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Werewolves (RP 1): A Storm in the Mountains (09/10-12/10)

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Kratos watched with anxiety as the human boy struggled to escape his fate.

"No.. No.. NO!" The Alpha cried out in his mind! His sharp yellow eyes glanced at Timothy laying limp on the ground, then swiftly back at the unconscious boy.

They didn't have any time for the stranger to interfere, in just moments the moon would summon the new werewolf to life.

Kratos growled with frustration and he stood up on his hind legs, his massive form towering over the heads of the other werewolves!

Just then the clouds allowed for the moon too peer down tauntingly at her victims through their heavy black haze, then quickly conceal her again.

Kratos glared down at Kieoki.

"We haven't time for you stranger!" Kratos' deep and powerful voice informed with a warning, his chin dripping with the heavy rain.

"Sabrina!" He then shouted over his shoulder. "Paralyze the boy quickly! Kale and Creorran, help Zeit. We much return to the ranch now!"

The rain began coming down heavier upon the werewolves heads and the mud on the slopes becoming more sleek.

Kratos shot a look at Kieoki, threatening her to keep her distance.. or he would become the opponent she would have to face.


Another Were was yelling at her, one whom she brushed aside in her mind and ignored. An angry were yelling his or her head off wasn't her main focus. The very large Were that was speaking to the others was her focus. He seemed so angry, no, maybe agitated, but no, that wasn't quite right either. She was faintly surprised when he stood on his back legs and towered over them all, but she didn't let his size derail her. The were called out to his packmates them, telling them to get back to the ranch.

Her eyes snapped into focus as the Were yelled at her, her eyes narrowing at his words. She held his glare then, only moving her tail as she stayed besides the boy. But the tail movement was decisive, she used it to gently touch the boy and take hold on his condition. He was out, and Kieoki let go of her stare at the large Were for a moment to glance at the boy in his peacefulness. A grim look came over her face and before any of the others would move either her, or the boy she bent her head down quickly and whispered to him, knowing he probably couldn't here her, but doing it anyways.

"Enjoy your peace, enjoy the feeling of no pain as you float in the waters. Don't sink to far."

She was sitting up then, wrapping her soaked tail around her paws as she returned her gaze to the large Were. The boy was safe for now, and she felt no need to watch him anymore. He was just another new Were caught in an endless cycle that was thrown upon him without his choice...just like her.

Hour Glass:

Zeit felt the urge to feel the scars on her neck, but she went against it, she had harmed a a pack member, and there were others to see to. She turned, "I'm fine" she said sternly, holding her head high, she could smell the boy's scent changing as the power of the wolf began to come over him. Another member, another one to teach the ways of the pack life, another one to learn how to control the inner wolf.

She shook out her pelt, a pitiful attempt to get the water off her pelt, she looked to everyone, the power that radiated from Kratos was awesome, and Zeit wanted to stand awestruck by the wolf, but instead she felt her own power inside of her fill her body as she turned to the invader, a deep growl echoing from her throat. She took long strides, easily coming up to the invader and the boy, "He said to leave, this is not your territory, and unless you feel that fighting us is nessacary" she growled, her gaze hard and cold, "You should turn tail and scurry away."

She kept the air about her sparking with energy, she had to make sure nothing else became a threat to her home, even if that meant dealing with the thoughts of herself becoming a threat. She trained her gaze on the invader's eyes, making sure she would get the point. This Were would have to face the pack if she kept not listening to Kratos, and even Zeit had a fear for the powerful leader.


Hawk looked down at Theo, "seems like we have a slight problem" he said, before turning to the officer. He sniffed the air, this girl wasn't human, so the injury wasn't life threatening, well, not yet. He emerged from his space, he may have bee a smaller male, but he still looked powerful in the night. "WHy have you come?" he said in a low growl, his eyes watching her for any sudden movements.

He would not take another bullet that was made to make him sleep, already it had weakened his control slightly, and he wanted to make sure he left the female alive for Kratos to deal with. He barred his teeth, keeping a respectful distance away from her. To either side of him was a place to escape if needed, though he prepared more for a short fight then to flee, he was the opposite of his friend Zeit, he would use his brute strength over his speed any day.


Kale nearly bit her tongue when Kratos started yelling. she immidiatly tensed up, worried.

Alpha's agitated....why now of all times do we have so many dang problems!

kale shot another irritated Glare a the stranger and dashed forward to help Zeit.

her eyes darted from the boy to the sky, seeking out the cursed moon.

"Zeit!" Kale growled sharply through her teeth, trying to get her fellow beta to focus, hopefully then one of them might be. Kale had to stop herself from glancing at her alpha nervously, she didn't like the situation they were in, and if there was any time for the Alpha and beta's to get their act together, it was now.

her paw sank into th now gathering mud as she took a half-step forward, she ignored the rain dripping into her eyes as she squared her shoulders and stood tall, calming herself.

Kale looked once more at Zeit and reached down to grab the boy.


Kieoki almost let out a grim laugh as the one female Were stalked up to her, lashing out with harsh words about fighting and what her alpha had said. Its was Kieoki's turn for confidence then, her body not feeling the eminence that the she Were seemed to hold about herself. Kieoki's eyes never left Zeit's, and she almost growled as she spoke. "I don't know about the others around us, but your alpha never told me to leave. He said he didn't have time for strangers. So don't put words into his mouth." Kieoki ended with a slight glance as Kale as the female Were bent down to grab the boy.

And Kieoki never moved. Her connection with the boy was gone now, and she was back to protecting herself, now that the threat of him being killed was over. She wouldn't turn tail and run. It wasn't in her to do that. She'd rather fight and die than flee like some omega who couldn't stand up for themselves. So Kieoki resolved to ignoring the boy and the Were who was now reaching towards him, and kept her eyes upon Zeit.


Kaleb was fighting a battle, mentally. He was writhing in pain, but also trying to escape the pull of the wolf that was now a part of him. it whispered thoughts and feelings at him, jabbing like knives in his head. He screamed, inside and out. He tried to run from the consiousness that wanted him to change, the wolf. It was all blackness, a blackness he couldn't get away from, no matter how hard he tried. Then the wolf came bounding at him, wrapping itself around him and speaking to him, coaxing him to shift.

"Come on now, you know you want to be me. I'm better." It stood up, then stared at him. "Look at you, so lanky and useless. if you change into me, you'll be powerful, fast, muscular, and you can get away from here."

"Why should I listen to you, huh? You don't seem very good or who I would want to be." Kaleb replied.

"Well, then I have no choice then to force you!" the Wolf sneered at Kaleb, then smiled, all teeth bared.

He stepped back, and the full moon shone through clouds. Kaleb realized he was in the clearing, staring up at it. His eyes darkened to a dark brown, almost black state. His nails elongated into claws, and his bones changed shape and size. He gasped at the last moment he was human, then Wolf was in charge.

"Told you you should've went with it, now I'm in complete control!"

Wolf flipped over, knocking down the she-wolf beside him. He heard her yelp, then he bounded foward, and into the forest. Kaleb, trapped inside his own mind, frantically tried to get out.

"HELP!" he screamed inside


Sabrina was furious that the intruder held her ground over the human--who's land did she think she was on??! It was due to Sabrina's attempts to control her inner emotions that she hesitated and the boy's transformation was able to take place unhalted.

He leapt up and took off into the woods--Sabrina cast a deathly glare at the intruder and then took after him. Unlike the situation with Timothy that had completely taken her aback, she was used to subduing brand new weres, that was her duty back---er, it was familiar to her. New weres all acted the same; lost, no idea where they're going or what they're doing; just confused, reckless, and uncoordinated.

In a way that could have easily been compared to the strike of a snake she leapt onto his back and gave him a quick bite to the neck! As her earlier subduing of Timothy had been, the bite looked powerful enough to have had devastating results, but her teeth did not even break his skin. If she'd hit the right nerve, he'd drop in about two seconds....


Kieoki faintly jumped as the new Were beside her jumped up, lunging forwards before he took off. A female Were chased after him and vanished from her sight. Kieoki glanced around herself then, shaking drops of rain for her head as her gaze flicked around to the other Weres still left in the small clearing. Kieoki was gauging her chances if she would have a chance at either running or attacking a smaller one to create a diversion. But no, the young Were had already given her a diversion enough to get out of there. Her ears pressed flat against her head as she readied herself to move. The chance was given to her.

And she just needed to take it.

Kieoki was there for a moment more before she ran, bolting off into the darkness and rain in a second. Her tail streamed out behind her as she ran. She wasn't fleeing, at least not in her mind. Because unbeknown to the pack of Weres, she wasn't planning on leaving their territory. Her paws may be taking her away, but she wasn't going anywhere far. A chuckle sounded in her mind and her wolf laughed along with her, her eyes narrowing as she picked up her pace. She didn't know if they were following her, and quite frankly, it would probably be better for them if they didn't. Kieoki didn't know this territory very well, and was surprised when the tops of buildings came into view. Derailed, she slowed, knowing she wouldn't be able to go into the town like this. But she hadn't been in her human form for a good amount of time, and she faintly wondered if she'd be able to shift back.

Its not like I'm stopping you. Her wolf said in their mind, faintly laughing. Well that's a relief.Kieoki replied with sarcasm back, before she tried to shift. It wasn't as hard as she thought it would be. It didn't take much until she felt her body rippling and her paws turning to smooth hands and skin. Another moment and she was shaking her head clear and standing up, swaying in disorientation for a few moments before she regained her balance and glanced down at herself. Her kimono hung loosely on her, making her faintly frown and retie her sash tighter around her waist before she deemed herself presentable. She knew she'd stand out though, if she was in a crowd and that made her face grim. She continued into town then, smoothing out her hair with her fingers as she slipped along in a crowd. Her knew people were starring, but a flickering sign caught her eyes and she dashed over to the store, stepping inside the clothes store.

Fifteen minutes later and she was stepping out into the rain again, an umbrella of a plaid pattern over her head. She kept her eyes down and walked down the street with a crowd, fitting in now. She was now wearing a plain red t-shirt with jeans, and she had to laugh at how she'd gotten the clothes. But no matter, she doubted she would be found now.


Kale yelped as he sudddenly leapt up, knocking her off balance, by the time she got back to her paws, coated in mud and officially drenched to her skin, all she could see was Sabrina's mostly white form streaking after the newborn werewolf.

Kale just watched as Sabrina closed the distance between herself and the kid. as a newborn, he was clumsy, not yet in control, and completely dangerous. they did not need two uncontrollable werewolves right now.

on that thought Kale padded over to Timothy, who was still unconscious, the rain and the mud spattering him. nt to mention the rest of the pack as they stood about the clearing.

"Sabrina is going to need some help, a few of you, who are good about controling yourselvesneed to go help her. Marcus, would you help me get timothy back to the ranch?" as kale issued orders and plea's she had to resist from glancing a kratos for reasurrance, she needed to learn to function without the close guidance of her alpha, beta's were here to help the alpha, not to burden them further.


How delicious a hard midnight storm was! The fresh water glistening off the leaves of the trees with every lightning bolt across the sky. Thunder rumbling the floor, rain tapping rapidly against the window, and oh how precious the smell of wet earth!

The cold water gushed through the rocky river bank, moving quickly down the mountain to deliver it's bounty to the earth. The tree branches rattled as their leaves were weighed down by the heavy rain, such a good storm these mountains had almost forgotten existed.. It was quite a refreshing sight, but not silent or peaceful, for the rain was loud and boisterous and only a short distance away was the fight of the wolves.....

Had this rain been any lighter, she would not dare to have been this close at this hour of night.. But as it was, they could not smell her.. thus she went undetected this time. How curious they had always been to her... Why did they always fight and desire so much blood from each other? At length her mind was again burdened by the warnings of her predecessors to her family concerning these creatures, and at last she could ignore it no longer. She silently stood, thoroughly soaked through, and turned to depart.. taking one last glimpse at Creatures of the Moon.


Kratos growled and quickly grabbed Timothy, throwing the boy over his shoulder and racing over to where Sabrina had downed the newly converted werewolf.

"Blast it!" He growled, "That went worse then planned.. Timothy is amazingly intelligent for a uncontrollable werewolf and that boy was uncommonly stupid to follow us. I curse the odds. Everyone better be back to the ranch in ten minutes or I'll have something to take out my anger on!!"

Now carrying both boys on his back, the Alpha began charging down the mountain. He growled as he remembered what awaited him there, hadn't there been another new boy.. Theo. What had he spent this night doing? Hopefully HawkThorne would be able to keep him out of trouble while the rest of them were gone.

But as the rain began to let up and he neared the edge of the forest, the alpha caught the scent of fresh human blood and all his hopes faded...

Steadily he came to a stop, his large teeth bared and his hackles raising.. There before him lay a human figure dressed in the clothes of a animal control agent.

"Rrrarraaaahhh!!!!" Kratos roared in furry! Quickly the Alpha laid Kaleb and Timothy upon the ground and approached the female human. She was yet alive, but it wasn't to last in her condition, and even if she was to survive... she'd be a werewolf.

Kratos used his massive form to shield Jaqueline's body from the rain as he inspected her wounds. Then he growled and went back to put the two boys over his shoulders, and returned to the woman to pick her up.

From there, Kratos stood up on his hind legs and carried all three of the injured back toward the house.

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