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Werewolves (RP 5): Secrets in the Orchard (01/13-04/14)

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Now as Loga ran after the Alpha, following close to last in the group, there was only a dream like haze about her mind. She felt her limbs hitting the ground but it did not seem to her that she entirely willed them to do so. And while they sought after another werewolf, one who had undoubtedly been injured, she did not know who. However she did not break the flow of her run for a moment, and even after all of the chaos and the ongoing sense of dread that seemed to fall like a heavy cloud over the other wolves, there was some harmony in the group running together and it was the first thing that happened during the night to feel right. 

She watched as the Alpha made his way across the stream as though it were nothing but a mild annoyance, and before she could realize it's depth she too ran into it without a second thought! Beating her way across, the otherwise well natured stream looked liked it had a consciousness and intention to attack and smother Logan. Despite this she was, after some effort, safely on the other bank. 

Soon after, though her fur still sagged with the weight of the water, Logancame to the place the Alpha stopped and began to search. However there was no sign of the injured pack member.. now she stood tall, slowly stepping in one direction or the other, before she made her ways through the surrounding brush and bramble to search there. Little moonlight seeped into these areas and she could not see anything but the vague outlines of the objects in the area. With her sense of smell rendered useless, she relied on her hearing, and her ears tilted about in every which way in hopes of catching the sound of breathing or the slightest movement that might take place.  


There was a bliss in not thinking or feeling anything beyond the breathing in one’s chest and the ground underfoot. It was like being stuck in a hazy uneventful dream that would not be remembered. Only the path in front of her was illuminated long enough for her to run and to follow. And it just as quickly faded into the non-memory. All such a haven cost her was her mind; but it was a price she would gladly pay.

[Don’t give up, Jackie] 

The words were snaking through the darkness, spilling their blinding light into her eyes. This light was not a thing she could bare to see for long; no more than she could look at the sun than more than a few seconds. She chose to be here; who was Ulric to take away the prison she had fought to put herself into? And so the beast continued forward into the shallow stream ahead, the hindrance of its human counterpart forgotten with a simple shake of its head. 

But all the same, she could still hear the simple phrase in some distant corner of her mind. It was quiet enough for the wolf to ignore, much like how a city sleeper might learn to ignore the sound of cars outside their window. But it was repetitive and unrelenting; how the human wished it would be quiet so she could continue her dreamless slumber!


Words... Words? Words! Desperately Tammy pressed her mind to try and figure out what they meant! The noises were too complex to mean nothing at all, and some very nearly sounded human, but ordinary words were so strange from the mouth of any beast that Tammy simply could not understand. Yet she never really needed to anyway, for the creature's beckoning motions and subtle gestures seemed clear enough.

To say that Tammy had ceased to tremble was untrue, but she seemed to get some of her courage back and she caught up her bag to follow after the werewolves. Into the icy water the girl stepped without hesitation though it soaked her shoes and jeans right through. Then to the other side Tammy climbed and there she finally approached the creature to whom she had offered aid. She came slowly forward and her eyes did not go from the wound, lest she look up and her courage again forsake her. 

"I.. I'm going to have a look at it." Tammy said, glancing up now to meet the eyes of the one who had carried the first. In these few words she intended to ask if she might do so, but she did not want to delay in deciphering the reply, so she knelt down and opened her bag. Quickly she tucked her hands away inside it, untying her fingerless straps out of sight and replacing them with disposable gloves. Then she extended her hand and touched the makeshift bandage. 

Tammy watched the werewolves keenly for a moment, worrying about their reactions, but she proceeded regardless. She did not want to remove the cloth entirely, fearing to cause a greater bleed, but she needed to check the severity of the wound. She was not a qualified surgeon or even a nurse, so Tammy could not do everything, but she intended to do all she could. She took a small flashlight from her bag and put it between her teeth, then piled out a billion other things rather quickly and stacked them beside her.

"Hold him, and apply pressure there." Tammy instructed out of the corner of her mouth and began loosening the cloth. After that she seemed to work rather quickly, giving a glance under the cloth, grabbing a few things from her pile, moving to feel or clean about the wound and so forth. But among the many things she did, one of the most peculiar was that she took a small packet of what looked like mashed leaves out of her bag and prepared to press it into the wound. But she hesitated.

"This is going to hurt. Keep him.." Tammy looked carefully at the face of her patient for but a moment with her own fears in heart. "Keep him still," she said and then proceeded. 

Tammy did as she intended as quick as possible and then caught up a bandage from her pile to cover the wound. All the while she seemed prepared to retreat should one of the werewolves attack, but she never did, regardless the reaction they gave. 

"That'll clot it and better," Tammy explained as she bandaged each wound individually and wrapped the leg in a covering. At last she removed the soaked bandage completely and cast it on the ground. Then she turned aside, put her hands down among the bushes to discard her gloves, and swiftly dealt into her bag once more. In moments her hands were wrapped in leather straps again and she pulled out several more things from her bag.

"Here," Tammy said, taking the flashlight from her mouth and extending a bottle out to Levi. "This is for him to help with the pain. There w-was an exit wound, so h-hopefully no bullet. It-tt- didn't h-hit bone either." Tammy might have been still afraid, but she now trembled more on account of the cold. 

The girl did not wait for Levi to take the bottle from her, and indeed she might have flinched away should he have tried, but she set the bottle on the ground and began opening another package. 

Retrieving and unfolding a silver emergency blanket, Tammy explained. "If he gets too cold, and.." she took out a towel. "Dip this in the water if he gets hot." Tammy put these things aside for the werewolves and then sat up a bit straighter to go into her pocket. Here she pulled out a zipped pouch and opened it up, retrieving from it what appeared to be three small tea bags, and these she also offered to the werewolves. 

"Smell t-them... It m-might help tt-to calm him d-down..."


Jumping into the river was not something Ulric was inclined to do. It looked as black as ink with maybe a glint of a stone or two reflecting the moon's light, but other than that he knew it would be cold and wet fur was more irritating than some clothes. So needless to say Ulric stopped at the mountain stream and watched as the others crossed with struggle or ease. 

Ulric observed each member cross the stream and he looked to see if anyone might find a more preferable way. Sabrina bounded over the water with ease, but Ulric was not as agile as she, and all the others seemed to plunge right in and have it over with. Everyone that was, except Timothy. 

Ulric noticed that Timothy had also stopped and stared a moment at the water, then Timothy turned aside and stalked alongside it and into a dense patch of bramble. Ulric out of curiosity followed, and sure enough, Timothy had found another way to cross. It was a worn old trunk collapsed over the river, quite lengthy and smooth, and even more interesting was that it connected what Ulric immediately saw as a footpath from one side of the river to the other. Timothy crossed it calmly and then turned back down to rejoin the others on the other side of the bank. Ulric on the other hand, stayed a few moments on the path.

Ulric lowered his head and sniffed the earth. The smell of werewolf was not present here, and oddly there seemed to be very little smell here at all. Even the thick foliage seemed to loose its pleasant odor in this area, and for whatever reason the smell of the moist forest soil itself had become but a dull enticement. What was it that made him disregard his own senses? 

Ulric slowly stepped forward onto the log. The water sped continuously onward under his paws and its sound was loud in Ulric's ears. Yet even so there was no smell. 

"No, wait." Ulric furrowed his brow, closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "There is a smell...But its -" Before he could properly think of a way to describe it, Ulric found himself falling toward the water! Then, without really thinking about it, he over-corrected his stance and ended up leaping off the log to prevent himself from crashing into the water! He hit the ground on the other side of the river with a thud, and then become aware that he was extremely dizzy.

"Huh?" Ulric muttered in his confusion and shook his head in attempt to clear it. He regained his senses easily enough, and that was when he realized he had fallen into a sticky and musky bush which had broken under his weight. 

Ulric stood up and looked around. He could hear the water and the thrashing of the other werewolves through the bushes, but he still felt lightheaded. Unfortunately the sticky plant-matter was far worse than water and it clung to Ulric's fur terribly, but he considered it 'just deserts' for having gone around his problems to begin with. 

The smell was so incredibly hard to pinpoint, every part of him wished to ignore it, or get around it, or anything other than seek it out, but that was exactly what Ulric did.

He put his nose low to the earth, and then up against the bark of the trees, and then down to his own paws. Then after wandering here and there Ulric suddenly lifted his head in alarm! 

It wasn't the source of the smell, or perhaps the lack thereof that had caught Ulric's attention, but rather something he had just barely detected beyond it!

"Kratos!" Ulric shouted over his shoulder, "Toby!"

The Alpha's head raised at the call and he didn't waste a moment! Immediately in the direction he had heard Ulric's voice, Kratos raced forward! He came upon Ulric much further off from the river than he had expected, but laying on the ground near him was the wounded Omega! 

"Sabrina, quickly!"


 Theo was too exhausted to put up much of a struggle as Tammy began to clean his wound, but that was not to say he was entirely quiet on the matter. A strange sound, a hybrid between a moan and a whine, formed at the back of the throat. As Tammy delved further into her work, he tensed; when she applied the crushed leaves his body became rigid and it seemed as if he were about to thrash wildly. But there seemed to be just enough presence in mind left in him not to—he could not allow his caretaker to become hurt in the process of treating him!

When Tammy was finished, Theo felt more exhausted then he did before. His body was racing from the ordeal, but every movement seemed a momentous effort. He rolled helplessly to his side, as if in some way trying to right himself but being unable to find the strength. His eyes opened to green slits, his gaze taking in the sight of Tammy. 

A rumble formed at the back of his throat; it was not a snarl, but it was not quite words yet either. He struggled, as whatever he wanted seemed very important, but soon this urgency left him as he slipped off to semi-consciousness.


 "Kratos!" ... "Toby!"

"Sabrina, quickly!"

One storm left and another rolled in steadily behind it; the omega was lost and found yet there was still no room to relax. 

While Logan's ears perked up in acknowledgement to the fact that their lost pack member had been discovered, she did not move from her position, mid-stride and pushing away at branches that blocked her path. 

Now a silence overtook the area, and the grey and white wolf's stance relaxed. Her violet eyes shifted, being cast into some unseen distance. If only she would leave now, they would be too busy to give any chase. Perhaps she could run miles before they even noticed she was gone! Anyway, she had tried to help find the omega, and Jackie it seemed had forgiven her, so now what was her duty in the pack?

She remained quiet and unmoving aside from glancing back towards the direction in which the voices had arisen, and again into the seemingly endless forest. Somewhere in the deep of her mind, the pros and cons were briefly weighed, and she soon came to a conclusion.. 

Even as her legs grew tense with a craving to run and leave this place, she turned and began towards the others, coming to where Toby's body lay. She examined him briefly, before taking a few steps back and standing tall, her ears and eyes alert to any threats that might surface nearby. 


Chime hurried across the stream, anxiously, her eyes darted to the three others around her. She breathed a sigh a relief when the girl followed them across, and set up to help with the wound.

As it went on, Chime found herself watching Theo's face more then the tending, the smell of blood alone made her feel sick, never mind looking at it! Doing her best to help when instructed, she was happy when the girl mentioned about something, she really knew what she was doing, or at least it seemed that way. And, boy, was it a relief to know those facts about the bullet.

After it was over, Chime listened to the girl, mentally writing it down. She checked on Theo one more time before she planned on picking up the items, though he slight movement caught her attention. Moving her hand on his shoulder, she patted him softly.

Still having some doubts, she hoped that now he was on the road to recovery, though she couldn't ignore this girl, who somehow knew that she was needed here, even if they were different and even frightening. She wanted someway to thank her, if she had something with her, something she could give her...

"Thank you."

She hoped her eyes showed her message if the words didn't, it was all she had, she really hoped it would be enough.  


Sabrina flicked back an ear and turned upon hearing the urgency in Ulric's voice. She had only strayed a short distance when she heard him, and quickly came bounding to his side. 

With only a glance over Toby's still form, she immediately set to work, her eyes and hands moving almost too quickly to keep up with. Now into her pouch for a salve, or some herbal powder, or bandages, now again down Toby's vest to be certain exactly where and how grievous his injuries were, to her waterskin to wash the wounds she discovered. She worked at a urgent pace, but her expression was perfectly calm, focused, and her golden yellow eyes were intense. "We're going to need to get him back to the Dens as soon as possible," she said without looking up, "The fastest runner of our party--whichever one of you can think clearly under the moon's light, that is--must go there now and fetch a few blankets. We'll meet you halfway. Remember that the threat may very well still be afoot, so be wary and silent, but swift as you can."


Levi watched anxiously as Tammy treated Theo's wound. He glanced from Theo to Tammy, to Chime, and to Tammy again - the expression on his face akin to a punished dog, but the humanity and vulnerability in his eyes may have made it look more like the expression of a frightened child. He felt so helpless and useless! 

"...T'ain't any words," he muttered quietly, shaking his head, "Jest t'ain't any..." His voice cracked and something flinched within him. The world seemed to have gotten a little foggy. He took a deep breath to steady himself, and swiped his eyes with the back of his arm before looking at Tammy. "Aye, thank yeh," he said softly after Chime had spoken. Then he looked at Theo and was quiet. After a moment, he finally ventured, "Will he be a'right nu?"


Tammy had worked as quickly and efficiently as she could and then she began slowly backing away to allow the werewolves to tend to their wounded. 

Now on her hands and knees Tammy lifted her eyes and met the gazes of those who looked so gratefully upon her. She stopped in her gentle retreat and listened as each werewolf tried to express their gratitude. The first words spoken by the smallest of their number Tammy understood, but of the second she could not make out a single word, and yet the meaning of all three was still silently conveyed to her mind.

Somehow, though bitter cold and fear still clasped about her, Tammy's body found a moment to stop shivering. "I have reason to thank each of you," she said, every word proceeding soft and carefully. " don't need to say anything. But as for me, thank you, and I am sorry." 

Tammy glanced down at Theo's wounded leg, making known for what she was apologizing; the pain which had been caused that night could not properly be accounted for by any manner of speaking. Then Tammy grabbed her bag and got off the ground, her knees and hands covered in dirt. Whether she intended to say anything else to the werewolves was unclear, but shortly after standing Tammy's face seemed to fill with confusion and she quickly looked around. 

The forest seemed silent and still, the shadow of each tree thick and long under the brightness of the moon. Tammy could see nothing beyond it all. Too quickly however her confusion slipped away into alarm as she realized of what she had then become aware, and that she needed to get quickly away.

So it was that Tammy left, backing up swiftly and then turning to run. She could not come back, even had she dared. And thus it was unclear whether or not she intended to leave the thing which was hidden and given away; safely tucked between the folds of the towel, a small note, written and perhaps forgotten that morning, found its way into Chime's possession.


Kratos stood nearby with his attention and concern trained on Toby. He watched Sabrina's hands go to and fro with rhythmic prowess and heeded and attended her word. No sooner should she make her request before he would make it a command and all the while stand at readiness to assist her.

"Ulric, go get the blankets." Kratos said, at last to instruct his brother.

Ulric sprinted away without a word or even slight contemplation on the trust with which he was given his task. The urgency was clear, and Ulric, already spared the exertion of the earlier chase and bout, could go swiftly and safely through the woods to the Dens without backtracking. It might have well been that he was the only available hand, but regardless, things would be found changed between brothers from that moment on.

Meanwhile Timothy stood near at hand seemingly nonchalant at the circumstances, yet not as if he were careless but as if he could not properly understand. His ears were focused back and around, certainly searching for something to be alarmed at while his eyes looked onward. He was aware of the feelings of his pack members, but he could not readily see the Alpha's concern. Nor could he smell it, for the strange bush that surrounded them blotted out every scent and put at ease his instinct concerning the matter.  

Concluding Post (May):

As Tammy returned to her companions on the mountain ledge she was taken into the kind embrace of her grandfather's friend. Though a stern and hard woman, Mildred had worried for Tammy's safety and was relieved to find her not too badly off. 

Adelaide awoke shortly after Tammy's return, and all six members of Mildred's hunting party took leave of Phantom Mountain on their own two feet. Later that night they would return to Town Hall and Albert Rich with reports of their alarming encounter...

Following the event, Tammy never would mention having seen the werewolves, nor of what happened beyond the ledge when she had fallen, only that she had found her way back up again with some difficulty. 

Mildred was the only person aside from Tammy to be certain that what she had shot that night was neither wolf nor bear. Though Harvey Bolt, whose own hunt concluded disappointingly and uneventful, tried in later days to discredit her, Mildred's known experience and honesty could not be easily disregarded. Her word was a foreboding to the residents of the mountain, but there was not another howl heard all that night; Phantom Mountain fell silent, once again concealing its secrets and slipping into another month of dreamless slumber...

As for the werewolves themselves, Toby was brought back to the Dens where Sabrina tended to him, and in time Kratos came to find Levi, Theo, and Chime. When the sun rose the pack was found once again united, having weathered the events of the Full Moon, and though haunting and terrible this night had been, all were yet alive to greet a new morning.

To Be Continued...

Read the Next Chapter, "Echoes From The Past" ->


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