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The Founders (Prologue) January-October 2010

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Hour Glass

Zeit smiled and took off, glad she new the terrain. She easily leapt from rock to rock, careful not to leave prints. She made sure each step was placed in a correct spot, or else she would have to come back later and fix it. She quickly caught up with Kratos, using her thinner form to be nimble and pass him.

"For a large male, you're pretty fast" she said chuckling, easily keeping pace. She turned to watch him for a moment, before just missing a low branch. She then turned her head back to the path, "I don't want to hit another tree" she muttered, passing an oak that seemed to have dents in the side of it.


As Kale approached she heard the female say her name. Sabrina Sabres...... she doesn't seem hostile. "Hey Kiton, sorry about my.... attitude."

Kale eyed Sabrina carefully. Her eyes making quick assesments as they took in the white werewolf. "You really shouldn't be in the open like that. A werewolf tends to frighten humans. Farmers don't like odd predators too much anyway, oh, and did you eat Zeit's cattle?"


"Oh,, they do not appeal. This may sound awkward to you," Sabrina answered, "But I am vegetarian."

She chuckled weakly and shrugged. "As for my form, I know that it is not ideal in daylight. I had no intention of being discovered. In my present apparel, I could not transform into human. That would be less ideal. Thankfully, we are in the country and the next residence is some distance hence."

She paused for a moment, then looked at Kiton. "I could not help but overhear your conversation with the cow," a slight smile tugged at the corners of her lips as she said this and some amusment danced in her eyes, but her voice was quite serious, "About Gathen, I mean. I understand it is the Alpha's desire to claim this territory from him then? Perhaps I can help in your endevor as I do know some things concerning him."


Kiton figured these werewolves were an odd sort, much less predictable than the packs in the mountain forests, who almost acted as a collective unit, a single mind. No, these people were more human. The training thing however, struck him very odd, like the army regiments would do before a battle, but just one wolf? What could possibly make this--Gathen or whoever so dangerous... He better shoot lasers from his eyes or something, sheesh.


Kratos watched Zeit pass him and laughed at the compliment. "I suppose it's because of the gravity dragging my weight down the mountain." He laughed sarcasticly, "But you are lighter and more agile then I, you can easily out run me."

Just then his large figure raced up a jagged boulder and jumped from it! Using his great strength to thrust himself into the air and make a jump which covered a great deal of ground. Kratos' paws crashed onto the pebbles of a small mountain stream and not skipping a beat, continued to run.

His large head briefly looking over his shoulder, he exposed his teeth forming a cheesy-wolf grin in Zeit's direction.

Hour Glass

Zeit chuckled shaking her head, "No way I could make a jump like that" she said, "but I can do this!" She swiftly leapt into a tree and began to leap from branch to branch, not missing a step. "I guess being so agile helps in a wooded area. She then felt a branch she had stepped on give way, sending her down to the down. She rolled for a minute, and sat there confused for a minute.

She then righted herself, getting up, and shaking her pelt out. "I haven't had a fall like that in two weeks" she said, shaking one of her paws, "Man, I'm going to be sore tomorrow" she said.


Kratos watched her climb with fascination. Zeit was incredibly talented.

Kratos had already stopped by the time Zeit lost her footing and fell from the trees. "What a wonderful skill you have," His deep voice rumbled with a laugh as he came to check on her. "Now I have to wonder how great it would become with a bit more practice."

When it was made clear that Zeit was fine, Kratos laughed again and went to one of the trees. "This is where we left our clothes, so let's get dressed and return to the others."

Hour Glass

"What skill, falling out of tress?" Zeit replied, grabbing her clothes from a nook. She quickly ducked behind a brush and changed, both to human form and into her outfit. She then walked out from the tree, fulling dressed and pulling her hair back, a rare thing, and putting on her hat. "I wonder what everyone wants for lunch" she said, leaning against a tree waiting for Kratos, "It will have to be big since tonight we will be fighting, not huinting".

She looked to the sky where she could already feel the pull of the moon. It was past noon, which there wasn't to much time left till the fight, and she had been out most of the day and had barley gotten anything done.


Kratos laughed at Zeit's comment then went to find his own clothes. It took him a bit longer to dress then it had Zeit, but he was out before long and he quickly reunited with her.

For a moment Samuel looked up at the sky, he too felt the wolf's desire, but he quickly shook it off and focused his attention of Zeit. "Come, let's get back and see where the others are." He beckoned, and began back towards Zeit's ranch.

Hour Glass

Zeit smiled and walked forward, tilting her hat downward to keep the last bits of sunlight out of her eyes. "I say one last good meal before the fight" she said, "Don't want anyone passing out during it, and we have plenty of time until the moon. As they walked she covered their tracks by grabbing a pine twig, and draggin it behind her. She looked to her hands for a moment, afraid for tonight, but not of what would happen to her, what she would do to others.

Since she had had her first change, her father trained her in case a pack was formed here. She sighed, remebering all the moves she had learned, each one flowng through her ind. She had been with the group enough to study them and plan ahead for any battles. She sighed, she didn't want to be a killer, and hoped she wouldn't lose it during the heat of the battle, as her dad had done many times.

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