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Searching for Something (CA - Saber)

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The outdoor air was a pleasant change for Sabers heightened sense of smell, unfortunately because he was still breathing through his mouth he wasn’t able to enjoy it much.
“ Yeah, and I’m allergic to eggs as well.” He said as he began to cough again.
He then stopped in his tracks, as he took in a few wheezing breaths before coughing again. His chest felt heavy, his narrowed lungs making it difficult to take a deep breath. He stared at the ground, his focus fully on just breathing.
His hand automatically went for his left pocket but nothing was found. He muttered a curse at the absence of the medicine that usually was so readily available to himself, as he continued his struggled to breath easily.

Jen stopped solid in her tracks and looked at Saber with worry. He insisted over and over again that he was okay, but each reassurance left her more inclined to insist otherwise. The rate at which Saber's symptoms came on, as well as his difficulty breathing, and the rash on his neck denoted anaphylaxis. Emergency care was needed. But even being a nurse, Jen couldn't be expected to carry epinephrine around in her pocket.

With her phone in hand, Jen had dialed up an emergency in an instant. An ambulance was less than five minutes away, and with all other options weighed with the rapidity of her usual thoughts, Jen knew it was the quickest route to relief for her poor companion. Being also well acquainted with the emergency staff meant no hesitancy when the need arose.

Saber eyed Jen as she pulled out her phone and began to dial for help, but did nothing about it. He had first hand experience what could happen if symptoms were left untreated, and seeing as his symptoms were just getting worse he knew he needed help. He continued to just focus on getting enough breath so he wouldn’t pass out from lack of oxygen.


[Sometime later...]

"Ghosts are but graduates of this university of mortality."

"Wouldn't you say some are drop outs, then?"

This was the conversation taking place in the hallway when Saber began to resurface consciousness. The latter voice belonged to none other than Jenn Peters, but the other sounded to be a middle aged man.

"If you refer to those plucked before the prime of ripeness," The first continued, "Remember that whe’ere the fruit is sowed the core returns to the same place that first nourished the root - that is, to the earth."

"I don’t get it." Jenn replied.”What does that mean?”

"It means, my young friend, that there is one university and one graduation from it."

Saber heard the voices as his conscience drifted forward. His eyes slowly fluttered open as he awoke from probably the best sleep he'd had all week.

After being admitted into the hospital and treated for his allergic reaction, Saber was to be monitored for the chance of a secondary reaction. Since waiting was pretty boring and he was tired anyways, he fell asleep there.

Now that he was awake his eyes drifted over to the voices talking in the hallway. He groaned softly to himself as the face of Jenn Peters reminded him of where he was. With a light sigh, he turned back to staring at the ceiling as he let go of the hope that had started to surface when he had first awoken.

Sitting across the hall from Jen was an elderly old gentleman with a shaven face and one arm in a sling. He was sitting leaned back on a sofa, smacking his toothless gums together with a contemplative air. Jen, meanwhile, was not as Saber first met her. Before, Jen wore a casual sleeveless shirt and short skirt. Now, she wore the grey-blue T-shirt and slacks so common among her colleagues, with her red hair all tied back and a small clipboard on one arm.

"I guess that makes sense, then." Jen muttered, humoring the old sage's reply.

That was when a third voice piped in, a high-squeeky voice in complete contrast to that of the old veteran.

"Then how's they full o' spoo's? Huh? Ain't no body full of spoo's like 'em." The little voice stated loudly.

"Sure there are." Jen answered. "Haven't you met Robby Gelton?"

"But they's got no skin! That makes 'em the spoosiest."

Thus, Saber’s awakening went unnoticed as the three continued to talk in the hallway.

Saber continued to stare at the ceiling as his thoughts wandered. After a few minutes he finally convinced himself to get up. He sat up slowly, his body's aches complaining from the movement. He took another moment before turning to Jenn and seeing who she was currently conversing with.

The third conversationalist in the hallway was none other than a six year old girl, whose blond bobbing curls came alive with each definitive word.

"Don't be so silly, Conny." Jen chided playfully.

"I ain't bein' silly, Nurse Peters." The little girl replied. "And I ain't goin' ta bed neither. Them spoo's will get me!"

"Oh, that's enough of that." Jen said. "There aren't any spooks in your recovery room, and just like Mr. Woodhark said, they're all old graduates anyhow - the scariest they can do is teach algebra. Now, come along, Conny."

This latest comment sent Mr. Woodhark into a fit of laughter and wheezing giggles. Jen was already carrying the little girl away when the old man bellowed his last remark.

"Learn a thing or two! Learn a thing." He said, and continued to laugh, stomping his shoes on the ground and swaying forward and back.

Jen, along with her young patient, vanished around the corner of the hall and out of sight.

Saber quietly watched the scene through the open door, tuning into the end of their conversation. As Jenn walked off leading her small patient back to her room, Saber turned back to the room he was currently in as he began to eye his surroundings.

Out in the hall, old Mr. Woodhark had finally recomposed himself from laughter and now sat swaying to and fro on his seat. Behind him, the glass windows spanning the whole wall revealed a beautiful scene. The golden hued streetlights had come alive with the setting of the sun, and much of the sleepy old town could be overlooked by the two-story view. This particular view was also fortunate enough to face north, thus the vibrant autumn peaks of the distant mountains could also be seen glowing behind.

Mr. Woodhawk took small notice of the scenery behind him as he continued to rock uneasily in his chair.

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