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Werewolves (RP 5): Secrets in the Orchard (01/13-04/14)

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Ulric was quiet, and when he caught Logan actually pondering his words, the uncharacteristic smile on his face vanished. He had not anticipated her solemn reaction and quickly Ulric felt the need to rethink what he said.

As a member of the Svalnaglas pack, Ulric had been accustomed to living with people who never gave a thought against the violent mindset of a werewolf. The only way he had been able to get others to consider the consequences of their actions was if he spoke harshly, and even then he was often ignored. He had thus smiled as something of an awkward defense.

Taking a mental step back, Ulric could see now why Logan responded the way she did, but he hadn't a chance to apologize before Jackie approached from the house.

Though Jackie appeared terribly weak and frail in the light of the sun, she still wielded a great amount of dignity and determined fire held her frame. Her skin was pale and her hair not in the least tidy, yet she looked a good deal better than on that night a month ago when Ulric had found her.

As of yet, Ulric said nothing, he stood gradually rigid and his expression drained stolid as he watched between the two women. Though he revealed nothing of his thoughts on the subject, it seemed apparent that a confrontation between Logan and Jackie was not something he felt ready to handle. 

One could only imagine the relief that swept over him when Jackie extended her hand to Logan, yet Ulric did not completely soften his guard just then, but instead awaited Logan's reaction..


Kratos turned his face toward Ziet as she spoke. Her words of reassurance concerning Sabrina and Timothy comforted him some and he let the matter be dropped at present. Yet the question of the pack was still to be dealt with and Kratos was silent as he considered Zeit's suggestion.

"You know," He said thoughtfully. "That might actually work. If you could organize those among us who can control themselves and direct them to keep an eye on hunting party, I would be able to position myself further up in the mountains and train the less experienced. That would supply a controlled playing field at least; we don't want our people to be scattered under these circumstances."

The Alpha seemed satisfied with the plan, and was silent a moment as he pondered it over in his mind. 

"But what to do with the spy?" He asked after a moment. "In the chance that the hunters come upon the dens up there, it would be inconvenient if they discovered him."

It was then that poor young Toby fell into a bush by the house and drew Kratos' attention. A rabbit fled from the lad's unfortunate blunder and darted across the yard into the pasture behind Zeit's cottage.

The Alpha smiled. "Well, look there Miss Chandler." He said playfully, crossing his arms and gesturing with his chin toward the field. "There's the beast that keeps aggravating your farmhands and disturbing your fields."


Meanwhile, in town a hunting party was being assembled by the townsfolk.

Many young men trained to use rifles had volunteered for the hunt, while the leaders of each group were more experienced men and women.

The leader of one group was a middle aged woman with long wiry hair and a stout frame, she wore a serious expression and an old sandy-colored jacket which was sized to fit a large man better. Her jeans were faded and covered with a layer of dirt from the work she had done in the fields that morning. She didn't appear to be the kind of lady one would approach with some sarcastic comment or random subject, and the lads did well to mind her authority.

The leader of another group, a tall muscular man in his middle ages and bearing all the signs of years of hard work, was leaning calmly against the back of his truck. He had dark worn eyes with decades of experience under his brow, and his hair was still deep with color.

He was talking with another man, nearly the same age, who would be in his group.

Most of the townsfolk gathered knew each other, some having lived in Reknab only a few years while others had parents and grandparents who had seen their childhood years in this small town. Mildred McGordnor and Harvey Bolt were familiar names to most, as both had become well known around town in respect to political matters and loudly voiced opinions.

Three other leaders would be leading hunting parties in different areas such as fields on the outer rim of town and down by the Monvac River, both areas having reported signs of wolves.

The loudest members of the gathering were undoubtedly the young men and women whom spoke in excited tones and laughed a good deal among their friends, whereas the older folk spoke in casual tones in their various social groups.

The women Mildred was standing quietly near a friend with her hand rested on her belt, listening to the conversation between him and an acquaintance of his as her eyes looked out on the crowd. Whilst picking out faces she recognized, she commented at length.

"I don't expect everyone here will be go'n." She said, her voice gruff.

Her friend, Thomas Clerk, turned then and took note of the number of people around him. "Nah," He said. "I don't think too many people are looking forward to spending the night in the woods. Barney was here before you arrived dropping off his son, he said if any of his 'livestock got shot in this venture, he'd sue Town Hall!'"

Thomas laughed, but Mildred's face remained grim as she replied with all seriousness.

"I don't know why Mr. Gelton is so worried about his stock from us, them wolves will do him more trouble in the long run." She said. Just then she recognized a familiar face and excused herself before leaving Thomas and maneuvering her way toward a elderly man and younger woman that had just arrived.

"I haven't seen you in awhile." Mildred said and the faintest of smiles crossed her face.

Mr. Trodder looked up and nodded with a laugh when he saw Mildred. "Ah, yes, it's been awhile, Mildred. How have you been?" He said, and turned to the young woman at his side. "This is my Granddaughter, Tammy, she's a volunteer up at the emergency place."

Tammy shown a friendly smile, albeit somewhat shy.

"Good to see Mr. Trodder has someone trained looking out for him. I can see the resemblance."Mildred said, gesturing toward the plaid cap on the girl's head as compared to Mr. Trodder's leather one. Mildred looked the young lady over with something of a skeptical eye, but she seemed contented by what she saw and said nothing else to introduce herself. Looking back at Trodder she continued. "Everything has been a bit hectic at the farm, and town hasn't been any better. Folks are all over the place these days and some won't keep their noses out of a body's business. All this fuss about them animals was just the cream on the coffee for me. But what about you? I was worried you'd gone off and died someplace; last time we saw each other you weren't in very good health."

"No, my daughters brought me to live with them for awhile. I have been well looked after." Mr. Trodder laughed. His smile and ever friendly manner had not faded. 

"Good to hear; it's good to have family looking out for ya. When did you get back in town then?" 

"A little over a month ago." Mr. Trodder replied, and noticing that the conversation would not soon be brought to a close, he turned to his Granddaughter and pardoned her from his side. "You can go find your friends, Tammy."

Tammy Trodder nodded respectfully and left her Granddfather. She looked out over the crowd for only a moment before catching sight of someone she knew. Just as soon, the lithe short-haired, redheaded young woman looked up from her conversation and saw Tammy. She beckoned her friend and promptly introduced Tammy to the others standing around her.

"This is Tammy, she's a volunteer up at the clinic where I work." The lady said. "We've seen the worst of it, haven't we Tammy?"

"Oh, no doubt, Jenn!" Tammy laughed playfully, though she had no idea what the group had been talking about and was simply supporting her friend's comment. But Jenn and her friends laughed regardless.

"We were just talking about all the wolf attacks recently." Jenn explained, adopting Tammy into the conversation. "Robbie here said he actually saw one at his dad's place! He said that it was huge, that it crossed near a tree and later he went and stood by the tree and compared it's size to his own - didn't you Robbie?"

Robbie Gelton nodded. "Yeah, my dad and I were both surprised by how big it was. We saw it this last month, and I'm actually hoping to find the same one on this hunt. If I can bring it home and mount it up for my dad, he says he'll give me a hundred bucks for it."

"Yeah, Robbie says it'll make an amazing trophy - he says it was black with grey stripes and that it would do great for a rug or something." Jenn rambled on excitedly. "I'm not actually going on the hunt, but I can't wait to see it after you get it, Robbie! You'll have to show everyone!"

Tammy was quiet, looking between Robbie and Jenn before glancing at the black pavement under their feet.

Robbie and the other boy in the group didn't notice, but upon a glance Jenn recognized the Tammy wasn't feeling very well.

"Are you sick Tammy?" Jenn asked.

"Nah, I'm okay." Tammy replied, looking up quickly and putting a smile on to ward her friend's concerns.

Just then the Group Organizer called out and everyone steadily turned their attention toward him. When the gathering had quieted, the man commenced to introduce the volunteer team leaders and select people for each team.

"You should probably get over there, Robbie." Jenn said in a hushed voice. "I ought to be going too.. Will you be going on the hunting trip Tammy?"


Perplexed, Logan watched and listened as this woman stammered and tripped over words, before slumping over against the tree in a defeated manner. Logan briefly grappled in the dark for a reason as to why this Jackie acted in such a way - that is, seemingly put out by the response she was given - but in the end, she passed it off as one of those strange things people do that she may never understand, or at least, didn't care to try and understand right this moment. 

Logan glimpsed down at Jackie's hand, held out with something a little less than enthusiasm, and she found herself handling the simple gesture somewhat awkwardly. Lifting her own hand slowly, she tried in vain to recall the last time she shook hands with someone... then, clasping hands with the other, she didn't give her a handshake at all but rather pulled her up, firmly but carefully, out of her slouch. 

"Logan Ash Geronimo," she began, nodding just slightly. "You should stand straight, it fits you better." loosing her grip, she took a step back and gave another nod, "It's good to meet you, Jackie." though her face wasn't unlike a blank sheet of paper, expressionless, and tone lacking any sort of depth, her words were honest as usual (she saw little sense in flattery or hallow manners). For a moment, she seemed to have forgotten she was among the presence of heartless, cruel monsters. Or maybe she felt, if only subconsciously, she owed a certain amount of kindness to this woman.

After the introduction, Logan glanced down at her watch and decided it was time to dismiss herself.

"I'll be in my room." she called to Ulric, before turning from Jackie and making her way to a house. There were few ways one could prepare for a time in which you'd be forcibly transformed into a ferocious, mindless beast, but sleep was always a good option, especially given that it wouldn't likely be on the to-do list of her wolf form. No, certainly "it" had other plans for the night. 

And what a night it was bound to be.


Jackie turned towards Ulric, bewildered,”What just… happened?

Again, Jackie fell against the tree and sighed. She had been expecting a fight, or at the very least a few unkind words. Instead she got more confusion, a bigger headache, and possibly a new friend.

Jackie was at loss on what to do, and therefore continued to sigh and lean against her tree until she decided Logan was right and she liked standing straight better. 


What good could the strange old lady in the antique shop be on a wolf hunt? Absolutely none whatsoever. That's why no one noticed her as she watched from the behind the filthy glass window on the front of her store; her fat, wrinkly face was barely noticeable under the painted 'T'.

When the Group Organizer finally called everyone's attention, Mrs. Buttermilk made her move. She disappeared into the darkness behind the window, only to reappear emerging at a steady pace through the door and out onto the street. As usual, her long white hair was bound back in a bun, skewered by two pink-tip knitting needles. She wore a deep maroon dress with a single rose design sewn on the hip, and a light purple shawl around her shoulders. Her big brown boots were hardly characteristic for an woman of her age, and were the only thing she wore that didn't match the rest of her attire in the slightest.

She paused only a moment in front of her shop to lock up, then slowly wobbled her way toward the crowd, leaning on her grey-blue cane as she went. A hush had fallen over the young folk as they listened eagerly for as to who would be on what team. 

Purposely, Mrs. Buttemilk stumbled into the front of the crowd and bumped into one of the men. "Oh, I b-beg your pardon, young man." She apologized in a shaky voice, adjusting her glassed. "My, my. Whatever is this all about? A party? Oh, I do love parties..A pity I can't stay, I must get home before dark. There are wolves around, you know. Big wolves- bigger then ordinary kinds. Oh d-dear, just the very thought. My later husband and I saw one once. He took a shot at it, but the bullet bounced clean off. No indeed, bullets won't work. Only smelling salt. They hate that stuff, that's how I got them to leave me chicken a-alone. You'll wish the happy couple well for me though, won't you dear? Don't stay out too late. Cherry-O."

And with that, the old lady limped on by.


Toby clung to the side of the wall, not even bothering to get up out of the bush. He was hoping Kratos and Zeit hadn't noticed him, and at first it seemed like they hadn't, but then Toby overheard the alpha laugh and say something about a bandit who had been bothering livestock and fields. At once, Toby lept to his feet and out into the open where the two higher ranks could see him. Flailing his arms, he desperately cried: "No I didn't! I've never touched anything here! It's not me, I promise! I've been framed!"


Levi chuckled a bit, again sounding little better than a dog choking or sneezing. He stood up, stretched his arms, and turned around to look up at Theo directly. "'Tis not really a quest'n o' wants, I fancy, otherwise I shouldn't be locked up tight as this, should I?" he said, in a generally goodnatured way. "I suppose it's given me as good a chance as any t'get used ta keepin' up this form in daylight. Wasn't much use at it 'forehand. I must say though, I like games too. What would yeh have in mind then, eh? I've had time enough to wear thin aboot all there is t'play solo, tha' is."


An older woman, looking to be in her mid-forties, stood on the outskirts of the crowd. Wearing a grey-green sweater, faded blue jeans, and large hiking boots, with a shotgun strapped across her back, she seemed like another of the yeehaws coming down to join the wolf hunt. 

She was a tall woman, with long blonde hair pulled back into a messy ponytail, thin brows, and sharp blue eyes nearly narrowed to slits for her glaring. Lips pursed tight, and arms crossed, she listened to the formation of hunting groups looking still less pleased than before. 

This creature, known as Katie Thompson, was usually a social recluse who only ventured down the mountain to buy supplies and foodstuffs to support her solitary cabin existence every six months to two years--and of course, she bought in bulk to put off her next forced engagement with humanity for as long as possible. But no one wondered at her attending this meeting; it was no secret that her twin sister, Susan, had been gobbled up by wolves before her very eyes some twenty years ago.

After old Mrs. Buttermilk had her say (and was promptly dismissed by most as she was rumoured to be a tad loose in the attic ever since her boys left her with a young grandson to take care of just weeks after her husband passed) Katie uncrossed her arms and marched towards the group organizer. "Hey, Al," she called out. "Just where'n abouts are ya'll plannin' to go huntin'? I suppose you've got permission filled out from farmers and ranchers whose land your lot is like to go gallumpin' about on?" Looking about crossly at the various groups she barked, "Cause nobody said nothin' to me about tresspassin' on my land. I own a good portion of the northern mountain range, you know, and I ain't gonna have no young'uns shootin' and caterwaulin' on my property, ya understand? You're fixin' for a mess of trouble lettin' them young'uns loose with guns anyways."


Ulric dropped his guard in that instant and was caught staring off after Logan with a look of amazement. He was just as baffled as Jackie in that moment by Logan's reaction; her actions were not what he expected, and so suddenly had been his surprise that for a short time after Logan vanished into the house, he found he could do nothing but stare at the door.

"She.. I mean she really.." Ulric stammered at length, still staring after Logan. But after a moment's pause he sighed heavily and looked toward Jackie. "She really has no control over it, does she? ... She can't even remember it?"


There were two 'Al's in the crowd whom turned their attention toward Katie Thompson when she spoke up just then - Albert Rich, the Group Organizer, and Alfred Nickers who had been assigned to Harvey Bolt's group. The latter of the two payed no more mind to Katie's rant once he realized it was not he whom she was addressing. But Albert, he turned a keen ear toward her from the front of the crowd, and listened for anyway he might put to rest her anxiety on the matter of the hunt.

Albert was a man in his early thirties, but he bore wrinkles across his forehead as evidence of all the stresses and worries he had faced as a young-adult. He was somewhat acquainted with everybody since he worked in a lower office at Town Hall, but he always tried to pay attention to the individual like their business was the only thing that mattered in the world to him.

Several of the young members of the crowd had been offended by Katie's complaints and began to shout words of scorn at her, while a few of the older members, Harvey Bolt included, cast glares and spat off personal insults against Katie's appearance and social status. It was obvious that these same folks whom had laughed off Mrs. Buttermilk's warnings, weren't very interested in being barred from the hunt by the frustrations of some recluse either. 

Yet despite the sudden chaos, Albert was quick to quiet them all down by speaking loudly and waving his hands to get their attention.

"Ma'am, everything has been settled with the ranches in the area, and any damage to property or livestock will be refunded. It's in this contract right here; any persons found responsible for damages will be penalized according to their agreement with Town Hall. The group leaders are under obligation to report any accidents, incidents, misuse, or misconduct with weaponry while out there. You can come on over here and have a look." Mr. Rich explained rather professionally as he lifted a copy of the contract into the air to show. "Everyone here carrying a weapon holds a license. No one without a valid license will be permitted on the hunt. If you have anything else you're worried about, please come talk with me after the rally, the Town Council and I welcome everyone to say their piece and I would be more than glad to meet all your concerns once we're done here."


"Refund, huh? That's real cute. One can hardly refund a corpse, can they, Al?" Katie said scornfully, ignoring both his attempts to try to get her to resolve things calmly behind a desk and the crowd, "What's this rabble at City Hall thinkin'? If they're gonna hunt wolves, why are they doin' it at night? It'll be dark up in them mountains, and even assuming your lot don't take a shot at anythin' that moves, what's to keep my Candy and Arnie from gettin' hurt? I've got me a pair of dogs to keep away them wolves you're so worried about, as well as any other such prowlers. They hate to be cooped up, so they stay out all night and roam my land. They're real big dogs too--Irish Wolfhounds. If they get mistaken for one of your wolves and get hurt, there ain't no amount of money that could cover the damages. They're all the kin I've got, Al, and I don't want to take no risks." She looked around the crowd, getting red in the face and looking like she might explode at any minute. "Your lot ain't allowed on my property, and that's that!" she exclaimed, before turning and marching off.

A couple of the kids laughed in her wake. "That old hermit," a girl near Robbie said, "Did you see her face? She looked like she was going to bawl! We won't touch her dumb old dogs, she's just gettin' into a fix over nothing."

Hour Glass:

"Well, since you'll be with a group of wolves, and my group will watch the hunters, " Zeit said, thinking to herself for a moment. She sighed thinking for a moment, running things over in her mind. "He could either go with you or my group can distract the hunters away from the hole" she eventually replied.

She felt tense with the thoughts of the hunters coming. If the hunters managed to get one of the wolves, the whole pack would be endangered, needing to flee as soon as they could from the ranch. These times would be tough, as the wolves would have to sneak around in order to survive.

Zeit was about to say something, until Toby fell, and Kratos made a comment about the wolf. The rancher stared at Toby for a moment, before busting out into laughter. "Don't worry Toby, it's a wandering coyote that's been bothering the cows, it won't be here much longer" she replied, eyeing the wolf. "Anyways, what brings you out here?" she asked.


Jackie shook her head. For a few moments, she still seemed at a loss for a words. Then she suddenly seemed to find herself again and her resolve hardened.

Apparently she doesn’t. But don’t worry, I’ll make her remember. Sooner or later

With that, Jackie marched off into the cottage after Logan.


Theo paused thoughtfully as he considered Levi.

Well, that’s tough. There are a lot of good games. But not all of them are good to play with two people. And other games require a board a few more people. Buut…

Theo’s eyes suddenly brightened as some thought struck him. He laughed, but nervously as though a little ashamed of what he was going to say.

Sometimes when I don’t know what to do, I think of what I would do if I got a magical wish. And I… well.. the best I’ve ever come up with would be,” he laughed nervously again,”Would be seeing Kratos in a tutu. I, er, dare you to come up with a better wish” 


Catching the wave, Chime raised her hand and move it slightly as a response, smiling. She gestured to her new outfit, though didn't really know if Ulric was looking anymore. Looking around the area, her smile slipped when she noticed how... empty it all felt. She had always thought of these werewolves as her family, how many of them did she really know..? Cocking her head to the right, she started off in a mindless walk, ending up pacing back and forth from the place she started from. As she pondered the fact, she talked to a few of them, all of them seemed nice, most pretty closed off.

Let's see, she knew at least a few by name.. Toby, of course, Chime just couldn't get over the timidness of the teen, making her have an instant liking to him. She couldn't help but want to mother him a little, though he was most likely older then her. A fond smile appeared, where was he anyway? He seemed to disappear, quite a lot actually, hiding himself away.

There was also Kieoki, she was cool, Chime found herself thinking of her as more of a challenge, which made her more then ever want to make friends with her. She really enjoyed talking to her, and hoped to do it more often.

And Timothy... Chime's smiled dropped as a slight breeze made itself known, she turned her head towards the forest. 

Chime stared at the trees, wondering where Timothy had got to. Worry about the night began anew, would he be alright? Though she only talked to him once, and it was quite short, it just didn't seem right. She had seen him in his werewolf form, she knew the control he had over it...

Shaking her head, a small, frown found it's way to her face, she can't do anything about it then and can't do anything about it now, so there is no use worry about them, she simply had to trust, in her Alpha, her pack, and most importantly in Timothy.. And she guessed that Sabrina was quite trust worthy also.

"There, no need to fret.. Just do what everyone else tells you.."

She was muttering this when she overheard Theo. Tutu? Kratos?

Slightly disturbed though couldn't stop a giggle from erupting, Chime looked over at him, what on earth was he talking about? 

Walking over to the pit, Chime almost felt like she was interrupting something. Not quite knowing how to introduce herself in the conversion, she stood there awkwardly. "Did..did I mishear you?" She asked, as another giggle escape her.

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