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Werewolves (RP 1): A Storm in the Mountains (09/10-12/10)

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Theo did not respond well to another wolf on the scene. In his current state of mind, he could only comprehend based on more primitive standpoints. This stranger was a threat. He wanted his prey. His fiery green gaze lingered on HawkThorne with cold calculation. Snarling, he strode around him in a calm slackened pace, as to be closer to the cop car again. If he wanted a fight, he could have it.

Whatever others could have comprehended from the now-very-frightened cop was a bit of a mystery. However, it was clear they caught the intent. For within minutes about every emergency vehicle in town was drawing nearer.


"Two feral wolves near Chestnut Boulevard, Over

A strong-looking women handled the com device with ease. Her gaze hardly faltered as she caught sight of two immense beats terrorizing the streets. It was anyone's guess how they got there. She could only assume some idiots decided to transport wild animals without a permit. Hmph. And of course, the issue was now her problem.

"Roger, that. Coming in with three cars, all armed with dart guns and pistols. What is your current Status? Over,"

"The two wolves appear near fight. Cop nearby is terrified, but unharmed. Over," the woman responded.

With that, the radio fell to a deafening silence. All to be heard was the wail of more Animal Control coming closer and closer...


What the? Theo blinked in confusion, any hostility leaving his face. He had a very foggy idea of what happened, but knew enough to realize that the current situation was not good. The scent of human was still very tempting, but significantly diminished. Glancing around, he found what he least of all wanted to see; his own kind. He stared at it for a moment, confused and anxious to see if it would attack.

Seeing no reason to stick around (for he could now here several snippets of conversation on the Animal Control's radio that involved dart guns), he made a run for it. He ran through the streets full-speed, his sides burning with exhaustion and hunger. Theo stopped and his feet grinding painfully on asphalt. He looked behind him to see if the other werewolf had turned to follow him. And how near the police and Animal Control were.


Kale let go of the human the second he started to panic.

"Hey, kid, chill out! Sam may be big and scary but he's a good dog, he won't bite,so don't mind the guard dogs, sheesh. and your not in trouble." Kale raised her voice a little in irritation, at the same time hoping in her head that Kratos wouldn't hold against her what she just said about him. calming herself she continued. "we're not used to visiters, so yeah, everybody's at the door, and again, your not in trouble, well unless you were planning on stealing something, then we'd take offense. but you weren't planning on stealing anything, were you?"

reverse psychology works right? kale wondered.


Kaleb was relieved when the human holding him let go. "No, I'm not here to hurt any of you or steal anything. Guess I should've knocked first or something. Sorry." He rubbed his hand through his hair nervously, trying a smile onto his face. Kaleb looked towards the guard dog called Sam. "Hey there boy, good dog. Good dog." He reached down and petted the dog's fur. "Maybe we can go inside and talk?" Kaleb asked shakingly, hoping he could be friends instead of enemies. 

Hour Glass:

"No" Replied Zeit instantly, "You need to get back to the village, and I don't care how you speak of us, you will never show your face here again." She almost growled woth her last words, but he was no wolf, so it wasn;t needed. She strood past Kale, and grabbed Kaleb's arm, pulling him off her porch and towards an old truck she kept on the property.


Timothy stumbled through the forest until he came to sit down at the roots of a tree. His hands ran through his thick black hair, his elbows rested on his knees.

For a long time he remained quiet, listening to the woods around him.. he hoped for a moment that in the silent peace he might suddenly remember everything and be able to give up being a monster.. but it was no use, his senses were so different to what he imagined they used to be... Even if he had been here before, he wouldn't be able to recognize it with all the new things which he was able to detect.

He could smell things a normal person couldn't even imagine, he could see right through shadows like they weren't even there. He could hear many miles away and know exactly what created the noise... something a normal person might actually find wonderful.

But here he was, trapped behind the mystery of his own heart without a tender person to turn to.


The sudden noise drew Timothy quickly from his thoughts and to his feet! He stood as if ready to kill whatever was behind him, so fearful and cautious, yet undoubtedly able to make his intentions reality.

At first, Timothy saw nothing.. then it moved and revealed itself.

Standing just behind the tree where Timothy had been sitting, was a great and amazing beast. It's head was large with two heavy horns protruding from either side. It was covered in thick brown fur on it's front half, but it's hind half was nearly bare compared to the rest.

"What?" Timothy whispered, baffled by the beast.

Then the creature took a step took a step to the side and Timothy noticed that it had hooves, not paws...

"What kind of prey-animal are you?" He chuckled, assuming immediately that the creature was in fact, a prey-animal and not a threat. Then the beast heaved a heavy sigh and slowly began walking higher into the mountain, paying no other mind to the boy.

For a moment, Timothy watched the creature, suddenly noticing just how large the beast was, it could easily out-muscle a horse. It did not walk like a skittish creature of prey, but rather a mighty one with it's one pride and power..

With a sigh, Timothy turned his back on the beast and was about to leave, when he caught scent of Sabrina close by.


Kratos had pretended to be "a good dog" and patiently waited until the boy walked away from him.. Kratos had thought it rather clever of Kale, especially the "name-pull", what an interesting character she was.

Kratos watched the boy closely until Zeit dragged him off toward the car. Then he stood and began back toward the house, stoppin suddenly when he heard a howl cross the feilds.. It wasn't one he recognized and a low growl rumbled from his chest.


Kale nodded to Zeit and hid a sigh of relief when she dragged the boy away.

Glad i'm not alone in this situation. Now with the human taken care of kale let out an unhappy growl at her packmates for being so foolish.

"this is why were not allowed into town! you could barely handle a single boy on the doorstep without snapping!"

reprimanding done kale decided that since Zeit wasn't in there anymore.....the food in the kitchen was free.

Hour Glass:

Great, muttered Hawk to himself, the wolf was running, and animal control was coming. Which one was worse? Who knew, he knew that the darts wouldn;t have much affect at first, but could make any werewolf even more aggressive. He narrowed his eyes and took off swiftly after the feral wolf, he was a threat to his pack and Zeit.

He ran at a full sprint, not winded at all, he had always kept in tip top shape, he really didn;t know why, maybe he knew he would meet his old pal once more. He raced after the werewolf, and stopping quickly when he did. He could hear the truck coming, but for now he had one goal in mind.

"Go to the pack" he said, slightly panting. He held his head upp, using his dominace on this feral wolf. "Unless you want a rather painful death by the Alpha, head to the pack, they'll give you food and shelter, better then what you have now" he said. He suddenly looked behind him, the trucks siren's blaring, just great.

Some day this turned out to be.

He watched as the officers got out, seemingly thrilled with the odea of getting two large wolves as a catch. What they didn;t know is that they wouldn't, at least, not with the pack around to get Hawk free. He watched as the brawny women cocked the gun, her own eyes watching his, as if he was the prey. He cracked a wolfish smile, adding a hint of surprise to her face.

He was aware of what wa sin the gun, and he wasn;t about to let the already feral wolf get a hit from one of the darts. He turned, and trotted forward, and stood in front of the feral male, wincing slightly as he felt one of the darts make it's way into his shoulder. He looked up, his eyes meeting the officers eyes, his were full of determination, letting her know he was not going down, not now, not ever!


"I'll go my own way, thanks," he snarled.

Theo would have followed through with it if not for the fact there was little else he could do. After he escaped Animal Control, then what? Go run around another human town and hope he didn't kill anyone? It had been a long three years the first time, another lifetime of it didn't sound any better. Like it or not, he was going to have to at least meet this pack at one point.

With a hint of uncertainty, he watched the Animal Control Officer loom in. He watched her raise the dart gun, cock it, and aim. Her snorted at this. Pathetic human. While he had no clue what was in the dart guns exactly, he was certain the average dose given to a dog just wouldn't cut it for him. The werewolf snarled at her, making sure to show as many teeth as possible. She didn't back down. Instead, she pulled the trigger.

For several seconds Theo waited for the impact of the dart onto his shoulder. To his surprise, it never came. Instead, an arrow sprouted out of the other werewolf's shoulder. He blinked. No, the other werewolf had stepped in to take the dart.

"As much as I appreciate the martyrdom, what the hell are you standing around for!? Get your feet moving so we don't have to massacre the entire unit and I'll meet your pack," at this point Theo narrowed his gaze.

To be honest, the longer he spent in front of the humans, the more difficult it was to subdue is wolfish instincts. People were beginning to look much more enticing. And having no training in restraint, it was only a matter of time before he cracked. Whatever else, he had no intention to become a killer.

The woman stepped forward and aimed her gun again, this time at Theo. Click. The silvery dart blurred through the air and impacted his neck. Blood pounded in his ears as he tried more and more to suppress the urge to kill everyone on the spot. Bum bum bum bum. His bright green gaze widened as he could feel the effects wearing on. He paced forward at the officer. Click click click. Several more darts slipped onto his pelt. Rage boiled in his veins and he uttered a low, almost indecipherable, growl. For the first time, the strong woman showed a hint of fear. One leap and she'd be dead. An easy kill.

Just a step more and he'd be a killer. Humanity overtook the animal for a moment. It was just long enough and he realized the full severity of the situation. With a scatter of gravel underfoot, Theo ran forward. His sides burned and his tongue lolled out. The ground underneath shook as each of the beast's feet hit the earth. He was going to meet the pack.


For the longest time, Kratos stared over the fields trying to imagine who in the pack could have made that howl. But no matter which way he angled it, the sound had no familiarity.

When Kale passed by, Kratos' eyes were drawn after her to where she reprimanded the new comers..

"Ah yes," Kratos mumbled standing and walking toward the house. A growl rumbled from his throat as he went until he stood beside the door.

"Every one of you get out here now!" His great voice ordered, the loudness of it trembling the rafters!


Sabrina smelled the bison long before she ever came upon it - usually she would have avoided such a large creature as they could prove quite fatal when provoked, but she also smelled Timothy this way. Sabrina wasn't sure he knew the danger a bison could pose; he seemed to have very little experience and apparently could remember nothing of his life prior to being captured by Gathen.

So she cautiously approached the area where the scents of both Timothy and the bison smelled most fresh. She had the advantage of higher ground, and in no time at all she could make out the pair below her. She was relieved that the bison did not appear agitated, and intrigued at the look of wonder on Timothy's face as he sized up the creature.

Deciding that there was no threat to her pack member, Sabrina re-tightened the white wraps she called clothing (having loosed them prior in case a speedy transformation was required). She then moved in as stealthily as possible so as not to disturb the bison and revealed herself to Timothy.

He was looking right at her as she seemingly melted out of the surrounding landscape. She smiled slightly in an encouraging way, in case she had surprised him....he was not one to sneak up on. "Hello," she said softly.

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