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Werewolves (RP 1): A Storm in the Mountains (09/10-12/10)

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Hour Glass:

Zeit growled as she felt his teeth her neck once more. She drew the rouge packmate away from the human, this was her battle, he didn't need to be drawn in. She had her paw to protect her neck as his teeth tightened, just like before. Flashbacks began to come to her as she felt his teeth, it was just like the forming of the pack again, she felt her body go rigid for a moment before her view on the situation changed. Timothy was no longer a problem that needed to be calm, he had become a threat to her pack that should be taken out, and as fast as possiable. She kicked her paw into his stomach, which cause him to take in a dee breath, giving her the second she needed to be free of his grasp.

Her paw throbbed, it had been crushed again, making the situation even more like the time before. Her eyes slit, and she crouched into a tough stance. She was as fast as a tiger as she race forward, going for his paws, latching on and twisting, either to break his paw or to send him to the ground. She used her position to go under the male, and stood up, using her momentum to crash into his underside, going to send him to the ground. She tasted the rich blood of a werewolf, and she snapped back into reality. She let go of his paw, backing up, hopefully she hadn't done to much damage, she didn't mean to have lost it like she had. Kratos would chew her out for sure later.


Oh, Kratos wouldn't need to - for at that moment Sabrina arrived on the scene. Her eyes darted wildly about the scene, something akin to rage, fear, and just plain animal twisting into her heart as she saw Timothy, the human, and Zeit. She tried to soothe her inner wolf, tried to find reason...there...reason...yes...

She snarled deeply. This is my fault. I didn't get here in time. The boy...he will heal...but he never trust, the thought made her spit and growl savagely and her hackles and tail bristled. I tried so hard to prepare for this moment. I studied him throughout the month....I tested him, tried to get close. I thought I was prepared - I thought I knew him. How is it possible that his wolf could be so opposite his human conciousness??

She darted forward with frightening speed and with several skillful bites that did not seem to puncture Timothy's flesh she paralyzed him, similarly to how she had done to Creorran earlier that day. It would not last - but it would keep him subdued, hopefully until daybreak. As she rose panting from this work, her eyes met his for a brief moment. Painfully, she forced herself to look away.

"I will get the herbs for your wounds, and his," she mumbled to Zeit, careful not to meet her eyes, her breath white in the chilly night air. With her tail and head down, she turned and shook some water from her pelt - not that it did much good all - the rain still had not let up.

A crack of lightning split the skies. "We should return to the house - bring the human, else he catch his death of cold."

...I almost lost myself...and I pray that I have not lost Timothy.


Kieoki's head snapped to her one side as the young Were charged into the small clearing, making her take a defensive pose until another female Werewolf was suddenly flying at the young Were and attacking him, making the young male seem to become more angry and rage driven as he attacked the female again, making the fight continue. But a quick scent of the air through the driving rain made Kieoki freeze for a moment. Other Weres were coming. And the human was still here. A large Were was entering across the clearing, judging by the giant shape moving through the rain, and others were sure to be behind. The human couldn't stay here. But how to get the human away without it looking like she was going to tear him to shreds?

Well, you could just tear him to shreds anyways... The alluring voice of her wolf spoke in her mind, taunting her to end this situation and slip away during the storm before they could track her down. But what would that accomplish?


Snarling at herself, Kieoki crouched lower to the ground and stalked closer to the human. She thought she'd heard it speak but that didn't matter at this point. The fighting Weres wouldn't know if they hurt this human while fighting. Everything else gets tuned out save the fact of killing the other or staying alive. Kieoki had to stop her self snarl then though, trying not to frighten the human any more than necessary. She could have acted like a big dog, playfully barking and trying to lead the human away...but she wasn't to keen with acting thatnice. No, Kieoki was going to close the gap and knock the human down, then drag him out of there. But before she could do so, another female Were came out of the forest and shot forwards towards the young male, seeming to stun him and return order to this mess. Now you're the intruder. Run. Her wolf shouted at her in her mind, but Kieoki knew better and she argued back, trying to hold onto her human thoughts over the fear coming from her wolf.

If I run they will chase. Do you want that?

No, but run.

That makes no sense! I told you what would happen if you run. We'll be ch-

Be quiet and back up towards the human. Stand by his side and we'll see what happens.Unable to argue with that point since the other alternatives weren't better, Kieoki did just that. She crouched low to the ground and backed up towards the human, a defensive look upon her face until she came to a stop slightly behind the human male and to his side, sitting down with a defiant stare.


Kale watched Zeit and Timothy go at each other, her own inner wolf urging her to jump in and take Timothy down. not the best thing for Timothy.

the two brawling werewolves slid closer to the human and Kale cast a furious glare in Kaleb's direction.

Kale took note of those in the clearing, watching, waiting.

Sabrina found a spot and blurre into the battle, knocking Timothy out.

that's when kale noticed there were more werewolves around than should have been. she turned her clear green stare onto a female werewolf whom was sitting next to Kaleb, the human.

Kale couldn't recall the face.

she turned back towards Sabrina and an unconciouse Timothy.

'he's going to have one hell of a headache when he wakes up. you were with him when it started?" she asked Sabrina, then, before te other werewolf could answer, "tell me what happened when we back to the house."

Kale turned towards the strange new female.

"you! what's your name and your intention?" kale went into Bta mode. protect the pack.


Kratos stood slightly dumbfounded. The battle had passed quick, leaving it's blood and then ending.. What was he to make of it?

Zeit was right to have defended herself in such circumstances, but when Sabrina had entered the clearing, Kratos had gotten the feeling that she was more inclined to attack Zeit then the boy.

Now everything seemed at a halt. Kratos was less then willing to lower his guard although the obvious danger had been silenced..

Then the Alpha caught the scent of that intruder again, behind him no less! In an instant he had whirled around to face the stranger and protect the human boy's "humanity". But he was met with a rather different feeling.

The stranger was using body-language which stated that she was protecting the kid from Kratos' pack.

For a moment his sharp yellow eyes blinked hard, trying to judge this creature a friend or foe.. Then he took a step to approach the female, trying to gather any information he could about her through her scent..


Timothy blinked through the darkness, his breathing was hard and his body throbbed. He lay on his back in the mud with every rain drop stinging his chest and burning his eyes.

"Why does it hurt?" He thought briefly, he could not understand the pain..

His vision then began to return, and the first thing he saw was Sabrina's yellow eyes just before she looked away from him.

In an attempt to try to breathe Timothy painfully forced himself to cough, and to his surprise, he spat out blood.

"What has happened?!" He cried out silently in his own mind. Then looked down his shoulder, his gaze traveling down his arm to where his forearm lay broken and bleeding in the black mud.

His hand was padded and covered in fur and from each finger tip was a large black claw.

Again fear gripped Timothy's heart and he struggled to move, crying out when he found that he couldn't!

What has happened!?!?! Let me up! Someone help me!

The more he struggled to move, the more painful it became, until at last his human consciousness could withstand it no more! The pain began to numb, concealing itself from his brain's detection, then it began to try to make him sleep.

Blackness began to fade into Timothy's vision and his body weakened.

The last thing he could remember seeing was another boy standing at the base of a large boulder with wolves- No, werewolves, gathered at either side..

Standing above him was a large grey male, whose one eye was red and another bright yellow. His face was scarred and his coat was mangled.. He seemed completely untouched by the rain.

"It's him!" Timothy's mind cried in horror! Instantly he began to violently struggle to move and run, yet he still could not!

Then his vision went black and Timothy's human consciousness collapsed.


Kratos glared at the stranger. "Why are you trespassing?" He growled in the language of the wolves so that the human boy could not understand.

But the female would not have time to answer before the Alpha's attention was suddenly drawn towards Timothy who cried out and rolled to his feet!

The young werewolf had a wild look in his eyes as he snarled and lunged at the boulder! His claws clashing over Kaleb's shoulders, thrusting the boy to the ground!

Kratos did not waste a second to lock his teeth upon Timothy's back, rip him off the human, and hold him to the ground.. But by then there was no need.

Timothy had fallen limp, and Kaleb had already been bit.


As Kieoki sat by the human she noticed the one wolf turn to look at her with a glare, asking her for her name and intention. Judging by the protective look upon the Were's face, yet how less dominant she seemed Kieoki took a good guess that this wasn't this pack's alpha. Defiance flashing in her own eyes, Kieoki chose to narrow her eyes at the female, not speaking or moving until her nose twitched and she caught sight of the very large male again. The wolf in her mind faintly snarled at the sight of Kratos, but Kieoki held her ground, listening as the male glared at her and asked why she was trespassing. Trespassing? I'm only traveling through. But alphas never see it that way. The thought flickered through her mind and she was about to put it to words when the young male was back on his feet, snarling.

Kieoki was shocked when she saw the young Were lunge at the boulder where she and the human were and she didn't have time to react before the male had already knocked the human to the ground. A second later the large male was tearing the younger one away from the human, pinning him to the ground. But that didn't matter. Nothing would matter anymore for this human. Kieoki remembered what it felt like to have claws tearing through your skin, shredding away and letting you live...No. Don't think on that now. She scolded herself so that she would focus on the human. She knew he'd been bit and as the large male held the younger down, she weaved her way over to the human and sat down besides him-more or less in front of him- and flicked her tail around her paws. She could remember the pain, and she wasn't about to let anyone else get close to this human in his last moments of being human.


Sabrina didn't have time to answer Kale's questions before out of the corner of her eyes she saw Timothy's still panting form twitch, writhe, and then lunge upward at the human! "No!" she cried out, wheeling around to try and stop him - but Kratos had already done just that....only too late.

Again that insane protective urge for Timothy swelled up inside of her as the Alpha pinned him to the ground. She opened her mouth and gasped, "He can do nothing more, don't hurt him!" Her voice was a mere wheeze however, and she saw that the Alpha had already recognized that fact. She forced herself to look away and assess the damage done to the human--er, pack-member to be. He was bleeding pretty bad.

Sabrina glanced at the intruder who positioned herself beside him. Did she know him? It doesn't matter, she thought, This is our land, we will do as we wish to those who enter it--and if he doesn't stop bleeding like that there will not soon be much left to save. Hackles slightly raised she approached the pair. "I'm going to stop his bleeding," she growled to the intruder.


Kieoki's muzzle turned into a snarl as a female came closer to her, saying that she was going to stop the not-so-much-human's bleeding. Kieoki never moved and in fact she stood to her paws, ears pressed against the back of her head as she snarled in the wolf's tongue, finding that she normally spoke in it than in human language. "What are you going to stop the bleeding with? There isn't really much around here that you could use. And it doesn't matter anyways. The bleeding will stop soon anyways and the rain will wash its trace away."

Why are you protecting the human? Her wolf snarled in her mind at her, frustrated.

Because I don't trust that female. How do I know she won't kill the human?

But you do realize that the other Weres here would see if she killed the human?

Well yes, but that's not the point. And stop calling him "the human". He's anything but that now. I'm holding my ground and that's final. She ended with a snarl at her wolf in her mind, noting the small huff it gave before it decided not to argue anymore and leave the point alone.


"Snarl at her one more time and i'll chase you out of here!" Kale growled angrily. things had gotten way out of hand, intruders, human, battles, now we had to deal with the human turning into a werewolf and a prideful tresspasser.

kale glanced over at Kratos and noticed he had taken intrest in the intruder as well.

kale snarld quietly to herself and pressed at the intruder again, stepping forward.

" you smell like yourself, i'm assuming you have no pack. your growling to yourself and i'm assuming thats because your fighting your inner wolf. Fine. however, He is our problem now and you need to step out of the way, interfere one more time and i won't hesitate to forcibly remove you." Tunring to her companions now, "Sabrina, is it safe to move him or are we better off here? Alpha, do you have any advice about what we need to do?"


Kaleb watched the werewolves start fighting, then he felt a presence beside him. He glanced down, and saw a female wolf standing by his side. He looked back up, his body as rigid as a board. A bead of sweat ran down his face.

The young wolf kept staring at him. He saw it growl, and leap out of the other female werewolf's grip. He tried to back away, but the wolf was there in an instant.

Kaleb screamed in pain as the wolf dragged him to the ground, his claws digging into his shoulder. Then there was agonizing pain, and black dots swam in his vision. He witnessed the big black wolf jumping onto the other wolf's back, and saw the surprise cover the black wolf's face as he stared at Kaleb. Kaleb looked at his shoulder, and felt the fire-hot pain finally reach his nerves. His shoulder looked pretty much torn open, and bled onto the muddy earth that his body lay in. He stared at it, and bright lights flashed in his eyes, stars danced, flames rose, then blackness overwhlemed. He tried to sit up, then fell back to the earth. He panted heavily from the effort, and tears streamed down his face in a silent cry. Rain drops began to blur and everything changed into a swirling mess of colors and unexplainable designs. It was all overtaken by a dark void that his conciousness got sucked into.

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