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Alpha Interviews - Saber: Reasoning with Men & Wolves (SP-RP17/18)

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Saber had removed one strap off his shoulder when the wind blew. While the beasts movement made some tension return, he still continued to move back another step.

Then the howling was heard in the distance.

Saber froze. He turned towards the sound, heart pounding now.

The beast did not respond to the distant voice, but it's head lowered when Saber turned.

Moments later, and much louder and nearer, came the deep, bellowing howl of the great black werewolf from the cabins. His voice carried far and echoed off the mountain ledges.

Where as to follow the first howl with sight lead Sabers gaze up the mountain, (With the buffalo still in his peripheral view) the next howl to pierce the sky came from behind.

Saber's body moved from reflex as he turned around, losing sight of the beast. He already knew he was screwed in the middle of the motion but had little power to stop it. Seeing nothing was there, Saber quickly ripped his focus back- back to check the buffalo had not chosen to use the moment of vulnerability to it's advantage.

How could it not? The moment Saber's back was turned the buffalo suddenly swung its head up and bounded forward!

The backpack was quickly swung off, and practically thrown down in the buffalos direction, as Saber darted away. He hoped it would be an obstacle to slow it down, but doubted the huge beast would notice it all.

By chance of the (un)lucky throw, the bison swung its head and caught the backpack strap on its horn. There, the unfortunate bag bounced between the bison's skull and the stone ledge, against which everything inside could be presumably battered to bits.

Fortunately for Saber, the bison had no intention of charging off the ledge in pursuit of him, and gave up the chase shortly after it passed over the place where he stood a moment before. The backpack remained on its horn, having not caused the bison to even blink its eyes.

Saber didn't stop running even after hearing the beast had stopped it's pursuit. No, several yards were put between him and it before Saber dared turn back.

He tried to catch his breath as he saw what had become of his backpack. A swear was uttered seeing it dangle helplessly on the buffalo's horn. Then he turned to look around to survey the terrain where he had ended up. (And that there was no further danger nearby)

It's a strange and funny thing what life lessons one can find in merely surviving. Sometimes, a little thing can turn one back on the right path just as quick, but sometimes it takes a two thousand pound animal. Saber may or may not have known that somewhere down there, beyond the trees, beyond his sight, he was facing the cabins now. He still had his compass in his jacket, and if it was the last of his earthly possessions than it was a profound token.  For with all he had lost in such a short time, he was not without direction, and whether it came in the form of a compass, a guiding star, or even a white buffalo, there was something pointing him on the right path.

To be continued on page 7 of Werewolves (RP18) "How the Mountain Greets the Moon"

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