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Werewolves (RP 1): A Storm in the Mountains (09/10-12/10)

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Kale stiffened when the humans scent entered her nose. her nostrals flared and she took a half-step forward.

Beta! control yourself! a little voice said in the back of her head.

she shook her head to clear it, although she shouldn't be hearing voices the voice was right, she was beta and she needed to get a grip. she heard a warning growl from kratos and one of her own mirrored it, her growl was to low for the human to hear but loud and clear for her fellow werewolves, 'don't you dare'.

one big problem though, two of them were in werewolf form, so what to do with the boy?

she heard him stammer his name out before, Kaleb was it?

kale took a step forward, putting herself slightly between kaleb and some of the pack.

"Kaleb, mind telling us what your doing here? is there a problem in town?" kale asked calmly, trying to keep the humm of a growl out of her voice.


Alex quickly asked "You know this boy?I thought he was an intruder. She looke at Kratos, more for asking. She then quickly said "I will be in the kichen, eating. You guys can take care of this." She then did a jog to the table and sat down without hesitation. She then began to eat imediatley. She wasn't all that hungry, but enough that she could eat. She would also try to hear what the others were saying to. What on earth is going on is what she thought to herself.


Oh crud. Thought Kaleb as he turned, hearing something fall behind him. The wolf that had been before him backed away, and now Kaleb had horror plastered on his face while looking at the hulking wolf. Then he heard a voice behind him, and turned. He stood there, trembling as she asked him why he was here, but he was still worried about the wolf behind him. "I... I just stumbled across here, I didn't know anyone was living here. I... I'm not a threat," he stammered, directing his second part of his reply to the big wolf.


Kratos' bright yellow eyes flashed over the human boy, then at Kale.

In a brief glance, he signaled Kale do get the boy out of the house and away from Zeit's fields. Then the large black wolf laid down on the porch and began to pant.

"Broof!" His deep, and extremely loud voice bellowed at the intruder. Assuming complete animal-like behavior and pretending to be an abnormal house-hold pet.

With a quick glance toward Creorran, Kratos ordered him upstairs, Kale would have to get the kid to think it was some kind of delusion caused by fright.


Kale gave a slight nod to Kratos to tell him she understood. She took another half-step forward and gently grabbed Kaleb's arm.

"Well, there are people living here, in fact we're quite crowded at the moment, at least for me." she paused and gave him as calming a smile as she could manage. "I need to head into town anyway to buy more coffee, you wouldn't mind escorting me would you? I've only been into town once." Kale lied, slightly leaning towards the door, a subconscious body language that would hopefully encourage the human to move.

Hour Glass:

Zeit's ears pricked up at the sound of Krato's bark. She stopped for a moment, thinking how it was odd how the sounds echoed around here. She then relized the way his bark sounded, maybe something had gone wrong. She thought for a moment, she could ge tone really nice fast run back to the house, before taking off to the check the feilds, after dragging Timothy along for a ride.

She turned and took off, her hind paws digging into the ground and propelling her forward, fast. SHe used her full stride, sprinting back to her home, the scent of all the werewolves filling her nose, along with the scent of a human. She growled to herself, no normal townsfolk came out here, so why was a human here?

She made sure she stayed behind the house, leaping onto the roof with ease, and landing quite gracefully. She had to make her way up to her window, and ducked in. The human scent was still here, and it was slightly odd how it sat there with all the werewolf scents. She cursed under her breath, knowing some of the wolves, they might react badly to the human. Just great, chaos seemed to come when she least expected it. Shre changed, both back to her human form, and her normal clothes, and ran downstairs, still panting from her short run.

She looked around, seeing Kratos give out orders, and her eyes flickering around the room. She took a spot beside Kale, crossing her arms, and filling up the doorway, there was no way this boy would be getting in. She heard the last part of what Kale said, and she nodded, "Next time you think about coming here, you might want to call ahead" she said softly, her gaze hard and cold.


Kaleb felt a rough hand grab his arm, he gasped and turned towards him. "Hey! Let me go!" He exclaimed, trying to pull away, but to no avail.

Kaleb's eyes widened when he realized he couldn't get away. He knew he was already in hot water, it seemed though that everything was getting worse. He kept trying to break the restraint that the werewolf had on him, pulling away with all his might. 

Kaleb was really starting to regret coming here. Then another person showed up. "Well how was I supposed to know?!" Kaleb shouted to the new person that had arrived. Hot filled his eyes, tears on edge of spilling out. I..I can't cry now, no! Why me? He thought, trying not to let the flow of tears come.


Sabrina had slipped out of the house after the whole paralyzing Creorran incident. She wanted air...and the house was getting a bit stuffy. Thusly, she was not aware of the drama going on at the ranch.

She padded barefoot through the rich black soil of the surrounding woodland. When she came to a brook, she paused and closed her eyes to savor the earthy smells of the was then that she also caught Timothy's scent.


The sun glared irritably in Theo's eyes. He rolled over on his face, trying to block the obnoxious rays of sun. The sun relented, and he could feel the blistering heat of the sun on his neck. Theo groaned. He hated mornings. Knowing that sleeping was already a lost cause, he got up- stretching and cracking sore muscles and joints.

He studied his surroundings. As apposed to a forest or even a hotel, as many would have preferred, he had slept in an alley-way that night. He wrinkled his nose at the stench a nearby dumpster gave off. The scent seemed to do anything but lessen, so this left the boy breathing through his mouth. The alley was less than ideal to sleep in. He had no money and could not have rented a room for the night. The forest, though possibly much safer than an alley, carried the scent of other werewolves. The last thing he wanted was to be carried off in the night. So this left him in a very stinky, and dangerous, alley to spend the night in.

He sighed, stretching weary limbs again. It had been the scent that had first attracted him to the town. Ever since he had run away three years ago, he hadn't even caught a whiff of his own kind. But this town practically reeked of them. Driven by curiosity, he had spent a week in the town. As far as he could tell, the werewolves lived somewhere close to the forest, presumably in the farmhouse up the road.

Alas, he had made no attempt to contact them. As far as Theo knew, they could be just as violent and corrupted as his birth pack. He wasn't even certain why he had bothered to stop in the town. Possibly curiosity, or more likely he missed his own kind. As the sun grew hotter and hotter, he shook his head of these thoughts. This was no time for nostalgia. Scraping gently against the grit of the alley, Theo walked quickly out of the alley.

Morning reminded him painfully of not only the sun, but hunger as well. His stomach snarled with it. He was going to need to eat soon or he may as well go crazy with hunger. Which would not be a good thing for the ignorant town. Theo's bright green eyes scanned the town. To the right he spotted a drug store, followed by a car dealership to a petstore to a gas station to convenient store- His gaze stopped there, it was just what he needed. His stomach grumbled in agreement.

Theo walked with a brisk, purposed walk right through the convenient store door. The door chimed just as he passed inside, the store clerk suddenly noticing and watching him with an unmatched stare. To be fair, Theo did not look like the most trustworthy of those to pass through the store doors. He was tall and strong-looking enough to raise suspicion. His hair was matted and his eyes carried the haggard look of hunger. Nor should anyone trust him. Theo carried some very questionably morals, and what he was about to do would not be considered proper by any standard.

Turning to one of the farther corners of the shop, he snatched a pack of jerky, dried fruit, a bottle of watter, and several candy bars under his coat as stealthily as he possibly could. Just as he thought he might pass through the door unnoticed-

"Hey you" the clerk shouted,"Get over here! What did you steal?"

Momentarily he considered making a run for it. But this was met by the image of a gun that had met him the last time he had been caught robbing a store. The store clerk rushed up to him, quickly discovering his hidden loot. Still watching him, the clerk rushed over to the phone to make a phone call. This was where he made his first mistake. Theo made a run for it, galloping through the door as quickly as he could (still holding very tightly to his prize) and down the street. Within minutes, he could hear the ring of cops behind him.

Had the town a higher crime rate, the police may have not bothered. But being very bored, and generally useless, cops, they had choose to pursue the crime to the highest extent. The police caught up with him several minutes later, clicking his hands into hand-cuffs and stuffing him in the back seat of the cop car. This was where he made his second mistake. Now completely starved and infuriated with his capture, he began to change. At first the police didn't even notice. But as the cop's eyes wandered to their newest criminal, there was no denying what he saw.

"What the-" The cop never had a chance to finish his sentence. A very infuriated, and hungry werewolf sat in the back-seat. Swerving violently in the street, the cop began to shout incomprehensibly phrases into the radio, most of which included "Wolf", "Backup", and "Animal Control".

This was where Theo made his final mistake. He lunged out of the window, shattered and denting the entire door in the process, onto a fully public street in the town. His nostrils filled with the scent of human. His stomach snarled in hunger. His gaze widened as his rational, human thoughts succumbed to wolfish ones. Theo let loose an eerie, ear-splitting howl. He was going to make the final kill. His gaze settled on a now very frantic cop, screaming in full hysteria into the radio.

Hour Glass:

HawkThorne had been up since the crack of dawn, runnign and checking up on the ranch. His pal Zeit needed to get more sleep, she didn't seem to be so happy with allt he wolves settling in around her. He smiled, this place was lovely, and it held so many dear memories. He raced forward, enjoying the moment, until a scent hit his nose, male werwolf, and humans, and it seemed that the sirens were going off. Never a good sign.

He raced full speed, bursting from the woods onto the scene with the boy. He could hear the cop yelling, but it wouldn't do any good, and from the condition of the boy, he seemed hungry and feral. Hawk changed his posture, becoming his more dominant self, raising his head and hackles, he face contorting into a snarl. He let out a low growl, getting between the cop and the werewolf, Kratos would go nuts if any human died. He did have good morals, even if he was a Half-blood.

He growled again, showing this wolf to back off. The best tactic was to get the wolf back to the cabin, at least there they good give him some food, and he wouldn't seem so rabid. He trained his eyes on the wolf's stature, watching all his moves, waiting to see what he would do.

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