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Werewolves (RP 1): A Storm in the Mountains (09/10-12/10)

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Marcus sighed gently as he walked along, his shoes making a scuffing sound as they scraped against the hard earth. As he did so tan dust flew up into the air, and landed right on his shoes, turning them tan too. He was staring off into space, so focused on his thoughts that he didn't even notice his dirty shoes, which he was normally very finicky about keeping clean. Soon the farmhouse came into view, and he came back to earth. He had just started to smile at the thought of seeing his pack-mates when he heard a desperate howl.

His heart skipped a beat and he suddenly bolted into the house, pounding up the stairs and bursting into Creorran's bedroom. When he arrived there he saw a very odd scene before him. Creorran was lying on the floor, half-transformed and still transforming, Sabrina was standing over him with a some-what guilty look on her face, Kratos was wearing a smirk, and Kale looked just as confused as he was. "Did I miss something?" Seemed a stupid question to ask, since he almost always missed something when he went on one of his random walks.


Alex was still asleep. So far the youngest of the wolves at age twelve. She was fast asleep untill she herd yelling. Her eyes slowly opened. She then got dressed into her favorite pink top and brown pants. Her anklet was still on. She then grabbed a hair brush and took a hair elastic. She took the top half of her hair and put the elastic around it. She then ran into the bedroom. "What happened? Did I miss breakfast again?" She missed breakfast quite often. Alex was also the newest into the clan as of now. She didn't know everyones name yet. She only knew Timothy's and Kratos's name.


Kratos looked back at the fallen Creorran and sighed. "As long as there isn't any permanent damage I can't imagine that it is important." Kratos replied to Sabrina, seconds before Marcus entered and Kale left.

"Ah, Marcus, It's good to see you. Where have you been?" Kratos asked as he knelt beside Creorran. "Help me get him into his bed, will you?"


Kaleb leaned against a tree, taking in the warm scents of the damp forest air. The bark under his hand was rough, and almost rough enough to hurt his hand. He walked along his well-trodden path, dapples of light hitting the path through openings of the trees. Slightly, leaves and twigs crunched beneath his feet.

Will I see the wolves today? Kaleb wondered silently, looking up to the partially covered sky. He sighed heavily. He had not seen them for the last few days he had come. Where did they go? Will they be there? He kept walking, hoping to see them today.


Creorran's eyes flicked open as he heard another enter the room. He sat up, and rubbed his head where it had hit the floor. He was startled as his fingers found thick fur instead of skin. He pulled his hand away and gazed at it. It was covered in fur, the color of his hair. So I did transform, Creorran thought. But, How? 

Creorran started to stand up, but sat when his neck began to hurt. "What happened?" He stammered, "And how is it possible that I transformed?"


Alex was stunned. "You transformed in mid daylight! How is that even possible? Is it possible Kratos?" Alex's icy blue eyes a mile wide. Her whole family going back to her seven great grandfather was a purebred, and none of them ever transformed in mid daylight. She shook her head. "The world is turning upside down. Either way since I missed breakfast can I go into town and get something please? And if I need to go with someone I understand, but I am starving!" She looked around at everyone in the room.


Kale entered the kitchen and realized that she had missed something when she was upstairs, thinking about it for a moment she came to the conclusion that she had probably missed someone entering.

I really need to pay more attention to the others.... She sighed in her head and mumbled a hello to Zeit and Timothy, but her eyes caught sight of pancakes before they reached either of her packmates. reaching over she grabbed one and began tearing peices off and eating it.

"Creorran began changing......... Sabrina knocked him out............ I'm pretty sure the whole house is awake now though," she informed them between bites, finally realizing just how hungry she was. Noticing Timothy's expression she raised one eyebrow questioningly.

Hour Glass:

"Get your hand outta the food, it's not done yet!" growled Zeit, her normal peaceful morning now going to dust, "Now that I have more helpers, maybe breakfast can be finished!" She nearly threw her spoon she was frustrated enough, she really needed to sleep more. "Not Tim, before I do act upon my anger, get you butt over here" she said calmly, but icily. She looked to him, her frustation in her eyes, she wasn;t in the mood for moody and stubborn teens, she had a houseful of wolves to feed first, then a trip through the ranch.

She turned away from the rest of the wolves, she knew her problem now, she just needed to get away for now, she had always been alone for most of her life, to only be thrown in the midst of a pack. She took a deep breath, she walked over to "finish breakfast, and tell kratos I'm going for a run" she said, handing her the spoon and before heading to her room. She quickly changed, both in clothing in form. She had kept her window open from last night, so she just crawled right out, and onto the roof. She could smell the scent of werewolves, but of course, she was part of a pack now.

She jumped right off the roof, and went into the woods. She found one of her favorite trails, and took off, she could check the ranch on her run. She took a deep breath, feeling a familiar sensation come to her once more. Sure, her wounds ached a bit, but she loved the freedom of running, and for now, it would keep her sane enough around the others.


"It seems you have an extraordinary gift Creorran." Kratos' deep voice replied, giving the boy a good pat on the back. "Come now, we'll go on a run and see if you can teach you a few things... Luckily your not old enough to have shredded your clothes, but still, you might need something a bit more comfortable."

Kratos stood up from kneeling and looked at the twelve-year old who had charged into the room after being awoken by Creorran's howl.

"Don't worry Alex, we were just about to get started on breakfast." Kratos explained in a gentle, fatherly-like way. "I believe the others are still at it, why don't you go down and see."

Then Kratos turned toward Creorran again and beckoned him. "Come into my room, I think I have something that might fit you."


"Oh good." is what Alex said with relief. "I will be downstairs eating if you need me." She ran down stairs, her feet stamping on every stair. She jumped the lasted three steps, landing it perfectly. "Oh, are those pancakes I smell? And bacon mabe?" She looked into the kichen. There was a bunch of people. "Hey guys. What are the chores today? Do you know?"

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