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The Founders (Prologue) January-October 2010

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Hour Glass

Zeit easily trotted with Kratos, falling into step behind him. she watched as he stepped aside, and what she saw caused her to gasp. She felt a growl rise and her dug her right into the dirt, distracting herself for the moment she she could keep her cool. She walked to the hanging skull and sniffed it, "It's werewolf" she said, "And it's like they left it as a sign, by why take a calf unless you're going to eat it?"

She pndered this for a moment, "I mean I could see a wolf stealing something for food, and all I was planning to do was chase something off" she said, "but this is much more, and shows there is a voilent wolf here". She began to dig a hole beside the body, grumbling to herself. She might as well bury the body, if a human found it, they would suspect something, and it would make it harder to live in a town that already thought of her as a stranger.


Kratos watched with a careful eye as Zeit inspected the situation. "Werewolf? It's probably a warning then, or a threat.. Either way, the challenge is tonight." Kratos said deeply, "Whoever it is, he can't do much before this is ended.. Hopefully in our favor."

Kratos turned his back on Zeit for a moment to search for anything else. He sniffed the roots of the trees and tried to make any more sense out of the smudged tracks, but it was in vain. The Killer had left no other sign besides the one he wanted Zeit and Kratos to find.

"Well, what do you want to do Zeit... they're your calves." He said, turning back to where Zeit was burying the dead calf.

Hour Glass

Zeit looked to Kratos for a second, while nudging one of the bodies into the shallow hole. "Well, first we need to clean up around here, if one of the hunters find this, they'll wonder what is going on" she said, "and Second, I say we head back, rest up, and tonight at the challenage, find the owner of this scent." She looked back to the calves, these two could have brought her enough money for new equitment, and a new bow and strings for her worn fiddle. She sighed for a moment, in the past few days her life had taken a complete change.

She turned to the hanging head, "do you think you could get that for me?" she asked, reaching out to the other body to drag it into the hole. She flexed her paws for a moment, feeling a normal antsyness flood into her limbs. She would be nervous tonight, but she already felt ready to fight, as if she had boud-less enegry. "Maybe we could have a short run back..." she mumbled.


[Meanwhile, back at the ranch]

Kale ran and caught a glimpse of two figures from the corner of her eye. Two people and alot of cows..... Oh hey, isn't that Kiton? Who's the girl? The wind shifted again and the scent she was following went with it. Grumbling to herself she looked at Kiton again. Maybe I should appologise for being grumpy towards him.... he really didn't do anything.... "Hey!!" she shouted, waving an arm to give him a movement to see her with.


The white werewolf froze in her tracks when Kiton had demanded to know who was there. He couldn't see her, the sun was in his eyes and she was still low... but he had heard her, and likely could smell her too.

Another was approaching, she could smell them. She heard the other cry out a greeting.

...Two of them. Oooh, this wasn't entirely ideal. Should she run? No, she would appear an enemy. Stay? They would think her an invader, would they not?

Briefly she wondered of their lineage. Were they pure werewolves or half-breeds - either of which could change form at will with differing ease... or were they First Generation werewolves, whose forms only changed under the light of the full moon?

Either way, she could not run, and she could not stay hidden. She had only one choice now. So, after a deep breath she slowly rose to her full height and faced Kiton and Kale.

Now she stood before them; a werewolf in broad daylight. She stood startingly tall, the stalks of wheat that had concealed her when on all fours now came only to just above her knee. Her muzzle was long and thin, almost fox-like in appearence, and her hair rippled over her shoulders in waves of white. In terms of clothing she wore something akin to a white stole and various ribbons of silken white wrapped about her person.

Her bright green eyes scanned the face of Kiton, and then jumped to the approaching Kale. Slowly she made a sort of bow, though her eyes were still trained on the other two, waiting to see their reaction.


Kiton snapped, "Who are you, wolf?"

He looked at Kale and then at the new werewolf. No one was attacking, yet. Hostility however, still crept through the air. He probably didn't know it was his own. The sun held high in the atmosphere, a sunny egg yolk orb, hovering above heads. Wispy clouds scattered across the utmost peaks of the sky and the menacing low lying clouds had already moved across the sky to the east. The tall grass was a honey color with the occasional patch of verdent green. Bugsong rose throughout the area, as if the grass iself was singing in the harmonic buzz of the insect choirs.


"My name is Sabrina Sabres," the stranger answered Kiton's question, "I come to answer the Alpha's call."

Her human form would be doubtlessly less threatening, but she was in no position to change her form now, having absent-mindedly left her properly sized human apparel back at her aunt's place.


[Meanwhile, in the woods]

Kratos watched Zeit for a moment, then went to pull the calf's remains from the tree. He pushed himself to crouch on his hind legs so that he could reach the skull with his hands.

He pulled the calf from the tree and gently laid it in the hole to be burried, remaining in a crouch to watch Zeit finish. "Yes, we can run back to get our clothes at the edge of the forest." Kratos confirmed, "But we'll have to change before we go back out into the open."

Hour Glass

"Yep, who knows what tresspasser is here," she muttered, "They range from hunters to werewolves now". She quickly finished burying the remains and took a quick stretch, her paws a bit sore from the digging. She stood on all fours, "Okay, so, quick race to our clothes then back to the house?" she asked, turning her head to Kratos.

She could already feel the aching in her legs that told her to run. She felt antsy at the moment, running would get rid of that feeling.


Kratos' eyes seemed to smile as he nodded to Zeit. "Let's go." He said and immediately began down the mountain.

His large, heavy paws dashed over thick tree roots, he was careful to make sure to not leave deep prints in the mountain soil. He carefully placed his footing on rocks when ever available, and made his tracks as difficult to follow as possible.. It wouldn't fool any werewolf, but it would keep any wanderer from discovering the large wolf prints.

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