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Alpha Interviews - Saber: Reasoning with Men & Wolves (SP-RP17/18)

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Up the stairs Saber climbed to his room with loud steps. He was even more angry to find that his room had been tampered with, and the door was angrily slammed shut.


When Saber left the cabins, his room was in complete disarray- most of his belongings left behind and tossed around. His backpack, coat and shoes were all that were taken.

On the table in the kitchen a ten dollar bill would be found, a note stating " For broken plate wasted food" explaining it's presence.


To where he went afterwards, only his scent would tell.

And he would be followed... but not by the great black werewolf of Phantom Mountain. No, indeed...


The leafless tree's of Phantom Mountain were passed without consideration as Saber continued his angry steps through the forest.

Leafs, tree branch, grass and weed were all trampled underfoot likewise; Without consideration. The storm that raged on in the mind was all consuming, and the outside world had been completely tuned out. For a while, it did last.

Something in the distance caught Saber's attention and his eyes for the first time since leaving the cabin saw what was in front of him: A steep climb upward leading further into the mountains. All at once he realized he had been going the wrong way. His anger soon began to dissolve as something else crept in, taking it's place.

A glance was made behind him, briefly wondering if Sabrina or anyone else had followed him. After it seemed she had been following him relentlessly the past month, it was strange for her presence to be absent.

Saber now listened, giving up quickly on relying on sight alone as his vision was narrow and unable to see that well. But while listening, all he seemed to hear was his rapid heartbeat, and every breath he took.

Because all was still and silence...

Saber waited but heard nothing. His anger began to resurface. " 振作起来...!" He muttered to himself, trying to shake off the anxiety the stillness gave.

He swung his backpack off and began to dig through it's contents, till he found a compass. He watched as the needle moved back and forth before finding north, as he eyed the sun trying to confirm it was pointing the right way. He needed to head south to get back to town.

So Saber grabbed his backpack and began to head towards the opposite way the needle pointed, hoping to get out of the forest soon, his thoughts from before placed on hold.

It is unwise counsel not to heed one's own inclination for survival, for nature is seldom ever silent, and failure to counsel with one's senses in isolated places can only be a forewarning.

Saber could go only a few steps opposite the arrow before he would find himself face to face with an animal eighteen times his weight. It stood utterly silent. Massive black eyes watched him under the white shaggy head and horns of a bison bull. It's tail was poised above its haunches like the stinger of a scorpion. If Saber wished for death it was within ten feet of him now. And the terrain was such that there was no place to turn either to the right or to the left. No way to go forward, and only one way back - back to the werewolf cabins.

A forewarning of danger missed, is a welcome to death at ones door. Whether desired or not, nature has a flow of consequences that cannot be ignored. No matter the amount of will or luck Saber once had managed in the past, death would soon find him if he was not careful.

Saber looked up from the compass and saw the beast, stopping dead in his tracks. His body grew tense, as his inner wolf recognized the danger even though his life experience had seen next to nothing of the creature.

Saber let out a shaky breath before slowly putting the compass away into his coat pocket. His heart was racing now.

For having heightened senses, being a werewolf sucked- Saber couldn't count how many times, despite his sight, hearing, and smell being far superior to a humans now, he still was caught off guard. To lose life as a werewolf seemed a trivial thing, but to lose his life completely was not what he desired.

With the steep side of the mountain to his right, and a drop to his left, moving back was the only option, but Saber couldn't seem to move.

The giant animal stood before Saber like a piece of the mountain that would not be removed. It's breath rose and fell so long and slow that the capacity of its lungs could only be measured in immensity. It's ears flapped out of sight beneath the shaggy wool of its head, and it's nose turned aside. One eye alone, now, rested on Saber.

Saber continued to be paralyzed by the tension that ran through his veins.

" 只是振作起来.....!" He whispered, trying to shake off the feeling. He took a deep breath as the beast turned it's head, it's large orb of an eye now staring at him directly. Saber looked briefly at it but his gaze drifted away, still watching the beast carefully.

Trying once again, he thought on what kind of animal it was or what it was capable of, but found his mind mostly blank.


It probably was a buffalo, but Saber couldn't remember anything of where he knew that from. The beasts size already told him it was dangerous, and he had an inkling that it could outrun him. But the color was wrong, as Saber couldn't recall seeing many animals naturally white like it was- Maybe that had made it harder to recognize.

Saber slowly took a step back. He moved his hand carefully towards his backpack strap, trying to get it off in case he'd need to ditch it to run, as another careful step was placed behind him, then another. His eyes stared hard at the buffalos body, watching it.

As Saber moved to retreat the beast did no more than turn its head back toward him. It's large furry ears reappeared.

A cold mountain wind stirred low in the valley and began a hasty climb up the slope. The leafless branches of the trees clattered and moaned. The thick black foliage of the undergrowth trembled. Somewhere on the peak a howling was heard...

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