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The Founders (Prologue) January-October 2010

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Hour Glass

Zeit looked up, at the crack of the boudler. Her eyes widened, but hardened at the same time. Her leader as if he would be killed by that stone, and now way she would let that happen. Gathren wasn't having a fair fight, in which the two would fight in hand to hand combat.

She raced forward, putting all her strength into her paws. She sprinted, luckily she was closer to Kratos, so she didn't have to go far. She leaned her head back, and pushed with her shoulder. She wasn't the strongest wolf, but her movment pushed out of harms way, but even closer to the cliff.

She gripped the edge of the cliff, feeling the rocks give way, and she pranced closer to kratos. She watched the boulder come by, it would have killed him instanly. She looked to Gathern, a snarl perched on her muzzle. "Are you too chicken to fight with your claws?" she called, her eyes gleaming in the night.


Kale could smell all three of them now, telling her she was getting close. she could also smell blood, a small growl rising in her throat. Quieting herself she crept forward, trying to see what scene lay before her before she dashed out.

It took her a second to realize why she couldn't see Kratos, he was hanging onto a cliff at the moment, Zeit just next to him and Gathen above them.

Kale could hear Zeit snarl but was unclear on what she said. she circled around for a bit, trying to get closer to the three without being seen, when she was in a spot almost in line between Gathen and the others she dashed out, leaping up for his thoat, and hoping she knocked him away from the others.


Kratos was not prepared for Zeit's sudden attempt to save his life, she was fast!

At the time Zeit had charged out to help Kratos, he only had his head, shoulders, and front paws on the cliff side, the rest of him had hung above the chasm.

As Zeit's weight forced itself into Kratos' shoulders, knocking him from the boulder's fatal path, Kratos' deep bark shattered the air. He had to work quickly to gain a foothold now that he had lost his grip on the cliffside.


Gathen's eyes hardened and his teeth glinted in the moon light. "You fool!" He shouted and prepared to charge down to kill Zeit but was suddenly knocked off course!

Kale's teeth took a firm grip onto Gathen's neck and the two tumbled onto the loose rocky ledge!


Kratos shook his head from the impact of it being thrust into a jutting rock when Zeit saved his life. With quite a bit of effort, Kratos pressed his neck into the rock and used it to haul the rest of him back up onto the ledge.

Panting, Kratos briefly smiled at Zeit to thank her, his eyes glinting once again. Then the large black werewolf charged along the rocky ledge to where the two grey wolves fought.


While they tumbled, Gathen thrust Kale in the path of the greatest impact and broke from her when they hit the ground. A quick roll and Gathen was back on his paws, hackles raised and teeth bared! The loose ground they stood on was evident as small stones constantly rolled out from under their paws and tumbled off the edge of the cliff.

Hour Glass

Zeit nodded but her face stayed straight. She looked over the edge, looking for the best way to help Kale, but the farther down they got, the steeper the clif. She grumbled something under her breath, anger flashing in her eyes. The best to get down was to jump.

She began a short climb downward, and positioned herself so she would land behind Gatheren. She took a deep breath, before launching herself off the cliff, turning so she took the ompact on her paws.

She landed hard, her injured paw buckling under her, but she still had three good ones, she could still feet. She took a quick moment to catch her breath and let the pain pass, but it wasn't a long break, she couldn't let her pack mate get hurt anymore then she was.

She raced foreward, her jaws wide open, a snarl perched on her lips. She turned and slid on her shoulder, and bit down hard on his back left paws, using enough force to break the bones in his paw.

She licked her paws out, trying to keep herself from sliding off the ledge. Where the three were placed, it was unstable, and very thin, one move could send the ledge crashing down, or one of the wolves to their deaths. Hopefully it would be Gatheren, the pest was changing into a menace now.

She loosened up on her bite, but only moved up as fast as she could, before chomping right back down. She felt bone crumble between her teeth, and the snao of a tendon was like music to her ears. Hopefully she had snapped the right tendon, which meant he wouldn't beable to walk on that leg, making him easier to face and destroy.


No sooner had Zeit caught Gathen's leg that his large head whirled around and snapped Zeit by the neck! For a brief moment Gathen had hoped that the sudden attack would entice Zeit to let go, but contrary, as time passed she only bit down harder!

Pain seared up his hind leg and quick adrenaline caught hold of the villain's heart. The strong muscles in Gathen's leg began to rip continuously away from Zeit's mouth while the rest of his body began a squirming spasm pushing himself away from the female werewolf. But no matter what the rest of him tried to do to escape, his jaws would not release Zeit's neck.

Then Gathen began violently ripping his head from side to side as if trying to render Zeit's head from her shoulders.


A vicous growl ripped the air as Kratos' black figure tore out of the darkness! He charged across the treacherous stones until he was nearly on top of the two other wolves.

Gathen released Zeit and tried to retreat, but it fell in vain. Kratos fell upon Gathen growling and snarling, his large forearm pushing Zeit from the battle.

Gathen yipped and scrambled for escape, but he was trapped beneath the full wrath of Kratos' strength. Rocks gave way underneath them, some slipping from their place on the ledge above and tumbling down to beat the flesh of the wolves.

Then it happened, all too quickly... Kratos felt himself being dragged down by the rocks and scrambled for a last chance to survive the battle. He pushed away from Gathen who instantly pushed away from the larger male. Such an action cost him dearly as just when he scrambled away from Kratos, the grey wolf vanished over the edge and into the chasm. Many rocks tumbled off after him crashing together and toppling down into the darkness, but after, no other sound came up again.

When Kratos had managed to scramble to sturdy ground, his bright yellow eyes finally found time to stare after Gathen. His chest rose and fell with many deep breaths, waiting for whatever was to come next... but without a sound or movement, it was clear that Gathen would not return.

At length, Kratos turned from the cliff side and looked to find his pack members.

"Kale? Zeit?" He whispered through his panting.

Hour Glass

Zeit got up, watching the werewolf fall down the canyon. She laid where she was for a moment, letting herself catch her breath. The back of her neck throbbed, but the pain was slowly dying away, but she would be sore tomorrow.

She got up, wincing sligtly when her forepaw touched the ground. Jumping off the cliff had worsened the injury, and she would have to go easy when she went running for a few days. "I'm good" she said after a moment, taking in a few more deep breaths before rising her head up, a wolfish smile on her face.

"Looks like we are a pack now" she said, wagging her tail slightly, her eyes gleaming. She then bent down and licked her paw, cleaning away the rocks and blood, trying to rid the taste of the pesky werewolf's blood. Once finished, she checked the rest of he paws, making sure no rocks got caught up between the pads fo her feet.

Once finished she walked over to Kratos, and let her head fall for a moment, showing him respect, before going to Kale, and making sure she was alright. Today had turned out better then she had planned, and she felt as if she had accomplished something.


As Gathen and Kale hit the ledge she broke from him so as not to let him get a hold of her neck, but the loose soil of the ledge gave under her back paws! Quickly digging her front paws into the dirt she scrambled for a few moments, terrified at facing the fall behind her and the enemy in front of her, but she looked up and Zeit had reached them, her jaws firmly clamped over Gathens leg. She struggled abit more and finally got all four paws back onto the loose, but stable ground just in time to see Kratos black form standing over the edge, and the enemy falling out of sight.

She laid her head down on the soil, huffing a sigh of releif that it was finally over. As she tried to stand back up she winced as she felt a throbbing pain in her shoulder. Gently she put more weight on it, but the end result was the same. She grumbled and faced her companions, and at seeing them she couldn't help but grin and agree with Zeit, no question that they were a pack now.

"Kiton, Marcus, and Sabrina are farther back, looks like Gathen got Kiton before he came here, his leg seems to be broken and he still tried to come help us. Sabrina was helping him after he collapsed. I think Marcus found them just as I left," she reported, a tinge of pride in her voice.


Kiton opened his eye and mumbled, "What? What...a pack? *sigh* I'll join. What about the other guy?"

He looked at the edge, the blood, the relieved, beaten faces. "No, he's..."

He slumped down again and returned to his red sleep. The chilly night air had lost the intense, humid edge that battle always gave. Now the scent of exhaust and grass dominated the area. The swirling pools ceased and vanished into blue square space with the spruce colored patterns.


"I'm glad everyone is safe." Kratos said to the two, a smile finding it's way to his lips as well. Feelings of relief and pride swelled in his chest, the group was finally pack, they had fought for it and earned it with blood and sweat. Now the territory was truly theirs.

It could not be contained any longer, Kratos' head pointed toward the moon and his feelings broke from him! His deep howl of might, power, and victory rose to the air and filled the forest.

Kratos looked at the two Betas again with a broad smile, "Let's go back to the others and tell them." He said, "I'll help you both back up the ledge and we'll never return to this wretched chasm again."

Now as Kratos, Zeit, and Kale joined the rest of their new-found pack by Kiton's side, the moon began to fade behind the branches of the trees. The mystical white sphere had done her work and made another werewolf pack beneath her radiant glow. Now it was time to give the sky back to the Master of Light and retreat to the horizon until it was again her time.

As the skies grew lighter, Kratos felt the wild within him grow weaker until he felt left a human in werewolf fur. This would be about the point when those who could not control their wolf forms would re-become human, but for Kratos, he remained a wolf.

What a night they had, and what a day they were in for! They were all wounded, some more then others, all covered in blood and Zeit's house lay in mild chaos.

So as if it was enough that Kratos' mind was suddenly re-founded upon daily cares and woes, it would be measured rather small compared to what was to come next.

With the rise of the sun came the light which poured in through the trees and brightened the woods around them. Kratos' ears fell back and his heart sunk as he beheld the blood which covered the ground... and the rocky den which had previously been called Gathen's domain.

Kratos staggered to his feet and slowly approached the hole. Bones littered the entrance, both of human and animal. Pelts hung on tree branches, the entire area smelled of death and rot. It was not a wonder that Gathen became edgy when Kratos had Zeit herd the wretch this direction, he was a murderer and they had found his hideout.

Kratos' stomach turned and his paws stopped in their tracks. If this was the outside of Gathen's 'pit', then Kratos could not bare to enter... until he caught the scent of another werewolf.

Kratos' ears straitened, focusing toward the dark hole where he heard the slightest sound of quivered breathing. His heart skipped a beat, there was another werewolf in there!

Hour Glass

Zeit looked to the rest until Kratos walked towards something. Her nose wrinkled at the smell, and the piles of bones got on her nerves. It seemed kratos couldn't go in, she was unsure herself, but the scent of another one of her kind drove her forward. She looked to Kratos quickly before walking into the cave, the shadows washing over her.

She felt disgusted, the farther she went in, the more the smell got worse. She watched the area around her, a cornered werewolf could be dangerous, even more then Gathern was. It didn;t help she had a few cuts on her head and her paw still had fresh blood on it. Her yellow eyes stuck out in the shadows, but they would only give away where she was.

She stood still as she neared the source of the new werewolf smell, her ears held forward. She dropped into a crouch and began to slowly walk towards it, watching for any movement. She slunk low like a cat, prepared to fight or run whether it was needed or not.


Kale limped after Zeit and Kratos when the sun began to rise, the moon now well gone, and as the bright orange glow hit them she could feel the change coming over her and she was too exuasted to stay in this form any longer, quietly she crept back into the woods abit.

Coming out a few minutes later, human with her werewolf cloths tied up a bit in several places so that they would stay on her now smaller and slender figure, she was greeted with the rancid scent of rot, old blood (and new blood but then she's covered with that so...) and new werewolf. She walked up to stand by Kratos and Zeit near the cave entrance, her human form dwarfed by their werewolf ones.

"Another one? Is it a threat?" she asked her companions, peering intently into the darkness of the opening.

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