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Searching for Something (CA - Saber)

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Because Saber didn't have much to do that day, he ended up staying at the library for a quite some time.

At first he had done what had become his normal routine; Check his email, then head off on what was typically a dead end search for some concrete information on werewolves. After an hour of doing so, and watching around for the possibility of finding Jenn again, he decided to stay and waste the rest of the day at the library.

He had grabbed a book to read and stayed in an fairly isolated corner of the library where he sat and read the hours away. He was on his second book when the stranger walked in and found a seat near Saber's vicinity. Saber only made a subtle glance in the strangers direction before wearily continuing to read his book, his stomach strongly protesting his lazy activity. It grumbled lowly as it continued to try to draw it's owners attention to it's needs; Saber just ignored the pain and kept reading.

Sitting on the sofa near at hand was a woman of some thirty-six years. She had a large frame, round and plush. She sat with her eyes turned down and a wide-brimmed hat upon her head. And what was so interesting about this stranger? Certainly it was not her course black hair neatly folded under her cap, nor her large black eyes behind boggling spectacles. The woman was an ordinary woman, with an ordinary blouse and skirt. So, what had drawn Saber's attention, albeit briefly, to her of all people? Perhaps it was simply that she chose to sit in his vicinity. Or perhaps it was that nagging feeling strangers sometimes get which either bestirs a sort of foreign familiarity between them; as if they knew one another in some other life; or, else prompts them to make better acquaintances.

The woman did not finger through the shelves, nor browse the book stand. She simply came and sat down. In her lap she fondled a single thread of yarn; a piece of course brown string that appeared home-spun. Her hands made many irregular loops from it, each loop coursing through the next in a growing chain. Meanwhile, her foot tapped the floor with nervous precision.

And so the two strangers continued their activities in the peaceful corner of the library. Examining the scene, one may notice the small similarities the two shared; Both had dark eyes and hair. But any similarities the two strangers seemed to share had stopped there. Unlike the well kept appearance of the lady, Saber was a bit of a wreck. His jeans were ripped up and stained, his arms still left with a few scratch marks on them. HIs bruise on his cheek had gotten lighter from the previous day, but was still quite visible despite it's softer color. Upon close inspection, one may also notice the reddness around his wrists, another mark of his struggle from the prior week. While the woman seemed alert and focused on her task, Saber was wearily slouched over on the seat like he was ready to take a nap. On the outside, the two strangers really didn't appear to have much in common beyond their choice of location in the library.
So with nothing to deter him, Saber continued to read his book, ignoring the womans presence almost completely.

Thus was the two strangers, side by side in the silence of a library, both perfectly content with the solitude of their own minds. Had the fates no other intention, this was but the beginning and end of their acquaintanceship, yet that library was wont to reveal many secrets.

"Could you help me?"

Madeline stopped suddenly on her routine visiting of all the shelves and turned to the stranger sitting by the pinked window.

"Yes?" Madeline said, stepping forward.

"I came in earlier with a tangerine bonnet and pair of scissors, but I seem to have misplaced them." The oldish woman replied, tilting her head forward to meet the librarian's eyes over her glasses.

"Oh, uhm." Madeline said, turning on her heel before stopping short and causing her ruffled blouse to wave. "That would be the lost and found, I'm sure. Just one moment."

"Thank you."

Madeline trotted off and left the woman to her finger crochet while it seemed both failed to notice the little tangerine cap under the chair with a pair of scissors poking out it.

The two women's conversation barly drew Saber's attention. He breifly eyed the two ladies before returning to his book. As Miss Ripple walked off to check the lost and found Saber's dark eyes shifted back to the older lady. Depiste his exhaustion, his attention to detail was keen enough that he spyed the cap and scissors with this second glance. Unfortunately the two ladies had missed it altogether, but because of the angle Saber was viewing the scene from he could spot it quite easily. But instead of bringing the older ladies attention to it, he simply returned to his solitray reading.

Madeline returned a short moment later with discouraging news. "I'm sorry, no one has turned it in." She said, shaking her head.

The woman looked disappointed. "I must have dropped it on my way here." She sighed drearily and looked out the window. "I wonder where..."

Madeline Ripple followed the woman's gaze briefly. "I'm sorry," she said. "If it should turn up I could call you. What is your number?"

"I don't have one." The woman replied.

Madeline waited a moment to see if the woman would say anything else, however, no other explanation was forthcoming.

"Oh, well," Madeline began awkwardly. "Is there some other way I can get in touch with you?"

The woman lowered her round chin to her bosom and muttered something Madeline could not hear, then looked up suddenly.
"My father lives in town," she said, "If you should find it, please have it sent to this address. I will not be in town long, and will not likely come through again, but he will see that it is returned to me."

Madeline received the handsomely addressed envelope with care and recognized the sender's name immediately.
"You're Mr. John Trodder's daughter?"

"I am." The woman confirmed. "My name is Beatrice Passage."

Madeline smiled politely, albeit with some reserve behind her eyes.
"I'll be in touch with him if I find it." She said affirmatively, then bid Beatrice goodbye and returned to her rounds.

Immediately thereafter it appeared that Beatrice was ready to leave, for she gathered up her belongings.

Saber eyes lifted up from his book as Miss Ripple made her exit. He then looked over to Beatrice, noticing she was preparing to leave.
" Hey," he said casually. " Your hat and scissors are right there." He pointed towards the objects tucked away under the seat as he spoke.

Something changed about the woman's demeanor the moment Saber spoke. She lifted her eyes to him, and there her gaze stayed for a short time. Then she looked at the corner of her seat, slowly, and saw the folded cap. She did not stoop to reach it, but rather looked at Saber once again. "Thank you," she said.

At length, the woman then stooped and picked up her cap, but she did not take her eyes off Saber.

Saber could feel the subtle change in the woman as she seemed fixated on him now, causing something to shift gears within his own demeanor.
" Your welcome" he muttered quietly in response to her thanks, his typical irritation seemingly drained out of his voice and body language now.
He tried to return to reading his book but could feel the woman's stare continue.

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