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Christmas with the Wolves (SP-RP3)2011-2015

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Upon seeing the snowball hit the unfortunate target, Logan simply pointed at Bianca and turned away, not willing to take any grief for the others error. Instead she too made her way to the door. No longer having the patience to wait for Zeit, and surely against the idea of allowing Mrs. Buttermilk to stay in the cold, she reached for the handle.. to her relief, the door was unlocked, and so she stepped inside and held the door open for the older woman and Toby.

Meanwhile Bianca was amused, but otherwise a little put out that the fun had fizzled out for the time being. She blew a stray hair out of her face and pursed her lips, before looking over to Timothy, and her expression softened.

Well, surely Cherise's gesture would get him to come inside, so she wouldn't press him any further herself, and instead made her way to the porch and waited patiently behind every else for them to file in, nevertheless eagerly trying to peek and see just what kind of decorations adorned the inside of the house without pushing ahead.

Hour Glass

Everything seemed to be going well for the werewolf, all of her holiday preparations seemed to be going as perfectly as planned, her home remaining festive and bright and showing the holiday spirit. Her excitement for the festivities already was starting to show, the warm smells coming form the kitchen signifying she had already begun to bake cookies and desserts for the pack, and some small packages under the tree hinted that the pack members might be getting something from the normal angry beta, a surprising treat no one would expect.

Or so they could hope, for all they knew, the beta had just wrapped coal to give to the members. At least, that would be something for Jackie to possibly expect, after sticking a fork in the Beta's wall.. Well, maybe all would be forgiven,a t least for awhile. Or the beta could gain revenge by having the pack don some of the Christmas sweaters conveniently set out in the living room..

Ziet had been missing out on the fun outside her home, coming downstairs with a couple more packages in hand and a grin on her face. She wasn't focusing her hearing on what was outside, instead her ears were filled with the Christmas music ringing through the home, causing her to miss the talking and knocks outside her door. Though, she nearly jumped when the door opened, stilling as she looked to the figures, her expression stone cold at first.

An expression that seemed to instantly give way and become one of glee as she raced to set down the gifts and go over to greet the pack. "Everyone's here already?" she said happily, seemingly uncharacteristic of her normal self, "My cookies are almost out of the oven, come on in and take a seat, I've been preparing my home these past few days for everyone!" She practically danced around the room as she allowed them members to come inside and she moved to fetch her baked goods before they burnt.


Timothy didn't have the chance to answer Cherise before she had gone to Toby's side, but her gentle gesture was more appreciated than perhaps even Timothy knew. So he watched her go, and contemplated the interaction of the others just as they gathered near the porch...


Ulric smiled pleasantly in greeting to the elder lady as he took a portion of Toby's load. He was glad when Logan opened the door, because though he might never admit it, Ulric certainly wouldn't have dared to try the door himself lest the Beta should be offended.

But the moment the warmth and smells of the cottage came out in greeting, and Zeit's voice was heard within, Ulric's worries dissipated and he entered the house with a warmth in his heart as well as in his hands.

The house was beautiful! The second he stepped into the room Ulric found it impossible not to be fully immersed in the magnificent spirit of the place. Every corner seemed to glow with a festive light, and the whole house seemed to have taken on a transformation of its own. The cottage smelled like the fresh-baked cookies Zeit was at that moment retrieving from the oven, and the warmth was absolutely delightful!

"It looks amazing, Zeit!" Ulric called to the kitchen with a bright face, "I can't believe all the trouble you went through."

He turned to look at his pack mates, each coming in from the cold, and couldn't help but smile all the more.


Timothy entered sometime before, having stayed in the yard only a minute or two after Cherise had left him. He slipped into the house beside everyone else and made his way to the main room as casually as if this were his own home and he belonged here.

Everyone was still filing through the door, so Timothy took a moment to look around at the decor and notice every tiny detail to the changes that had overcome the place. Briefly he looked down at the wrapped boxes, then up at the tinsel and lights. His overall countenance was indifferent and yet there seemed to be some subtle curiosity as well, though he dared not explore it.

This was the only place Timothy had ever remembered calling home, he felt comfortable here even now, despite the changes and growing company. So he found himself a quiet place to sit down and then he waited to see what would happen next.


Rook made his way down the chilly path silently gazing at the glowing snow, taking in note of how much he enjoyed the cold weather and the festive time, and just how much Christmas meant to him as it was near Christmas that he first met his best friend Maria, of course this reminded him Maria was going to run a little late due to feeling slightly ill, even if Rook wasn’t very comfortable leaving her alone he was presently pestered to go without her, reluctantly, he did.

It wasn’t long before that Rook came up to a beautifully decorated cabin, with lights and decorations and welcoming laugher from inside, Rooks face lit up in excitement as if we was a small child as he walked up the steps of the radiant cabin, he made a small nod to Chime whom was on the porch before entering into the home, immediately he turned to thank Logan for her generosity “Haha! Thank you!” he almost wanted to offer to take it for her, he however quickly distracted (as he is) by the smell of freshly baked cookies from the kitchen, Rook normally would have been in some conversation by now mingling with the guests had he not been enticed with the aroma of the baked goods, his lips creeped along his face as he adored the decorations and good festive spirit as he made his way to the origin of the smell.

Rook wandered into the kitchen to find Ziet removing the freshly baked cookies from the oven, “Ahah!” he pointed at the cookies as he completed his task of tracking down the delicious smell, “It smells wonderful Zeit!” he complimented the fine brown goods as he leaned against the wall “I’ll have to get the recipe sometime!” he loudly chirped


"You're welcome." Logan responded simply to Rook, watching him walk in, followed by Bianca who had become all too excited by the sights and smells to hold back any longer. Logan herself looked in at everything, a curious glimmer in her eyes as she considered the lovely aroma and decorations, the whole atmosphere of the home really.. Rook's voice carried from the kitchen and she grinned lightly. "Rook, if you are trying to win the first cookie, you will have to fight me for it."

At the same time, Bianca ran up behind Rook and wrapped her arms around it from behind. "Merry Christmas Rook!" she chimed, before loosing her grip and stepping around the large fellow to admire Zeit's work. "They do smell great, and the whole house looks wonderful! You did an amazing job." she commented, before turning around and slipping over to the Christmas tree. The blonde pulled a small red box from her pocket, one that was wrapped nicely with a gold bow on top and a tag that read "Zeit", and placed it along with the other gifts underneath the branches of the lovely tree.

Meanwhile Logan cast a glance out to the yard, which had became mostly void of the life it just previously carried, and there was some disappointment in her gaze. So far there was no sign of Theo or Jackie - and certainly Kratos would come?


Caleb woke up suddenly, glancing around rapidly because he couldn't quite figure out where he was. He felt his body relax once he did, for he quickly realized that he was in Ivory's house. The sun was already up in the sky and light shone in through the windows of the quiet house. He groaned and sat up, sighing, then stretching himself out. He felt his achy muscles contract and relax, and yawned loudly.

After finding his place in the conscious world, he hopped off the comfortable couch and walked through the house. On Ivory's bed he saw a note that exclaimed in childish cursive that the family had gone out to see their friends and other family. Caleb smiled softly, content in the fact that Ivory had ended up fitting in so well with her adoptive parents. They had been quite kind to him too, but it was obvious they didn't fully accept him like they did Ivory.

Caleb padded over to the fridge, and poured himself a glass of milk and grabbed a few cookies left over in the fridge. He gulped them down and remembered that the pack was having a Christmas party today! He almost choked on the last sip of his milk, his eyes going wide.

Oh no what if they've already done a lot! He groaned and raced to the guest bedroom where his clothes were. As fast as he could muster he threw on some warm clothes, hoping it'd be enough in the chill outside. He was looking forward to living back in the pack once the holidays were over. He hadn't wanted to leave in the first place but Ivory begged him, and her new parents, for him to stay for a little while. Caleb brushed his hair out quickly, the strands long and falling into his face.

The first thing I do when I get back here is cut these stupid long locks!He muttered in his head.

Caleb burst through the door, locking it with the house key, and ran to the ranch. When he arrived at the snowy drive, Caleb was huffing and puffing despite the cold. even though he had been running and training to be stronger, running that fast and far with all his layers on was not the best idea.

Caleb gulped in air, and looked up at the house as he approached. He saw everyone filing in through the door, and ran to catch up. He saw Timothy almost immediately, and went to stand right next to him. He had gotten to know the pack, but he knew Timothy most of all and felt the most comfortable around him still.

"Hey Timothy!" he said softly, smiling at the boy and waving a little.


Cocking her head to find the perfect place for a snowman, Chime was smiling as the snowball flew past. She felt the a cold breeze, blinking as she watch it splat against the house, she quickly looked back at her would be attacker, and promptly found her hair getting ruffled. Smiling, she found herself sticking her tongue out at Logan, she still found her a little scary, even so, she was part of the family.

Getting to the porch, Chime watched as the others arrived soon after herself. Everyone was such in a good mood, and Chime loved it. Ulric laughter proof to be contagious, she laughed as she got ready for a reply, though Bianca's snowball made it's mark, right in her mouth! Laughing harder, she grabbed some snow off the windowsill to throw, though really wasn't aiming at anyone when she did.

Decking towards the end of the porch, she grabbed another hand full, it was then Mrs. Buttermilk and Toby came down the path. Chime covered her mouth as she fought back laughter.

Sliding away from the door a bit, she let the others go in first, looking out again, the ground indeed seemed to have more mud then snow, she couldn't wait for it the snow some more.

Nodding in return to Rook, she followed him in.

Taking in a deep breath, Chime stood in awe. It was breath taking in here! She sighed, taking it all in before running off to the kitchen, "Zeit! This is wonderful! Thank you." Chime then hugged her, it was a quick, slightly awkward hug, but a hug never the less. "Oh, and Merry Christmas."Then darting out, she went over to inspect the Christmas tree.

Hour Glass

The woman seemed to be enjoying herself as she baked, happy that the members of the pack seemed to be in a rather joyous mood, and she could only hope it would remain through the evening. Even she felt the enjoyment coursing through her, though she'd be exhausted by the end of the night, ready to relax in solitude once the party had finished up. Or at least want to go on a long run through the winter snow outside, and enjoy it before it became ice.

She sighed, before perking up at hearing the voices speaking to her, a large smile crossing her face. She beamed at the compliments, having worked had don her home. She had even rearrange dyer furniture to allow more room for the pack to move about, and brought in more chairs so everyone had a seat. It would be great to have everyone over to see her efforts, she would no longer had a lonely Christmas with the pack here.

"Well, I have some cookies out and ready to eat" she replied to the small crowd around her, "and some punch and milk out on the kitchen table, feel free to eat all the cookies you want." SHe took out the last batch, careful setting them up to cool before removing her oven mitts, "I can always make more if we run out. I can say I enjoy baking for company" she added with a grin.

She was about to start walking out for he kitchen when she felt Chime hug her briefly, left in shock for a moment at the touch. She was mainly spurred, having never been big on outwardly showing friendship and affection for other pack members, but the gesture fit right long with the holiday spirit. She chuckled, before making her way out of the room and finding herself a seat, taking a break after baking all morning for the pack.


"Don't mind if I do!" Ulric laughed in answer to Zeit's generous offer, and immediately he turned aside to venture after the aforementioned cookies.

What Ulric found in the kitchen was, to him, more wonderful than the sights and smells decorating the cottage interior; for set out on the table were plenty enough goodies to satisfy a multitude - and what was a more splendid part of the season than that?

Of course, Ulric was not a glutton, and would approach the treats with gracious reserve, being sure to accommodate himself one cookie at a time. However, it would not be hard to notice his great appreciation for the delights on such a cold and cheerful day as this.


Meanwhile, Timothy watched the people around him carefully. Yet his attention at one point did drift to the floor in contemplation, and that was when Caleb came in and found him seated in the corner.

The moment he saw Caleb, Timothy quickly got up and patted his friend on the shoulder.

"Hey," he said in a friendly greeting and went on to inquire, "Where have you been?"

Afterward Timothy put his hands back into his pockets and glanced around the room. He noted Chime's entrance and saw where Zeit seated herself. He glimpsed Ulric going into the kitchen and whoever happened to follow him, noticing the little things passively and simply observing them with disinterest. Then Timothy looked to Caleb again.


"Oh, these look good." Ulric muttered to himself as he took up a napkin and slipped a cookie off from the plate. He laughed at himself, recalling the general goodness of the holiday as he took the first bite, and he stepped away from the table to enjoy it.

It could justly be noted then that Ulric was a dignified eater, if ever there was one in the modern world, as he payed more mind to the company than the refreshment. But home-baked holiday goodness was truly one of his favorite things about the season, and he enjoyed it greatly - how much so, only those who knew him quite well could ever say.


Toby was more then happy to get out of the cold, set his load of presents and decorations off to the side, and help himself to a cookie and a warm spot on the couch. The unfortunate snowball he had taken of his grandmother's behalf had melted down the side of his face and somehow found it's way into the space between his scarf and his neck, so the Omega adjusted it and removed the article of winter clothing all together.

Grandma Buttermilk politely declined the offer of cookies. "But a small cup of milk would be more than welcome.. Thank you dear." She said, hobbling into the house and looking for someplace where she could sit and relax. The walk up the mountain had been a long one for such a stubby old woman as herself, her knees were starting to ache a little bit. She found a nice chair next to the tree, one that thankfully was well padded and rocked back and forth at the slightest movement. She was pleased to think it had been set out just for her, but asked no questions about it, just to keep herself happy.

Once she was settled and cozy, she took a time to observe the young pups and the merriment taking place around her. Ah! Celebrating Christmas with a lively pack, it was just the thing she had been missing all these years. The warm smell of cookies wafting through the air, merry voices each chatting at once, new faces appearing at the door every second, lovely decorations hung from everywhere one would fit... Ah yes! This was Christmas. The only thing missing lay bundled up in one of the many packages she has asked Toby to carry.

"Toby. Finish your cookie quickly and start putting those presents around the tree. I'll also be wanting my radio set up. I need some good Christmas music to listen to." she said, gesturing to the pile of gifts with her cane. Toby nodded to her, but took his sweet time enjoying the crunchy goodness of his cookie. With every bite, his admiration of the Beta increased a hundred fold. Was there anything she couldn't do?

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