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Searching for Something (CA - Saber)

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Saber eyed the clock on the wall to see what time it was. He had slept longer than he intended, but there was nothing that could be done about it now.
He glanced at the chair that sat so often in the corner of patient rooms, before turning his attention to the things beside his bed. There was medical tubes and an IV drip for administering the needed steroids and antihistamine to quell his allergic reactions from earlier. He noticed an oxygen tank as well.
After a moment of staring at the equipment Saber had become so accustomed to over the course of his whole life, Saber turned back to observe the old man that still sat quietly, rocking back and forth by himself.

As the old man continued to sway, he lifted his bald chin and looked at Saber. Under his tired old eyes the wrinkly bags deepened.

"Why hello, young man." He said, discontinuing his solemn sway. "I suppose you can stand and stare if you like, though I shouldn't know why. A conversation is a fair better gamble. Wouldn't you say?"

The old man chuckled softly and swayed again.

Saber didn't respond. He stared briefly at the old man before turning away and groaning to himself as he rubbed his face trying to fully wake himself.
With that, he finally got up off of the hospital bed and turned to find his hoodie and bag full of food Jenn had given him which he had previously located by the chair in the room. He quickly put on his hoodie and  grabbed the bag of food then began to head out the door and into the hallway, doing his best to not make eye contact with the old man and just simply ignore him.

"Are you leaving so suddenly?" The man said, looking down at his own polished shoes. "I said come and talk with me."

Saber, now irritated by the old man's persistence on conversing with him, felt a small growl in his throat. He continued to ignore the old man and walked off down the hallway, intent on leaving the hospital.

The old man sighed quietly to himself and solemnly continued to sway.

Meanwhile most of the clinic seemed to be in a drowsy stupor. Patients were sleeping soundlessly, and medical personal were seldom seen in the hallways. No one stopped Saber on his way to the stairs and elevator.

Saber made his way on the elevator and down to the first floor. He quickly strided on by the patient room doors and soon was at the entrance to the hospital where he roughly pushed open the front doors and made his escape.
The night sky was a beautiful black with the stars and moon shining down on Saber and his dark eyes. The street lights buzzed, the road barren of any activity.
Saber took several more hasty steps away from the hospital before slowing down, his mind still not fully decided upon his next move yet.

So it was. The autumn night air was agreeable to say the least. There was a crispness in the breeze. Faraway cars might have been heard, but they were few. Reknad Bend received few visitors in such hours, and the residents were mostly farmers and store owners. There would be no activity past sundown.

Saber made his way through the small town of Reknab Bend in the autumn air, and then a little beyond.
Upon hitting the outskirts of town, he found a place for the night where he tried his best to get some sleep amongst the brush and the trees. The grass was comfortable enough, the view of the starry filled sky soothing, but Saber still struggled to fall asleep. As the sun began to rise that morning Saber only managed a few solid hours of sleep like many of his previous nights spent out under the stars.


As the day proceeded, Saber found himself once again at the library, back on the computer once more. This time was different however; Instead of being completely consumed in his research, his gaze kept turning outward to his surroundings as if he was looking for someone or something.

Above the parchment world with its flaxen yellow hills, dotted and lined with black daisy words and scrawls, one finds a living world on which to gaze; a world with windows brimming full of bright sunlight, appearing almost as the lens of the eye in advance of tears. Beyond the crystalline window, a black street occasioned the motion and noise of a passing vehicle, followed often by the quiet foot-trod of a new visitor.

Unfortunately, none of the visitors that came in the morning hours satisfied Saber's searching gaze. He would look and sure enough someone would enter, but that someone was never the one person he sought - if, indeed, it was a person he was seeking. So, the morning hours passed, and then came the noonday wane. The light shifted and the passing of time scattered golden rays across the vibrant green outdoors. Then, at last, a person entered who was of some small interest. What it was exactly that made the character so interesting could not be told, for nothing spoke visibly to the mind. It was a subtlety; a splendid undertone like the voice of music, that brought interest to this person.

So it was that another stranger entered the library and took a seat not far from Saber, but this stranger was not to be introduced as the first had.

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