountain, grasping small twigs and bushes to help him as he went.

The bison had gone a lot further then expected in such a short amount of time, and if Timothy had known anything about bison, he would have realized it very odd that this creature was here in the first place.

Such creatures were for the plains, not the mountains...

But as it was, Timothy did not know anything of it. Thus it did not come by him suspicious at all and he was content to escape his thoughts in the curiosity of this beast.


Sabrina decided to follow Timothy. She was a bit more preoccupied with trying to fellowship him and get him to come out of his bubble, otherwise a mountain bison would have struck her as a bit odd too. As it was, she merely uttered a warning to Timothy that he should let the animal have its space - it was best not to threaten such a large creature.


Theo snorted in contempt.

"Um let's see. 16 years new? Or is it old? Well, something like that. And while we're on the subject of truth, you still haven't told me your name, Fuzzy".

The new location, though farther from Kratos, shown with the sun directly in his eyes. He blinked several times and squinted against the sunlight, but the sun continued to shine more obnoxiously than before. He stood up again and circled so the sun now thundered heavily onto his back. He was now directly faced the alpha, instead of the off-handed angle he had been before. Fantastic.

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