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Werewolves (RP 5): Secrets in the Orchard (01/13-04/14)

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Kratos turned to the north with Jackie, Logan, and Ulric behind. He left the rest of the pack with confidence under the direction of Zeit, and did not speak another word until all four had gone off beyond the Ditch and taken to the road which lead further up the mountain. 

Leaving the clearing and the main group behind, the Alpha stepped onto the bare dirt road and began the trek upward. Ulric followed in the back of the company, but not too far behind Jackie and Logan. Soon a row of trees separated them from the rest of the pack, and as they went on that row was joined by another, and another until at last the clearing was out of sight and seemly far behind.

"Very well then." Came the Alpha's deep powerful voice at length. "What is on your mind, Ulric?"


As he had walked on, Ulric had wondered when Kratos might speak to him, but he could not guess as to whether it would be sooner or later. As they passed beyond the trees in silence, Kratos making no attempt to start the conversation and Ulric feeling that it was not his place, he had let his mind unconsciously wander... But when at last the Alpha did speak, Ulric felt his heart take an inadvertent leap.

Jerking his gaze up from the crusty earth beneath his boots to Kratos' back, Ulric looked at his adoptive brother. The Alpha had not faltered in his pace, nor had he looked over his shoulder when he had spoken, so Ulric was left to wonder to what the question had referred. 

"What do you mean?" Ulric asked after a moment.

The seven foot man in the lead drew a deep breath, but his tone did not suggest impatience. "You are upset with me about something, and you will be needed back with the pack before too long. Best get it off your chest." Kratos replied, still without slowing or looking back.

Ulric glanced at Logan and Jackie before fixing his gaze toward the Alpha again. The sky was already growing dark in hues of grey and blue as the golden light of the sun vanished into the west above the trees.

"Kratos, I don't think we have time for this." Ulric said after a moment.


Timothy's ears had gone erect in the very moment that Sabrina became alert, and he did not immediately heed her beckoning. The shadows were falling on every end and the forest floor was already very dark. Only the tips of the highest trees were still vibrant with light, but it was fading fast.

Timothy's attention turned to the east and somewhere down the mountain, but that was not the direction in which he went. When he turned toward the white werewolf his eyes were sharp and focused, a new strength had arisen within him and everything that seemed passive and casual about his wandering had changed. 'It is time.' That was all that he said, and it was not with words that he spoke. Then his form became tense and in a moment he took a leap off the path and raced off to the west!



With Mildred McGordner in the lead, the hunting party had stepped into the woods and had begun their trek west, toward Phantom Mountain.

At that same moment, Harvey Bolt's group of excited young men had left the Gelton Ranch behind them, and were now advancing toward the east.


Keeping pace with Jackie, Logan followed behind, her own gaze wandering astray. At least until the interactions between the alpha and his younger brother began to take place. She was surprised to hear that Kratos inquired of Ulric's current thoughts and feeling. Earlier she had assumed he had him along in order to scold him away from the other members, but for now that didn't seem the case.

She too now wondered what Ulric had on his mind, and she cast a glance backwards at the man to try and read his expression but to no avail. Surely his main concern was getting through the night? At least, that was Logan's. 

"I don't think we have time for this."

Midnight hadn't come upon them just yet, but it felt to Logan much like minutes were slipping by like seconds, each coming one more precious than the last. 

There was that familiar tug. Surely Jackie already felt it too. Kind of like the pull of a magnet, not quiet close enough to connect but you knew that, should you move it just a hairs width, it would slip and reach it's goal in a heartbeat. And already the effects of the change began to take place. What started as in itch was now more like panic. Not quiet that gut wrenching kind, but still there. And the more she thought about it, the more Logan began to grow concerned over how the night would play out. She had never really worried about it before. While she had always wondered where she might find herself the next morning, very little had she thought about the consequences of the transformation until now. Now more than ever, she craved control, the ability to have some foresight into the nights events. It was now that she realized the way her lungs inflated and deflated, the sweat that accumulated on her palms, and suddenly she felt very, very small. 

She lurched to the side a bit, now shoulder to shoulder with Jackie, and grasped the woman's wrist firmly. It was certainty strong enough to catch her attention quickly, and yet not constricting at the same time. With her other hand, she reached into her pocket and pulled something out, offering it to Jackie. 

"My grandfather." she muttered, loud enough for Jackie to hear, but maybe not the others. She slipped the photograph into Jackie's hand, placing her own hands in her pockets. 

"If something happens, I would like you to keep this.. I know it has no worth to you, but it's my most prized possession." 

Now she stood straight and moved away from the other a bit, still keeping closer than before, but focusing her eyes on the path ahead while she waited for any kind of response from Jackie.


Had he been human, Theo would have blushed deeply at Chime’s comment. As it was, the young were starred awkwardly at his paws and tried to observe anything but Chime’s amusement. Momentarily distracted by this surge of embarrassment, Theo was fortunate to forget about the excitement that lay before him.

From his periphery, he saw Levi twitch and suddenly Theo’s mind was flooded anew with uncertainty and anxiety. He watched the prisoner for a few moments as though searching for a hint on what he should expect from him. But alas, Theo discerned nothing and he soon he shifted his unblinking green gaze just as it might have seemed strange or out of place.

Theo exhaled deeply.

Okay… but let’s just… do this, this thing first. Before we talk about arrangements


It was beyond Jackie how, in the midst of an approaching full moon and an angry mob of wolf-hunters, Kratos could find time for family drama. She shot a look at the duo, a mixture of outrage and exasperation before at last rolling her eyes to the sky—as if to say, ‘I give up’.

It was there, up in the sky, Jackie saw that hideous yellow orb and she felt something unfurl in her stomach. She had, of course, been aware of it’s strange magnetic pull for some time now. But there was finality in just seeing it there, in realizing that no matter what she did from now until sunrise she would not have very much control (or for that matter, memory), of what was about to happen. Jackie didn’t like this very much , of course. It felt like some invisible snaky hand had just snatched away a tiny block on the foundation of her being, and now she could feel all the other blocks crumbling down…

It was with this cheerful thought that Jackie suddenly became aware Logan was speaking. A moment after that, Jackie realized Logan was speaking to her, and not in fact to Ulric or Kratos—a conclusion that seemed as monumentous as anything a master sleuth might discover. With a sharp intake of air, Jackie felt a picture being pressed into hand and she numbly took it. 

Jackie’s first instinct was to ask if Logan was out of her mind, and Jackie was in fact quite certain that was what she was about to ask. Certainly Ulric or Kratos might have been a better candidate for being the caretaker for a precious family artifact than a fellow “uncontrollable monster”. Jackie tried to think of any reason, any reason at all on why Logan might suddenly think her fit for this honor. Certainly having pockets wasn't enough?

For the first time in a long time, Jackie found no words ready at her lips. She had no idea what to do, no idea on how one was meant to react. She found herself wishing hopelessly for some sort of manual for this situation. 

Then, finally

If you think you can trust me with this,” she repeated lowly, hoping Ulric and Kratos were still arguing and would not be paying attention to the two of them,”Then I guess I can do nothing less but keep it safe.. and you too. It would be annoying to have you go off dying without your precious photo


A smirk grew on Logan's face, something that wasn't quiet a smile but almost so. She exhaled, relieved, as though she had been holding the breath since she slipped Jackie the photo. 

"I wonder what his parents fed him.." she muttered, now mustering up a proper smile - though it still looked odd on her, as her eyes and brows showed little emotion in reflection to the gesture. "Cow for breakfast, bear for dinner? He's too big.." now she talked even quieter than before, a hint of orneriness to her tone. And then at once, she became quiet and her expression solemn. 

"I'm not very good at joking, so anyway.."

She trailed off, thinking for a couple of minutes. "Look, I'm not so good with ah, expressing.. how I feel. Hah! I crack myself up! I don't know how I even feel. But, I do have a confession.. about last month, I hope that you know what happened was not on purpose, I try to distance myself from others, but I was careless."

Her eyes locked on the full moon, and she continued quietly. Surely Ulric and Kratos were too engaged with each other to pay any attention? "I don't even know why I'm saying this. I am naive, ah? But listen. I don't know how you came to be a werewolf, but I still remember it like it happened yesterday, nothing could describe that. So that's why, when I woke up the first time, I decided to leave and travel, so I couldn't inflict that on someone. I guess I failed in that area, but know that I don't wish that on my worst enemy, I will try to fight it, but, the beast has a mind of its own it seems." 


Watching Theo, she had to admit she enjoyed his discomfort, slightly wary over the reaction she got over feel of power it gave her. Her size being smaller than most.. why, she rarely felt she ever got the upper hand, but this.. this was-

Noticing Levi's movement, she shifted her eyes to him, mentally shaking these thoughts from her head, though it wasn't too long before Theo's answer came.

Chime nodded, "Sounds fair."

Looking away, she found herself studying the dirt, her ears twitching ever so often, listening to the many sounds of the night.


Kratos did not contradict Ulric's last statement, and it seemed as if the conversation had ended there. The brothers fell silent and the walking never halted.

Ulric looked up through the branches overhead to the pale light growing ever brighter in the sky. He was unaware how effected he was by it until Logan moved out of the corner of his eye and his heart nearly threw him into the woods with its sudden pace! Outwardly he only stumbled for a moment before continuing on, but inwardly his heart was pounding and his mind racing. Ulric hadn't seen exactly what it was that Logan had given to Jackie, and her movement might not have been as sudden as his heightening senses would lead him to believe, but the action had drawn his attention and even after he knew the cause for it, it took a moment to convince his heart to be at peace.

Meanwhile, it was uncertain if Kratos was paying any attention to what was being said behind him, for he continued onward up the mountain without slowing and without speaking further to Ulric. Until of course the moment he did speak which alerted everyone to the fact that he had in fact been listening in.

"Fight yourself and you will be your own enemy." He said, but he did not look over his shoulder. "You cannot convince something to work with you if you are hindering it at every turn. Control it. Do not fight it. Do not fear it.. Anything you fear has power over you. No mind but your own can control your actions."

Ulric's heart had jumped again. He had not expected Kratos to speak so suddenly, and yet he felt foolish for his constant startles... It was as if some subconscious part of him was aware of something that he was not, but coming to that realization caused even his conscious mind to become alert. 

Casting his auburn eyes out over his shoulder and visually scanning the shadows, Ulric felt suddenly quite certain that there were more than just four predators here. 

"Could it be the hunters?" He wondered silently to himself, feeling every moment more uneasy."We're too far up the mountain to run into them just yet..."

Despite his reasoning, Ulric couldn't bring himself to look away from the surrounding forest which was growing darker and darker all the time.


Sabrina was entirely too ready for Timothy to bolt. She did not question his words, nor did she make any move to stop him--but no sooner had he made the communication than she sprang off the rock and took after him like a white ghost, moving with soundless liquid power as she maneuvered through the dense forest growth to stay on his heels.


Levi glanced between Theo and Chime. He made an attempt at a smile again, though his canine brows were tight with his own underlying anxiety. He took a deep breath, held it, and let it out after a moment in a sigh. Then he shook his coat. Then he shook it again, and sat down on his haunches. Then he stood up.

Clearing his throat, he looked at Chime. "So, eh... we waitin' on the beta then?" he asked. "Did the alpha tell yeh anythin' about what we're supposed ta be doin'?"


Jackie would have been happy to pass of Logan's touching moment with only a simple smirk or an ominous shrug, but such was not what Logan had in mind. No, in fact, she seemed rather intent on making the entire situation terribly confusing for the both of them. The lithe woman could feel the sting of sentimentality brushing at the edges of her eyes, the strange twitch at the corner of her mouth.

"You're hopeless, aren't you?" desperately she was trying to shake the strange feeling that had come over her, but to little avail; in fact, it seemed to have only sunk deeper into her as though it had claws.

"You get all gushy on me, I can neither hate you in peace nor completely remember why I decided to hate you in the first place!" Jackie cast her hands upwards in exasperation, towards the mooned sky,"Hopeless!"

As Kratos spoke, Jackie sped her pace and walked quickly forward as her face turned a shade that almost matched her hair. For a moment it seemed she was completely furious at her new associate; but with an innocent twitch of her fingers, she tenderly pocketed the photo Logan had given her. Almost self-aware at how obvious the action seemed, Jackie was desperate to find something,anything that might redirect the topic.

Ulric's cautious expression was only too perfect. Seizing such an opportunity as a godsend, Jackie reacted quickly.

"What, what is it? Something trying to kill us? Because they better hurry up. They don't have long before we're not cute and cuddly anymore."


Theo seemed nervous. The skyline was darkening and there seemed to be no sign of Ziet. Though he tried to pretend that this, clearly, was all a part of the plan, Theo couldn't help but feel a great dread settle in his heart. What if something had happened to the beta and the omega? What if the hunters had come early? How long were they meant to wait like a bunch of sitting ducks?

With no answer to these questions, Theo could only answer Levi's questions.

"Simple stuff," he grunted honestly,"Most of it implied, I think. Or inferred. I forget. But basically, don't get caught."

An uncomfortable thought settled on his tongue before you could stifle it,"And don't let you run off."




The brief silence seemed deafening in comparison to the demanding boom of the Alpha's voice, to which the whole world seemed to quiet and listen. 

"I would like to believe it to be so easy as you say..." she muttered quietly to herself after a moment or two.

Before long, her attention was directed at Jackie. The woman went off on what seemed to Logan like a senseless ramble, one of which she only cocked a brow in response. The next instant, however, Jackie had turned her attention to Ulric, who Logan would have otherwise all but forgotten about. 

She too cast her gaze to the man, slowing her pace now. There was a look in his eyes, one that sent the little hairs on the back of her neck standing, accompanied by that familiar cold prickling sensation that crawled up ones spine. 

Advancing towards Ulric slightly, her own eyes moved around the forest, which increasingly felt like it was closing in around them. "Did you see something?" she asked, carefully noting at the same time her heightened senses that seemed to spur up along with this new found anxiousness.


The feeling was intense and Ulric did not look away from the forest to answer. He kept his eyes trained on the woods, searching for the source of his uneasiness. He had already considered the intentions of whatever or whoever it was beyond the darkness, but there was one thing he could not figure out which Jackie's last statement suddenly answered for him.

"It's waiting," Ulric muttered to himself, "But why is it waiting for the full-" 

Ulric's breath fell short amid his question, for just then he realized something that caused his blood to run chill; He was staring straight at it. What he had perceived as forest bramble swaying in the breeze was in actuality a body! Thick and black it moved almost pace for pace right beside him. How long had it been there, how long had he been staring directly at it without knowing? It hadn't been trying to conceal itself, and it walked as if it had been there for a very long time. Ulric did not know how to respond, but instinctively his legs froze and he stopped.

Kratos seemed to become aware of the presence in the exact same moment, for just then he also stopped and turned to look behind him. The figure, who had now stopped right alongside the company, was one the Alpha recognized instantly.

"Timothy." Kratos said, and he looked forward again having sensed another presence. The almost phantom-like white figure standing on the road ahead of him was another face that he recognized, and the Alpha knew within a glance of the figure's bright yellow eyes that things were very wrong. But there was no more time. Timothy had timed everything perfectly, and even as the pale blue light of the moon shown down through the boughs, the surreal turquoise eyes were lifted with intensity upon Logan!


((Hour Glass informed me that she likely won't be able to post for the next few weeks, so to excuse Beta Zeit for the remainder of this role play, we're going to do a bit of a time skip and say that she and her company moved on ahead of Theo, Chime, and Levi. I'll leave it to you guys to take it from there!))


The change was emanate from the moment that the moon's white face appeared at its high point in the sky. The werewolves should have noticed the steady increase of light on their surroundings and the deepening of the shadows under the branches, but they had been caught off guard at the very last moment.

The Alpha knew better than to fight the change, it came over him swiftly and easily as water pours from a glass. It seemed only the passing of a shadow overhead before his stature had increased and his massive form stood girded about in new strength and power. The change did not, however, come over Ulric with the same dignity. Ulric had been standing fast where he stood with adrenaline racing through his limbs from the suddenness of Timothy's appearance, and when the moon took sway his natural inclination was to defend himself. 

Ulric had not fought the strength of the full moon in his entire life, so when he unknowingly engaged the struggle, the result was crushing! With a cry he crumbled down to the dirt road and clenched the stones in his hands as he went from man to beast! Had he not realized his folly in that moment of panic, Ulric might have put up the struggle for longer as his instincts advised, yet as quickly as he let go he changed and was left panting on the forest floor.


Jackie saw the dark form after Kratos spoke it’s name. It had been there the whole time, hugging the group like a shadow. A sort of dread was crawling at Jackie's spine and she chewed at the corner of her lip with uncertainty. It was like the world had suddenly turned upside down; or rather, it had been upsidedown the entire time and it was only now she realized it. The woman shivered deeply, although there was no strong chill in the air.

Jackie wanted to take a moment’s pause, collect her thoughts, and puzzle together this strange turn of events, but no such time was available to her. The moon had finally took her throne at the top of a starry sky and was casting a sickening, alien-silver light down on her. There was no means of really resisting such a change—it would have been like trying to tell a waterfall to flow the other way. But such logic did not seem to apply to Jackie. 

She didn’t want to change, particularly not when it seemed to fall into whatever mysterious plans Timothy had for the group. For once in her life, she wanted no part in whatever chaos was about to transpire. She fell to her knees and grit her teeth, pushing against the uncontrollable tsunami that washed over her. Her heart was racing, sweat was trickling down the sides of her head. Bones and sinew and muscle all seemed as fluid as liquid under the moonlight, as though even the slightest twitch might send them all into a mad scramble of atoms. 

For all of Jackie’s stubbornness, her will only lasted a few seconds longer than Ulric’s. The tiny human called Jaquelin Ryder was fading into a murky darkness, and in her stead a beast emerged. With new eyes a werewolf surveyed the situation, testing the air with a keen nose and sharp eyes. A Danger threatened her pack. She could see the cold eyes of the loner fall on Logan’s; her hackles rose and a growl was starting to form in her throat.


The woods seemed to be like claws, threatening to reach out and snap up at the tiny trio. Or so Theo pictured it, as he tasted the air around the pits and looked for any sign of an angry mob to leap out of the woods, ready to burn them all at the stake. Which was silly, Theo admitted to himself. They were werewolves, not witches; silver bullets were clearly their game. But… what if the mob had brought silver bullets? Did silver bullets really work? Theo had never tested that little tale of superstition, but certainly if werewolves were true—

Theo shook his head.

He turned to Chime, trying to see if she had sensed any danger he had missed. Then he turned to Levi to see if he had sensed anything. Although technically a prisoner, all their lives were at stake here and any danger Levi might sense would affect them all. Right?... So went another tangent down the path of paranoia.

He needed something else to do; anything to do so long as it didn’t involve elaborate fantasies of his pathetic demise. 

Hey, who wants to play I-Spy? It would um, be, helpful and fun at the same time?

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