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What the Rain Forgot to Say (SP-RP 11) 2/1/2019 - 8/6/2019

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Jenn was not naturally keen on subtlety, nonetheless, she possessed other skills of observation for which she was uniquely adept. One such skill had drawn her eyes out the window to notice the rising water on the road, and presently she was waving her arms for her driver to slow down.

"Hold on a sec!" Jenn shouted abruptly, and in a single moment she bounded out of the truck into the downpour! With her slight blue-hued nurse shoes soaked thoroughly, and the rest of her to follow, Jenn raced into the cold and frigid rain without the least explanation. She bolted out to the side of the road and appeared to slip, or else kneel on her face, and for a moment there was a struggle. When she appeared to get up again, she had what looked like a soaked black purse in her arms, but seemed to mind it very carefully.

Tito slammed on the brakes at Jenn's unexpected outburst. Luckily the truck had not been moving fast and so, despite the water starting to flood the roads, the truck easily came to an abrupt stop.

Tito watched Jenn as she bolted out of the truck, confused by the commotion. Only when it appeared Jenn had fallen over did Tito move. He came out of his truck and was by her side in a matter of seconds. " Are you okay?"

Tito had noticed the purse in Jenn's hand as he spoke. " What is that?" He added, still feeling a bit shook by the sudden drama.

Jenn had intentionally thrown herself elbow-deep into the grate of a storm drain. Her struggle was in catching and keeping her query, and thereafter not being dragged in with it. Soaking wet, Jenn plucked up the purse and got off the road as quickly as she could. As it turned out, the bag was in fact alive, and revealed its true identity with a loud and desperate "Meow!"

"It's a cat!" Jenn declared, wrapping her arms around the ragged little creature and bringing it back to the truck promptly.

Tito followed Jenn as she brought the small battered feline back to the truck, his mind now spiralling in many directions. He watched as Jenn and her small furry companion took refuge in his truck as he tried frantically to sort out his thoughts. After a moment of continuing to be drenched in the cold rain he finally moved and returned to his truck.

" Do you think it's okay? Does she have a collar?" Tito spoke before stopping to think. With one quick glance at the cat his mind jumped off into a different direction again and he looked into the back seat of his truck for something. The only thing he could find was the jacket that was previously under the coat Jenn was currently wearing. Tito looked back at the coat and the mess it had already become in the short time it was borrowed and immediately decided against offering something that wasn't his once again. Saber was already going to be upset over the coat, the last thing Tito needed was to offer one of Sabers designer clothing pieces just to dry off a cat. Finally, Tito's mind felt clear and decided upon.

" We need to dry her off and get her warm. Do you know where we can take her to get some help?"

Jenn doted on the sopping wet feline with all the clumsy care of a human nurse. Her animal skills were slim to none, but she knew the processes of caring and nurturing the living back to better health.  For the cat, the care was sufficient, for the creature had no expectation of making a human connection.

"I think she'll be okay." Jenn muttered in a doleful baby-voice, stroking the cat affectionately. Jenn's hair was clinging to her cheeks, but several red curls still bounced when she flung her head up to look at Tito.
"Hmm.. You know," she said, resuming her natural tenacious tone. "I bet we can buy a towel and litter box at the corner store too. Then, she can stay at my apartment for a few days until she's feeling better."

" Okay." Tito responded simply. Although he was looking directly at Jenn now his mind was still far away. " If your sure," Was all he managed to conclude with before turning back to looking at the road and rain out the windshield. Carefully, he began once more to drive to the corner store.

" You know, that reminds me of when I babysat my friends cat for the first time." Tito began recalling. " I left her at my apartment when I went to work, and when I came back my roommates told me she had been crying and going crazy the whole time I was gone. Poor thing made me realize cat's can be harder to take care of then I thought, or maybe that was just Shadow... I don't know, she seemed restless all night as well, but that... Probably was something else. She's doing a lot better nowadays though. ...But I suppose that's probably just because she's gotten use to me and the apartment by now."

The animal was tired from its ordeal with the storm, and after being assured that Jenn's intentions were pure, it took up in a rambunctious purr. Jenn was mostly distracted by it as Tito carried on. She stroked the water out of the black feline's pelt with her own soaked clothes and neither one seemed to mind.

When they reached the corner store, Jenn's face bobbed up and she looked shrewdly at the windows.
"I think they're still open." She said. "As long as the manager is still there."

Jenn attempted to pass the little black feline to Tito.
"Hold onto her for a minute, I'll be right back!" She said. Then out she bounced, flying into the rain once more; the poor little umbrella still forgotten on the floor of Tito's truck.

Tito received the cat clumsily as Jen seemed to instantly fly out of the truck leaving Tito little time to respond. A mumbled "Okay" slipped out of his lips as he watched Jen head for the store.

Now alone with just the little black ball of fluff, Tito looked down at it, the small feline still reminding him of his friends sleek black cat at his apartment. He gently stroked the cat, trying to offer it- and himself- some small amount of comfort.

Tito eyed the storm raging on outside again, his mind still falling into misery and hopelessness. There was no way his friend could survive this. Unless he managed some shelter the chance of him being dead by now felt high.

Tito sighed heavily. Inside he felt cold. He had known Saber for over eight years now, and he had grown to be like a younger brother to him. He couldn't stand the thought of losing him, he just couldn't swallow another lose like that.

The rain outside continued to pour, becoming just a backdrop to Tito's dreary internal downpour, his mind tuning out of the real world once more.

Jenn, meanwhile, seemed to be having a detailed conversation with a glass door.

After trying the door, and finding it locked, Jenn huddled under the dripping eave of the store and searched the windows. At last, she spotted the store owner coming out of a back room and waved him down. The store-owner was surprised to see Jenn standing in the rain well past midnight. He appeared sympathetic, however, and crossed the store. Jenn, meanwhile, had the whole story told through exaggerated animation well before the store owner reached the door. The instant the door was open, Jenn popped through it and shivered like the little wet cat.

"Thank you so much, Mr Calhoun! I was expecting Anna - I don't know what I would've done if you hadn't been in the back." Jenn said. "Would you mind if I grabbed a few things?"

"Anna is out of town. You're lucky," the store owner agreed. "I had the mind to be home in bed about this time. Who are you out there with? I don't recognize the truck."

"Oh, that's Tito." Jenn said casually.

"A friend of yours?"

"Yup!" Jenn bounced and shivered at the same moment, dripping rainwater all around.

"Well, might as well." The old shop-keeper said, pointing to his wares. "Since we're both here."

"Thank you!"
Jenn promptly set about her small task, finding what little, cheap things she could and brought them to the front. Mr Calhoun processed the items quickly, and warned Jenn to be careful before he turned out the light. Both exited the corner store together, and Jenn ran back to Tito's truck.

"Whew!" She said, closing the truck door and shaking out her curls. "Well! I found some things - food for tomorrow, these hand towels, this tray, and some baking powder, - but no litter. I guess I'll have to shred some newspaper or something. Do you think she'll use that? Anyway, my apartment is just up from Mainstreet here, and over on Stone Avenue. Are you staying here in town?"

Tito jumped at Jenn's return, quickly wiping his damp eyes as he tried to focus back on reality. He listened to Jenn the best he could but his mind was struggling to keep up with her words. A moment passed before he was able to manage a response, his words slow.

" Probably. With the storm going on I don't think it would be safe for me to drive anywhere now."

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