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Searching for Something (CA - Saber)

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Because of his minds weariness it took Saber a brief moment before realizing Jenn's implication. Despite his curiosity, his voice carried a more tired tone than anything else.“ Really? Did you see something or are you saying you know someone who saw something?”

That answer was too direct and too blunt for Jen's liking. The topic was sensitive to her, but there was nothing sensitive about the young man seated across from her. In all this time, he never once gave her a reason to trust him with such delicate information. But Jen was, admittedly, too reckless and careless herself sometimes.

"Look," she said. She folded her arms over her book and leaned across the table to meet her acquaintance directly in the eyes. "If you promise not to make me feel totally stupid for what I say, I promise that I'm not messing with you."

Jen slowly leaned far away from the table now, tipping her chair somewhat backwards with her feet and waited for the young man's reply.

Saber made direct eye contact with Jenn as she leaned in and spoke to him. After she leaned back, Saber completely dropped his interest in the computer altogether and moved his chair over so he could look at Jenn directly without the monitor blocking his view. Unfortunately the small movement flared up the wounds he had sustained a week ago, but he did his best to suppress the wince of pain that crossed his face. He placed his arms down on the table as he tried to look at her seriously, but his body still felt so drained, weariness was the main thing that showed. “ I'm listening.”

Jen seemed to notice the suppressed wince and she surveyed its hidden sources with a knowledgeable glance. She said nothing at present regarding it.

The young woman set her chair back down on all four feet and placed her hands on the table once more.

"First of all, I'm not a kook. I know what I saw." She began. "A few months ago, my friend Tammy and I were with some friends. I was studying here at the library pretty late, so I decided to treat everyone to dinner. We left around sunset and walked to the restaurant just down the road. While we were there, I noticed someone out the window I hadn't seen in awhile. So, I went out to say hi and the others followed. By the time we got outside, a storm had blown in and the rain was coming down something fierce."

"We were in a big group; there must have been at least six of us when we saw them - two standing in the rain right here on Murphy street. At first, I thought they were wolves, but then things started happening. One of them jumped at us without being provoked. A bunch of the guys got in the way. My first instinct was to duck."

"The next thing I knew I was across the street looking over my shoulder. The wolves were standing up on their back feet, and they weren't wolves. I swear I could see it as bright as day. I saw so many details - I thought it was day. I learned that is an effect that sometimes happens for a split second during an adrenaline rush. Anyway, those wolves didn't have paws. They had hands. They had claws, and pads on their fingers, but they had hands. And there was one with strange colors - white with a bright blue stripe. I don't know if they were wearing clothes or not, but I guess that part of the myth doesn't matter. The part about them only coming out during the full moon sure is a hoax. It wasn’t a full moon that night."

Jenn Peters fell silent for a moment, but only a very brief one.

"In the whole mess I lost sight of my friend Tammy. When I turned back I was looking for her. Her folks said she made it home alright, but I haven’t seen her since that night. She hasn't answered my calls, and she hasn't come back to the clinic. She used to volunteer there everyday."

"But there's more, too. The day after the storm, a woman was admitted to the clinic. She had holes in her arms and legs - deep marks from dog teeth, but bigger. She's not the first one I've seen and treated like that over there. I always thought it was a large wolverine or something. When I saw those injuries, though, I just knew it was caused by the same thing I saw. I froze up and got so weak in the knees that the clinic sent me home with a four day leave..."

Jen concluded her story solemnly, but it was clear in her eyes that there was more to tell.

Saber watched Jenn carefully as she told her story, taking in the details of the tale as best he could.
When she finished, Saber was contemplating on how to respond when he felt a wave of dizziness hit him. He took his head in his hand and rested a moment, waiting for the sensation to pass. When it did, he wearily opened his eyes and stared down at the table he now faced. As he began to collect his fuzzy thoughts, he was struggling to recall what it had been he originally wanted to say, so he remained silent still searching for his words.

Jen took keen interest in the young man's reaction to her story. No time passed before she stood up.

"When was the last time you had something to drink?" She said. "You're suffering from hunger and exhaustion. I kinda guessed that when I saw those rings under your eyes."

"Here." Jen produced a small bottle of water from her hip-bag and then foraged for her wallet. "I'm going to go find you something to eat. Do you have any other allergies?"

Saber wearily eyed Jenn. “ I'm fine,” he muttered.
Despite what he claimed, he took the water bottle she offered him, opening the bottle as he continued. “ I'm just a little exhausted.”
With that, he slowly proceeded to guzzle down the bottles contents. It wasn't long till he began to look slightly better, seeming a bit more alert now than before.

Jen was far from convinced, especially as she watched the young man improve with a little water.

"Hey," she said, "I know all the best places in town, and I'm pretty quick. You couldn’t ask a raccoon to find anything faster. How about you catch a nap and I'll be right back? You look like you could use it."

Once Saber was finished drinking his water, he looked at Jenn very melancholy.
“ It's not that simple. Even the tiniest trace of the allergens can trigger a reaction for me, and my reactions usually are severe. A lot of food can end up being cross contaminated, so things that should be fine to eat aren't. This isn't something simple you can just go grab real quick, you have to be thorough in checking labels and making sure it's safe to eat.”
Saber let out a sigh as he turned to the computer and began to close the web browser, deleting his search history as he did so. He continued.
“ Even after all precautions are taken, things still can get messed up and you end up taking a trip to the ER for it. I don't feel like going to the ER right now, so no thanks.”

Jen flashed a thumbs-up at the young Asian man.

"I work at the ER. If all else fails, they hand out free taste-less cheerios there." She said with a wink and a joking shrug.

"Besides," she continued, as she was already sprinting for the door. "Here in Reknab Bend we have a lot of fresh produce!"


"How's this?"

Among the many items Jen returned with were a variety of cold fruits; a few peaches, pears, plums, apples, and apricots that appeared freshly picked; fat sugar snap peas in a pouch, three clean carrots, a corn cob with the husk still on; two more bottles of water; and a package of dried meat and jerky.

"I got these for you to take home, too." Jen said. She produced two small boxes - a box of oatmeal and a box of grits. "I know the place where these were processed. They don't work with nuts or dairy there, so no fear."

Jen watched the young man's face closely to see how he would receive her offering.

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