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Werewolves (RP 1): A Storm in the Mountains (09/10-12/10)

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Theo stared numbly at the three err, individuals before him. Hawkthorne, who'd brought him here in the first place. Kratos, who, though he wouldn't admit it, terrified him. And the strange Animal Control officer, who though he didn't know, he knew there would be hell to pay for his misdoings to her. It was all a dizzying circle of faces as his stare shifted between all three. Perhaps he would have done so for hours if Kratos had not taken Jaqueline and moved..

He wanted to run. No would have caught him; they were too occupied. But no matter how much he begged his legs to move, they would not respond. With a will not his own, his legs began to trail after Kratos. He wanted to run, but he couldn't. No no, he couldn't. He felt like a prisoner being tethered along by an invisibly chain that he could not see and could not break.


Jaqueline could not say exactly what she was experiencing. It was far from any sort of epiphany on overcoming her own demises or troubles in her past. For she had none of these things to overcome. It was not fear as she lay trapped in the strange blackness. Her half-lucid mind struggled to define what it was. Perhaps... exhilaration? Yes yes, that's it, her mind answered.

She could not feel pain, not yet. Pain was more like a silly tickle that would not leave- an irritation, nothing more. Her body was lifted by some invisible force and the feeling intensified. Uncomfortable, but still not overbearing. Seconds inched along and she could feel more. Tighter. The pain felt sharp. To the average mind, it was becoming unbearable. But she was not the average; she was bred and trained for it. Her mind easily lofted pain aside.

Something white and shiny peered from the dark sea of unconsciousness. She blinked. Then Jacqueline realized she could blink. Strange. She blinked again, then again, then again. She was lying backside up on some sort of creature, her mind was too tired to place its name. It was the moon she saw. She had never realized how beautiful the moon really was...

Her body shivered from the cold. But not a cold she had felt before; it was a cold chill that crept along her spine and stirred an ancient creature that had always been there, but at the same time it had not. As if it was a calling that awoke a beast from its sleep. She was not afraid of it. For she and this beast were one of the same.


Kale stepped back as the alpha reached for Timothy and watched in silence for a moment as he headed away with the two boys slung across his shoulders. Kale looked at the ground, feeling a little useless, before sliping quietly through the trees and heading for home.


such a nice thought.


Wolf ran, free, through the forest. What a stupid boy, to think he would control me Wolf ran, thinking mischevious thoughts. Suddenly, White She-Wolf appeared behind Wolf. Her bright fur was like a sore thumb, it stuck out. Wolf sneered, and faced her. She-Wolf leaped onto Wolf's back, and Wolf felt her press a pressure point. Wolf growled, but was overcome.

Kaleb lay in the dirt, his face dirty and one lip bleeding. Weird. He found himself staring up at a white she-wolf. "Thank you" Kaleb whispered before passing out into a welcomed darkness.

While in the void, Kaleb dreamed. He dreamed of living freely as a werewolf, but something dark lurked in the background, always watching. Because of this, Kaleb always lived in fear, while living in happiness also. He smiled in his unconsiousness. No one saw it though, as he was slung over Kratos' back, unknowing. 


Alice's turned in her sleep as a clock dinged wildly. She sighed and slammed her hand onto the top of the digital block. Her eyes slowly opened as she sat up, her hair as wild as her thoughts. She looked around in boredom until her deep eyes rested back onto her clock. "Oh gosh! Darn it!!" She darted up and into her bathroom, and down the stairs quickly. She looked back and forth madly "Oh comn! I missed them! " She slaped her hand onto her face.

"This sucks..." She growled silently and looked up at the mountians. Her legs brought her to the end of their house yard, she sat on a rock and looked on at the forest. The dark shadows covering her and the flowers blooming steadly at the foot of their trunks.

Alice heard a small rustle in the bushes and she instantly growled abut. Her animal instincts coming back in. Then out of nowhere a rabbit darted out and ran past her feet. She laughed as she slowly saw it hop away.


Sabrina had hurried up ahead of the Alpha to preapre medicine for the wounded. Zeit's house was dark and quiet when she arrived... whether there were still pack members here or not she couldn't tell--it all smelled like them. Some unfamiliar wolf had been around too, and not the female from before whom had tried to protect the human boy [Kaleb] pre-transformation.

She shook her sopping wet fur--not that it did much good in the rain--and then entered the house. The house was still ill-sized for a wolf, so she transformed back into a human there too. Dry apparel would have to wait; the Alpha and the others would be back very soon.

She went to the kitchen and cleared the table, spread a sheet over it, and then started to go through herbs and spices in the cabinets. She collected some of her favorite anti-bleeding spice, cayenne pepper, and set it on the table along with some pain killers. Then she set some water boiling and laid out some bandages.

Next she went to the rooms to gather dry clothes for everyone, and finally she got into a fresh white dress herself.... now all she had to do was wait.

It was sometime around then that she heard the Alpha's roar, and understood hed found yet another new were. Oh goody. Well, Sabrina thought, it could have been much worse. With at least two new weres, Timothy's unexcepted temperment, and a rural town nearby... We might be trying to clean up a massacre now instead of just cleaning up wounds and preparing to train new wolves.


The massive black werewolf finally stepped onto the porch and laid the three injured down, his brilliant yellow eyes glaring back at the darkness behind him.

HawkThorne, Alice, and the new boy had been left behind when the pack had charged into the mountains.. Things had not been expected to go so badly.

Kratos then left his werewolf form and opened the door... Oddly, Sabrina was the one inside, and she had already prepared everything needed to take care of the injured. Now, Kratos would have previously considered this as Sabrina having a good education concerning herbs, but after everything else tonight she had curiously been prepared for, the Alpha had begun to suspect diffently.

"HawkThorne." Kratos called. "Help me get these people inside."


Alice heard the Alpha's roar for every member to come back together. She quickly raced back to the house, her bare feet trudgeing through the dead grass she had wondered into while she quietly took a walk through the forest. She finally skidded to a stop in front of the house , two of her pack members and a new comer was laying on the porch. What the?! She hopped ontop of the top stairs, slowly walking past and up to Kratos "Um....What happened?" She mumbled as she looked at the limp bodies of her pack.

She then turned her head and saw that Sabrina had set up the table and laid out all the healing herbs that dealt with any bleeding injuries. Alice looked at Sabrina also and saw that she had put on a clean white dress. What did I miss? She thought quietly as she turned back to see if the rest of the pack returned from the Mountian journey. 


Creorran, thankfully not badly injured, jolted awake when he heard Kratos call for all of the pack members. The young were had been laying against a tree stump after deciding it was not safe to be around the feuding wolves when he had fallen asleep. He would need to ask his alpha to catch him up on the situation.

He stood up slowly, careful not to strain any muscles. Creorran was extremely stiff, and stretched for a few moments before heading back to Zeit's farmhouse. Creorran regretted falling asleep in the freezing rain, and now wished to get home quickly and get away from the cold, wetness of outside. He yawned as he began walking through the slick wet grass. He must have morphed back to his human form sometime before he fell asleep, for he could not remember doing so.


Kratos gently laid the three injured on various sheets within the house, then he looked at the bedraggled faces of his pack-mates. "Go get cleaned up and in fresh clothes." He said firmly, then giving a suspicious look at Sabrina he continued. "Take care of these, I'm going outside to wait for the others. We'll chat once I get back in."


Theo starred numbly across the room- his attention held mainly at the tiny dial clock hanging on the wall. The second hands inched across the small circle and he watched them run their never-ending journey across the clock face. Soon the seconds passed and the minute hand inched forward. And on and on it went, starring at the clock that kept spinning and never stopping.

It was Kratos that snapped him out of it. The voice startled him, but he anchored his body to not quiver. He didn't want the alpha to see him afraid. Silently, he walked across the room. At one point he realized he must have transformed back to his human form, but did not know when for sure. In any case, he passed through the room, hopefully unnoticed, towards the stair case. A large cotton T-shirt hung limply on the rail and he snatched it up, fumbling with the cloth for a moment, and slipped it on. He didn't even care who's it was at this point; it could have been Kratos for all he cared.

Sleep tugged at his limps and he yawned. Hazily, he scanned around for a sleeping area. Uncertain, he choose a corner at the base of the stairs, which was out of Kratos' sight, and fell asleep in an instant.

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