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The Founders (Prologue) January-October 2010

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Giving him one last suspicious and curious look, she took off at a jog heading for the dry, dusty road to the farm. Kale thought about the full moon and shuddered at the thought of what would happen, the blood-thirsty creature she would become. The danger she would pose to all things innocent, all things helpless. I am not going to break, I will control this curse. It was a silent promise she made to herself almost daily, a promise she struggled to keep.

Hour Glass

Zeit looked from her book and out the window, as the moonlight pooled in. She could feel the pull of the moon, yearning her to change. She thought, already wanting to run around. I'm lucky Dad bought the ranch, it's perfect for a roaming werewolf.

She sighed and dog earred her book, placing it on the small table next to her chair. She walked over to the window, feeling the moonlight wash over her. She knew there were others like her near, and often thought about maybe making a pack, but she wasn't one of the ones to go looking for one, afterall she still had to run the ranch.


Samuel did not need to run to keep up with Kale, a single stride kept him only a few steps behind her. The desire to become a werewolf was strong, but easily enough fought..

He followed closely behind Kale until they finally saw the barn in the distants, but at that point Samuel stopped and faced another direction. There was another scent, another werewolf, somewhere in the other direction...

"Stop." He beckoned Kale back. "There is another.. a woman I believe."

He turned his eyes back onto Kale, "What is your name?"

To a normal person, this would have looked and sounded extremely weird. But Samuel had caught the scent of Zeit's ranch, and since she hung out there so often (and it was practically her territory), the area smelled strongly of her.


Kale practically growled when he told her to stop but, against her own nature she obeyed because honestly, she was curious. "My name is Kale, and what would your's be?" Her naturally hostile nature was beginning to present itself and the moon wasn't helping her keep it at bay.


"Samuel... Samuel K. Clutch to normal human society. But to other werewolves my name is Kratos , and you may call me so." Samuel explained firmly, then turned and again looked off in the direction of Zeit's ranch.

"I know this is strange to hear, but I cannot pass this opportunity. The reason I search for other werewolves is because I have seen what the undisciplined creatures are capable of... I search for them, so that I may teach them how to control the curse.." Samuel continued, again looking at Kale, but this time he looked her dead in the eye. "Kale, how did you become a werewolf?"


Kale looked down as he asked the question. "Kale, how did you become a werewolf?" This was a memory she wished she didn't have. It's not like I have to explain in detail, right? "I wasn't born one." She looked him in the eye as she said this, werewolves rarley turned others intentionally, and hers certainly wasn't one of those cases.


Samuel looked away from Kale and back in the direction Zeit's ranch lay...

Kale had not answered his question completely, giving him the most simple answer possible. But Samuel did not feel the need to push her further, he had witnessed the curse being passed from one being to another only once, and never wished to see it again.. Nonetheless, Kale had given him the only answer that was needed.

Kale was not a half born werewolf, therefore she could not control the wolf at will.

"You needn't explain further.. I'm sure it is nothing you wish to recall at this time.." He whispered. "Come, let us go to your barn tonight and I will track the other tomorrow morning.. If she doesn't track us first."

Hour Glass

Zeit looked to her table, where her list laid. By it also laid a stack of envelopes, her workers pay for the month. She smiled on how each month they got their payment, then were told not to come back for a few days, and each one seemed to ponder why. She loved their faces when the new guys recieved them, but the older workers just shrugged it off, glad to be paid.


Kale nodded before taking off once more, enjoying the feeling of running. The scent of grass and hay was heavy, but Kale was still trying to figure out wich scent was that of werewolf, why hadn't she noticed another werewolf was living so close by? The barn loomed up in front of her, casting her under its shadow. Kale slowed to push open the large barn door enough for her and Kratos to slip through.


Samuel followed after Kale at a steady pace until they were both inside the quiet barn. Animals stirred at the scent of a new and dangerous presence, they made nervous grunts and fidgeted their positions, waiting for a comforting word from their master...

The area smelled strongly of straw and animal dung, the air very musky and thick. Samuel stared into the darkness and waited for his eyes to adjust to it without the light of the moon. When he was able to see into the back of the barn, he saw the ladders and lofts and saw most of the animals, the expanse was amazing for such a simple structure..

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