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The Founders (Prologue) January-October 2010

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Samuel chose not to reply but kept up the chase, he couldn't find the sense in tracking the dead calf other then to find the creature that killed it.

As they passed into the forest, the scent grew stronger and the tracks grew more fresh. Something familiar kept pulling at Samuel's mind but he couldn't identify it..

Samuel's senses were picking up something that triggered the memory of standing just outside Zeit's window that first day.. but there was also another memory that he struggled to identify........ Was it that night?

"Zeit!" Kratos shouted from behind, "Stop for a moment!"


The wind shifted yet again and Kale caught several strong scents. The first, was Samuel's since his was the smell she was looking for. The second, it was Zeit's.

The third was the sickly sweet scent of blood. Kale stilled and took several deep breaths, her wolf was fighting to chase the scent, to hunt, to run. To kill. She shook her head and calmed herself. What happened? Who's bleeding..... did somone...lose it? A fear crept up her spine that somthing bad had happened, somone was hurt. She took off running.

Hour Glass

Zeit stopped, leaving slight impressions in the soft ground, catching herself before she fell down with her right hand. She stood and turned, she knew they were close to the predator that took her calves. "What is it?" She asked Kratos, his tone had stopped her in her tracks.

Man, I'm already listening to him, it means he's already gaining some authority she thought, Which means I know who pack leader will be. She watched him for a moment, her gaze looking around, her hand messing with the end of her shirt with her nervous energy.


Samuel stopped just beside Zeit, but his eyes scanned the forest ahead of them before he looked at Zeit's face.

"If I am correct, then you are a half werewolf like myself." Kratos' whispered, his voice seemed to be a bit shaken. "If this is the truth then I suggest we both change our forms before confronting this culprit. Something about the scent informs me that it is a danger to us on some level..."

Hour Glass

Zeit nodded, quickly ducking behind a tree, to quickly change her outfit, and changed. She looked the feel of her wolf skin, and placed her human clothes in a dip in the tree, making note to stop by and grab them before she returned to her ranch. "Ready to go?" she asked, looking around for Kratos.

She sat for a moment, waiting for him to change and thought. Maybe it was a good thing that he would lead the pack, because she had just planned to find the thief in her human form. She chuckled, man, she really needed to use her head more often then she did. She sniffed the air, the scent wasn't as familiar as it should have been, that made her question the source of the scent.


"Yes." Came the deep reply of the large black wolf. His red cloak lying against his powerful back.


Kiton sat talking to the cow, grazing on the green blades of grass, "I don't know, what should we do to stop this guy? He seems pretty strong, but what's worse is he doesn't have laws or rules or anything, mercy, prob'ly not. We can only defeat him as a pack, and I'm not too sure if we can act as one, there's problems, mistrust. He may use one of us against the other, possibly as a human...err, wolf shield. What do you think?"

He looked into its stupid brown eyes as it munched its food and mooed. "Yeh, I guess so."


A white figure was watching Kiton talk to the cow from a good distance. Her sleek pelt glinted in the sunlight, but she kept her body low and concealed in the tall wheat field (behind the green cow fields).

She shifted her weight uncomfortably as she listened to what he was saying. His pack, as she had suspected from watching them, was very new...and she wasn't sure that their "alpha" knew what he was doing. Kratos definitely had tthe air of a leader; he was the kind of wolf one could easily follow....but had he experience?

A grasshopper bounced somewhere near her and her ear flicked towards it instantly. She gave it a single glance and tried to steady her composure. She was nervous. She was breaking several rules by being here, and she was sure that this new pack would want nothing to do with her if they knew she had been spying on them these past few days.

Every fibre of her being wanted to be apart of their pack, ever since she had heard that powerful howl several nights ago... and then, to see Kratos at the market place... his stance, the he walked, his voice,...everything about him called for admiration in a young wolf-kind seeking a new pack.

However, spying and trespassing probably would not be the best first impressions, so she decided to slip away for now. Doing so without being noticed wouldn't be a problem for her... she thought.


Kiton twisted around like a snake and shouted into the field, "Who's there?"

A guttural growl crept up his throat, unfamiliar wolf-smell. It wasn't that of the violent one he had met before, but another, unknown wolf's scent. He stepped out of the shade and stood in the tall grass, that's probably where they were, but it was still and he stepped back to defend the cows. His pupils had been reduced to pin pricks in the sunlight and the bothersome sunbeam struck him as he looked up. "Gagh!" he shouted, he was not used to this brightness.


::Meanwhile in the forest::

The large, black and red-hazed wolf moved quickly up the mountain side. By now he was leading the way with his nose always close to the ground..

The tracks never seemed to leave themselves unguarded, the predator who had dragged off the calves had left little room for investigation. No print could be identified as man or animal, but the scent grew stronger the higher they climbed.

Suddenly Kratos stopped dead. Hanging on a tree by a rope, was the skull of one of the calves.. and at the roots of the tree was the rest of it's body..

Kratos' bright yellow eyes searched the scene, he was at a loss of what to make of it...

"Zeit?" He asked, turning his large head to Zeit's striped figure, wondering if she knew anything...

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