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Werewolves (RP 2): The Legacy Written in Blood (12/10-04/11)

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Kale resisted the urge to snarl at Jackie for mocking her attempt at diplomacy and instead took initiative to to head into the house, however, as she stepped up onto the porch she spotted two familiar forms in the distance, the large form of Kratos and the relatively smaller form of Zeit. stifling a snicker as she heard Resme's comment on Jackie she stopped on the steps and turned back to face the...guests. taking a pause to nod at Theo she adressed Ulric and Resme;

"well, i'll have to hold that invitation into the house for a moment, it seems our Alpha and first Beta are on their way. Since you came to see him and since it's Zeits house it's less troublesome to keep you outside, although it may be uncomfortable for you. " as if to accent her words, a chilly breeze toyed around the house, carrying with it another strange scent. Kale glanced off into the tree's, her inner Wolf alert. i swear if we have any more intruders today i'm going to invest in a barbwire fence, even if it's rather ineffective against werewolves. Kale thought.


As Kale announced Kratos and Zeit's coming, Ulric raised his eyes from those nearest him, to the pasture just behind the house. When the young werewolf saw Kratos, his ears fell back and laid on his neck; he had not expected the Alpha's son to be so much larger than his father.

Ulric had sized-up the Alpha rather quickly and he knew there was no way to challenge Kratos even if it just came down to defending himself..

Anxiety found it's way into Ulric's heart as the brutishly-huge creature refused to relent his charge; Ulric even faltered a step back in case he had to retreat from the Alpha's path.

Resme too, had looked to see Kratos' coming, but her smile and faith never faded; she knew her son well and his size did not frighten her.

When Resme saw Ulric take a step back, she remembered his anxiousness about the situation and carefully came to stand beside him. She then lifted her hand and slipped it into his comfortingly; she felt the warm pads on his palms and rubbed his furry knuckles with her thumb.


Kratos leapt over the fence fluidly. Dirt flew up behind his paws as evidence of his weight and he did not bother to slow his pace until he saw the young stranger react to his approach. Then he slowed down but did not refrain from displaying his dominance and authority in a careful stride.

The Alpha inspected the situation carefully before standing up on two legs and coming to a complete stop. Rosa's attempt to reassure the young stranger did not escape Kratos' notice, but his curiosity was not appeased. However, Kratos did not know what to say to voice his confusion just then; obviously he did not want to interrogate his mother, so he remained quiet for the moment.


Resme laughed and broke the short silence. "Come now, my son, I am not a stranger and I will not be treated like one." Resme chuckled softly. "Now come down and let me have your arms for a moment, I have not seen you in several years and I think I am entitled to a hug."

Immediately Kratos complied and his stature shrunk back to that of a man, but even so, he was still very large.

Ulric stepped away from Resme as Kratos came to embrace his mother. Ulric's brilliant auburn eyes watched the two carefully and he finally felt that it would be okay to return to his human form, but he did not move to do so just yet.


When Kratos and Rosa came away from each other, Kratos quickly glanced in Ulric's direction before speaking.

"I did not expect to ever see you here." Kratos said. "Are you well? Who is this with you?"

Resme still smiled in a kindly way and looked at Ulric. "This is Ulric, Kratos, and I am quite well." She said. "Ulric is your adoptive brother and we've come to see how you are doing."

Kratos seemed a bit taken and for a moment did not but stare firmly at the young lad. Then at last, Kratos extended his hand toward Ulric, his expression unchanging.


Ulric was still trying to calculate the situation and did not respond immediately. Then he quickly changed back to his human form and stepped forward to take Kratos' hand.

They shook hands briefly and exchanged greetings; Kratos seemed just as awkward as Ulric felt about the situation, but did not press the situation into an uncomfortable zone by asking more questions.

Resme couldn't help but laugh at her two boys. "I'll explain everything in a moment Kratos, but first why don't you tell me about yourself and all your friends." Resme said heartily.


Kaleb and Alice walked through the door, shaking the light dusting of snow off their heads as they came in. "Ugh, I'm so glad we're back, it was c-o-l-d out there. That furball sure knows how to drive fast and well. And he's pretty nice."

"Yeah, Hawk is pretty nice to have around. I'm glad we're buddies. Now, let's find that grill, I have to start on these peppers. Alice help me please."

So, Alice and Kaleb set to work grilling the peppers to a charred perfection. Then they came in after a while.

"Okay, now we have to let them steam in the bag to cook their insides for a bit longer. While we wait, let's go enjoy the snow."

Sounds good to me, thought Alice.

Kaleb and Alice went back through the door and out into the winter wonderland. The snow dazzled in their eyes, making them blind for a moment. Then they headed for the trees.

Soon, they were quite a bit into the woods as the had jogged. Suddenly, Kaleb convulsed and hit the ground.

Ugh, oh no....N...Not again. I haven't had an attack for a while. The Wolf's taking over. "Alice, get Zeit or Hawk, or try to find Kratos.'re about to have a wolf on the loo...." Kaleb Shifted, his fur coming on. Wolf howled, and took off away from the girl.

Alice stood there in complete shock. Her mouth gaped open like a fish on dry land. Her hair whipped in her face in the wind, the black wisps assaulting her skin. She gasped, her hands flying up the same moment Kaleb galloped away on his four hairy legs. The tawny fur being blown back in the wind.

She spun on the heel of her boot. She knew she should probably go after him, but dealing with an unpredictable werewolf was not something on her list at the moment. Although her muscles ached to Shift and change into her other form, Alice new it would be hard to risk her other instincts she got while that way.

So, her snow boots hit the ground, creating prints in the dazzling white power that covered the ground. Her scarf flapped as she increased her speed, hoping to reach the house faster. And also hoping Kratos was there.

Alice was panting, she had reached her destination. Without going inside, she called.

"Kratos!" Alice yelled. "Kratos, are you there!?!" she shouted, hopin gher voice would carry. "Kratos! kaleb Shifted and we need to catch him!"

She fell to the ground, exhausted from running, when she heard a howl.


Wolf ran, excited to be free and in charge of his body. His tounge lolled, hanging and caching the air, bringing it into his lungs. He could feel his paw pads hitting the cold snow, the white substance stickng and chilling his nerves.

Kaleb was trapped in his own mind. Laying in the shadowy cage he was held in, he roced the bars. His eyes were dark with hatred. Wolf came padding up, then rose on his hind legs. His black eyes stared with a dark intensity, his lips curled into a psychotic sharp smile. It didn't seem natural on a wolf. Kaleb sneered.

"You really think you can keep me here for long?" he asked, voice low and husky, self respect and confidence gone.

"Well, you haven't escaped yet, and I don't think anyone will help you. I mean, your little girlfriend there ran away. She doesn't care." he said, staring at him, his mouth now jsut a curved straight line.

Kaleb arched his back, spine chilling, his hair stood on end. He knew he must've acted harshly, as Wolf chuckled dryly, really with no humor.

"She's not my girlfriend," Kaleb whispered, spite and anger in his voice. "We aren't together, and you can't rule me anymore!!!!!" Kaleb's voice rose to a scream.

Suddenly, he felt his teeth become sharper, and the Wolf looked alarmed. Then, he was the wolf. Being locked up was gone, Kaleb was experiencing the thrill of being in control of his other body. It felt weird, the way the bones had changed shaped and moved in a way other than his human form. He shuddered, but his long fur kept him warm in the cool weather. He sniffed the air, and got the scent of the house on the wind. He started trotting towards the smell, letting his instincts guide him.


Kratos opened his mouth to speak and introduce every pack member to his mother when Alice's desperate voice rung through the air!

Kratos whirled around on full alert and raced to the corner of the house where he had heard Alice shout. "Alice! Alice I'm here, what's the matter?!" He called as he ran!

Ulric and Rosa also became very alarmed at that moment and couldn't help but follow Kratos around to the front of the house to see what was wrong.

"Great. Alice, the others are just behind the house along with my mother and youger brother, go to them." Kratos instructed and immediately changed his form and took off across the yard!


Savannah yawned as she stretched and stood up from the base of the tree. Had the pack seriously not noticed her? She shook her head and grunted, pondering how they could be so stupid as to not realize there was an invader extremely close to the center of their territory. They must be preoccupied with something.

Something inside of her was pulling her to join their pack, but she was terrified of being attacked again, and she was sure this time would be more severe. Savannah had no idea whether it would be safer to approach them or let them find her. For the time being, she paced around, whimpering, as she debated her next move.


Kieoki was getting quite bored watching the little happy reunion, and so it was to her amusement when someone, who Krat soon named Alice, started shouting out for him. Krat proceeded to dash and shift and vanish from sight, and left the two others to stand blankly after him. Chuckling at this, she decided it was time to introduce herself, just to start some fun for herself, and so she nimbly swung down from the tree and landed on the ground, her feet making only a small thud when they touched. Standing straight up, she brushed her shirt off and readjusted the dagger in her red belt before she strode off towards who she didn't know was Krat's mother, and whomever she'd brought with her.

Light on her bare feet, Kieoki silently worked her way across the yard and over towards the mother and ...friend she was besides. She walked up from behind them until she was standing besides them, staring off after Krat when she gave a shrug and spoke. "Poor Krat. He can't get a break today can he?"


Ulric's attention was brought upon the girl whom had approached from behind, and he stared for a moment confused. The stranger did not smell like a member of the pack, yet she spoke of Kratos as a friend would.

"Excuse me, what is your name?" Ulric asked quickly. It seemed a rather blunt question, but Ulric wasn't used to strangers being allowed to roam on a claimed territory.

Rosa seemed concerned about the situation and stared for a time in the direction Kratos had gone.


Kale gazed in shock after Kratos as he tore across the fields after Kaleb. or at least, she gazed after him up untill the point Kieoki snuck up behind them, commenting on Kratos. Kale bristled but stopped there. Kieoki was an unknown entity, unlike the other intruders, Kale had met her befre and she didn't seem hostile, not that she was particularly frinedly far she hadn't caused any problems for the pack.

" long time no see, stranger." Kale greeted her with mild irritation, seriously contemplating the pro's and con's of a barbwire fence. waiting for her reply, kale glanced between the direction her alpha had dissapeared to and the strangers standing next to her. this was turning into a very, very long day.


Chime walked slowly, trying to think what job she should get next. Being a small town, she already worked in alot of the shops, plus what she got fired for on her last job wouldn't help. She was so lost in thought that she walked right near the ranch house and didn't notice till she looked up, "Ahh, shoot." She mumbled and tried to quickly get away, but then bumped into their trashcan "Snap!" She shouted annoyed.


Though the 'new' guy she was standing beside spoke to her first, Kieoki chose to reply to Kale before she replied back to the other. Smiling softly and flicking a sharp wave at Kale, she spoke. "Can't say the same. Sorry." She paused then, suddenly glaring with narrowed eyes and a whispered tone as she spoke directly to Kale. "Though I have seen you more than you've seen me." Her face brightened then, and she seemed to remember Ulrick, and so she turned back to him, tipping her head with a smirk as she spoke. "Well, I'll let you decide on that one for yourself. I'm either Kieoki or just Ki. But then again, I could be lying. You would never know after all." She finished with a dark laugh. After all, she hated acting this bubbly, but it was worth it to mess with them.

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