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Werewolves (RP 1): A Storm in the Mountains (09/10-12/10)

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Timothy came when and passively watched over her shoulder until she was done. When she left the kitchen, Timothy quickly did the same.

He retreated from the house and took off across the fields, hoping not to be followed.

Soon the teenager came to the edges of Zeit's fields and jumped the fence into the forrest.

There he was left to himself in the silent shadows, listening to the bird's sing and the thoughts in his own mind.


Kaleb whistled as he walked with birds chirping along. Soon, he came to an area with a house standing there. Smoke came out of the chimmeny, but he could hear nothing coming from inside. He went up to the front door, and, finding no doorbell, went to knock. When his hand gently knocked the wood, the door opened. He stepped inside and heard people shuffling around. He could also smell something coming from the kitchen. He stepped inside.


Alex ran to the door hearing it knock, just getting her plate ready. She thought it might be another werewolf, coming to join the clan. The door was open already. Someone needed to fix it. "Hello. Um, who are you?" She looked at this boy strangley. He didn't smell of wolf. "I will be right back." She went to go get another one of the werewolfs. She ran to Kale. "I kinda forget your name....Sorry. Eathier way. There is a human standing at the door. Do you know him? I don't. Why don't you go see. I don't know what to do." Alex looked into Kale's green eyes as she spoke. Then looked to the door to see if the boy was right there.


Creorran stood up, to follow his Alpha. Gift. Isn't it more of a curse? Creorran thought. His now wolfish ears twitched as he heard the front door open. What the...?

Creorran momentarily lost control of his senses, as he often did soon after he transformed. Even though it was only for a moment, it was enough time for his wolf instincts to take over, and Creorran ran down the stairs towards the front door.

Seeing a boy there, Creorran lunged towards him. "Who are you!?" Creorran snarled, teeth bared in aggression.


Marcus was about to help the alpha lift Creorran into his bed, when the brute woke up. He let his arms flop back down to his sides and stood back up straight, figuring there was no need now that he was up. He turned to listen to what Alex was saying... a human, eh? What an unlucky fellow to stumble upon this house. He closed his eyes as the smell of human danced into his nostrils... it stung. He had to hold onto a chair to resist lunging after the bloke. He looked over at Kale to see how she'd respond to this. He had to admit he kind of had a thing for the girl... but yet he also kinda had one for Sabrina. Neither relationship was really a big deal (yet), merely a spark of interest.


Alex looked at the staircase. Creorran was coming down and went to the front door. She ran after him, but she first yelled "Nevermind. I Has it under control." She wanted to see how to handle this if it ever happened again. He was baring his teeth in wolf form! Sharp fangs pointed out. Alex guessed the boy was thinking nothing. This was probably all scared to see his fangs. Did this mean that Coreorran was going to bite him? He practically told them that they were werewolfs. The teenage boy was probably now going to be another roommate coming to live in this house. "A first generation? Is that what you are going to do? Is he going to live in this house to? If so I will go tell our Alpha." Her icy blue eyes were pinned on the boy, then turned to the wolf.


Kaleb stood in shock as a girl walked by. He was speechless as she spoke to him. Then a wolf came up, growling and snarling. Uh..oh...this isn't good He stood there in the doorway. "I...I...I'm Kaleb. Who...who are you?" He stammered, in shock of this. I'm in trouble now He thought, really afraid of what would happen next.


"Intruder!" Snarled Creorran. "Why have you come here?" He swiped his heavy paw near the boy's face, but made sure the blow did not connect. "Get out of here," He warned, baring his fangs. Creorran's senses had not quite cleared, and he was intent of getting rid of this human.


A low growl rumbled behind the human boy, but the threat was not directed at him.

Just outside the door, Kratos' large black figure crouched on all fours. His black fur bristled in the wind, revealing the abnormal red haze which covered him.

His sharp yellow eyes were fixed upon Creorran, warning him to back away from the human boy.

Kratos had full control over his werewolf form and could call upon it at will. He had payed very little attention to the goings on downstairs, then he caught the scent of the human and before he could blink, Creorran had gone.

Without a second wasted, Kratos dressed in his werewolf attire and left out the window. Instantly upon touching the ground he took werewolf form and went around the house to the open door.

Now he stood fully girded just behind the human boy who was yet to notice the massive beast.

The look which played across his face would have scared anyone, coming from a monster of his size, but it was directed at Creorran and no one else.


Creorran was jolted as he saw a huge black beast appear behind the boy. What the..? He stumbled backward and tripped on a slightly raised floorboard. Creorran fell to the floor and sat there, dazed. What was that, thing, that had appeared behind the boy? It looked similar to a werewolf, but it was far too large to be one. Unless...

That's it! Creorran realized, It was Kratos!

It had to be, the only human he'd ever seen large enough to be a wolf of that size was Kratos. Creorran sat on the floor and rubbed his head, trying to clear his vision, which was shaking a little.

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