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The Founders (Prologue) January-October 2010

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Progressing through the undergrowth, Kiton glued his jaws shut as every thorn, bramble, and branch assaulted his sore limb. Every step was agonizing and the idea that it was broken was obvious. If he stopped, he'd fall, so he had to continue to the sounds of danger.

There was fighting noises near as well as that of the others;Kiton turned his head at the sound. Stumbling fastrer, he spotted Kale and ran towards them. He shifted back into human form to speak but his bloody leg collapsed beneath him and he crumpled onto the grass. He winced but continued his question,"What's going on Kale?"


"Kiton!" Kale yelped and dove towards him, alarmed at his injuries. "Zeit and Kratos went after Gathen, the intruder. I heard the sounds of a fight but I waited behind to see who was following, I think they must have went towards a ravine, I heard a small rockslide. Did Gathen do this to you? Are you alright?" she was speaking really fast as she frantically tried to stop his leg from bleeding. A low growl humming from her chest, she tore off a piece of her cloak and tried to wrap the leg, she stopped herself and whimpered once she realized it was broken.

composing herself she snarled at him.

"You idiot! You ran all this way on a broken limb?" as much as she wanted to race after Zeit and Kratos, she still had other packmembers that needed her, for instance the foolish werewolf in frot of her nearly bleeding to death!

Kale howled for a second time, this time in an attempt to call the others to Zeit and Kratos's aid.

As the echo's faded she could only hope that they had heard her, and that Kratos and Zeit would be alright untill help arrived. "You can't fight like this, no matter how much will power you have, I'm taking you back to the house."


Kiton narrowed his eyes and snapped, "I'm not going back, I don't want to act like a coward. What will Kratos think of me being stopped by a stupid injur--"

He stopped speaking and looking at Kale with the the cloth and considered it. "Maybe I should leave, better to live as a coward than die as a mislead idiot, a false hero. Go ahead and drag me into a nice hole for me to die. I'll be fine; it's not like Gathhhyyyyy's gunnnaa pick a figght wiit aaahhh... If anythin, tell him I'm dead and let a zombie take him on at a later dayyte."

His head slumped over in his lap and his broken leg shifted into a paw, tangled and torn. Great, what use would this sack of meat be now? Punching bag or garbage bag to haul out back?


Sabrina had been prowling around home base in case the old snake came crawling back. As far as she knew, she was the only one who hadn't chased afte Gathen, and wondered how the others were faring against him.

Then she heard the distressed howl of Kale. She lifted her head and focused her ears in alert, then sprang off the roof where she had been perched and accross the field towards the cry. It had come some distance away, and Sabrina wasn't entirely familiar with the area, but it did not take her long to pick up the smell of Kiton's blood and Kale's anxiety.

She honed in on these scents, and soon found them. Panting, she looked at Kiton, and then at Kale. "What happened?" she asked. Kiton looked to be in horrible shape...Sabrina knew at a glance that his leg was broken.

"Where's the Alpha, and Gathen?" she asked quickly, but without waiting for an answer started to look around for something else. She went off a few ways searching and sniffing. Finally she found a straight stick and some wild herbs, and with incredible strength she ripped off the branch of a nearby tree. She brought these back to Kiton's side.

"Kale, I'm going to need some water," she said, feverishly working to strip the bark and smaller branches and leaves from the branch she had gathered. "This will serve as a walking stick...I can set his leg after it is cleaned and treated....where is the Alpha?" she asked again, all the while still working and not looking up.


"You're not a coward, a coward would have given up when he realized his leg was broken," Kale growled. As she was speaking Sabrina showed up and started asking questions.

"Kratos and Zeit are further up, I think they caught up to Gathen! I heard the sounds of a fight and a small rock-slide, I'm afraid one of them may have fallen into a chasm or been crushed but I didn't want to leave Kiton like this." Kale watched as Sabrina gathered a few things and asked for water.

"I think I heard the sound of a river earlier, I'll be back in a sec..., oh, has anyone seen Marcus? If Gathen got Kiton im hoping he didn't catch Marcus as well, having both of them out for the count tonight would be extremely dangerous. Our enemy is smarter than I'd like to admit."

Kale tried to focus on the sound of running water, pinpointing it she dashed off.


Sabrina looked up and focused her ears in the direction that Kale had mentioned, but all seemed quiet up there right now....too quiet. She set the branch aside and started to go through the wild herbs she had gathered, setting them in piles on a flat stone.

"Thank you," Sabrina said whe Kale stated she would go look for water.

Marcus was the one pack member Sabrina hadn't met. She'd smelled him back at the house, but she was yet unsure of his whereabouts. She glanced up ahead anxiously, wondering if the others were alright, and then returned her attention to Kiton.


Zeit rushed forward, and burst from the bushes. She saw the cliff and slipped, catching herself before she fell down. she looked to Kratos, "Now what?" she asked.


Just then Marcus appeared through the brush, glancing around nervously. He had become aware of a scent he didn't quite recognize, and it was mixed in with the scent of his packmates, causing the boy to become extremely worried. But as he approached them all he saw it was only a girl, probably not much older than he. He stood there for a moment, trying to decide what he should do and say. "Everyone OK? Who is this?" he gestured towards the new face.

He shuffled his feet in the dust, the white tips of his converse turning a dusty shade of tan. He felt.... awkward. Like there everything he did or said was frownable. He didn't know this then, but really it was just because he was nervous in the presence of a very pretty girl.


Kale reached the stream and realized she had no way of carrying water. Pondering this for a moment she tore off another length of cloth from her cloak, and muttering about having to replace it she soaked it in the stream. Pulling the now waterlogged cloth out of the water she dashed back to where Sabrina and Kiten were.

Grimacing at Kiton's obvious blood loss she handed the wet bundle to Sabrina.

"I'm leaving him to you. I need to go find Kratos and Zeit, see if they're all right and help them get rid of that annoying intruder!" With that Kale turned on her heel and raced deeper into the woods, following the scent trail of her Alpha.


Kratos held firmly to the side of the chasm where the cliff seemed to cut short, then dip back into itself like a ledge. Kratos' wrists and ankles were covered in fresh blood from the rocks which had knocked him down. Kratos' hind paws tried to catch the cliff side, but it was too far out of reach.

Both aged terrain and gravity worked against him as he tried to find something to cling to. Thick tree roots were all that were firm enough to hold on to, and even they were cracking with Kratos' weight.


"Poor, old, stupid boy!" Gathen hollered from above as he searched for a large enough stone to put an end to Kratos once and for all.


Kratos growled, his black figure almost completely invisible against the shadow of the chasm. He knew he was loosing this fight, and he did feel stupid. What a fool he was, he hadn't payed attention to his own weaknesses and he had allowed them to become his opponent's advantage. Kratos' size would become his downfall... His bright yellow eyes caught the moon's light for a second, and he flashed it toward Zeit who hung a little way from him.

That brief glance spoke all his anguish and regret, and he looked as if he meant to say I'm sorry.


Crack! Gathen pushed a large boulder from it's ancient seat at the base of an oak trunk and it toppled down to the ledge above Kratos.


Sabrina gratefully accepted the soaked cloth from Kale. "I will take care of him," she said, and then she snarled, "Make sure the snake gets what is coming to him...bite him once for me, if you can."

As Kale took off, Sabrina set to work at cleaning Kiton's wounds. She was glad he wasn't conscious...maybe it was just a hunch, but she didn't think he was the type who would cooperate very much if he was awake. She had just started to unwrap some of her white bindings to use as bandages for Kiton when Marcus approached.

She started at first, supposing him for a moment to be the enemy, but she relaxed as she recognized his scent from the house. "He must be the one the Alpha called Marcus," she commented quietly. She noted that he was still in his human form and wondered at this...he seemed a little confused and out of place. She also noted that, in his presence, she was incredibly keen on how dirty and unkempt she must look. She smoothed back some of her hair and tried to focus on the task at hand.

At his question, she found she was the only one around to answer, as Kale must not have heard him before darting off. "Kiton is not okay. He has lost much blood, and I fear his leg is broken." As she spoke she had finished cleaning most of the old blood and dirt from his wounds. She ground the herbs she had gathered into a dark green mush between two stones and rubbed this into Kiton's injuries. "These should help prevent infection, at least until we can get him better care."

She looked up at Marcus. "The Alpha and the others have gone ahead to fight Gathen. I do not hear any sign of a struggle, and I worry."

Sabrina then returned her attention to setting Kiton's leg.

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