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Werewolves (RP 5): Secrets in the Orchard (01/13-04/14)

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It would be untrue to say that Logan couldn't remember anything of being in her (more) beastly form. She found that she would wake up some days with memories that weren't there before, although she struggled to discern the exact origin of these memories - whether they be from dreams or otherwise. These memories were hazy at best, something like looking at the world from behind a smokey screen. Movements were either slow and distorted, or very quick and scrambled. It did seem, however, that some aspects of these foggy recollections were more prominent than others. Or at least the emotional aspect of them. For example, she recalled relatively clearly a strong desire to find someone or something, and some time later a sense of defeat, submission. She could remember even, one figure walking beside her and another behind, the sound of their footsteps, and harboring a decent amount of spite for the one walking behind them. Who they were escaped her of course, but she did know that she felt the same spite when she looked into the eyes of the alpha Kratos. Of course, it could have just been because he was the leader. 

She made her way to one of the staircases leading to the cottage bedrooms, not yet noticing the tag along. It wasn't hard to tell Logan's room from the rest - the door knob was loose and hardly latched properly anymore, from being twisted and pulled on too roughly. Inside the room, the only personal touches she had added were the blankets laying on the floor at the foot of her bed and her few items; a worn backpack hung on a hook on the wall, a simple leather wallet on the stand by her bed, her boots resting by the door. 

Then there was a photograph. It was just big enough to fit in a wallet, and laid on the vanity desk. It was an old black and white photo, the edges were frayed, but otherwise the image was clear. There was a man resting by a tree, wearing a white button up, nice shoes and suspenders to keep up his dress pants. He donned a hat and a pipe, and he gazed off into the distance, seemingly completely absorbed in thought, as if he had no idea that the picture was being taken. The man would be Logan's grandfather. Not young nor old at the time but rather, "well aged" and wise beyond his years. 

It's funny, how someone could look up to someone so much and yet be nothing like them. Such was Logan's case. 

Beside the photograph was a paper with writing, a letter to the very man in the photo no doubt. The handwriting was all but unreadable, many words crossed out. Making her way to the vanity, Logan grabbed the paper and crumpled it tightly, before tossing it into the trashcan with a less than satisfied expression on face. It was one of those things that you would do in the middle of the night, only to wake up and find you weren't at all happy with. Not to mention, she didn't even know his PO box. Then there was another problem, should she manage to find out what it was. Glancing up at her reflection in the vanity, she reached up and ran a hand over the scars on her shoulder.. surely someone had notified her grandfather about the incident on that night? And if he knew what she was, she was certainly dead to him. Her shoulders dropped a little, and Logan turned her head from the vanity, her gaze falling to the floor. Then it was out of the corner of her eye she noticed someone - Jackie? - in the reflection. Her eyes widening, she turned around and marched over to the bedroom door, slamming it shut. 

"I am going to take a rest." she stated firmly, her voice coated with an anger that wasn't present just moments ago.


Levi stared up at Theo with almost no expression on his face at all, save that his eyes both widenedand brightened considerably at the same time that his ears pinned back nearly flat against his skull. The corner of his mouth twitched. And then, quite suddenly (likely just as Chime was approaching), a great wolfish smile ripped up the side of his face and he let loose a loud, horrible sound that seemed like it just bubbled up and then exploded out of his throat--something like, but not quite, a cross between a dying swan and screeching tires.

"Yer Alfa in a tutu?!" he exclaimed between these inhuman bursts, doubling over and slapping his knee. He continued to shudder, gurgle, and wheeze for a bit longer, shaking his head and waving up at Theo to apologize until he was able to control his laughter.

"Ah me," he sighed, "That's the best laugh I've had in a while nu, I'll give yeh that. Pity about the racket I made, though, I apologize. My laugh's much better when it's not blasted through these old wolf-pipes, I'll tell yeh." His shoulders shuddered and he chuckled some more, shaking his head. "...Yer Alfa in a tutu... Ah me!" He looked back up at Theo and said, still grinning like a donkey, "Nah, that's a pretty good wish, uh, and what was your name again? I believe I've heard you be called Theo by some o' the others. Do correct me if I'm wrong, though. At any rate, it might take a wee bit o' thinkin' ta top that wish o' yers." He snorted and muttered something about the tutu again, shaking his head.


Ulric watched Jackie go into the house after Logan. He stared off after her with a thoughtful expression for a moment before some ways behind him he heard Theo's comment. Immediately Ulric attempted to prevent himself from laughing at the image that entered his mind, but ended up chuckling anyway!

Ulric had been listening (as best he could) to Levi and Theo's conversation the whole time since he was currently responsible for the stranger, but had neglected to pay attention during his momentary shock toward Logan's response to Jackie. When the two had gone inside however, Ulric returned his attention to his duty and found himself quite amused.

Turning then to look across the ditch to Theo, and of course Levi at the bottom of the pit, Ulric noticed Chime again in her new purple outfit. It hadn't occurred to him beforehand when he had seen her that the clothes were new - and handmade - but somehow against the dark brown and green background of the forest, she stood out.. Oddly, he also noticed other things about her that he hadn't really before.

Ulric smiled. With Jackie and Logan now having officially 'crossed paths' he couldn't think of anything else to worry about.. Unfortunately he also dismissed Jackie's words as a concern, and decided most of the trouble was behind them. So, recognizing the opportunity to socialize with a group of pack members that weren't busy being serious, Ulric steadily made his way around to where Theo and Chime were standing.

"What?" He asked through a half-chuckle as he drew near. "Kratos in a Tutu?"

Then the stranger began laughing uncontrollably, and though at first taken aback by the racket, Ulric soon relaxed and even joined in with a giggle once or twice. 


The Alpha looked toward Zeit with a bright smile when she had laughed and tried to comfort the trembling Omega. Her amusement had been a pleasant surprise to Kratos just then, for though he had mocked amusement at Toby's blunder to lift the mood, Zeit's laugh was genuine and brought true comfort to his heart. 

In those few moments Kratos was brought back to the night when he had shown himself to the Beta in her barn. As a stranger he had revealed himself and he remembered how she stared on. The recollection made him chuckle briefly to himself as he watched between Toby and Zeit for a moment. Then he sighed and shook his head. 

How naive he had been back then. Zeit had responded rather maturely, and had it not been for Kale the pack likely would not be...

So much had changed since the pack was first formed.. So many werewolves had crossed their path.. Some had not stayed after learning how to control their secondary form.. 

The Alpha was far away in his thoughts before he sighed a second time. "It is good to have enduring friends." He muttered then, seemingly at random to himself, as if completely overlooking the topic at hand. Then he uncrossed his arms and put a hand on the small fence.

"Yes, Toby, what brings you out here? And why aren't you gathering the pack together to meet at the dens?" Kratos said, his tone again playful. The question was posed as if the Alpha had requested this of Toby beforehand, yet no previous request had ever been made. Kratos had asked mainly to underhandedly tease and confuse the poor Omega between just the two of them.

A thought crossed Kratos' mind just then, and looking down at Zeit again the Alpha added in his regular tone, "Is Hawkthorne in town today?"


Zeit's laughter wasn't exactly comforting for Toby, but it was enough to assure him that he wasn't in trouble-- At least, not at the moment, so he stopped shaking. He found he could remain calm if he just pictured these two people as friends of his grandmother, instead of his hulking wolf superiors. Out of habit, he quickly adjusted his glasses and straightened his shirt before fumbling for an answer to Zeit's question. 

"Oh, I was just- Uhh.. You see, the forest is- uhm.." It was hard enough trying to explain to these people that 1. He couldn't remember where camp was, and 2. He never went tracking up the mountain all by himself because he was afraid of wild animals. Then Kratos spoke and caught the young Omega completely off gaurd.

Though his words were in jest, they effectively made Toby nervous again. He stared for a moment double-checking the Alpha's words in his mind and making sure he had not misheard him, then he clumsily began digging through his pocket.

"I- Uhm-- Oh, well! Are-are- Are you sure.. Sure that you- uhm.. Uhm- Did you t-tell-?.. I-- One minute." He stuttered. Finally, he was able to retreive a small notebook out of his pocket and began to flip through it earnestly. "When- When- When did you- uhm.. Tell me to d-d-d-do that please? I- uh.. C-cause i-it's n-n-n-not here in my- my- my- My reminders..." He managed to squeak, swallowing hard and watching Kratos with large eyes. He was ready to run, on the off-chance the large man would suddenly fly into a fury, leap over the fence, cross the distance, and throttle Toby all in the same second.

Hour Glass:

Zeit listened to Kratos, before rolling her eyes. Her eyes flashed over to Toby, noting how the wolf seemed skittish about to run off at any moment. She sighed, looking to her Alpha with her hands on her hips for a moment, before reaching up, and lightly smacking his shoulder. "That's not nice, Kratos" she said as she smirked, " you're scaring the poor guy! Normally, that's my job, and I don't need to be replaced yet!" She shot him a a glare, though there was no signs of anger or irritation in her gaze, actually, she had quite a playful look. 

She crossed her arms once more, sighing once more as as she looked over and smiled to Toby. "Remind me later, and I can give you a tour of the forest" she replied "and you should join me on some of the jobs around here, so'll you'll learn the area." She chuckled, eyes flashing to Kratos a bit, before looking back tot he Omega. "As for Him" she said, with a gesture to Kratos," he's just being mean. Just having a bit of fun. But if you could get the wolves at the main camp together, it'd be great."

She then turned back to Kratos to answer his question, shifting her weight a bit to be comfortable on her feet. "HawkThorne? I think he should be back today, he normally makes it for the full moon" she replied, "should I try to call him?"


In two seconds flat, Theo's face turned from deep olive into tomato red.

"Yes, yes you did mishear," he replied a little too quickly to Chime,"I said uh... Tomatoes and uh... guru? Yeah..."

He hadn't meant for his words to have been heard by anyone other than Levi. There was a safety in saying weird and or bizarre things. He was, after all, a prisoner. Even if Levi had told Kratos he had said that, he doubted Kratos would have taken much of his words.

But Chime? An entirely different ballpark.

He crouched close to the fence and hoping by some stroke of luck she wouldn't hear anything more.

Theo kept his voice low and quiet"Heh, good luck with coming up with something better than that," he paused for a moment,"and yeah it's Theo. You're uh...what again?"


Jackie paused awkwardly by the door, now aware Logan had finally noticed her. It was funny; she had spent the entire flight of steps coming up with something really nasty to say to Logan, but now given the chance she couldn't think of what to say. It was just the same as before; she was at a loss.

Jackie couldn't quite place why she felt so voiceless. She generally had no problem talking, insulting, and/or fighting with people she had just met. But somehow Logan was different. Maybe it was a look in her eyes she saw just as Jackie had entered the room; it had seemed just the tiniest bit vulnerable. Or perhaps...

Jackie shook the idea before it could even form.

"Were you now?," she commented gruffly, at last finding her voice,"Funny, I've been doing a lot of that lately"

Jackie pushed her way further into the room, ignoring how entirely unwelcome she was in it. To this, Jackie could care less. Either Logan would violently push her out of the room (which would give her a good excuse to get in a fight with her), say some unkind words (which would give her an excuse to throw out those insults she'd been working on), or she would do nothing. The last alternative was the most confusing and Jackie had, as of yet, no go-to action on what she should do with nothing.

Wandering further into the room, Jackie's eyes at last settled on a photograph resting on the vanity. It had been, she realized, what Logan had been looking at as she had entered. Now Jackie was captivated by it. It appeared to be an old black and white photo of a man resting against the tree. 

"Someone you know?," Jackie asked as she lightly brushed her fingers against the image. 

The woman half-smiled, almost playful, then quickly realized how disgustingly friendly she was being to her enemy. But try as she might, Jackie found her hatred for this woman was beginning to blur. More than that, she couldn't help but feel the tiniest amount of sympathy for her.

This was not going well.


She didn't just do that, did she? She did.

Watching as Jackie entered, or rather, forced her way into the room, Logan felt the hair on the back of her neck bristle just slightly. She only stood tense as Jackie made her way over to the vanity. Surely she wouldn't.. she did! At the point she touched the photograph, Logan stomped her way over to the vanity and grabbed Jackie's arm, lifting it away from the photo as though the woman's touch might make it blow into a million fragments. When it had been freed from the clutches of combustion woman, Logan picked it up with her free hand and tucked it into her back pocket. 

Not much less confused than Jackie was, Logan didn't know whether to take her as a threat or treat her like a naive little child. It was certain that if she had been a man, she would be missing at least a tooth at this point. It didn't help that she had smiled, which left Logan completely dumbfounded! 

"I.. you.." she stammered. why couldn't this be simple? She couldn't think of the first thing to say; whether or not to accept the woman's kindness (or what appeared to be kindness), to lash out at her for having the audacity to pull off what she just had, or to respect her for having the courage to do it. 

Well, when in doubt.. Logan would, without surprise, turn to violence. 

In a blink, she grabbed Jackie's other arm and pushed the woman to the wall, pinning her against it with her arms at her sides, her grip as solid as steel. 

"Have you wolves no respect for space?! Next time, I won't be afraid to teach you!" 

That being said, she let go of Jackie, stomped over to the door, grabbed her bag and was out of the room the next instant. You could measure where she was in the house by the stomping that sounded through the hallway, then changed tone when she reached the stairs, the foyer and so on, before... SLAM! 

At which point, you could safely assume she was out the front door, making a bee-line for Ulric. Upon reaching him, she grabbed at his shirt collar to get his attention, then shoved a finger in the direction of the door. "If she follows me, I can't promise her safety." loosing his collar, Logan turned and stormed her way down the driveway. Alright, so maybe it hadn't gone as smoothly as previously thought. 


Jackie’s head spun for a moment. She was vaguely aware that Logan had pinned her forcefully to a wall, she had struggled and had just been about to free herself, then Logan had screamed at her something about respect and stomped out in a terror. 

She gathered herself and stood, then returned Logan’s kindness by screaming some choice words. Had anyone even within a mile radius (regular human included) somehow not heard Logan’s dinosaur stomp downstairs, they would unfortunately have been unable to miss Jackie’s use of the English vocabulary and all variations of its curses. When Jackie had finally run out of hot hair, she contented herself to fuming inwardly about what had gone on, knocking over Logan’s dresser, and analyzing her now-fuchsia face on a hanging mirror.

Had mind readers existed and one of these non-existent beings been in the room next to Jackie, they would have been surprised to find once they peeled back the shallow layers of anger from her mind, that Jackie was in fact very happy. Logan had been kind enough to give her a response she knew how to respond to. It had also given her further excuse to despise her, thereby relieving the current is-she-really-that-bad dilemma.

Now she only had to finish what she had started.

She raged down the stairs, much like Logan had earlier, and stumbled out the front door. She spotted Ulric immediately, but Logan was nowhere to be seen. 

Whereisshe, whereishe?!” Jackie panted, stumbling and prowling like a wounded cat still seeking it’s lost prey.


Ulric had only smiled when Theo attempted to conceal his embarrassment, and was about to speak again to Chime when Logan suddenly stormed out of the building and caught him by the shirt!

"Uh- Uh- Logan?" Ulric asked, attempting to understand why he had been suddenly attacked, and obviously had been taken off-guard by it. However Logan did not wait for him to catch up before she had released him and began marching off - of course, that was just as Jackie exited the building and began to head in Ulric's direction.

Ulric had a split second to think before deciding that he absolutely did not want to be in the middle of whatever was taking place. Immediately his mind snatched at plans of escape!

"Excuse me - " Ulric pardoned himself to Chime and Theo before quickly jumping in the opposite direction from Jackie's approach! 

By this point Ulric had already acquired an alternative set of clothing from Kratos which would conform to his werewolf stature, so he needn't take a moment to think about changing. So upon meeting the cold earth on all four paws, Ulric began running toward the tree lining! 

Without really hesitating or considering, Ulric raised his head and let out a short but strong howl into the wind mid-run!


Kratos laughed at Zeit's playful gestures, and at Toby's confusion. He played submissive to the Beta's scolding though and smiled warmly toward the Omega to make up for his teasing. Then he casually turned back to Zeit.

"No, Hawkthorne will be here shortly, I'm sure," he said. "I was just thinking that it might be in our best interest to have someone in town watching -"

Kratos stopped short and looked up at Phantom Mountain. Ulric's howl rang through the air and its meaning was clear; Jackie and Logan! The smile on the Alpha's face vanished and his eyes narrowed in the direction the sound had come. With a quick glance, Kratos made his concern clear to Zeit and immediately following it he jumped the fence and ran across the yard toward the cornfield! 

As a massive black beast the Alpha disappeared into the cornfield, passing through it in mere moments and charging up the old dirt road behind the ranch!


Ulric reached the edge of the clearing and dared pause to look behind him. His ears laid back and his paws set to carry him further into the forest if need be.

"Calm it, Jackie!" Ulric barked behind him, his head thrusting forward and his jaws snapping with each word!

Briefly Ulric glanced in the direction Logan had gone and saw the red haze of Kratos' fur just moments before he broke out from the forest!


The red haze of the Alpha's fur had been the only warning of his presence outside the thunderous footfalls of the beast just before he emerged from the shadows of the surrounding woods! With athud! the Alpha landed before Logan, his yellow eyes ablaze and his teeth bared! The earth gave way from his weight and allowed his massive paws to slip across the path, though he did not loose his balance nor slip far; his girth jerking forward with the momentum of which he had suddenly come to a stop and his paws biting deep into the ground!

A dreadful growl rumbled from the Alpha's throat, the red haze of his coat weaving lightly over his body against the pitch black of his undercoat. His eyes trained on Logan with such a ferocity that had never before been seen in the Alpha!


Toby stopped his jittering for a moment and watched the facial expressions of his two superiors closely. They were friendly and playful at the moment. Between the laughter of Kratos and Zeit, Toby cracked a smile and a small chuckle as well- What did you know? They were people.

Just then, a strange howl rent the air, calling the names of two pack members. The voice was unfamiliar to Toby and he found his full attention on it in a second. "Who was-?" Toby began, but he was interrupted by the Alpha suddenly transforming and racing off in the direction the sound had come from. For a moment, Toby quite forgot himself- Seeing Kratos become a large, black wolf was not at all as strange or terrifying to him as it had previously been. Toby waited for a reaction from Zeit as he turned to look at her. 

"Is something wrong?" he asked, almost as though he had forgotten they were a pack and he had a very low rank. "Is there trouble? Maybe we should follow him."

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