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Werewolves (RP 1): A Storm in the Mountains (09/10-12/10)

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Jolted by the Alpha's command, Creorran attempted to stand. Realizing he was still in his wolf form, the young werewolf adjusted his balance. "Kra...Kratos?" He coughed as he hobbled over to his Alpha. Ugh, since when do these transformations take so much out of ya'? He thought, panting as his head pounded. Ouch, I must've taken a good fall there...

Recalling the incident, Creorran remembered the young boy, who had looked about his age.Where did he go? Creorran thought. Did Kratos let that tresspasser get away?

Hour Glass:

Hawk turned, evading any more darts, and runnign along with the feral wolf. He was already getting woozy, and his pelt had an added bit of color now too. "Just this way" he said, his speech slightly slurring, but he kept in control. He had worked hard to maintain his control at an early age, that way he wouldn't hurt anyone ever again, and so he wouldn't have anymore guilt added to his pysche.

He kept his pace a bit slow, but enough to keep up witht he feral. They would near the ranch soon enough if they crossed through the woods. He let out a small howl, only a few of the members of the pack would hopefully hear his desperation, and his need to to stop moving. He was ready to sleep now for a bit, at least a catnap.


Zeit's ears caught the sound of Hawk's howl, and it wasn't a good one, She quickly shoved the boy intot he truck, locking the doors. "here are the keys, get outta here now!" she said, "Don;t worry about the truck, just leave it at the marketplace, with the key under the right tire." She She watched the truck for a moment, making sure he left the property.


Kale almost groaned when she heard Kratos below. Almost groaned. She even almost had the plate of pancakes in her hand. She almost whimpered, and stopped herself again, remembering wolves had good hearing, and debated in her head.

pancakes.....alpha.....pancakes.....alpha......pancakes.....i love pancakes.....alpha.....pancakes..... Kale stuffed a pancake or two into her mouth and, cheeks bulging, headed out of the kitchen and back to Kratos, a few more pancakes in her hand.

"wrd...du....ewe...erd.....?" she asked.


Timothy jumped when Sabrina seemingly appeared out of nowhere. He had lowered his guard to inspect the large beast, but in a instant he was prepared for an attack.

After Timothy had scanned Sabrina's face he lowered his aggressive stance, but he did not lower his guard.

"Hello." Timothy replied.


Kratos waited for the pack members to file out of the house and was more then displeased when only Kale and Creorran came.

"Where are Marcus, Alex, Timothy, Sabrina, and Zeit?" He asked, briefly looking off towards the fields.

Then he rose up on his hind legs and stood like a man, his head nearly raising above the rooftop.

That was when he saw HawkThorne approaching just behind another... whom wasn't a member of the pack.

The Alpha growled and went back down on his paws. "Kale, find the others and tell them to get their Werewolf clothing.. We're going for a hike." Kratos instructed, then looked at Creorran. "You're coming with me, and I warn you not to do anything irrational."

Then the Alpha took off across the fields toward HawkThorne and the intruder.


Theo sniffed and stopped on the soft woods. If it wasn't for smell, or the growling, it would have to be the blatant sight of them that gave away the pack. Momentarily he considered making a run for it. But he knew better than anyone it was too late for that. They already knew he was here and they already knew he had caused havoc. Running would simply give them something interesting to chase. So much for passing through the town unnoticed.

Theo held his head up high. The feral walked forward steadily and gave his exhausted stride more power. If he was already screwed into meeting the rest of them, he might as well give a show for them. Sharp eyes stared steadily forward. Like a game of chess, he was waiting for their move.


Kale swallowed her pancakes and nodded to Kratos. First she ran upstairs to change, that done she jumped out the window to find the others .(kale likes windows.) Now out of earshot she did groan when she smelled the rest of the pack. in all different directions.

lifting her head she let loose a long low howl, an attendance call, that way the whole pack would come. hopefully.


As The Alpha approached, his bright yellow eyes began scanning over the young male and sizing him up. HawkThorne, who was coming in from behind the stranger, looked to be weakening and his steps were miscalculated..

Kratos' hackles raised under his red cloak and his weight beat hard on the earth beneath him. When Kratos saw the stranger put on a prideful air, his ears laid back against his head with annoyance.

In a few moments, Kratos' heavy stride took him right up to the brown male.

The Alpha was yet to growl again, but his eyes were sharply focused into the other males eyes, an obvious show of dominance and authority.

"What is your name stranger?" Kratos' deep voice rumbled, his large tail held high in the air behind him and his ears redirecting themselves strait down upon Theo.

Creorran and Zeit were sure to be nearby...

Hour Glass:

Zeit turned, unwilling to leave the boy alone, but she needed to get to Hawk and Kratos. The two weren't the best of buds, and knowing Hawk, a spat could start out because of his mouth. She turned, taking off tot he feilds in which the scent of werewolves seemed to be taking over.

She arrived on the scene quickly, though not in her wolf form, she would change on the fly a bit later. She looked to Hawk, who had begun to lean on her. She leaned down, and began to remove the darts from the sides, and gently smacked him on the top of his head. "I told you to stay away from the Animal Control" she muttered.

She looked to Kratos and the other wolf, a feral perhaps. She stood up, but stayed behind Kratos, "What's going on?" she asked softly, eyeing the feral wolf.


Sabrina was about to ask Timothy what he was doing out all alone, when Kale's howl reached her ears. She looked off in the direction of Zeit's house, and then returned her attention to Tim. "Looks like we're being called," she said.


Alex heard a howl and an straight to it. She looked around, and then ran some more. Finally she got there and saw a wolf. It wasn't Kratos I thought only he was aloud to call these things. It might have been an order. She waited silently for the rest of the group to get there. The howl was loud, so everyone probably herd it. It wouldn't be long that she would have to wait. She got nervous. Why would this group meeting be called? How important was it?.

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