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The Founders (Prologue) January-October 2010

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Kratos' sharp yellow eyes turned back toward the two whom had followed him. Zeit and Kale's positions behind him and the slightest scent of comfort while they were at Kratos' side spoke more to his mind then their words did at that moment.

In that brief time when Kratos' wild werewolf mind sized them up, his trust was laid down and the bond of a pack was made. Now not just Samuel, but Kratos also, knew this pack and a new focus took hold upon his mind.

Kratos' head turned forward again to search the darkness for the enemy, and without hesitating, the large wolf jumped beneath the shadowed trees at an angle at the left.


This sudden attack nearly landed Kratos' massive paws on Gathen's haunches, causing the grey wolf to flee into plain sight! His silhouette crossed over a small path of moon light just in front of Kale and Zeit as he tried to skitter back into the darkness.

Brief thoughts of bad language and curses raced through Gathen's mind as he tried to reestablish himself out of the sight of Kratos' pack. But all too soon his intentions were shattered by the call of Kratos' great deep howl which echoed into the surrounding forest. Instantly afterwards Gathen had only one other motive.. get away as fast as he could!

Kratos' howl was a call of unity, a call which took leadership of the hunt and would direct the strategy of victory. Thus all of Gathen's advantages over the new pack were gone, and his enemy was now organized to ensure a successful hunt.

Hour Glass

Zeit watched Kratos, her hackles raised. She followed his movements closely as he leapt into the shadows, and a new wolf appeared. The Intruder. Zeit let out a deep growl, her eyes filled with the Hunt. She was ready to attack at anytime.

When Kratos let out a howl, the blood in Zeit rose, he was letting the hunt begin. She dropped down, getting into a strong stance that would be hard for Gathren to break. She began to circle, but stayed on her side, Kale had the other. She let her eyes meet his, she was not afraid to challenge him, he had crossed that line a while ago.

She bared her teeth, never taking her eyes off of him, and never blinking. She awaited any other orders from Kratos, and any movments from Kale or Gathren. "Looks like your going to be hunted" she said icily, "Just like the dog you really are".


Kiton heard the noises of struggle in the distance. His head jerked up from the grass where it lay. Twisting his head up, he blinked at pitc--no, the stars began fading into light as his eyes adjusted to a murky night sky. Two legs pushed his front up and then two more in back. Oh, full moon, of course he was a wolf, but why was he on the ground out in the field? Had he been in the fight with Gathren? His leg collapsed beneath him in a bloody mess. "Grah!" he snarled.

He shifted into a human as he clutched his burning bloody leg. If Gathren had bitten him, he couldn't remember it and his mind spun from loss of blood. Had he been useful? Turning to the fury and the sounds, he spotted a broken fence, and bent grass. No, there was no battle for him, just failure in a cowardly defeat. He had outstayed his welcome and should've left long ago, the first night.

He shouldn't have abandoned them though. Thinking briefly on this, he staggered towards them on three legs, possibly to his doom, but Kiton guessed he was just as good dead as alive, mine as well prove some decency for the folks who had attempted to befriend him.


Gathen remained still, cautiously watching Zeit's every move. Only now as Gathen could not escape did Kratos become aware that blood covered the grey wolf's throat and paws.

This sudden relization drew Kratos from the insanity of the wolf. It was a feeling that was hard to explain... he shouldn't have been able to regain his humanity for the rest of the night, yet he suddenly found himself standing in a small clearing surrounded by trees.

"You are covered in Kiton's blood..." Came the human words from Kratos' wolf lips. He could not recall anything since he was blinded by wild rage and found himself stunned by he beheld.


Gathen growled, feeling truly trapped in his situation. "Samuel you have always been a reckless fool!" The grey werewolf said in a growled tone, using Kratos' real name. In truth, Kiton had fallen while Kratos had wildly pursued Gathen into the forest. Kiton had been caught unaware while in the field and Gathen had thrown him to the ground faster then anyone could ever notice.

"I am out numbered but I am not out matched, and in this battle, the hunter will become the prey." Gathen snarled. "Watch your position, because the tables are liable to turn."

Then Gathen shot like a bullet out toward Zeit and reached her neck with his jaws.


Instantly Kratos rampaged forward in an attempt to crush Gathen! But Gathen retreated into the woods in an attempt to escape. He knew this land, the forest and the night were perfect companions in laying death traps which Gathen was going to make the most of!

"Samuel's pack cannot fight on the edge of a cliff. The forrest will be their undoing and I will give it the blood it wants!" Gathen thought to himself as he charged through the forest bramble.

Hour Glass

Zeit suddenly felt the pressure on her neck. She Went limp, but took one of her paws, and lodged it between his mouth and her neck, just enough to keep him from cutting off her airway. She felt a sudden pain race through her paw. She sucked in a deep breath, but when he let go, she rolled back to her feet and stood up.

Her paw hurt when she pressed it on the ground, so she held it to her body. She would heal soon, but for now she had to run on three paws. She took off after Kratos, or has the rouge wolf called him, Samuel. She still kept up, and felt her bones knitting back together, soon she was able to run normally, and almost pass her leader, but she didn’t.

She honed her sights on Gathern, he would die tonight, from her or someone else in the pack. She stayed beside Kratos, he leader, he called the shots. She looked to him briefly, waiting for a signal to speed up and catch the wolf.


Kale snarled when gathen lunged for Zeit! Before she could move he was dashing away again, only pausing long enough to make sure Zeit was okay she raced with her companions after Gathen. Dense brush wipped at her face, welts stinging, but Kale was too furious to care.

The smell of blood was all over the scent trails, Zeits blood, Kiton's blood, this mangy intruder had wouded her packmates! Unacceptable! Kale swerved around a tree and behind Kratos so that she could run beside Zeit, finally getting a better look at her. Seeing the blood only angered her more and a low growl hummmed in her throat.

How deep into these canyons is he planning on taking us? I don't like this territory, its too dangerous and too unknown... Kale tried to listen for sounds ahead, but actually heard somone coming up behind them! Whipping around she paused, waiting.


Kratos took note of the Betas positions, catching Zeit's glance. He was hesitant to let her go after Gathen, at full rampage the stranger had taken Kiton down whom was quite larger then both Gathen and Zeit.

Then Kale cut short and stop following. In a moment, Kratos weighed his choices and decided to keep up the chace on Gathen. It would be too risky to stop and either let Gathen escape, or leave Zeit to his mercy.. Kratos would have to have faith that Kale could handle anythin g that came her way.

Nonetheless, Samuel did not want to entirely leave Kale behind either.

Zeit was a lot faster then himself, and though she could not take Gathen head-on, she might be able to herd the wretch from his course.

"Zeit." Kratos whispered over his shoulder while continuing to run. "Get along side Gathen, stay at a distance, and see if you can edge him off his path. If you close in on him too fast, he'll see what we're planning and attack you, so you'll have to watch yourself. Wherever he's going, we don't want to go there with him."

Hour Glass

Zeit nodded, and speed up, going to a full srpint to catch up to the untrider. She stayed at a cdistance, but sent a glare that contained daggers in it. She barred her teeth at Gathren, but did what she was told. Technically, she was herding this wolf away from her friends.


Gathen growled when he was met to his right by Zeit's swift moving paws and anxiously, he pressed to the left away from her. Zeit was a great deal faster then Gathen because of her long legs, and he feared to be over taken by her.

But as Zeit remained at a distance, only pressing closer when it seemed to suit her, Gathen became edgy.

Suddenly Gathen slid to a stop jumped for Zeit's throat again, but this time he was met by Kratos' thick shoulder!


When Kratos had noted Gathen's edginess, he prepared to interfere for any sudden attack. When Gathen struck, Kratos darted into the way and took the hit. Kratos' huge black jaws locked on Gathen's neck and ripped his body around to collide with a large oak tree!


Gathen released a terrible howl and slipped to the tree roots panting. After a moment he stood, "I'm not dead yet!" He shouted at the top of his lungs and charged full-long into Kratos!


Kratos tumbled to the ground with a thud! Dirt and root flew up into the air! Gathen did not allow his opponent time to recover and instantly fell upon him again!

The two tumbled in a large growling mass, Gathen's teeth clamped hard into Kratos' flesh.

Then it seemed as if the ground slumped beneath them and Kratos' neck was bashed against the side of a rock which jutted out from the forest floor.

At this point Gathen broke off Kratos and scrambled up the steady slope. It was too dark to tell how great the injuries were, but from the scent, blood from both opponents had been spilled.


Kratos rolled off his back and again up onto his paws, where he tried to steady himself. His yellow eyes turned sharply back up to his opponent, this time prepared to embrace another blow.

But the blow did not come, at least, not in the way Kratos was expecting it.

"If I still needed anything from you, Samuel, I would have spared your life." Gathen said. "But that is passed now. I had a million questions when I was attacked in that alley several years ago... I needed someone to answer them and you turned your back on me. So I answered them for myself, and now you are as useless as your friendship, good bye old friend."


A low growl rumbled from Kratos' throat as he listened to Gathen speak. But before he could reply, Gathen hit the roots of a tree with his hind legs and caused the rocks that were being supported by the roots to tumble downward toward Kratos!

For a split second, confusion whipped over Samuel's mind before he suddenly put the pieces of the puzzle together! His head whirled 'round to look at the ground sloping away behind him where the mist floated above darkness and his fears were confirmed.

Gathen had lead them to the same death trap that Kratos, Kale, and Marcus nearly raced into just last night.. but this time they were on the opposite side of the chasm!


Kale heard the distant sounds of a scuffle and was itching to race after them, but the pawsteps coming from behind her were important as well, if an alley was heading her way it would help in the fight to have more numbers, if an enemy was headed her way, then it needed to be dealt with.

The crunching of the underbrush grew louder and she waited for the werewolf to appear when the ground gave a small shudder and the tumbling of rocks could be heard!

"Hurry up!" she snarled to whoever was coming towards her.

had a packmate been hurt?

Please let no one have fallen over a cliff! What's going on up there?

Raising her muzzle she let a out a long howl forth, hoping to have at least two replies from that direction telling her that her companions were alright.

All she could do was wait for a reply now so she turned back to the approaching pawsteps, waiting for them to appear.

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