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Werewolves (RP 5): Secrets in the Orchard (01/13-04/14)

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Ulric had watched Kratos head off across the clearing and retrieve Levi from the ditch, after which the two of them vanished into the second den and were not seen again for some time. Beta Zeit soon commenced to direct those under her authority and Ulric buried his feelings at present to attend to her word.

"If I may," Ulric said, following Toby's comment. "These would be hunting dogs, trained to retrieve the bodies of their master's prey. Unless commanded, or ill-trained, I don't think they will pay much more attention to raw steaks laying about the forest floor other than to alert their masters to the peculiar circumstances of this hunt."

Ulric did not fall upon his palms, but he did change, even as he spoke to the form of a beast. His voice and the way he spoke also changed in light of his altered anatomy, and his eyes soon glinted brilliant auburn under the light of the sun.

Still standing on the little slope by the road, but now under a hazy brown coat, Ulric looked toward Zeit for further instruction. 


In the time Kratos was gone, he brought Levi through the main room of the den, opened the door leading to the downstairs level, and sent the spy down. At the base of the stairs was something of an office or sewing room and at the back of this was a door to a bathroom. The Alpha instructed the spy to get cleaned up and in the meantime Kratos sorted his materials and set out a changing-uniform for Levi. All the fabric was new and the clothes therefore had a very unique smell which would not easily fade.

When Levi had finished and come out again, Kratos lead him immediately upstairs and outside, but before he opened the front door, the Alpha leaned down toward the spy. "Two of mine will be traveling with you tonight." Though these words were spoken in a whisper, Kratos' tone was firm and his voice deep. "Do not forget what I chose not to do, and do not run." 

With that Kratos opened the door and pushed Levi out into the clearing.

When the two reemerged from the den, Zeit had finished briefing the werewolves on the routes and her group appeared ready to take off, so Kratos made his way over to them. 

"Are you all ready?" He asked, and he looked at both those in Zeit's group and in his own.


Logan watched from the corner of her eye as Zeit shifted forms. The change seemed effortless, with her new form being the only after effect. More impressive yet, that scrawny, feeble character called Toby seemed to have no problem with his shift either. Of course, his new form was rather a laughable excuse of a werewolf, but in any case.. how was it that someone so pitiful could control such a form? 

"Are you all ready?"

Logan, having been "staring off into space", snapped out of it at the sound of the alphas voice. Ready was subjective. 

"No.." Logan muttered quietly, wrapping her arms even closer to her body. Keeping her eyes turned away from the alpha, she cast her focus to Jackie. The woman hadn't changed forms just yet, leaving Logan to wonder if she could control her form at all or if she was merely putting it off until later. And if she didn't know how to control her beastly form, then why did the alpha intend to train the two together? It seemed like a hopeless endeavor that could only end up in pain for one group or another, if not both. She also noted to herself that while the other groups had at least a plan of action, she hadn't even received that much. 

She clenched her jaw tightly, let out a a deep breath, and quietly awaited the alphas next command.


Just listening, Chime grew even more excited for her job, slightly nervous too. What would the spy do? He seemed to have common sense, so the night would probably be uneventful, right? Then again, how could she know how his mind worked? 

Looking over to Theo as he talked, she smiled, her alpha wouldn't deny even a prisoner of basic hygiene, right? Well... then again, she really has only been treated like a part of the pack, for the most part, if she was a threat maybe... biting her lip, she shook her head, better start listening if she was going to help. Finding herself nodding slightly as she listen to the plan. She didn't believe in failure, carrying a confident look, she knew the knowledge of her the packs leader and beta would get them through this.


Hastening to obey the beta, she transformed with ease, the practice with her mother making it like second nature to her, and already in outfit. Barely hearing the comments Ulric and Toby made on the hunting dogs, she watched as her alpha and Levi came out, hiding her own nervousness, she smiled. 

"Yes, sir." She lowed her eyes, breaking off to Theo and Levi.


The day wore on until at last it was evening. Theo couldn’t say this passage of time was particularly eventful. He had spent most of it wandering around the clearing, vaguely listening to what was said, and doing his best not to think about what was before him.

Suddenly he was aware of Zeit’s voice and realized how much time had passed. Panicked that it was already nightfall, he immediately shifted into his second form. He vaguely glanced at the faces of his pack, many of whom had already changed, and at last spotted his group in the clearing and strode towards them. He saw Chime first, feeling reassured that she was already there, followed by Zeit and Toby, and finally his gaze settled on Levi.

At first Theo didn’t quite know how to react. He liked the prisoner and some part of him wanted to call him a friend. But all the same he couldn’t neglect his duty to his pack; if Levi did choose to run, he would have to give chase and possibly attack him. Suddenly his idea of volunteering to watch the prisoner didn’t seem to be such a good idea. What on earth had he been thinking?!

And what if, what if he didn’t stay in control? Even now the moon’s effect was incredible. In the few months he had tried to learn control, to make sure what had happened to Jackie never happened again… but doubt was creeping into his head. Would he really be good enough, would he really—

Theo was lucky to have Kratos’ loud voice interrupt his thoughts in that moment. They had to movenow; there was no time for doubt. Regardless to if he was ready, it was too late to turn back.

Um yeah… I think


How did Jackie spend that passage of time from afternoon until evening?

Peacefully. Stretched on her back in the clearing, and watching clouds roll past through when she wasn't letting her eyelids fall into a light sleep. Jackie seemed unconcerned about the night ahead. Or perhaps, more to the point, she was trying very hard to be unconcerned. She watched the shapes of the clouds for a while; and when there were few interesting shapes in the sky, she would close her eyes and sleep. Her body was still exhausted and weak; it was ridiculously easy to fall asleep and just forget…

Her eyes fluttered open as the light began to die. She could feel the sky growing dimmer, but not with her eyes. It was as though, suddenly, the world was becoming more awake and she was able to sense it. The grass, the trees, the sky, the tiny animals all seemed to be humming with this intoxicating energy. It made her feel sick, and yet, at the same time—

No no, it definitely made her feel sick. She didn’t like this feeling. Her heart was racing and her skin was dewy but she wasn’t excited. Her feet wanted to run for miles but she just wanted to curl up in a corner and sleep for a week. Her entire body was coursing with this incredible energy, so much so it felt like she was drowning in the stuff. She cast a single sour glance at the moon as it grew richer in the sky.

Do I look ready?” Jackie snapped before rising wearily to her feet.

Her eyes lingered on Logan for a moment, wondering what she was making of all of this. She was searching for a word to describe the moment right now, trying to pick a word from the expression on Logan’s face. 


In spite of being freshened up, clean shaven, and feeling like an actual human being for the first time in nearly exactly 31 days (give or take a few hours), Levi was not really in the mood to say a friendly word, quip for a chuckle, or even so much as respond to the alpha with a "Yes sir". He simply nodded knowingly to the warning, said nothing, and totally avoided eye contact.

Appearing human for the first time in front of the pack, the Irish lad felt rather small all of a sudden. He looked around at them--and, granted, he'd seen most of them before, but then it had been through his werewolf eyes, even if he had been looking up at them from the pit. To be standing among them now, looking through human eyes which totally disagreed with the mental estimates he had subconsciously made as a wolf was dizzying, somehow. He felt like he had shrunk... And, well, technically, I suppose I have...

He was surprised that he did not see Sabrina with the rest of the pack. He was sure he had smelled her come and go almost every night, though he'd never seen her then either. If she truly had joined this pack though, well, where was she? His eyes wandered towards and, quite accidentally, met Chime's for the briefest moment, at the which time he flashed a quick awkward smile and looked away. As much as his human nature wanted to make honest contact with and establish as good a first-impression relationship with everyone as soon as possible, his wolf instincts were rather opposed to meeting anyone's eyes at the moment.

Many of the half-breeds of the pack were shifting forms already, and Levi wondered if he should too. Of course, he did not know what the alpha's plan for that night was, and he was sure he hadn't the right to ask, but he did glance back at him for any hint or visual cue that he might or might not be inclined to give. 

Levi was restless, and to say that he was nervous about what events would unfold this night was to say that if you jumped in the ocean you might get a little damp. Something inside of him was just itching to break off at a run and never look back until he'd cleared at least a hundred miles from this place. But, of course, that would be point blank idiotic. And there were at least a million other idiotic things he could do right now--changing forms without a direct order to do so might even number amongst them. There wasn't exactly a "How to be a Good Captive for Dummies" manual to be had or anything, but he supposed common sense might help. The only problem with that was that he wasn't exactly "people-savvy" to begin with. Perhaps the safest route was to do nothing and say nothing unless directly prompted to respond...?


The sun had grown weary upon its throne and now began slipping down to lay beneath the western mountains. Long beautiful rays like countless arms stretched out to embrace the clouds, bidding them gentle farewell with a calm caress and filling them with glory. The landscape, too, was covered in soft golden light and the fields looked as if they had been set ablaze. 

This scene which flooded over the land surrounding Reknab Bend was no less than magnificent, and it was a sight greatly admired through the window of Mildred's old truck as it steadily climbed the foothills. Tammy looked on with solemn wonder as the top branches of great trees fell below the level of the road so that one might touch the highest leaves had they been walking. All the valleys and fields dropped down and behind as they drove on, higher and higher. 

Mildred wound the truck carefully up the steep road as the other passengers continued speaking to one another in calm tones. McGordner had seldom said anything on the trip; her lips were tight and her eyes narrowed and she listened with keen ears to the conversations of the others, but only briefly had she ever commented. Behind the truck in the rear-view mirror she would occasionally glance down to see the game-warden's vehicle. The group members were asked to go and return together for safety reasons, and all parties were given a curfew by which time they would be expected back in town. 

Some time ago Tammy had seen a thin river cross under the asphalt. The truck had passed over the bridge and since then Tammy had been watching the dark water wind its way further and further away from the road. She knew that it must empty into the Monvac River some miles south, but she had wondered at its source until presently when she caught sight of a lake a short distance off."The lake must be filled by mountain streams," she thought briefly to herself. But the landscape was covered not a few moments later by tall mountain trees and thick forest bramble. There was not much to look at now, so Tammy simply turned her eyes down and watched as the yellow lines that divided the lanes zipped by under her window.

It was not long afterward before the truck arrived at it's destination. The truck pulled off on the dirt shoulder of the road; a small parking place used primarily by hikers and sightseers visiting the area. Then the engine rumbled to a halt and Mildred stepped out of the old truck. The Game-warden's car pulled up just next to it, but the driver stayed a moment longer documenting some files before exiting his vehicle. 

The gravel crackled under the boots of the hunters as each departed the vehicle and stepped out onto the mountain roadside. Cars were few in going by this way, but Mildred reminded the younger members of the group to stay off the asphalt regardless. 

Tammy looked around at the vast forest, glancing up the tall trunks of overgrown trees, into their lofty boughs where birds had become silent at the appearance of strangers. The smells were thick up here, and small insects filled the air about the bramble; a definite sign of abundant moisture and many mountain streams. Turning to her right Tammy saw Mildred speaking with the Game-warden, the two were pointing off to the north-west and discussing matters that did not concern her. Others were stretching after the drive and laughing amongst themselves; they were eager to get started as soon as their leader was prepared. 

Putting the group at her back and facing the forest, Tammy could see that the ground fell away beneath the heavy bramble, though how far down was uncertain. She attempted to peer past the twigs and branches, but it proved in vain if she had intended to catch a glimpse of the terrain. Yet what she did find was wet soil, and perhaps if only briefly, the sound of a distant river...



Timothy lifted his head and sniffed the air. A twig had broken beneath his paw, but that was not what drew his attention. He could feel the change in the atmosphere as the moon approached, and what was more he could sense the hush which fell over the woods. The creatures were getting quieter...

Timothy's turquoise eyes scanned his surroundings and his whiskers flinched back. Then, following the motion of his ear, he glanced over his shoulder toward the great white werewolf on the rock-side behind him. She had followed him, and her presence had been nearly constant, but that did not seem to bother him. 

Looking forward again, the grey and black figure continued walking. He sniffed the ground, then looking up at the sky through the branches and saw the waning light. The sky from the higher ranges of the mountain looked much the same as from the foothills, but Timothy was certain of his position; he knew that some miles south was a strange grove of oak trees; a place he knew well, and further more to the south was the apple orchard of Zeit's ranch... The rest of the pack was by the dens to the southwest and of course the collapsed mountain trail was almost directly west - the one which the Alpha had attempted to cross some months ago and failed.

Over the course of the month Timothy had maintained his secondary form with unprecedented strength, and he navigated the mountain terrain with curious precision. Not once had he seemed lost, and always his senses were keen. He sought paths that could not have been known to him, and yet found them hidden and well trodden across the Phantom mountain range, as well as a few mountains further west. He never had spoken, but he patrolled from the west to the east, coming across many forms of life as he went, and only made a few attempts to catch or hurt anything. Yet his attention was ever trained toward the Calagathorm Dens, and though he traveled many miles from it, ever now and then he would look in its direction again and he always knew in which direction it was...


Ulric's ear flicked back at the sound of the Alpha's voice and he lifted his chin to meet Kratos' face. He looked perhaps more indignant than he meant to be, but he was perhaps the only one in the crowd who met the Alpha's eyes just then. 

He listened to the replies of the pack members, and however quietly Logan might have muttered, Ulric heard her clearly... And, though unspoken, he believed there were likely quite a few in the small crowd who could have agreed with her. 

Ulric witnessed the Alpha smile, and then pat Levi firmly on the back in reply to all, ready or otherwise.

"Very well, Levi's all set to go with you two, Theo, Chime." The Alpha said, ushering Levi to stand by Theo and Chime. He met Ulric's eyes twice within a glance, but both times he again put the matter off. "Just remember where you are all suppose to be and everything will be fine. You all have my confidence, and Zeit, I wish you the best of luck."

Kratos then seemed to have grown quite lighthearted, for he tilted his head up to the Beta then and chuckled softly before he quickly shook his fist in the air and exclaimed, "We can do this, my friends!"

He laughed encouragingly and looked around at the rest of the pack. "Whenever you're ready, Zeit, lead them on."

Then at last Kratos' attention turned toward his adoptive brother and his expression grew firm. "Also, Ulric will be coming with me for now." He explained while his eyes stayed upon his brother. Ulric's expression turned grim, but he held Kratos' gaze for a moment before the Alpha looked again toward Zeit. "I'll send him after you once I'm done speaking with him."

The Alpha turned aside then, and motioned with a wave of his hand for Logan, Jackie, and Ulric to follow him. "Let's go," he said.


A feeling of panic was washing over Theo.

No, panic wouldn’t be the right word for it. A wolf didn’t quite feel dread, where it could pinpoint an event that was coming and continuously worry and fret over it until it came to pass. That was very human. And Theo was not human, not right now. 

Perhaps the right word for it would be… uncertainty? Feeling a bit antsy? Restless? These were things a wolf could understand, in a very basic sense. It was only Theo’s human intellect that could make sense of things like dread, paranoia, worry… and that was something he felt only vaguely aware of as it brooded under the surface. For the first time in a long time, Theo was thankful a wolf had such a limited emotional range. 

Instinctively he turned to his packmate Chime. Even now, he found having someone standing beside him very comforting. His green eyes seemed to be almost imploring her for an answer on how things would play out, but the look vanished as though realizing Chime would have no more answers then he. Instead—

So uh… you’re not going to talk about the tutus, right?


Holding on to humanity, that was a losing battle.

Jackie knew it; how could she not? But all the same, the lower the sun sunk in the sky and the stronger the urge came to slip away into a mass of fur and muscle, the stronger she fought it. It was pointless and she knew very little would come of her efforts… but after the last few excitingfull moons, she wasn’t particularly eager to go another round. It was annoying to be the brunt of an attack, particularly when they seemed to find you every full moon. Jackie could almost believe herself to be stubborn enough to trick a force of nature.

But ah, even Jackie was not that foolish. It was only a matter of time before that fleeting humanity of hers would evaporate like water under the sun. However, for now she could be human. And that was all the stubborn woman needed to keep on her pointless fight. 

Casually she fished around in the pocket of her stretchy, baggy shorts (courtesy of the pack, who once more insisted she could never look decent again), drew forth two white pills, and swallowed them quickly; there was no need to make the night any more complicated than it had to be. As Kratos spoke she simply nodded, with only the slightest trace of tension moving across her face. Her feet nimbly followed behind him.


As a wolf, the eye contact with the prisoner was just that, she knew she wasn't the least bit in the wrong, even if she wasn't in power of the pack, though her human instincts felt like she would die of embarrassment, wishing she had looked away, at the same time, she looked him over, pleased with the clean appearance and new set of clothing. 

Her glance went back to Kratos, his words did indeed encouraged her. Straightening almost automatically, she smiled at the ending, 'my friends'. 

With the importance of the mission still stirring in her head, and the timing of Theo's question, Chime couldn't help herself, she let out a snort, stopping herself before it developed into a laugh. How could he be so.. no, not distracted, something must have prompt it. Shaking her head, a mischievous gleam found it's way into her eyes.

"Oh, I don't know..." She paused, watching Theo's expression closely,

"We may be able to come to some sort of arrangement."

Her muzzle twisted into a smirk, playfully poking her tongue out. She, of course, never planned on saying anything about the tutus, but why let him to know that?


Such happy words of encouragement, "we can do this!". The alphas words made it sound like the night would fly by without a problem, without any sort of snag. But the next two words he spoke,"lets go", cold and straight forward as they were, felt very opposite his previous statement. Logan went about her usual pouting, furrowing her brow and glaring sideways at the ground, like it had committed some heinous crime against her. 

Of course her attention wasn't too set on the ground that she would miss Jackie fishing out two small pills from her pocket and swallowing them. Her tongue twitched and, like a little kid who had been in a spat with her sibling, completely disregarded the previous events in order to ask what she was doing. But alas, she held onto those events if only by a thread, and so stubbornly refused to open her mouth. 

And with her thoughts leaving Jackie, her attention turned to Ulric. It seeded apparent that he was in some sort of trouble, and she hoped that it wasn't due to her. She wasn't about to apologize for any of her words or actions, but if they had caused the "little alpha" to suffer any disdain from his brother, she was willing to take the blunt of it, should it come to that.


Going feral, as her father would put it, for months on end was not new to Sabrina Sabres. She had spent years at a time as a wolf living alone in the woods during her adolescence--"Finding myself," she had put it then. Though she had been called a prodigy for her seemingly inborn control of her wolfish instincts, she had taken many pilgrimages of this sort, utilized to more fully learn and understand the part of her that was The Wolf. The land, too, she studied just as intimately in various countries and locations, so that she could learn to survive on whatever any given wildland could provide her vegetarian lifestyle, as well as how to travel unseen and unheard through a rival pack's territory, and this in spite of being a great white wolf.

It was thus that she seemed something of a shadow trailing Timothy, connected by some invisible cord at his heels. Though occasionally she would go out of sight, always her presence could be felt, always she would be there should he just look over his shoulder for her. For now, she laid across the mossy boulder, lazily looking on and watching as a mother bear over him; only casually interested, minding her own affairs and comforts dutifully for as long as nothing went wrong and he made no request of her. But her eyes were sharp, piercing as they'd ever been. It would seem clear the moon's approach did relatively little to stir her as it did Timothy.

She wondered, for a moment, at her feelings towards him. It would not be an understatement to call them motherly emotions, though he was not much younger than herself and could only be a brother if they had actually been related (truly, she had often yipped "Brother" to signal him or rouse his attention during their travels, and addressed him as such in her soft wolfsongs of the night). What she felt was much more than curiosity or intrigue at his peculiarities--though, indeed, she felt those too. She satisfied herself with calling it a bond--though, if it was that, it was one that was had and not shared, for he had only ever showed her fear and mistrust in the beginning, and little more than indifference now. He was used to her presence, and that seemed to be all. Why then did she feel so deeply connected to him--attached to him, at the very least? She must have encountered a thousand newly turned werewolves, and others gone rogue... what was it that made Timothy different from any other werewolf to her?

Whatever the reason, to try to fight it or leave him caused her very soul to wrench within her in agony. That some harm may come to him was unthinkable. The very idea made her feel wild and irrational inside; it tore down her restraint and woke up a calculating, savage thing within her. It disturbed her that she was capable of feeling that way; worse, that she had even acted on such feelings since meeting him.

Suddenly, as though some signal had been made, Sabrina stood and looked alert. She raised her slender fox-like muzzle to the skies and sniffed the air. Then she looked to Timothy and made some low rough sound deep in her throat, making a motion with her head as she did.


Levi awkwardly took his place beside Theo and Chime as the alpha directed. And, taking it for a cue, he also--a bit timidly--shifted his form back into the more familiar shape of the stocky werewolf with a jack-rabbit coloured pelt. His new clothes, tailored for such a change, easily stretched and conformed to this stature. The act of changing so often in the past had filled him with delight and a sense of empowerment--but no sooner did he change than he also ducked his head and pinned back his ears and turn to look at the alpha as if to be sure that he had not overstepped. 

But it would seem that the alpha had more important things to attend to, and had turned his attention elsewhere already. That in itself was a major relief, but Levi still looked almost as antsy and restless as Theo. He in turn, after recognizing he would get no further input from the alpha, shifted his attention to Theo and Chime. He smiled a little and made a weak attempt at a chuckle at their little exchange, and promptly felt very idiotic, out of place, and ducked his head.

His legs were shaking--vibrating in short intervals or bursts that left him feeling like he might suddenly bunch up his muscles and take a mighty leap up to the moon itself. To stand still was almost painful for him, but he resolved to stand firm even so. He anxiously glanced up at the sky--and then he stole a quick glance at Logan again. She hadn't changed yet--and of course she wouldn't until nightfall.

His mind raced with a million different thought and emotions--all of them involving what was soon to come--and ultimately he really couldn't decide if he couldn't wait for night to come or be over already.

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