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The Founders (Prologue) January-October 2010

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Hour Glass

Zeit sat in pure peace once again, deep into her book. Even if she left a light on on her porch, very few actually came to seek a place to stay, mainly because of how the townspeople and her weren't very close. Many rumors were spread about the place, bt they were petty and didn't faze her at all. She just wished for something to break the peace and silence.


Kale turned slowly in a circle, swearing the scent just got fresher. She couldn't get a better idea of were this person was except that they were close. There were three nearby alleys in wich she could look, but she still didn't know if it was safe to or not. Just a peek around each corner to see if I could see him would work right? I'll just have to be cautious... cautious and quiet. She took a few steps toward the nearest alley, pausing she listened and sniffed again. The closer she got the more she stopped until she was five feet away from the ally entrance, but at this angle she could barley see the opening and nothing further. She stood and listened for a sound, any sound, from the dark opening in front of her.



Not a sound could be heard.. Kratos had many skills in hunting and fighting, and the ones most sure was his stealth and exceedingly great strength.

Samuel had watched Kale approach until she was five feet away and staring directly at him. He could tell by the confused look on her face that she had not yet seen him.. and as long as he didn't move, she wouldn't know until she was on top of him.

"She's curious..." He thought silently to himself as a smile slipped up his face.. "She appears to be young and hasn't much experience with the dangers of our kind..."

He debated whether or not to reveal himself, this was a very good opportunity.

"Why do you approach? Can you not sense that I am a possible danger?" His deep, powerful voice spoke suddenly out of the darkness! He stepped out of his hiding place and his large shadowed figure stood before Kale!

He was quite a deal taller then Kale and his muscular build was obvious. He had removed his brown contacts earlier before settling into the alleyway, so now his bright yellow eyes gleamed through the darkness upon the girl.

The yellow eyes did not look at all human but rather much like a wolf. This was natural in Samuel's human form, as was his wiry-wolf hair... not all of the wolf could be concealed during the day...


Kale started to take a step back when he stepped out of the shadows and startled her, but her own inner wolf told her that showing too much fear coud be dangerous. "I...." she paused to think of what she would say and said it carefully "I followed your scent because I was curious, I hesitated because I did not know what danger you might pose to me. I have never met another werewolf before." Her tone was defiant and defensive but only slightly so, she knew aggression could start a fight and against somone of his size her chances of winning were much less than his. As she assesed him not looking at his eyes was impossible. They're yellow! How... interesting... just like a wolf's! His eyes gleamed as the toyed with the moonlight. He looked powerfull but Kale couldn't decide wether he showed agression or not, but he did look predetory. Duh, werewolf, I suppose we are supposed to look predatory, Kale broke from her own thought and took a balenced stance that was more comfortable than her current one. Kale waited. Why did I answer him? I don't know him and I can't trust him, I dont even know what he's doing here...


A dangerous smile slipped through his lips upon hearing her answer. "That is obvious. One who had more experience might have already assumed me a threat, and would have stayed away..." His deep and smooth voice replied.

His careless and relaxed posture explained through his body language that he was not at all intimidated by her and that he was cocky in his position.

"When you are not sure of danger, you should run from it." He warned, "But as it is... I will not hurt you, though I admit I have been searching for you, and anyone else whom possesses our ability."


Why do I feel like a child every time he speaks to me? slightly irritated by his cockyness she replied "And why would you be searching out other werewolves, If we are such a threat to each other? And why would I run from danger? if you run from everything your not sure is dangerous you would be running your entire life, and that is no life at all." she tried to take on a more careless posture to mimic him in showing she wasn't afraid but relaxing around someone she didn't know is not something her body wanted to do.


Marcus sat alone, in human form, his rather slender legs swinging back and forth in a calming motion as he did so. He was rather alert, though still more relaxed than normal. There was something about the country air that made his nerves relax and his mind focus on what really mattered, rather than fussing over everything like it usually did. It was something about the smell of growing crops, the sounds of bleating animals, the sights of the rolling hills and plains stretching out before him. Maybe it was because he had always dreamed of it as a young child. Maybe it was because it represented something he longed for yet couldn't have- a rather normal life.

He brushed a strand of hair from his eyes, being awoken from his trance by it's movement downward. He sighed heavily from a mix of things. For one, he was tired. Second, he felt sort of... content. Third, he knew he wouldn't be able to stay long. Soon the humans would catch on to all the killings of their animals in the same way and they'd find him. They'd find him and either arrest him, or find out who he was and take him in for experiments. He narrowed his eyes with frustration and looked downwards, trying to remember how high up in the tree he had climbed before sitting down to take it all in. He had decided earlier to find a look out perch to try and see if there were any big cities up ahead. These were the best places for his kind; there you could blend in and nearly disappear.

He swung his legs forward with gusto, giving up on climbing all the way up the tall oak, and leaped down, landing in a crouched position. His ears pricked slightly at the sound of other voices. He'd have to scram.


A man was walking down the highway and looked to the forest beside the road; he heard voices from far off in the tangle of verdent vines. Intrigued by the voices and reminded he hadn't eaten in days by another demanding voice, he stepped into the depths. Sure there was prey everywhere on the road, even if the cars that eventually ran on it frightened them away. But it was all dead, fetid, rotten flesh. He would get sick or even fall to whatever diseases acompanied it.

He strode forward to the tree where he had heard something. He looked up and snarled, nothing. Then, his mind's eye turned to the undegrowth and walked over to it. "Not animal?" he thought, "No, I(am)not a man eater."

He squatted down and growled behind their back, "Hello stranger."


The smile upon Samuel's face did not fade as he listened to Kale speak. But before he spoke again, he suddenly felt his main objective become distant and a new desire fill his mind.. the desire to hunt..

Slowly the surrounding darkness brightened slightly and seemed to glow a dark blue.. Samuel's eyes climbed from Kale's face to the dark night sky above them, here he saw the answer to his sudden change of mind..

The moon, her shape just a sliver off from being complete, had peered through the clouds and began shining her light down upon the sleeping farm town.

Samuel swiftly looked back down at Kale's face (which he could now see more clearly) and searched for anything inside his human mind which would dilute the wolf's sudden desire to hunt and attack... For a moment he thought he could act like a civilized man, but that was put off by the fact that a civilized man would not be out this late...

Had this been the night of a full moon, Samuel and Kale would've changed at that exact moment and become vicious monsters in the town.. However, the full moon was still a few days away and the effects of the moon was left to the faint awakening of the wolf.

"Forgive me, but this not a place for us to continue our conversation.." Samuel whispered, his eyes glancing up at the moon. "Have you a place to stay that we may continue out of the moon's rays? Or shall we take to the cover of the trees?"


Kale felt a tingling come up her back as the moonlight hit them. "I've been staying in the barn on the farm that I'm working at. I suppose we could stay there for tonight, but we would have to move on before the full moon." Kale told him, noting his change in behavior. She would tell him there's a place to stay but she wasn't going to welcome him with open arms.


Samuel nodded in agreement. "It would be dangerous for any of us to be within a ten mile radius of this town on the night of the full moon, but I don't plan to move out of this area til I have succeeded in the purpose that I originally came for... I'll explain more, but not now... The barn will suffice tonight for us to discuss these matters, please lead the way."

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