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What the Rain Forgot to Say (SP-RP 11) 2/1/2019 - 8/6/2019

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"Hey, Jen, is something the matter?"

Jen jumped visibly and glanced away from the glass door.
"Oh, its just ... sure coming down out there, isn't it?" Jen said, fastening the last of her coat buttons.

Mabel Essney followed her coworkers gaze as she put on her own coat and hat.
"Sure is," she agreed. "I thought it might rain tonight. ' glad I brought my umbrella!"

As Mabel tightened her shoelaces, Jenn glanced uneasily at the door once again. Outside, streams were swelling over the sidewalks and the rain was pelting the door rapidly. Somehow, Jenn did not feel as enthusiastic about the midnight novelty as she once did.

"Nothing like a good autumn rain." Mabel commented, taking notice of Jenn's hesitant glance once again.
"Hey Jen," she said. "You're not going to walk to your apartment through that, are you? Let me give you a ride."

"Oh, thanks!" Jenn replied, grabbing her scarf and trying to look less uneasy than she felt. "But I need to visit the grocery store before its closed, or I'll be out of luck tomorrow. My pantry is empty and all I have left in the fridge is a stick of butter."

"In this weather you'll be lucky if you're not soaked through by the time you reach Morus Road. At least let me drive you around the corner."

"Thanks!" Jenn said, smiling.

After the two nurses bid farewell to the women at the desk, they stepped out into the torrents. Mabel was too low in her estimate, for if not for her umbrella, the two would have been soaked before they reached the parkinglot. Bustled by the wind and rain, however, the ladies kept their coat collars up all the way, and shimmied into Mabel's little old car as quick as they could.

"Brrr..." Mabel shuddered once inside. She tried to turn on her vehicle and heard the dreaded "clutclut" of an engine unwilling to start.
"Oh no," she groaned. "Of all times!"
Jenn looked between Mabel and the obstinate vehicle as several more attempts to start it proved vain. At last, Mabel gave up.
"You dumb car! It sure picked a bad time to keel over." Mabel lamented angrily. "I'm sorry about this, Jen."

"Oh, don't worry about me!" Jenn piped happily, though obviously tired and cold herself. "How are you going to get home?"

"I'll probably go back inside and see if anyone can help." Mabel replied, miserably. "What about you?"

"Well, why don't you meet me at the store once you get it to start? I bet I can get there and have all my shopping done in the meantime." Jenn replied.

Mabel was hesitant to agree, but knowing Jenn would do what she liked no matter, Mabel finally relented. "Fine," she said. "But give me a call if you decide to head out early, or I'll spend the rest of the night looking for you."

"I will!" Jenn said, and hopped out of the car in a blink.

"And take this!" Mabel practically threw her umbrella at the bobbing redhead. "Don't die!"

Jenn laughed and set off on her way, while Mabel ran back to the clinic for some cover.

Amidst the drenched and now abandoned streets of Reknab Bend was parked a dark crimson truck the rural town roads had never seen prior to this evening. The rain assaulted the rather worn out exterior of the old truck, making the pounding of the rain the main noise that reverberated in the ears of the sole passenger of the truck. Misty dark green eyes watched as the rain attacked the windshield and windows, but the mind behind them was somewhere far off where the storm couldn't reach. Tito was worried. Really worried.
The scenes kept playing through his mind; Days before his birthday when he had last seen Saber. The moment when Saber was first realized to be missing. The email from Saber which explained what had happened. The fear and concern for his friend Tito couldn't quite shake since then.
Tito didn't know everything about Saber but he knew that his friend had been through a lot in his life. As resilient as his friend always appeared, after the last traumatic experience his friend had had and how much it seemed to affect him, Tito couldn't help but worry that one day... One day his friend might just break.
Now Tito would never tell Saber this, but he had a hard time believing the story which his friend had told him through email about why he had disappeared. A part of Tito knew Saber wouldn't lie about something so serious, but another part of Tito was worried Saber didn't want to disclose what really happened and so he had just made up a cover story instead. But, there was evidence to support Saber's story; It wasn’t too hard to believe when all the details were lined up. Tito knew he should’ve fully believed what his friend told him but a piece of him still feared for his friends mental state. Tito just needed to see him- Just to know he was alright.


Tito's mind finally snapped back to reality as his phone went off. He looked over at the small device on the seat next to him and picked it up, a glimmer of hope he knew would be let down growing in him. It was a long shot but Tito couldn't stop himself from hoping Saber would make contact with him soon. Activating the screen he saw that it was just a text from Mikey, the only person that was aware of Tito’s late night investigation for his friend.

" Did you find him yet”, was all the simple text said.

Tito responded with a miserable no as he soon put the phone down and went back to watching the rain, trying to let the noise and the sight of the torrents of water coming down calm his weary soul. He closed his eyes and quietly clasped his hands in his lap for a small moment as he called for help from a greater power. As Tito's eyes slowly slid open again he noticed a small silhouette off in the distance making their way through the storm. Tito wasn't sure if he was seeing right, as he hadn't seen anyone about since the storm first rolled in, but as he continued to stare he questioned less of what he saw. So Tito decided to rev up the trucks old engine and slowly drive over to the figure in the distance.
Tito rolled down the passenger window slightly as he pulled up near where the person was, snatching his phone from the seat to protect it from the rain that swiftly came in through the small crack in the window.

“ Hey, do you need a ride?” He called out from the opened window.

Sprinting through the rain in the middle of the night was not exactly Jenn's idea of fun, but splashing along, with her umbrella way out at an angle in front of her, made her feel like a cute cartoon character, and that somehow made the time less miserable. She sprinted her way up Morus Road, and was running toward Main Street when Tito's crimson truck rolled up beside her.

Half expecting an old man like Tammy's grandfather or Harvey Bolt to roll down the window, Jenn stopped and found herself pleasantly surprised when the driver called out to her. Not only was the driver a new face, but he was also a pretty good looking young man.

"I'm just on my way to the corner store over there, its not far." Jenn shouted over the rain, winking her eyes to see into the truck. "But if its no trouble, I sure would appreciate it, yes."

Tito invited the girl in with a smile. " It's no trouble at all, come on in."

A short moment later however Tito realized that the girl couldn't even come in if she tried as his truck's doors were still locked, and so he swiftly hit the button that would remedy the situation.

" Sorry," Tito sighed. " Now you should be able to get in."

Jenn tried the door once and pleasantly waited until she could get in without trouble. Then she folded the borrowed umbrella and slipped into the truck where she continued to shiver a great deal. Nevertheless, Jenn bore the cold with a smile and eagerly looked to know her new acquaintance better.

"You're not from around here." She said, addressing the obvious, and afterward was free to search out something a little less visible. "What is your name?"

" Tito." Tito responded simply to the inquiry. He watched the girl shiver as his mind instantly got caught up in seeing if he had anything that could help warm her. Unfortunately Tito, unaware of what the weather was going to be like in Reknab, hadn't brought a coat for himself-

He then eyed the contents of the back seats of his truck and he snatched something from the small pile. His mind quickly thought about what else he had back there and the worry his guest might notice but he brushed off the concern. He handed the small water proof coat to Jenn as he spoke with a kind smile.

" Here, you can borrow this."

"Oh, thank you!" Jenn eagerly accepted the coat and put it over herself without delay. Now, her attention turned to the downpour from which she just escaped.

"My gracious," she said, gazing at the torrents on the windshield. "I didn't hear anything about this on the forecast. Look at this downpour! I've never seen anything like it in Reknab Bend before - though we did have a few heavy storms a few months ago."

Tito followed Jenn's gaze back to the windshield and the rain. Unfortunately the sight broke the current distraction and he began to worry again.

" Yeah, it's really coming down hard." Tito said quietly.

Jenn was oblivious to Tito's inner turmoil. She began wringing out the short red curls dangling over her wet cheeks.

"Well, thank you again for saving me back there. My friend was going to give me a ride tonight, but her car broke down in the clinic lot. The corner store is just back there. You're a lifesaver!"

Jenn gestured over her shoulder in the direction Tito had come.

" Right." Tito smiled as he glanced over to Jenn as she gestured, his mind jumping out mid thought and reminding itself what it was suppose to be doing again.

Tito turned his truck around and began to head back to the main road and towards the corner store Jenn had motioned towards, although likely continued to be missed, Tito's anxeity remained at the surface of his countenance.

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