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Werewolves (RP 2): The Legacy Written in Blood (12/10-04/11)

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Resme smiled and nodded to Kale. "I'm sorry to intrude upon you, I don't mean to be a burden." She said sincerely. She was about to open her mouth again to speak but did not when she saw the look in Ulric's eyes.

With that look, Ulric requested permission to speak, so Resme granted it.

"Your Alpha will know us, and we have not come to plague your pack further. While we are here, we are your allies." Ulric said, addressing Kale. "If my mother is safe here, then I am at your service and will help in anyway I can."


"I'll say our tempers are high!" Jackie hissed in comment to Kale,"Planning on serving them cookies and cocoa too?"

Jackie at that moment had decided patience wasn't her strong suite and wasn't going to do nothing. She certainly wasn't going to go yuck it up when a potential enemy was sitting on their doorstep. The pack were made up of idiots! Take a stranger's word that they'll play nicely? Pah! And she'd go to a tea party. Idiocy irked her beyond belief.

"I do hope you keep to your word and don't do anything stupid," her icy blue eyes lingered to an unspoken threat at the two strangers on their doorstep.


When Jacqueline suddenly approached baring a threat on her lips, Ulric's attention was drawn quickly toward her, yet he said nothing. He would not challenge her, for this was not his land, but his guard was never displaced.

Resme however, grew an even broader smile and spoke with all of the certainty in the world.

"We'll keep to our word." She said. "Stupidity is not one of our stronger qualities."


Jackie only offered a grunt to Resme's response. She still didn't seem happy about the two's appearance on the porch, though didn't seem to be disputing as openly before. Rather it was a grudging acceptance-- for the moment content to let them be, though open to changing it if something interesting, or particularly stupid, happened.


When Toby arrived at his Grandmother's antique shop, he was quite out of breath and his school papers had been destroyed and blown to the four winds. He was quite bedraggled, but managed to straighten himself out enough to walk through town unwatched by curious bystanders.

"Where have you been, Toby?" His grandmother asked him when he entered the old wooden shop.

"Climbing trees." Toby replied wearily.

"I thought you were studying." His grandmother said.

"Uh-huh.. But then a werewolf ate my homework." Toby replied, slupping into a chair.

"That's a new one for the record books; though I've never known you to make excuses like that." His grandma said.


Chime walked away from the ranch, she looked back one more time, with her mom gone she didn't know when she would see another werewolf again and was getting a little lonely. She then walked back to her job, so dull...

Chime walked inside the store she worked in "What happened to you?" asked one of the females who worked at the store asked, Chime then looked at her arm, which Zeit bit "Nothing." She lied and the started to get back to work. "What's the meaning of this? I thought you needed work so badly now I find that you leave to have a fight? Chime your fired and you know why..." Her boss said Chime turned around real fast and looked at him "Man, he has gotten fast..." She thought "But sir, I um, well fine...." She said then got up to go, give back her name tag thing, walked out the door and went back home.

Hour Glass:

[Zeit's] ears perked as they neared her home, it seemed Hawk was home with Kale, and there were more werewolves. Great.... Just great. She sighed slightly, but never changed pace, staying up with Kratos as she evaluated what all was going on. It seemed Kale and Hawk had everything under control, and the intruders were following orders and not attacking them, at least something was going right in her day.

"Well Kratos, what do you say about these two?" she asked briefly, before stopping slightly when the scent of the elderly woman, noticing similarities between hers and that of Kratos'. She looked to her leader, "Do you know her?" she asked lightly in a questioning tone.


When the small gathering at the house came into view, Kratos slowed to a stop beside Zeit, and stared for a moment upon it.

The Alpha had also caught the scent of familiarity which hung in the air, but his recognition of it was regarded differently than other members of his had upon translating it.

For Kratos, along with the scent of one whom was related to him, came the memories of comfort and safety within his father's home.

The whole scene caught Kratos rather off his guard and a look of confusion passed over his bright yellow eyes. He muttered something under his breath and seemed to lean forward as if trying to get a better view over the distance.

After a few moments of wonder, Kratos finally replied to Zeit's question.

"I admit I am a bit stunned.." He said slowly, as he erected his stance. "That is my Mother if I am not mistaken. Why she is here, I cannot fathom, but I am almost certain it is her.. I do not know the lad whom she is with, but his scent is blended with that of my father and a pack which I cannot name.."

Silence followed and Kratos did not move nor speak. Then all at once several alarming thoughts flooded the Alpha's mind and a look of great concern crossed over his face.

Regardless of the physical actions of this new werewolf, Kratos was suddenly filled with suspicion and he felt his hackles raise slightly.

"Come, I must see who he is and why he is here with her." Kratos' deep voice rumbled, and he began off toward the house.


"And now enters Krat, right on cue." Kieoki said with a smirk as she rested her head upon her hands as she sat in the tree. She was still watching the scene play out infront of her and in fact she was beginning to make a game out of this. Laughing softly, she cut the laugh short and held her tongue, not wanting to be seen until the play was over.


In the mean time, Theo had broken away from his glum companion. He had hurried over to the ranch in simple curiosity of who the strangers were. The boy was not disappointed to find a very credible werewolf and an animated looking woman. Pensively he studied them, but did not say or do anything more than offer a quick smile at Resme and a brief dip towards Ulric. Theo than sat on the front of the house, inquisitive on what the alpha would choose to do.

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