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Christmas with the Wolves (SP-RP3)2011-2015

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Logan had meanwhile taken a seat on the steps of Zeit's porch, seemingly content to watch the cold puffs of air appear and dissipate with every breath. Ulric broke her distant gaze with his question, "No.. probably she is hogging the warm fire all to herself, and laughing that we haven't opened the door ourselves yet.." with that, she glanced towards the door, but her comment was said with a lighthearted tone.

Bianca laughed lightly. Alright, maybe she should have worded that differently.. "Yes, we're on the same team, all of us as a pack. But, there's nothing wrong with a friendly competition! All in good fun and spirit of the Holidays." now she lifted a hand of Timothys with her free hand, and placed the snowball in it carefully, before finding a patch of snow and making her own weapon. "Now let me show you how to get Holiday spirit all over someone face.."

With an ornery grin on her face, she turned on a heel and began her way over to Ulric, who, immediately upon seeing, she noted the concern in his face. She moved closer until she stood right in front of him, leaning forward with her hands still tucked behind her back. Her eyes briefly moved back towards Timothy before returning to Ulric's face.

"I know, I was too sudden.. I'll be careful next time." though each word was said with an unceasing smile, the hushed tone indicated that she knew well enough the error of her previous attack on unsuspecting Timothy.

"Well, Ulric, Merry Christmas!" she chimed, the usual peppiness returning, and at the same point she pulled the snowball from behind her back and smashed it right into the mans face! Then with a laugh, she bolted off, gathering another snowball. "Hey, Chime!" she called out, immediately after throwing a snowball hurling right towards Chime! "Merry Christmas!"


Cherise stopped her singing in surprise and looked at Ulric. Raising her hand she called "Well, Merry Christmas to you, Ulric!" then turned her attention with him to Zeit's porch, where everyone was gathering. Upon hearing Logan, she couldn't help but giggle at her comment."Maybe she didn't hear us. Try knocking again!" she suggested, approaching the porch. Her attention was then caught by what was going on with Timothy.

Cherise watched Bianca with a smile. Then it happened, Bianca threw a snowball right into Ulric's face. She lost all control and laughed so loud, she tried to smother it in her hand. This was no doubt one of the best ways to have fun on Christmas. Cherise looked for the nearest snow pile and ran quickly over to it. Picking up a nice handful, she aimed for Bianca, even beginning to chase her, "Watch out!" she called as she tossed it right at her.


He had tried to be observant, but somehow Ulric must have missed it when Bianca bent down and discretely collected another handful of snow. "Are we locked out?" He asked with a humorous smile in reply to Logan, turning to look just as Bianca came over looking strangely mischievous.

Covering his concern expertly and smiling at Bianca, Ulric was about to say that it was alright, and likely excuse any caution she had perceived in his countenance - when suddenly he was snowballed right in the face!

"Eck!" Ulric cried out in surprise and immediately jumped back and began to brush the icy water from his neck and chin! But the initial shock wore off quickly and a moment later found Ulric already planning some friendly revenge.

"See if you don't regret that!" He laughed, and so Ulric dropped down and caught up a handful of mushy snow! Not a minute later he was after Bianca with a snowball in hand, and he let that ball fly when a misstep brought him to his knees in the mud!

There was no need to worry however, for Ulric was up presently and now gathered another ball to swing.


Meanwhile Timothy stood there watching. At length then his eyes turned down to the cold wet ball that was now melting in the warmth of his hand...

This was definitely a game. But would it be a game he joined in on?

The question which was never really put to words in Timothy's mind lingered as he observed the beginning of the holiday fun. It didn't look like something you needed much skill to play, for Ulric was either a very poor aim or he wasn't really trying to hit Bianca. But whichever one, his seeming clumsiness proved the point well enough to Timothy, since he was able to play the game regardless, and now Timothy's attention was drawn to Cherise who seemed to know the game quite well.


Cherise already reloaded and was off after Ulric now. Pausing once to make sure he was okay when he slipped, she took after him again.. aim, Fire! Cherise threw a snowball right at Ulric's back. Not stopping to see if she got him or not, she had already ran to the next pile of snow for the next snowball.

She began to feel like a child again. Laughing hard chasing her victims! As she formed the cold snow into ball she noticed Timothy. He seemed confused.. letting the snow ball melt in his hand.. Maybe he had never played this before. Softly she walked over to him with a soft smile. "Hey Timothy," she spoke gently hoping not to alarm him, in case he did know how to play and would throw his ball at her. "Your hand is going to get frozen, letting the snow melt like that."


Toby Buttermilk trudged through the snow, up toward the cabin. He was wrapped up from head to toe so heavily that he looked to be a walking winter wardrobe, and even had Christmas decorations adorning his head and arms. By his side, going at a steady pace so as not to slip on the slush, was Grandma Buttermilk.

Soon, they were near enough to hear the laughter of the pups playing in the yard.


Bianca felt a snowball hit her back, turning quickly to Cherise first with a shocked expression, then one of mischief and mirth. "Oh, you're in for it now sister!" in the next moment, a snowball flew past her and she traced it's path to Ulric with a raised brow. "What were you even aiming for?" she laughed, collecting another snowball.

Pausing briefly, she looked to Toby and Cherise and considered that he still hadn't joined in. Did he not know how to have fun? Now she wondered if that was even built in to him. In any case, surely Cherises soft approach would at least urge him to not stand there looking so confused and forlorn.

Then she briefly considered those unaccounted for.. before turning her focus back to the game. "I'll have you know I was the winner of the Snowballs Wars for three years in my neighborhood! Mostly because I kept playing after everybody else gave up and went inside. Yep, I am the undefeated.."

Before she could finish, an armful of snow was dumped on her head by Logan.

"Champion." she cleared the snow from her face and sent a glare at Logan, backing away without breaking eye contact. "Oh, you may have one this battle, but the war is faaar from over.." now regaining her grin, she packed together a nice tight snowball from a crisp patch and chased after Logan, who had already begun running as soon as she saw Biancas glare! Bianca catapulted the weapon with full force at Logan, who barely sidestepped the attack, and both women paused to see where it would land.. but upon realizing the direction it flew, their eyes grew wide and Bianca covered her mouth.

"Mrs Buttermilk!" she cried, all while praying that it didn't hit the older woman in the face.


The old woman looked up at the incoming projectile with a blank expression, not fully comprehending what was about to happen. Toby however, was quicker in his thought processing. With a twist of his ankle that sent him down into the sludge, he fell in front of his grandmother just in time to catch the snowball in his face.

Mrs. Buttermilk paused a moment and blinked, taking a moment to register what had just happened. Then she glanced down at her grandson and blinked again. "Tobias Buttermilk. I have told you about eating snow off the ground. You have to catch the flakes on your tongue." She lectured, and continued up to the porch.

Toby sputtered a bit as he scrambled to his feet. With a free hand he readjusted his glasses, then gathered up the Christmas decorations that had been scattered in the snow and quickly made his way after his grandmother. Casting a wary glance at the girls who had thrown the snowball as he went.


Safe to say Cherise's snowball found its target. Ulric meanwhile had lost his ammunition and was just gathering up another ball when he sighted Logan's arm full and stopped short. He only waited a moment to see what would happen, but the minute the clumpy snow fell on Bianca amid her great boasting, Ulric broke out laughing with his hands on his knees!

He didn't recover in time to save Toby from his misfortune, but he tried his best, and shortly after the Omega stood up again Ulric excused himself from the game to be of some service.

"Merry Christmas, Mrs Buttermilk, Toby." Ulric said, coming over now to the two of them smiling. "Sorry about that, we're just playing around."

In a representing manner Ulric began to recomposed himself, though he was still breathing hard from the earlier excitement. He came to stand by those on the porch and turned to chuckle at the others still in the yard.

"There's more mud than snow." He commented softly, noticing the less than ideal circumstances. "Looks like we might get some tonight though," he added with a glance at the sky.

Ulric then turned back to Toby and offered a hand. "Would you like any help with those?"


After observing Cherise's tactics, Timothy watched her approach, all the time he still stood in the same guarded stance from earlier. But the way Cherise spoke began to put him at ease and he looked down again at the mushy ball when she mentioned it.

Timothy was silent as he contemplated on the feeling in his hand. It was bitterly cold and did hurt somewhat, but he didn't really care. He looked up again at the others jumping about and having fun, considering which one of them would make an appropriate target. But after a moment, the wet ball simply fell from his hand into the mud and he dusted his palm against his leg. Then he looked at Cherise and didn't say anything.

In the end Timothy's eyes had keenly observed each person in the yard and he knew their strengths and weaknesses. He knew the temperament of many of them from past experiences, and should he attempt to challenge any of them he knew how to win... But he didn't want to challenge them, mainly because he didn't want to be hurt, and also because he saw no point. Timothy only ever understood one objective in attacking.


Cherise continued to smile sweetly at Timothy, only to smother another laugh into a giggle as his snowball fell to the ground. "That's okay," she reassured, offering the snowball she had just made to him. "Just give it a quick toss-" Before she could explain anything further she heard Bianca shout, looking just in time to see Toby fall to the ground and get hit with a snowball.

"Oh Toby!" she called running quickly over to him and her grandmother. She stopped and picked up a Christmas decoration as Mrs. Buttermilk made her statement. "You okay?" she giggled to Toby, watching Mrs. buttermilk head off. Before heading to the porch with Toby, she looked back at Timothy "I guess even this game can be a little dangerous." she called with another cheery smile and motioned him to come to the porch.


Toby sputtered a little bit more as Ulric and Cherise came to his head, but nodded quickly in acceptance of Ulric's offer. As he lightly passed a few items to his fellow pack member, Mrs. Buttermilk stopped short and eye'd the fellow.

"Who are you?" She asked, looking at him from over the brim of her glasses.

"This is Ulric, Gramama. Remember I told you about him? He's the alpha's brother." Toby said, looking down at the fat little woman with a curious gaze.

Mrs. Buttermilk smiled broadly and nodded. "Ah, yes. I remember. Okay, Toby. Take the decorations inside and put them somewhere... Hello dear!" She instructed, pointing through Zeit's door with her cane. Then turned her attention onto Cherise. "Having fun?"

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