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Werewolves (RP 1): A Storm in the Mountains (09/10-12/10)

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Kaleb was lost in the nice, flowing, warm darkness that took over his entire consiousness. He floated through it, like a boat along a calm river. He felt himself stop, and frowned slightly. Then he heard voices, and slowly opened his eyes, the light flooding in. He blinked and sat up, looking around. Then he felt an agonizing pain. His fingers immediately flew to his shoulder. He groaned, and fell back.


Sabrina nodded blankly to the Alpha and watched him leave. There was almost a trace of doubt that filled her eyes, but she shook it off and got to work--most severe injuries first.

The first order of buisness was to wash wounds. Timothy wasn't too badly scraped up... he could wait. The two new weres however were greviously bitten and clawed. "Kale, could you give me a hand and clean up the woman's wounds? You can disinfect them with this," Sabrina said, offering the beta a bottle of some kind of green fluid. "Use the cayenne on anything that is bleeding perfusely--it disinfects as well as slows bleeding."

Sabrina took the boiled water off of the stove and soaked a few rags. She squeezed one out so it could cool off some, and proceeded to wipe old blood and dirt out of the boy's shoulder bite. It was then that he groaned and touched the wound, before falling back. "Shh," Sabrina said soothingly, "You'll be all right. Try to relax." She took a little vial out of her bag, removed the lid, and put a few drops of the clear liquid inside onto the bite. "That will help with the pain."


Alice blinked as Alpha simply turned away from her and left. A deep breathe crept up her throat as she watched as Alpha setted the wounded near Sabrina. Her shoulders lifting into a shurg as she sat on a chair, watching her pack members start to walk in and grab some fresh clothes. What happened?! Their bodies were smeared with mud or simply plain dirty.

Anything could have happened while she slept soundly in her warm, dry bed as her honored pack struggled against a dispute in the rain. Alice's hand lifted to her face as she slowly drifted it down her face. Stupid....stupid...stupid... She sighed and watched as Sabrina slowly tended to the new boy's shoulder. A bite mark showed clearing on his body. "Whoa..." She mouthed as the blood melted down his tattered clothes.

She clutched her hands into a fist and sighed. I should have been there!! Her eyes drifted to the other wounded, she slowly walked up to Sabrina and asked quietly "Can I help in anyway?"


Kaleb winced and groaned again in pain as he felt it in waves from his shoulder. Then he turned his head and saw a kind of familiar shape come towards him. She cooed to him, and his muscles loosened as she bent down to him. She poured a strange liquid into the wound, and his blood melted down his shoulder as the bite looked clearer and his shoulder felt soothened. He sighed with pleasure. "Thank you,"he whispered. Wait! She's the white wolf!Kaleb tensed a bit. Then relaxed as he realized it made the pain a bit less. Kaleb propped himself up on his uninjured arm. "You're that wolf who stopped me from running away. And now you're healing me. Why help me when I haven't helped you once?" Kaleb questioned, but with kindness and gentleness in his voice. "I owe you a lot. By the way, I'm Kaleb. What's your name?" Kaleb lay back down, and smiled up at her. 

To Be Continued...

Read the Next Chapter, "The Legacy Written In Blood" ->


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