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Werewolves (RP12) The Day After the Storm

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Toby followed Bianca into the hall, paused a moment to ensure his bedroom door was closed behind him, then followed her down the stairs. He listened as Bianca voiced her thoughts out loud and considered her question carefully.

Simply carrying a bunch of groceries up the mountain seemed a perfectly normal thing to do in Toby's mind, even though it was clear that Bianca didn't want to... But why not? Was it the prospect of carrying? They could make a wagon to carry the groceries in-- Or better yet, buy a wagon while in town... Or was it the prospect of walking that Bianca didn't like? 

He was in the midst of contemplation when Toby saw Jackie. He paused abruptly in both his thoughts and his movements. Just like that, the day had been ruined! Jackie. Demonic Jackie. Why was she here? Was she unsatisfied that he hadn't been maimed or killed this time? Didn't she have somewhere else to terrorize? She seemed oblivious to his presence.. But she always did! That's what made her sudden attacks so surpring. Oh no, he wasnt falling for it today! Whatever weapon she was packing, whatever she had planned, he wouldn't give her half the chance to use it!

"Forgot my shoes!" Toby shouted suddenly, turning around and  quickly darting back to his room. No, he had not really forgotten his shoes. Infact he was wearing them, even as he ran back to supposedly go get them. But this was an inconsequential detail when one's life was at stake.

Toby bolted through the door of his room, closed and locked it faster than a blink, then proceeded to pull of his shoes and throw them under the bed; feigning a shuffle to sound like he was looking for them.

Bianca didn't know what to make of Ulric's reply. In her head, she felt she overstepped a boundary; his hesitance translated as a lack of desire to let her borrow the car, and she spoke up, all but interrupting Ulric.

"No, don't worry about it - it's fine, I'll walk." she tried to feign a smile. She had seen Toby run off, shoes and all, and also perceived it as Toby having no desire to come with her to town. How could he, after she composed herself the other night? She felt ashamed, and stupid for asking him to come in the first place. He probably just said yes to be polite.

She cleared her throat and looked to Ulric again, smiling faintly, "Thanks, anyway." she added, then moved past him to the doors and outside.


They don't want you here.

You're just a burden.

Who are you to think you could ever matter to them?


All you do is think of yourself.

Now you're crying? What a waste of tears.

Cut it out.

She resolutely wiped her eyes on her sleeve and her brow knit tightly, and she gingerly turned her gaze back upon the path.


From behind Bianca came the sudden sound. Toby's hands hurt, but not nearly as much as the rest of him. What had convinced him that a bush would soften his landing?

Nevermind. Climbing out his bedroom window, however ungracefully, had worked. He could still walk... Probably...

Toby pulled a broken stick from his sleeve, wincing with the sound of slight ripping that accompanied it, and struggled to stand up. Bianca was just up ahead. His attempt to catch up was just as clumsy as his body protested other bruises and cuts he had just sustained.

"..F-found them!" He grunted, hobbling up to stand beside her. Wait a minute. Had she been crying?

Ulric stared after Bianca in confusion. Something about that interaction wasn't right, and as long as Jackie was distracted, there might just be time to fix it. At least, Ulric's soul would never be able to rest on that parting.

"Bianca!" Ulric called after her, and attempted to catch up while Jackie still lingered in the bedroom door.

"Bianca," he said, "You can't walk up the mountain with an armful of groceries."

Jackie beamed wide, the breadth of the smirk seeming to engulf her face.  Her expression was of feigned innocence; had she done something she shouldn't? the expression seemed to say. Should she have knocked first?  Oh dear, should she had not mentioned the kidnapping?  Her gaze was directed at Sabrina, no doubt goading her to mention any of the above.

Then like a thin mask, it slipped away the moment Saber stumbled.  Her fingers released the doorknob; she looked briefly to Sabrina, as if wondering if she'd catch him, but she thought better of it.

"Hey!" she cried out as he stumbled haphazardly on his own weight. In a few short steps she was next to him, although by that time he'd already fallen.   Gently, she reached over to pick him up.

"What are you doing, starving him to death?" she glared critically at the untouched plate of salad, "Are you a torturer or a healer?" she sniffed.

She managed to negotiate his dead-weight carefully, picking him up around from under his arms, "Doesn't feel like he eats much, either".

Sabrina finally turned when Saber got up and promptly fell. Prior to that she'd been as a statue (though she might have been rolling her eyes, who could tell with her back turned?). The expression on her face was that of some alarm, though no surprise, and it melted into a sort of annoyed weariness.

"Only Saber can take responsibility for his condition prior to coming here, Jackie," she said, and included their names by means of a rushed introduction. She came to Jackie's side to help Saber up, hopefully back to the bed, and added, "Just as the proverbial horse led to water, only he can choose to amend it. Unless it would suit you both better if I should intubate him."

Saber's consciousness did not return quickly, leaving his fate in the hands of those that carried him now.

Jackie released some of Saber's weight to Sabrina as she came up to her side. He was entirely incapacitated, his arms and legs dangling like limp noodles.  irritated when his arms caught strangely against the bed again and then flopped back towards her face.

"Yeah yeah yeah..." she grumbled to Sabrina, like a moody teenager dismissing their irritated mother.

Suddenly, it was Saber's leg that caught against the bed sheets. Jackie growled under her breath, "Just get in there, won't you?".  Her own irritation was growing-- she didn't have time for this!  But then, what was she supposed to be doing? She blinked slowly.

"Sabrina," she said with one last irritated huff, finally straightening Saber properly on the bed. She turned, briefly catching Sabrina's eye, "Where was it that we kept Melinda?  I really need to know".


"Oh?" Sabrina asked like a little doe, lashes dark with her eyes cast down. She gently and methodically set his blankets, tucking them so that he would be the most comfortable. Only then did she look up, and the eyes were not those of the prey, but the predator. "Tell me, why do you really need to know?"

Jackie took a few steps back, allowing Sabrina to smooth the sheets.  She glanced towards the sunny windowsill and the forgotten salad. The shift in Sabrina's tone brought little in the way of reaction in her, and instead she studied the even blue of the sky among the scattered clouds.  She turned her head from either direction until it cracked, before at last turning to acknowledge Sabrina.

"Because I owe her," she replied finally, her expression guarded and somber all the same, "And she left something for me there".

She rolled her knuckles in her palm, if only to distract herself from yawning. Studied at closer detail, the exhaustion was evident; Faint grey circles hung under her eyes like storm clouds, her auburn hair fought the constrains of the ballcap in frizzy, matted chunks,  and the smell of sweat and rain still lingered from her morning run.  She rolled her knuckles until every one cracked, then moved onto the other.  She needed the movement, lest like a puppet without it's strings she might fall apart.  Only her expression seemed unbent to the exhaustion that wanted to overtake her, trained on Sabrina as if daring her to comment on the obvious.

"Are you going to help me, or are you going to toy with me?" she asked in the same even tone as before, but still, she could not entirely strip it of the accusation -- not that the sharpness in her expression helped any.

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