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Werewolves (RP 1): A Storm in the Mountains (09/10-12/10)

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"I can't imagine you to be twenty, so I'll assume that you were born as such." The Alpha collected, watching Theo change his position away from the sun.

Once the boy had settled, a grin crossed Kratos' face. "You've got quite a interesting coat yourself, Scruffy." He returned. "Now, If you want to know my name, you better pay closer attention then you have been. Because for someone who's been in a pack before, your attitude sure gives one the urge to shred you."


"Then we're getting along famously. Since you won't tell me your name, I guess you'll have to be known as Fuzzy or Floofykins until I figure it out," Theo grinned a wolfish smile,"And by the way, do you have anything to eat around here? I'm starving".

From a reproachful glance, the werewolf scowled at the sun. Did it always have to be so bright? He squinted against its obnoxious warmth and his fur burned on his back from where the sun hit. He hated the sun. It was still 6 or so more hours until the coolness of night fell. When the moon would be shedding it's gentle glow...


Creorran faintly heard his Alpha talking to someone. He managed to pick up snatches of their converstions. "Theo. . . Werewolf . . . Knot . . . Satisfied? . . . Sixteen . . . Fluffy . . . Coat . . . Scruffy.

Creorran couldn't make out the rest.

With his head finally cleared, Creorran sat down on the floor, pondering why so many wolves were in the area. "What could they all be doing here?" He whispered to himself.


"That depends boy.." Kratos returned a sleek wolfish grin. "Can you get out of that form or are you just as incompetent as your tongue?"

Then Kratos stood and began off toward the ranch, daring Theo to follow.


Timothy continued up into the mountain, Sabrina's warning going unheeded. But when he thought he was about to come across it, the tracks and scent went cold.

Timothy stopped when he had walked several feet in search for the prints to pick up again to no avail.

"Where'd it go?" Timothy asked, looking around the trees in hope to find the beast.


"Possibly," he responded bluntly.

Theo as well, to his displeasure, turned to follow Kratos. Maybe he should have left just then. But he was very very hungry. And Kratos had food. He liked food when he was hungry. And Kratos might have something better than a dangerous dark alley to sleep in. He yawned at the thought of a real bed. Or a barn. Or even the ground. He sleepily ambled forward as the effects of the dart pressed on.


When Kratos got back to the ranch, he scanned the yard for the others.

"Broof!" The Alpha barked, calling those near to come. Then his form began to shrink and his fur withdraw.

Most of Kratos' clothes were made with an elastic fiber to fit both forms he entered, Kratos had crafted these clothes himself for that particular purpose. But articles of clothing such as shirts were rather uncomfortable and itchy when one has fur, so Kratos' cloak would surve as the main cover.

The cloak was made from leather which had been dyed and marked according to the customs of his Father's pack, thus it did not shrink around his form. It had been made to fit Kratos' werewolf form, so in human form his entire body was appropriately covered.

"Kale, Creorran, Alex. Come here please." Kratos called.


Sabrina checked the last tracks, got up and circled the area for some sign of disturbance, and then checked the tracks again...but it was as if the bison had simply vanished. "How peculiar," she muttered. She sniffed the air, but found no better results. This was begining to irritate her; no prey creature would simply escape her notice and vanish into thin air.

She glanced at Timothy. "Forgive me, but I'm afraid I'm going to go animal on you; a wolf's sense of smell is far superior to my own in this form." With that, she untied one of the ribbons on her shoulder to loosen her apparel and began to transform.

Given that she was a werewolf, it was surprising how gracefully she made the transition; it looked natural, not forced or painful in any way. Once the change was almost complete she used the last glimpse of her fingers to tie the ribbon at her shoulder again.


Timothy staggered away from Sabrina. Two feelings conflincted within Timothy's mind, one was the sudden feeling of fierce aggression to defend himself, the other was a desire to run away and never look back.

The two feelings worked against eachother to keep young Timothy standing in one place, but both shared a common element.. fear.


Kratos waited for several moments, then grumbled and looked at Theo. "I guess I'll just have to round them up."


Creorran jolted upright at his Alpha's call. He scrambled to his feet and rushed to Kratos. "Yes Kratos?" He said, curious as to what was wanted of him. Creorran noticed that Timothy and Sabrina were nowhere to be seen. Where had they gone?


Kale trotted over to Kratos, enjoying having sunshine on her fur. she shook her head a bit to get her bangs out of her eyes before straitening up and looking at him expectantly.

for all of three seconds before she got distracted and took in the strangers appearance. he was arragant.....maybe that was too strong. confident. very confident, to stare into an alha's eye, especially kratos, cas...well...he's kratos.

her mind wandered once more towards why her packmates hadn't responded to her call.....they need more discipline. or better hearing. or i have to be more assertive as beta. either way, they had better gets their furry backsides back to the house.

mind drifting finshed she regained her posture and tilted her head up in a slight show of dominance towards the stranger, her gaze darting between him and Kratos.


Marcus dangled his foot lazily, watching the scene from a tree. Perhaps he should be down there... but really, what was the rush? Out of the pack Marcus tended to be the most calm and careful. He wasn't lazy, merely didn't see the need to get worked up over things. I guess I have to show my face at some point... He leaped down from the tree, only needing to grab onto a few branches before he landed skillfully on his feet.

"I'm here." His voice was calm, though on the inside he hoped he wasn't in trouble. If he really had been needed or felt there was anything he needed to say he would have come down.

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