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Christmas with the Wolves (SP-RP3)2011-2015

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Once everybody in the immediate had entered, Logan shut the door gently, turning around and examining the sight before her. It really was warming, and even Timothy had engaged in a conversation now, which was a nice change of pace.. She quietly slipped over to the tree, removing her backpack and beginning to withdraw from it some two dozen or so brown paper bags, tied at the top with various colored bows and each with a different tag. The backpack had been over stuffed and once it was relieved of the weight, Logan hung it on a coat rack before making her way to the refreshments.

Bianca meanwhile had hung her coat and gone upstairs to the washroom to clean the muddy snow off her face and hair and freshen up, before swiftly rejoining the company downstairs. Ulric, Toby and now Logan all seemed to be thoroughly enjoying the cookies, and she grinned, wondering if Zeit would share the recipe or show her how to make them.

Now she came behind Logan and tapped her on the shoulder, whispering something, and Logan sat on a chair while Bianca began to play with her hair. Logan was used to this now, as Bianca thoroughly enjoyed playing with and styling the hair of whoever was most convenient. Logan happened to have relatively long hair, so she was often a victim of these random styling sessions.

"This is great. We all have our differences but, today, everybody seems to be getting along well.. I wish the others would come though." Bianca sighed, and Logan nodded. "Ulric," Bianca began, loud enough to get his attention but still in a respectful tone, "Do you think that Kratos is coming? It would be a shame for him to miss this." the blonde inquired, and while waiting for a response she noticed that Caleb had joined the company. "Merry Christmas Caleb! Please take lots of pictures!" she chimed out excitedly, waving at him before going back to work on Logan's hair, presently occupied in putting it in a low and loose braid.


With a joyous nod in answer to her Grandma's question, Cherise waited silently for Timothy. Everyone else had already begun to pile through Zeit's front door. Her smile brightened as Timothy joined them and she happily followed him up the porch. The smell of home baked cookies flew out from the house and into the woman's face. Yes, Christmas time had come, and oh how welcome it was.

Though everyone came into the home of the Beta, Cherise waited out on the porch with only a long look in and around the company. She could not help but watch the bright faces of those around her, which she now had come to know and love dearly. A little embarrassed at the tears that had begun to flow freely down her cheeks, she stepped away from the door, allowing Logan to close it.

This was the most special time of the year. Cherise was overflowing with joy and her tears just would not stop. She didn't want anyone to see them, then ask questions.. For how could she answer? I can't even imagine a Christmas without them, which will undoubtedly sound strange seeing as this is our first Christmas together. In vain she wiped away her tears, then looked up at the sky. It was beginning to snow. She giggled repeatedly as held up her hands, catching the snow flakes.


Caleb grinned at Timothy and patted him on the back in return. He had dearly missed his friend in the time past, and was ecstatic to see him again. Caleb noticed that Timothy seemed to be pretty relaxed and in a good mood, which was much changed from his usual mysterious self.

Well I guess the happiness of the Christmas spirit seeps into everyone! Caleb thought contentedly.

"Oh you know me. Going off, seeing people, places, and things. I've been around but I needed to spend time with Ivory to make sure she was still doing okay." He smiled softly. "I will be coming back in a day to rejoin the pack, and this time I think it will be permanent." His voice cracked a little, teetering off into a whisper at the end. He didn't think that he could live two lives anymore. Caleb felt so torn between the pack and his sister, but she had a family where he didn't. He'd still see her on occasion, of course, but he couldn't devote as much time to her as he needed to give to his new family, the pack.

"I'm sure it will all end well," he said softly, one half of his mouth quirking up slightly as he looked back at Timothy. He nonchalantly tapped his camera.

Caleb whipped his head around at his name. He saw Bianca's blonde hair swirling as she waved at him from across the room, her nimble fingers anchored in Logan's hair, right in the middle of a braid.

"Of course! Merry Christmas to you too!" he replied happily, lifting up his camera to snap a photo of the girls smiling and exchanging words. He got a picture of Ulric sneakily snacking on a cookie, the man's lips eagerly twisting in pleasure around the crumbly goodness. He turned around and got a picture through the window of Cherise trying to catch snowflakes. Everyone was so undeniably happy, Caleb couldn't help but feel it too. He turned back to Timothy.


"hm?" Ulric lifted his head to find the person who had called his name, and when he set his eye toward Bianca he paused a moment to consider her work.

"I hope so." He replied, briefly glancing at Logan. "But you how he is."

Just then Ulric couldn't help but remember these same people some months ago, when such hardships lay them in on every side. Even now he knew life wasn't perfect for them, but in this moment, just for a day, there was peace. And while he contemplated this, he smiled broadly and added to his earlier statement with some sarcasm, "You're right though, it'll certainly be a real shame if he doesn't show, because we simply must have one of his lectures tonight or Christmas won't be complete."

Ulric's smile deepened. "Wouldn't you say, Logan?"


Timothy listened and gave a nod in response to Caleb, looking solemn at mention of Ivory's name and seeming to sink inside himself for a moment. But the more prominent effects of this passed quickly, and what was left to linger was sympathy for his friend and something else that was just barely detectable. Nonetheless he wouldn't let any attention be drawn his way on account of this other feeling, and he lifted his head in a nonchalant way to follow Caleb's gaze around the room.

So it was that Timothy's attention came to rest on Ulric right along with those others who were involved in the conversation, and he seemed to cast a curious expression out from the corner when came the insider reference. Being caught up in what was being said, Timothy didn't look to Caleb again just then, but he still stood nearby.


At Ulric's last remark, Logan covered her face lightly with a hand and shook her head, and Bianca stifled a laugh by biting her lip, but not before a short giggle had already passed her lips. "Nobody can get out a lecture if they're eating Zeit's fantastic cookies, not even that great ol' alpha!" Bianca commented, "No.. he would lecture between bites." Logan added with a tone of exasperation, despite a slight smirk on her veiled face.

Now Bianca wrapped her work up, curling the hair into a bun which she fastened with her ever ready stash of bobby pins. Then she gave Logan a little tap on the shoulder to let her know she was done. Logan stood, resisting the urge to touch the foreign hairstyle, as she knew Bianca would scold her for doing so, since that would certainly "mess it up".

Bianca wandered over to the sofa and made herself comfortable, admiring the Christmas tree quietly, while Logan wandered to the front door and cracked it open just so.

"Cherise, are you not cold?" she asked.


Cherise's eyes had been closed in thought, her smile still bright. The snow flakes fluttered across her face and tickled her cheeks. It was a peaceful feeling standing in the gentle snowfall, when Logan's voice called her attention. Quickly Cherise wiped her eyes "Oh yes," she softly turned to face Logan. "It's starting to snow." she cheerfully stated holding out her hand to catch more snowflakes. Cherise walked over to the door when she noticed Logan's hair. "Oh, your hair is beautiful, Logan."


Ulric laughed and turned back to the kitchen greatly amused by the reply. It had been a playful and testy question to begin with, and he personally found the result to be quite funny, in regards to all that had changed since that time.

Meanwhile Timothy turned his face down and mumbled something inaudible under his breath, which most likely had something to do with the Alpha and his eating abilities...

In the kitchen, Ulric returned to the table to enjoy another cookie, this time with opportune to speak with Toby, who was also grabbing a bite with delighted satisfaction.

"These are good, aren't they?" Ulric said with a smile as he took the treat from off the plate. Looking softly while always maintaining agreeable decorum, he enjoyed another savory bite and spoke again. "How have things been in town since you've been away, Toby?"


Timothy at that moment was casually looking to Caleb again when it seemed a thought occurred to him and he looked around the room. "You know..." He said quietly, but he never got around to finishing that thought. Instead his eyes came to rest on the little packages under the tree, and a strange curiosity swelled in his mind. For a moment, just a moment, it seemed the lights had been right, and the smells had been right, and then a glint in the corner had been right... but right for what? Timothy did not know. There was just a feeling in his chest that seemed suddenly more comfortable, almost sad, but too immensely content to be bothered. How strange.

As brief as this moment was, Timothy wasn't able to brush it off so carelessly as he had done to his other strange emotions, and for whatever lapse of time he found himself still staring and then blinking at the tree with the wrapped gifts.


A heavy fog had descended soon after the beginning of the snowfall, and it now rested over the fields and the hills like a lazy cloud through which the white flakes were guided gently to the earth.

Having crawled down from the foothills as if upon its belly the fog grew ever denser with each passing moment, until it had surpassed every visual landmark. The wind had grown bitterly cold, but as of yet it had not become fierce. How terrible it must have been higher up on the mountain just then however, for although the land was darkened by the fog, the mountain's face was even more concealed and who knew but what fierce winds had already taken its height?

So it was as Cherise stood on the porch and Logan at the door a figure some ways down the road began to be seen. It was a large dark figure walking slowly up the road toward Zeit's homely cottage, at first appearing to be only a shadow and then a shape, with it's size continuing to grow following the steps of its approach.

He entered in by the gate and came up to the house, his features so familiar by now that all could recognize him as he stepped into the yard; Alpha Kratos had come at last to join his pack and those most dear to him in the Chandler home.

To Be Continued...

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